god system

Chapter 312 The boudoir

Chapter 312 The boudoir
They didn't feel anything, just felt that their bodies were rushing forward, and finally when their bodies were completely still, everyone felt dizzy, and it was so difficult to even stand still.


An extremely piercing voice came from the ear, the voice was a little familiar, like someone screaming, and then there was a curse, and because his head was so dizzy, Xiao Ye couldn't hear what he was cursing at all.

The words that I hear most clearly in my consciousness are "pervert" and "hooligan"!
In a daze, Xiao Ye only felt that his body had been tampered with. When he realized it, he had been wrapped into a rice dumpling with a strange rope. Not to mention himself, even the magic weapon could not move!

Everyone's bodies were tightly bound by a kind of gleaming green rope. This kind of rope was obviously some kind of special treasure. After being bound by him, the energy in the body could not be mobilized, nor could they break free.

"Yeah, who dares to tie up this magic weapon!"

The magic weapon roared loudly, and at the same time, Xiao Ye felt a fragrance in the air, and there was a mist formed by heat in his sight, and he looked around, and there was clearly a wooden bucket filled with water, with flower petals floating on it, This is clearly a bathing place, and the decoration is still a woman's.

In this way, after passing through the space, Xiao Ye and the others actually broke into the woman's bathroom. Combining the exclamation and scolding just now and their own situation, when they broke into this place, there happened to be a woman taking a bath here .

Xiao Ye thought about thousands of situations after time travel, even the difficulties and dangers, but he never imagined that he would come to such a scene.

The door of the house opened, and a woman in military uniform, like a samurai, entered the house with a cold face.When the woman appeared, Xiao Ye couldn't help being startled, and almost flicked his tongue.

The woman who appeared in front of her was none other than Xiao Bing who was leading Xiao Ye in the Xiao Family Castle.

In this situation, even though he was an acquaintance, Xiao Ye smiled wryly. Looking at Xiao Bing's angry face, Xiao Ye didn't know how to start a conversation.

At this time, Fabao didn't speak any more. Before he roared, because everyone was still in a state of confusion, they didn't know it was Fabao's roar. Xiao Jun on the side thought it was Xiao Ye's roar. Anyway, in that state, No one cared about the sound of the magic weapon.

When Xiao Bing came, she stared at Xiao Ye viciously. She was holding a sword tightly in her hand, which was buzzing faintly, as if she was about to step forward to kill someone.

Combining Xiao Bing's appearance with Xiao Ye's expression, Xiao Jun and others immediately understood that the woman in front of them probably knew Xiao Ye.

"Ahem! That ice girl..."

"To shut up!"

Xiao Ye wanted to say something, the sharp sword edge was already on his neck, Xiao Bing stared at Xiao Ye with eyes full of anger, his expression almost swallowed Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye closed his mouth obediently. In this situation, Xiao Bing went crazy, maybe he would really understand himself.

"Xiao Ye, you are so brave. You dared to spy on this girl taking a shower. You brazen, daring, stinky hooligan. Believe it or not, this girl ruined you today!"

Xiao Bing was furious, and when he opened his mouth, he cursed fiercely, spitting all over the place, as if his saliva could drown Xiao Ye.

This woman got angry, her fierceness was even more terrifying than that of ordinary men, Magic Weapon, Scarlet Soul and Xiao Hei all wisely chose not to know anything, but chose to watch from the sidelines.

Xiao Jun was as calm as ever. His younger brother had a knife around his neck, which didn't seem to be a big deal to him at all.

"Ice girl, actually I..."

"Actually, sir! You kid has bad intentions. This girl has already seen it. I didn't expect you to be bold, but you even brought a group of beasts with you!" Xiao Bing didn't give Xiao Ye a chance to explain, and it was another big blow. curse down.

"Cough cough!" Xiao Junqing coughed this time, it was obvious that the magic weapon, gorilla soul and Xiao Hei were beasts, but he was an upright person, so don't get me wrong.

"Why are you coughing? Do you think you are not a beast if you cough?"

Xiao Bing glanced at Xiao Jun, Xiao Ye smiled helplessly, and fell silent immediately.

As for the magic weapon, scorpion soul and Xiao Hei, what are they? I am a beast in the first place, how can I say what you like, I will still take him as a compliment!
"And you bastards, don't pretend to be innocent for me. When I was taking a bath just now, your eyes were the most open. Peeking at me, I will goug your eyes later and let you pretend to be innocent. !"

Sure enough, the three magic weapons still couldn't escape Xiao Bing's poisonous tongue, and this girl seemed to be completely mad with anger.

The magic weapon and the three beasts rolled their eyes. According to the character of the magic weapon, they must fight back fiercely and scold Xiao Bing.But at this moment Xiao Ye did not allow him to speak, so he could only swallow his anger, facing Xiao Bing's scolding, he could only refute in his heart.

"Hooligans, beasts, lecherous ghosts, you are still a disciple of the Xiao family, have all the education of the Xiao family been passed as fart by you?"

