god system

Chapter 309 Prison Break Operation

Chapter 309 Prison Break Operation
The task released in his mind left Xiao Ye with no choice, leaving the cage through the space crack, which is probably the only choice at present.

"The master means that we have to fight it out?" asked Fabao.

"That's right! This is the only way at the moment, but it's not us who are fighting. You can stay here and wait for a better opportunity. I can fight in this space crack."

What Xiao Ye said meant that Magic Weapon, Scarlet Soul, and Xiao Hei didn't need to fight for space cracks, they could wait for opportunities here, and there was always a time for them to go out.

"It's useless. Xiao Hei has been waiting here for 30 years, but he still hasn't found any chance." Scarlet Soul's words negated Xiao Ye's thoughts.

If you haven't found a chance after waiting for 30 years, how long will it take you to get out?
"Tu'er is right, we can fight together in the space crack. If there is only the master alone, I am afraid that the chances of winning are not great. And we wait here, and we don't know how long we will wait. It is completely meaningless. Hey, originally I stayed to help Tuer, but I didn't expect Tuer to find Xiao Hei, but we couldn't get out. Speaking of Tuer, what is the relationship between you and Xiao Hei? You can't be half-brother, right?"

The magic weapon is worthy of being a magic weapon. Under the premise of discussing important things like this, he can still make such a joke, but everyone has no time to laugh with him at the moment.

"It seems that we are going to break through the space crack. Before that, we have to prepare well and find ways to increase the chance of passing. Let's go, first go to the passage where I imprisoned my second brother's cage. On the way, we will think together, together Discuss and come up with a plan."

As Xiao Ye said, everyone, led by Scarlet Soul and Xiao Hei, walked towards the passageway of the cage where Xiao Jun was held.

Everyone must rush through the space crack below. Although the space crack will be relatively stable when the cage is reset, the risk is still quite huge, otherwise Xiao Hei would not be trapped here for 30 years.

Entering the space crack, the space turbulence in it will definitely affect everyone. In the space, everyone must be careful when using power, not to let the power affect the space, otherwise the space turbulence will only become stronger and stronger, so strong that they cannot resist it.

But they can't follow the trend, because they may die at any time.They must be like a floating body existing in the space rift, they must move without affecting the space rift.

There is also the most important point, that is, they must control the location they arrive at after traveling through the space.At least this location had to be within Xiao's house, so that Xiao Ye could bring Xiao Jun into Xiao's castle.

If it is outside the peak of the Xiao family, then it is impossible for Xiao Jun to enter the Xiao family castle, let alone unlock the clues that Xiao Zhan left in the cabinet arsenal.

To pass through the cracks in space and to stay inside the Xiao family, both are indispensable. It may not be too difficult to walk through the cracks in space. The difficult thing is how to find the outgoing point so that you can stay in the Xiao family?
This is one of the main issues discussed by everyone. Someone suggested that there must be a certain place in the Xiao family. In this way, when the sensor is sent out, there will be a high chance of appearing in the Xiao family.

However, it seems that everyone does not meet the Xiao family's induction requirement, even Xiao Ye, who is the young master of the Xiao family, does not seem to have this induction.

Xiao Ye kept all the important things on him, and in the Xiao family, only Xiao Xiaojia who stayed in the courtyard was the closest to him.But this kind of acquaintance does not have the level of telepathy, and it is impossible for Xiao Ye to locate through him.

"There is also the slaughterhouse and Uncle Wei. If Houshan is not surrounded by prohibitions, I can still feel the special slaughter atmosphere. Now it seems that there is no hope."

Thinking about it, Xiao Ye couldn't help but shook his head. He really didn't have any special feelings for the Xiao family. In this case, it was impossible to rely on Xiao Ye.

"This magic weapon has a way."

When everyone was helpless, the reliable magic weapon made a move: "I am afraid that only Xiao's family has the most magic weapons in the vicinity. According to the methods of this magic weapon for many years, it is easy to smell the atmosphere of the treasure. Even across this space, this magic weapon You can also smell it clearly, and the time and place to leave the space crack will be left to this magic weapon."

Fabao patted his chest to assure him, but his tone was so casual that people couldn't trust him, but the others had no better way, so the matter could only be left to Fabao.

"Is the second brother behind this stone wall?"

The passage below the stone wall marked with red dots, Xiao Ye and others appeared here, and at the same time Xiao Ye frowned again: "The place where the second brother was imprisoned, there are only two stones floating in the void, and the stone where the second brother was imprisoned was also taken Surrounded by restrictions. Regardless of the strength of the restrictions, if we touch the restrictions, will we be discovered by the strong members of the Xiao family branch?"

Xiao Ye clearly remembered the scene where Xiao Jun was imprisoned, and if he wanted to rescue Xiao Jun, he would definitely touch the restraint.

The magic weapon rolled his eyes: "Master, have you forgotten the elixir you are taking now?"

