god system

Chapter 305

Chapter 305

The six people who originally thought it was fun, now they are completely out of the mood to play. They feel that the days outside Xiao Ye's courtyard must be spent in fear.

After returning to the courtyard, Xiao Ye's complexion also turned cold.

The Xiao family branch is so blatant, the intention is to threaten him and make him retreat, and the Xiao family branch will make moves in the future, which will make Xiao Ye hard to guard against.

These may not be the main points, but they still make Xiao Ye feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, although Xiao Ye said that he had returned to the courtyard, he couldn't go to Xiao Xiaojia right away, lest it be exposed that Xiao Xiaojia was helping him find Xiao Zhan's whereabouts.

In the room, Xiao Ye was cross-legged on the bed, and in another room not far away, Xiao Xiaojia was waiting for Xiao Ye.

The distance between the two is very close, but it is not so easy to meet, Xiao Ye is thinking, whether to use Yinqi Pill to meet Xiao Xiaojia.

"If the information obtained from Xiao Jia is left by the elder, it must be left for the second brother, so there is no rush to get it."


Just as Xiao Ye was thinking and was about to analyze everything that happened these days, a faint wave suddenly came from his mind. Although the wave was very weak, Xiao Ye felt that this wave came from a magic weapon.

Isn't the magic weapon staying in the cage of the space tree at the moment?How did he send telepathy to himself?And what is he going to do?
"and many more!"

Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and he stood up abruptly from the bed, then his expression changed continuously, his fingers moved in disbelief, and he counted silently.

"It's almost the end of January. The magic weapon has sent a message. Could it be that today is the end of January? The space tree cage is about to be reset?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye couldn't help clenching his fists.

These days, some are in the divine outfit system, some are in the space of the most powerful members of the Xiao family, some are in the space of gravity, and some are even in the slaughterhouse.

When Xiao Ye was doing these things, he could only vaguely feel the passage of time, and he couldn't judge very accurately, so Xiao Ye didn't know when the one-month time limit would arrive.

Before, because of the slaughterhouse, Xiao Ye's thoughts were completely sucked away. It wasn't until the information of the magic weapon fluctuated in his mind that Xiao Ye thought of the space tree cage. Only after this thought did he realize that January is almost over. Could it be today?
It was still early, and if it was today, Xiao Ye would still have time, and the fluctuation of the message sent by the magic weapon was probably due to the fear that Xiao Ye would forget about today, so it was arranged.

"Almost missed a major event."

Xiao Ye pursed his lips, and all the thoughts in his mind immediately returned to the space tree cage.

As soon as Xiao Ye flipped his hands over, there was an extra stone in his hand, which was exactly the same as the stone in the hand of the woman who led Xiao Ye that day.

This is an important item that Xiao Ye obtained in the sparring with the disciples of the Xiao family.

In the sparring that day, he didn't just fight casually. During the sparring, this stone was also one of his important purposes, because only this stone could guide Xiao Ye to find the place where Xiao Jun was being held.

"There's not much time, it's time to set off. Since there is a hidden energy pill, just be careful when entering the cage of the space tree, and you won't be discovered. The problem is how to enter the space tree now, and the guards there are all He is a disciple of the Xiao family branch."

Xiao Ye's biggest problem now is how to enter the space tree.

There is fog outside the tree in this space blocking the way. Using the hidden energy pill, Xiao Ye can avoid the guards. If there is no accident, it is not impossible to pass through the fog.

But after the mist is the space tree, and the space tree is guarded by twenty disciples, and a special medicine is needed to enter the space tree.

Among them, how to get the elixir and avoid twenty guards became the key point.

After entering the space tree, it is easy to enter the space tree cage. After all, those who are not guarded, only the back of the space tree cage is guarded, and there are countless exploration fluctuations.

So how do you get the elixir, escape the guards, and enter the space tree?

Xiao Ye frowned, thinking quickly in his mind, he knew that he didn't have much time, and he had to figure out a way as soon as possible before he could enter the space tree.

"Ask for help from the old man in Xiao's castle?"

Xiao Ye couldn't help thinking of this, but quickly denied it, not to mention whether he could see it, even if he saw it, the old man probably wouldn't help him easily, and it would be another test, and Xiao Ye would never waste of time.

"Go to help the strong Xiao family?"

Xiao Ye again denied that the strong Xiao family had already stood in a neutral position. This time they seemed to really plan to stop interfering, and Xiao Ye couldn't find them at all. Guidance has disappeared.

At this moment, Xiao Ye can only rely on himself.

Xiao Ye was thinking about it, but he couldn't think of a good plan. He began to regret it a little. Why didn't he prepare well before, get the elixir first, and then find a way to enter the space tree?
It's obviously a little late to think about this now, if Elder Xiao Ming is here, he can still help himself, but now that even Elder Xiao Ming is in retreat, Xiao Ye can't do it alone.

"If there is an invisible pill, everything will be solved easily."

Xiao Ye couldn't help but think of the magic outfit system. If you give him an invisible pill at this time, what else can't be solved?
"The mission of gold coins is announced, one hundred gold coins can be exchanged for one mission, do you accept it?"