"Before, I pretended to be a gentleman, but now I peek at the girls' bathing. Do you know how important fame is to girls. You can forget it, and bring people and animals, Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye , what do you want to do?"

"What? Don't talk? Are you dumb? Are you a fucking man if you dare to act or not?"

The anger in Xiao Bing's heart seemed to have almost been vented, all his cursing did not usher in a counterattack, or she did not give Xiao Ye a chance to counterattack at all.

Xiao Ye was also helpless, did he want to be dumb?It was this eldest lady who forced herself to be dumb!
"Brat, are you still pretending to be dumb?"

Seeing that Xiao Ye did not speak for a long time, Xiao Bing's tone became even more hostile, and the gleaming sword in his hand used a little more force, leaving a mark on Xiao Ye's neck!
With the sharpness of the sword combined with Xiao Bing's strength, it was enough to remove Xiao Ye's head completely, but Xiao Bing's skillful technique did not even cut Xiao Ye's skin.

Obviously, Xiao Bing was just playing ruthless, and didn't really mean to take Xiao Ye's life.

"Ice girl, can you listen to my explanation now?"

Xiao Bing seemed to be tired of cursing, and finally closed his poisonous tongue briefly, and Xiao Ye also spoke at this time.

"Say, you boy, explain to me well, if you dare to play tricks, I won't kill you, I will depose you!" Xiao Bing said fiercely, and stared at Xiao Ye's lower body as he spoke, and Xiao Ye was sweating coldly. , this guy shouldn't be so vicious, right?
"Cough cough!"

Xiao Ye cleared his throat, breathed a sigh of relief, Fang said: "The ice girl misunderstood, in fact, we just broke through the crack in the space, we don't know what the outside world is like, we just entered here by accident, no offense The meaning of the girl."

"Besides, when we just came out of the crack in the space, we were all dizzy and blind for a while, so we didn't see anything at all. Otherwise, why did the ice girl think that we didn't resist at all, and was tied into rice dumplings by the ice girl?"

Xiao Ye finally had a chance to explain, and briefly explained before and after he was about to lose.

"Space crack? Why did you come out of the space crack?" Xiao Bing seemed to believe Xiao Ye's explanation. After all, when Xiao Ye and others appeared, Xiao Bing clearly felt the huge space fluctuation.

Moreover, with Xiao Bing's strength, it is impossible for Xiao Ye and others to appear here without a sound. Before they appear, Xiao Bing has enough time to get ready and put on his clothes. Isn't it like this time? .

In the end, when Xiao Ye and the others appeared, they were all powerless, and they were tied up by themselves without any resistance.

It's not that they don't have the ability to resist, but they have lost the ability to resist. To put it bluntly, they were in a dizzy stage for a while at that moment, which is exactly what Xiao Ye said.

Xiao Bing is not a fool, let alone a lunatic. The reason why he got angry before was that under such circumstances, no woman would be able to calm down.

Calm down now, and after thinking about it, Xiao Bing gradually regained his sanity.

Xiao Ye continued to laugh and said, "To save my second brother, it's as simple as that."

"What? You went to rescue Xiao Jun?"

Xiao Bing was startled. Xiao Bing knew a little about the agreement between Xiao Ye and Grandpa Bai, but she didn't believe that Xiao Ye would act so quickly.

Xiao Jun wanted to be rescued, but it was a very difficult matter at all, and only after careful deployment could there be a slight chance to rescue Xiao Jun.

Actions without planning will definitely fail, and she does not believe that Xiao Ye will succeed.

Xiao Bing's gaze fell on Xiao Jun, and Xiao Jun greeted him with a calm smile. Xiao Bing was a little surprised by this smile. She found that the outlines of Xiao Jun and Xiao Ye were so similar, and she smiled quite a bit resemblance.

Obviously, they are brothers!In other words, the man in front of him is Xiao Jun. In other words, Xiao Ye has rescued Xiao Jun.

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Bing couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. Xiao Bing had also heard about the place where Xiao Jun was imprisoned. No one could rescue anyone from it, unless you used your absolute strength to force your way.

But Xiao Ye obviously didn't have this kind of strength, and the three beasts beside him wouldn't have it either, but Xiao Ye rescued Xiao Jun as quickly as possible.

How did he do that?What method did this kid use?Why did they come out of the space crack?

"Ice girl, can you untie the rope first?"

Looking at Xiao Bing's changing expression, Xiao Ye knew that Xiao Bing was thinking about many issues, but Xiao Ye was very uncomfortable with Xiao Bing's treasure lock, and his hands would probably be injured if this continued.

"Answer me one more question, and I'll let you go." Xiao Bing refused to let Xiao Ye and the others go so easily, she said seriously.

Xiao Ye shrugged helplessly: "Tell me, I will answer if I know."

Xiao Bing pursed his lips, his eyes swept across the crowd dignifiedly, and finally landed on Xiao Ye, looking extremely serious, as if he was about to ask something important, after a while, he asked, "Did you see me just now... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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