"Uh..." Xiao Ye scratched the back of his head embarrassingly. He forgot that he had taken the Invisibility Pill now, so he could easily enter the restriction, and then brought Xiao Jun out, so that he would not touch the restriction.Plus I have flying wings, so flying is no problem.

From this point of view, everything is ready, only the east wind is missing, which is the reset time of the cage.

"How do we know that the cage is starting to reset?" Xiao Ye asked again.

"The cage is reset, and these passages also move and change with the top, all of which are synchronized." Scarlet Soul replied to Xiao Ye.

And at this moment, Xiao Ye's gaze also fell on Gorilla Soul: "Gorilla Soul, to what extent is your desire for a soul now?"

Xiao Ye has always been worried that Scarlet Soul will be unable to control himself and do something that will make him regret for life, so when Scarlet Soul was born, Xiao Ye wanted to kill him. Give it to the magic weapon for training.

But now, the scorpion soul is out of control. With Xiao Hei under him, it is difficult for the magic weapon to restrain him by force. So what happened to the scorpion soul's self-control?

"What do you mean? Master, are you questioning this magic weapon?" Scarlet Soul didn't answer, and the magic weapon was upset. After all, it was the Scarlet Soul trained by himself. Now that Xiao Ye is asking this question, isn't it just questioning his own ability?
"It's not a trivial matter, I have to figure it out." Xiao Ye looked serious. For him, the current situation of Scarlet Soul is also a major event.

"My desire for the soul is just like the desire for food of ordinary humans. It is indispensable and can never be changed." The scorpion soul replied, with a firm and confident expression in his eyes: "However, I have been able to control this now. This kind of desire, I will not go hungry, if I attack the master's friends and relatives in the future, the master can kill me personally, and I will never fight back."

Scarlet Soul has really grown a lot, whether it is the way of speaking, tone of voice, expression, and movements, they have all matured.He dared to pat his chest to assure Xiao Ye that he already had control.

"Have you heard? How can the master doubt the outstanding disciples taught by this magic weapon? Don't worry, this guy with such a high talent, the benefits he will provide the master in the future will not be 01:30, but he can help the master directly cultivate the soul of."

The treasure said, and became proud: "How is it? Master should give this treasure this time, right?"

Just when the magic weapon was flattering and begging for benefits from Xiao Ye, there was a sudden loud noise from above, and then all the passages in sight, including the one under his feet, started to move quickly.

This kind of movement is irregular, and the speed is very fast, and it changes constantly, which is extremely magical.

"The reset has begun!"

Everyone said with one voice, they all knew that the reset of the space cage had finally begun, they had waited for this moment for a month, this would be an unprecedented prison escape.

"Little black, do it."

Scarlet Soul gave the order at the first time, Xiao Hei under him didn't say anything, the horn on the tip of his forehead shone brightly, and he pressed it against the stone wall, and the stone wall immediately rippled.

"Master, go and come back quickly."

The scarlet soul said, Xiao Ye had activated his soaring wings, flew into the ripples of the stone wall, passed through the stone wall with ease, and came to an empty space where only two boulders were floating.

In the huge boulder in the distance ahead, Xiao Jun sat cross-legged, with a peaceful expression, and he seemed to be practicing meditation.

In an empty space, with a trapped body, and being alone, he was able to enter into this kind of selfless cultivation. Xiao Jun is indeed a talented person.

"Second brother."

Xiao Ye called out, Xiao Jun's eyebrows twitched immediately, and his eyes slowly opened.

Although he was recuperating in a quiet space, the dominance of a beast in Xiao Jun's eyes was still fully revealed. In Xiao Jun, that kind of domineering will never be lacking.

"Third brother? Why are you here?" Seeing Xiao Ye again, Xiao Jun couldn't help but become serious. This time he didn't get any news, and Xiao Ye appeared here alone. It doesn't look like he entered this place openly. of.

"I'll explain it to you later, second brother, now I'm going to take you out, and we'll go find my father together."

Xiao Ye has already flown to the restriction mask where Xiao Jun is. There is not much time to reset the cage. He has no time to explain anything to Xiao Jun. All he has to do is to rescue Xiao Jun as quickly as possible.

"Third brother, wait a minute, this restriction was deliberately refined by the strong, and you will be discovered as soon as you touch it..."

Xiao Jun was trying to stop Xiao Ye, but he didn't say anything, Xiao Ye's body had disappeared into the void, Xiao Jun couldn't help but wiped his eyes, wondering if he was dreaming just now.

But when Xiao Ye reappeared, he was already inside the mask, in front of Xiao Jun, and grabbed Xiao Jun's hand.

This kind of tactile feeling is extremely real, Xiao Jun, who is a martial artist, can clearly feel it.He didn't know how Xiao Ye did it, let alone how Xiao Ye appeared here.

This little brother of mine is getting more and more mysterious!

(End of this chapter)

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