As expected, the Divine Clothing System is a system connected with Xiao Ye's mind. When Xiao Ye was in the most distress and needed help most, the Divine Clothing System extended a helping hand. Although it cost one hundred gold coins, Xiao Ye was able to accept it.

"Accept." Xiao Ye accepted the task without hesitation.

"The gold coin mission is completed, and a mission is obtained."

"The task is released, kiss Xiao Xiaojia, and the task will reward you with an Invisible Pill."


When Xiao Ye received such a task, his pupils shrank involuntarily. Why is it not easy to release this damn mission? How could he release such a nonsensical task?

Is this the system playing tricks on itself?

If the divine costume system was a person, Xiao Ye would have picked up a brick and slammed it on his head.

Let yourself kill people, kill monsters, set fires, or take risks. Xiao Ye is willing to accept such a task, and he can accept it, but let himself kiss Xiao Xiaojia.

This is simply making trouble for no reason, and the magic costume system is also mischievous at the moment, this is completely playing Xiao Ye.

When Xiao Ye fused the Nine Buddha Beads, he lost control of his body. He was extremely greedy towards Xiao Xiaojia. At that time, Xiao Ye was still in control, otherwise Xiao Xiaojia's body would have been broken.

Now that the matter has passed, Xiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but the magic costume system asked him to kiss Xiao Xiaojia.

Xiao Ye really wanted to yell, "I fucking refuse!"

But if he refused, the Invisibility Pill would be gone, and without the Invisibility Pill, Xiao Ye would not be able to rescue Xiao Jun smoothly, then the clues left by Xiao Zhan would be useless, and he would not be able to become Grandpa Bai's disciple.

Xiao Ye couldn't bear such a loss, besides, in Xiao Ye's heart, he already had a good impression of Xiao Xiaojia, and sometimes he wanted to love Xiao Xiaojia well, but Xiao Ye hadn't taken that step yet.

"The task is added, and it will be completed within half an hour."

Just as Xiao Ye was pacing and thinking, a voice came from the divine outfit system again. This time, it turned out to be an extra time for this task. It seemed that the divine outfit system was getting more and more mischievous.

"Depend on!"

Xiao Ye gritted his teeth, the divine outfit system was clearly embarrassing himself.

Of course, this is just Xiao Ye's idea. As Xiao Ye's portable system, the Divine Dress System is naturally helping Xiao Ye, so how can it be difficult for him.

The divine outfit system is for Xiao Ye to take this step, which is beneficial to both Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia. The divine outfit system is much more thorough than Xiao Ye.

Time waits for no one, but Xiao Ye's struggle to the death cannot be straightened out.

He is not a guy whose legs go limp when he sees a woman, nor is he the kind of conservative, he just doesn't want to hurt Xiao Xiaojia.If Xiao Xiaojia is the kind of thing that I don't care about, Xiao Ye just does it, so what else?
It was precisely because he cared that he was even more afraid of being hurt. This was the reason why Xiao Ye hesitated.


Xiao Ye has forgotten how many times he took such a deep breath. Every time he thought he could make up his mind, but he couldn't do it.

"Brother Xiao Ye."

Just when Xiao Ye was hesitating, Xiao Xiaojia's voice suddenly came from outside the house. The voice was still some distance away from the door, but it made the corner of Xiao Ye's mouth twitch.

He didn't go to Xiao Xiaojia, but this girl ran to the door by herself. Is this God's will?

"Hey, that's it."

Xiao Ye sighed and opened the door, but instead of seeing Xiao Xiaojia outside the house, he saw Xiao Xiaojia in the other courtyard.

This girl is so far away, it means that Xiao Ye is asked to meet in another courtyard. Is it because she knows what Xiao Ye is about to do?
No!This is of course impossible, but Xiao Xiaojia is smarter. She wants to see Xiao Ye, and she knows that there are people from the Xiao family branch secretly investigating, so if she wants to see her, she will meet openly and not leave any doubts for the Xiao family branch.

In this case, the Xiao family branch will not suspect that Xiao Xiaojia has any secrets, which Xiao Ye quite agrees with.

So without asking any questions, Xiao Ye walked directly to the other courtyard and came to Xiao Xiaojia.

"Xiao Jia, how have you been these few days?" Xiao Ye smiled and asked very normally.

"Hmm." Xiao Xiaojia nodded and asked, "Brother Xiao Ye, I heard something happened in Houshan, are you okay?"

"Do you think I'm someone who has something to do?" Xiao Ye patted his chest, the look in his eyes changed suddenly, and he fixed on Xiao Xiaojia, not affectionately, at least quite affectionately.

It was the first time for Xiao Xiaojia to meet Xiao Ye's appearance. Although she didn't back down, her hands were clearly placed unnaturally.

"Brother Xiao Ye, what's wrong with you? Is something uncomfortable?" Xiao Xiaojia sensed something was wrong, was it the atmosphere, or her own heartbeat?

"Yeah, my mouth feels a little uncomfortable." After Xiao Ye finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing. What does it mean to have an uncomfortable mouth?Do you dare to be more shameless?
(End of this chapter)

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