god system

Chapter 310 Space Cracks

Chapter 310 Space Cracks
"Second brother, there is not much time. Many things really cannot be explained. I will explain to you after we leave here smoothly."

Xiao Ye took Xiao Jun's hand, and the effect of the invisibility pill activated, and Xiao Jun's body also became transparent and invisible.

"This is……"

Xiao Jun's pupils shrank. What happened in front of him was indeed beyond his expectation, but he didn't become surprised because of it. He just shrank his pupils for a moment, and then recovered his calm.

As expected of Xiao Jun, he knows how to keep his emotions in his heart under any circumstances. His appearance is always calm, and he is always at the peak state he can achieve.

This is Xiao Jun, Xiao Ye's second brother, a person who may be mediocre now, but will definitely be a big deal in the future.

When something unbelievable happened before him, Xiao Jun didn't ask any more questions, but followed Xiao Ye and escaped from the restriction under Xiao Ye's leadership.

There were strange ripples in the void, and Xiao Ye landed on the ripples with Xiao Jun.

The body is sucked into the ripples and arrives in the changing and moving channel.

Up to this point, no branch of the Xiao family had discovered the changes in the cage. When the cage was reset, all the strong men had left, and all they could rely on was the restrictions placed earlier.

These prohibitive defenses can be said to be perfect and impeccable, but the existence of the invisible pill and the existence of Xiao Hei still allow this perfect defense to be easily broken.

But this does not mean that the jailbreak was successful. This is the most important step if one wants to leave the cage, pass through the cracks in space, and reach Xiao's house smoothly.

Now, the time for Xiao Ye's Invisibility Pill has finally come, and the effect of the medicine has faded. Looking below, the turbulence of the space crack has stabilized a lot.

The magic weapon, scarlet soul, and little black three beasts that appeared in front of Xiao Jun were all powerful beings that Xiao Jun had never seen before.As an ordinary person, if you don't understand anything, you will definitely feel restless and confused.

However, Xiao Jun just smiled, said nothing, did nothing, and looked calm and composed.

This saves everyone trouble and saves time.

"Second brother, we will leave from the space crack later! When we travel through the space, we have to return to the inside of Xiao's house, so I want to ask if there is anything in Xiao's house that second brother can clearly sense, so that we can give us More accurate positioning information."

Before acting, Xiao Ye asked Xiao Jun a question.This sentence made Fabao roll his eyes. Fabao had said to leave the matter to him before, but now Xiao Ye asked Xiao Jun again, obviously because he did not trust Fabao enough.

Xiao Ye couldn't believe it either. After all, the magic weapon was not from the Xiao family. Who knew if the treasure he sensed belonged to the Xiao family?Moreover, this little guy has always been unreliable in doing things, and occasionally some pranks are really hard to guard against.

Fabao didn't speak. In fact, when Xiao Ye acted, he told Scarlet Soul and Fabao not to speak in front of Xiao Jun.

Although Xiao Jun is Xiao Ye's older brother, it is better not to know some things, because the more you know about some things, the more you will be hurt.

"Through space cracks?"

Xiao Jun frowned, and looked solemnly at the space crack below. From his expression, it could be read that he was very worried about crossing the space crack.

However, Xiao Ye has grown up, and Xiao Jun still trusts Xiao Ye very much. He didn't raise any doubts because of this, but after thinking about it for a while, he shook his head at Xiao Ye: "There is nothing that can make me have a strong I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter."

Xiao Jun told the truth, you must know that telepathy is not something that can be produced casually, if Xiao Ye can leave the natal Lieyan knife in Xiao's house, then the two can have a clear communication.

Seeing Xiao Ye frown, Magic Treasure immediately waved the cat's paw, saying once again that the matter was left to him, and until now, he could only leave it to him.

"Everyone, we must be consistent when we enter the space rift in order to have an impact on the space rift. At the same time, we must stay together and not separate, otherwise we don't know what will happen in the space rift."

"Guardian of the Holy Light!"

"Everyone come to the shield, the shield can make us one, I will try to ensure his existence."

Xiao Ye has the most energy in his dantian at the moment, he is not the strongest, but he is the one with the best continuous ability, and the protection of the holy light is not weak, so it is most suitable for him to dispatch the energy.

Xiao Jun had no objection, neither did the magic weapon and the scarlet soul. Only Xiao Hei hesitated for a long time before entering the guardian of the holy light, and then he entered the guardian of the holy light under the comfort of the scarlet soul.

Xiao Hei didn't know what he had experienced, and he was very hostile to strangers. Only the scorpion soul could approach him and comfort him.

There must be some kind of connection between him and Gorilla Soul, and this connection may have been found by Gorilla Soul.

Everyone's eyes fell on the downwind space crack. Although the space crack has stabilized, the occasional space turbulence still makes people gasp.

