god system

Chapter 306

Chapter 306

From Xiao Ye's tone, Xiao Xiaojia also heard that something was wrong.

Although Xiao Ye is not serious on weekdays, he seldom speaks in a light tone.

Xiao Xiaojia knew that there were secret whistles from the Xiao family branch around the courtyard, so in her mind, was Xiao Ye's actions to confuse the surveillance and investigation of the Xiao family branch?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiaojia also felt that Xiao Ye's performance was normal. How did she know what was the burden on Xiao Ye?
"Brother Xiao Ye is on fire, right? Tell Dongzi to go to the herbal medicine for reducing the fire, and make some chicken soup to reduce the fire."

Xiao Xiaojia joked lightly. This is not in line with Xiao Xiaojia's style. Obviously, Xiao Xiaojia is cooperating with Xiao Ye.

This made Xiao Ye even more helpless. He originally wanted to continue the teasing trend and directly take down Xiao Xiaojia to complete the task and obtain the Invisibility Pill.Unexpectedly, Xiao Xiaojia didn't understand that at all, and instead cooperated with her in acting.

Xiao Ye didn't know what to say, he stepped forward and approached Xiao Xiaojia.

Xiao Ye's approach did not make Xiao Xiaojia feel intimidated, it just made her feel uneasy. For some reason, she felt that Xiao Ye was a bit weird today, but what was wrong?
The distance between Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia was getting closer, and Xiao Ye's eyes gradually showed more tenderness.Although Xiao Xiaojia's long hair still covered her face, even Xiao Xiaojia's eyes could not be seen, but at least Xiao Ye could clearly see that small pink mouth.

With no choice and no time to hesitate, Xiao Ye simply let his feelings enter that state. Among other things, Xiao Ye at least has feelings for Xiao Xiaojia.

Although this kind of emotion has not been fully sublimated, he does exist. Under the gestation, emotional factors gradually occupied Xiao Ye's mind.

He forgot to investigate all around, he only had Xiao Xiaojia in his eyes, and everything that happened between himself and Xiao Xiaojia was in his mind.

The first time we met was on the crane in Gulin. At that time, Elder Xiao Ming led the team, and Xiao Ye, Ling Luo, Ling Chong and Xiao Xiaojia were on the same crane.

All the disciples alienate Xiao Xiaojia because of Xiao Xiaojia's title of "Lone Star of Heavenly Evil".

Xiao Ye didn't pay much attention to this at first, and he didn't care, but the system issued a task, and Xiao Ye began to approach Xiao Xiaojia and talk to her.

However, Xiao Xiaojia bears the name of the lone star of the evil spirit, she doesn't want to harm others, so she keeps trying to stay away from Xiao Ye.

The more so, Xiao Ye felt that the cuter this girl was, the more he wanted to get close to her.

On the Crane, although Xiao Xiaojia had no choice but to escape, Xiao Ye did not get to know her on the Crane either.

In the stone bridge, Xiao Xiaojia made a move and helped Xiao Ye a little, and then in the ancient forest, Xiao Xiaojia rescued Xiao Ye, and Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia became friends.

Then they went through the matter of Zongjian Villa together, and then entered Ziyun Sect together, and experienced the change of the tomb mountain, until now.

Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia have known each other for less than a year, but they have already experienced many unforgettable things.There are more or less feelings for each other, and the deal Zixia Immortal Venerable secretly made for the two of them that day changed the feelings in their hearts even more.

In fact, with Zixia Immortal Venerable, the two are already partners of dual cultivation, but they each tacitly agree that it is because they are not fully prepared.

The distance between Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia is getting closer and closer, and you can even hear each other's breathing. It wasn't until this moment that Xiao Xiaojia realized that something was wrong, and was about to step back when Xiao Ye rubbed her into her arms. Her tender body trembled, her body was as weak as cotton, and she tried to struggle, but she couldn't get away.

Xiao Ye's strength as a sixth-level great martial artist, among other things, still has a solid and powerful arm. As a spiritual master, once Xiao Xiaojia is rubbed by Xiao Ye, it is naturally impossible to escape.

"Xiao, Brother Xiao Ye..."

Xiao Xiaojia's face was almost pressed against Xiao Ye's chest, and even his voice was rough, feeling like he was being suffocated.

Rubbing Xiao Xiaojia in his arms, Xiao Ye felt Xiao Xiaojia's heartbeat, and at the same time felt that his question was rising, which was beyond his control.

In the lower abdomen, there seemed to be a flame burning, making Xiao Ye's hands move unnaturally behind Xiao Xiaojia's back. The more he moved, Xiao Xiaojia's body would react, and the more he reacted, the more involuntary Xiao Ye became.

There are still many investigations of the Xiao family branch in the dark, but Xiao Ye has forgotten them all at the moment, and Xiao Ye has also forgotten the damn mission. He stared affectionately at Xiao Xiaojia in his arms, holding Xiao Xiaojia's arm more and more It's getting tighter.

Xiao Xiaojia didn't resist in Xiao Ye's arms, and there was no verbal communication between the two, but their hearts seemed to be connected with each other.

Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia are facing each other, and the distance between them is getting closer and closer. This state is natural.