"Let's go!"

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Hei's unicorn pierced into the passage, and the passage opened a hole.But the hole wriggled quickly, and it looked like it was healing automatically.

Xiao Ye had seen too many artifacts in this cage, he didn't hesitate anymore, he jumped and flew out.

He flew with Xiao Jun, and the magic weapon took Scarlet Soul and Xiao Hei, a group of two people and three beasts, just jumped down and rushed towards the space crack.

The lower you go, the colder the surrounding air is, and the wind speed is very fast, like a knife, constantly hitting the guardian of the holy light.

This shock was nothing to Xiao Ye, but it would slightly affect his sense of direction.

In the space crack below, there is clearly a gap that is constantly opening, closing, opening, closing, and so on, repeating non-stop.

What Xiao Ye and the others have to do is to rush into the space rift when it opens, so that the impact on the space rift is minimal.

But the opening and closing speed of the space rift is too fast, and there is no special law. Every time it opens and closes, it seems to be different. Even if Xiao Ye can fly, it is very difficult to grasp the timing.

Everyone raised their mental strength to the highest level, and they only saw the space cracks that were constantly opening and closing, and everything else was excluded.

The space cracks that are constantly opening and closing are like a machine with steel teeth. If you are not careful, you will be crushed by him, and your body will be smashed to pieces. There is no room for survival.


At a certain moment, Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and the soaring wings on his back were radiant, and his speed reached the peak in an instant, and he rushed down, directly turning into a golden glow.

The magic weapon that followed has also exerted its strength. The two people and the beast moved closer together, turning into a unity of light, and fell quickly. No matter how terrible the opening and closing of the space crack in front was, even if it was the furnace of hell, they still went forward indomitably.

The space rift was getting closer and closer, and the dangerous atmosphere ahead became more and more intense. Xiao Ye and others went forward indomitably, and finally plunged into the space rift at a certain moment.


In the space crack, there was an explosion at the collision point, Xiao Ye and the others only felt that their heads hit the boulder, and they couldn't help being dizzy for a while. When they realized it, they were already surrounded by wind blades, and countless wind blades went crazy The slashing of the holy light shield, the huge energy fluctuations, drained Xiao Ye's energy almost instantly.

woo woo woo woo……

In front of him, a huge wind blade swept towards him. Everyone including Xiao Ye and the magic weapon were deeply stunned by the size of the wind blade.

The length of this wind blade is almost endless, and the edge cannot be seen. Even the width is estimated to exceed twenty feet. The energy brought by its huge body is almost destructive.


Xiao Jun immediately yelled, Xiao Ye and the magic weapon adjusted their speed to the fastest almost at the same moment, and rushed downward frantically, trying to avoid the incomparably huge wind blade.

The wind blade is huge, but its speed is not slow at all. In his fast approach, the power he brings is not only himself, but the wind around him is also extremely aggressive.

So even if Xiao Ye and the others bypassed the wind blade and flew downwind from the wind blade, the huge energy around the wind blade still protected Xiao Ye and the others with the holy light at the moment they passed by, like a piece of Like a leaf, it was blown away.

The body kept rolling in the void, and I forgot that I was thrown hundreds of times. When the body stopped, I only felt dizzy, staring at the eyes, and the whole world seemed to be moving.

But fortunately, in such an environment where they are almost bound to be separated, Xiao Jun did not know when to use his true energy to bind everyone together. It is a great achievement.

At the critical moment, Xiao Jun still has the most experience, and Xiao Jun is better than Xiao Ye for those who are not chaotic in times of crisis.

Bang bang bang!
In the space cracks, there are constantly exploding spaces all around, and they are all surging space turbulence. If you walk in it, if you are not careful, you will be involved in the vortex of space turbulence.

It is extremely dangerous here, and there are too many accidents, but Xiao Ye and others who are in the space crack must find a breakthrough in this chaotic situation, tear it apart, and return to their space.

It is not easy to tear apart the space, the most difficult thing is to find the direction, because even if there is a difference of one person's distance in the space crack, the difference in the outside world may be hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Baby, feel it quickly."

Xiao Ye's mind was transmitted to the magic weapon. Xiao Ye didn't need to say it, the magic weapon had already closed its eyes to sense it. As for the scorpion soul and Xiao Hei, they were observing the surroundings, ready to warn everyone of the danger at any time.

"Not good! The space in front is beginning to collapse, we need to change direction." Scarlet Soul sent a voice transmission to Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye immediately looked forward, and the space in front of him began to distort continuously. The space vortices exploded one after another, turning into nothingness. This is the manifestation of space collapse. If you enter it, it will collapse with the space. , were crushed together into pieces.

"No! The location of the Xiao family is in the space that is about to collapse, we are going there!"

Just when Xiao Ye was about to change direction, the sound transmission of the magic weapon made his complexion change again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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