At close range, each other's breathing is more obvious, the heartbeat seems to stop at this moment, and the lips of Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia are also printed together at this moment.

A burst of fragrance was sent to Xiao Ye's mouth through the soft red lips, causing the flames in Xiao Ye's belly to explode, and his whole body moved involuntarily.

I was about to go further, but at this moment, a voice in my head sounded.

"Ding dong, the task is completed, and you will get an invisible pill."

This damn voice broke all the emotions that Xiao Ye had been brewing with great difficulty. Xiao Ye had to carefully push Xiao Xiaojia away, only to find that Xiao Xiaojia's face was already flushed.

"Brother Xiao Ye, I..."

Xiao Xiaojia buried her head in her chest, rubbing her clothes involuntarily with her hands, which can be described as being at a loss.

"Xiao Jia, that... you go back first, I still have some things to go back to my room to deal with."

Xiao Ye found a reason that was not a reason, and after Xiao Xiaojia nodded, Xiao Ye returned to his room.As for Xiao Xiaojia, she has already arrived in the house.

"Oh shit!"

After returning to the house, Xiao Ye couldn't help but swear, this fucking task was really the most helpless thing he had ever done.

With a flip of his hand, an invisible pill appeared in Xiao Ye's palm. It was really difficult to obtain this pill, even more difficult than Xiao Ye beheading dozens of monsters.

"After this time, Xiao Jia must have also been selected as a candidate for monitoring by the Xiao family branch. For my own mission, I also forgot to ask the elder's son about the situation at this critical moment."

Xiao Ye slapped his head. What happened just now made him feel very helpless. He just did the task and didn't even ask about the elder's son, so he didn't take the opportunity to get any news.

And now Xiao Ye is about to act immediately, go to the space tree cage, and rescue Xiao Jun.

There was no time to think about other things. Xiao Ye had to act immediately. As for the news about Xiao Xiaojian, he had to wait until Xiao Jun was rescued and everything was arranged.

The detection fluctuations could still be felt around, Xiao Ye immediately took the Invisibility Pill, and his body directly merged into the space, disappearing without a trace.

His breath completely disappeared in the room, and the person completely disappeared without a trace.

At that moment, all the people in charge of the investigation of the Xiao family branch felt that Xiao Ye's sudden disappearance made the Xiao family branch bewildered, including the six disciples outside the Xiao Ye branch, all became cautious.

Whether it's the one in charge of the investigation or the one in charge of the follow-up, all the mental energy is put on Xiao Ye's house, after all, that's the place where Xiao Ye lost his breath for the last time.

They believed that Xiao Ye must have used some kind of treasure to completely hide his aura.But this treasure is really miraculous. It is rare in this world to be able to hide a person's aura to such an extent. It must be some kind of ancient treasure from the Xiao family, right?

Xiao Ye hides his breath, there must be something special to do at this moment, how can the Xiao family branch be careless?
But at the same time, they felt strange that after Xiao Ye hid his aura, the cabin was completely locked, Xiao Ye couldn't leave the cabin, what could Xiao Ye do in the cabin?
Find someone to break open Xiao Ye's room and find out what's going on inside?
The Xiao family branch had this idea at the first time, and after reporting back, they immediately got instructions. Immediately, the six disciples outside the courtyard began to organize and called the door outside Xiao's house.

They can go to investigate, but they must enter openly. If they dare to force their way into Xiao Ye's house now, they will be caught. Not to mention that it is difficult for the strong Xiao family to explain, it is the butcher who has something to do with Xiao Ye Don't know what's going to happen.

Of course it was not Xiao Ye who was responsible for opening the door, but Xiao Xiaojia who had been listening for a long time. Before opening the door, Xiao Xiaojia went to Xiao Ye's room and knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

Without Xiao Ye's aura, Xiao Xiaojia couldn't help thinking that Xiao Ye had entered a state of seclusion, or had other important things to do, so no one should disturb him.

This is the state again, so after Xiao Xiaojia opened the door, he didn't let the six people enter at all, and directly confronted the six people. With Xiao Xiaojia's strength, if the six people worked together, they could force their way in.

But if they want to forcibly break into Xiao Ye's courtyard, they have to get the permission of some officials in the Xiao family branch. At this moment, those six people can only be blocked by Xiao Xiaojia in aggrieved manner.

At this moment, Xiao Ye had already left the hut and headed straight for the space tree cage. After taking the Invisibility Pill, although he could not fight, it was impossible for others to find him.

The space tree cage is not far from Xiao Ye's courtyard, and soon, the fog entered Xiao Ye's sight.Same as the first time, there are two disciples guarding the front of the mist, and their strength is not high.

Their main purpose here is to open and close the mist. After all, this mist is also a kind of restriction, and there are endless changes in it. If ordinary people break in by force, they will really be unable to get out for a while.

It's a pity that this kind of fog is useless to Xiao Ye. With the invisible pill, even this restriction can't find him. He plunged directly into the fog, and soon reached the other end of the fog.

There is a sparkling crystal tree in front of you that needs to be surrounded by one person. No need to think about it, it is the space tree!

(End of this chapter)

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