god system

Chapter 313 Swear

Chapter 313 Swear
Xiao Ye was prepared to answer any serious questions, but he never thought that Xiao Bing would ask such a question in the end.

Xiao Ye sighed, and replied very seriously: "Miss Ice, I promise I didn't see anything just now!"

"Okay! I believe you, but I don't believe them. Every one of you must swear, and so do the beasts!"

Xiao Bing said, pointing to the magic weapon, etc., and asked them to swear one by one.

Without hesitation, Xiao Jun raised his palm directly: "I swear, I didn't see the scene of the girl taking a bath!"

"And you!" Xiao Bing stared fiercely at the magic weapon and the others. At this moment, Xiao Ye was helpless: "Miss Ice, they are all beasts, and they don't understand human language, how can they swear?"

"I don't care, just raise your hand and swear to me!" Xiao Bing had reached the point of being unreasonable on this issue.

"Meow meow meow!"

When Xiao Ye was helpless, he saw the magic weapon holding up the cat's paw and calling out a few times, this little guy still has the best way, is this okay?

"Okay! It's up to you!" Xiao Bing really passed the test for the baby, she couldn't understand what the baby was calling at all, the exchange of the baby just now was actually scolding Xiao Bing, thanks to Xiao Bing, he was able to say yes.

The next one is the gorilla soul. He imitated the magic weapon and raised his palm, and then called out "cuckoo" a few times, meaning that girl, you are so beautiful, can you give me your soul to eat?

"Okay! To the last one!"

Xiao Bing said hello again, and finally pointed to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei didn't give face like Fabao and Gorilla Soul, he turned his head away, very disdainful, he looked like no one else, and he didn't look half apologetic.

"Okay! You must have done something bad. If that's the case, this girl gouged out your eyes!"

Xiao Bing was furious, and he raised his sword and stabbed Xiao Hei.

"Be merciful!"

Xiao Ye didn't expect Xiao Bing to act so without discussion, and immediately drank. If she kills Xiao Hei, then the Scarlet Soul will not be able to take revenge in the future?
Sure enough, the moment Xiao Bing made a move, murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Scarlet Soul. If he was not restrained, he would definitely pounce on him and suck Xiao Bing's soul away.

"What? You kid wants to make him lose his eyes?" Xiao Bing said coldly.

"Ice girl, why do you need to be as knowledgeable as a beast? I will find a way to make him swear, don't be impatient." Xiao Ye said helplessly.

"Okay! I'll wait!" Xiao Ye embraced her arms. If Xiao Hei doesn't do this, I'm afraid Xiao Bing won't let it go. This girl has no malicious intentions, and she probably just wants to make peace of mind.

It can be seen from the pull hook at the beginning that Xiao Bing's thoughts are a bit weird. Maybe she really takes this matter seriously. In order to save Xiao Hei's life, he must make Xiao Hei swear.

"Scarlet soul, persuade your friend! We broke into other people's bathing room, which was an offense. Now they just want us to swear, which is reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it. There is no need to be jealous because of this, Losing his life is even more worthless, let him swear."

Xiao Ye sent voice transmission to Gorilla Soul. He knew that only Gorilla Soul could speak, so this matter had to be resolved through Gorilla Soul.

"Master, can I kill her later?" Scarlet Soul narrowed his eyes, instead of answering Xiao Ye's question, he asked murderously.

"No!" Xiao Ye flatly denied, if you dare to kill him, I will chase you with all my strength, even if I let you escape, I will kill you with my own hands in the future! "

Xiao Ye's tone was very firm, if it was said that Scarlet Soul was really not bound by him and acted recklessly, then Xiao Ye would have personally understood him, Xiao Ye had no doubts about this, and would never hesitate.

"Okay! I will obey the master."

After hesitating for a while, Scarlet Soul agreed to Xiao Ye, and then he began to appease Xiao Hei.This time Xiao Hei didn't seem to cooperate very well, even if it was ecstasy to appease, Xiao Hei also lost his temper, and he was not ready to agree at all for a while.

Originally, Xiao Ye would think that Scarlet Soul was not patient enough, and would give up immediately if the persuasion was ineffective. Unexpectedly, Scarlet Soul's patience was much better than imagined, and it took a long time to patiently do work for Xiao Hei.

"It seems that the training method of the magic weapon is really useful. Today's scorpion soul has matured a lot. As long as there are no huge changes in the future, it should be within the controllable range."

Xiao Ye nodded, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and Scarlet Soul's persuasion finally had an effect.

Xiao Hei bowed his head. Although he was perfunctory when he swore, he gave Xiao Bing the steps, which made Xiao Bing breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's all for now!"

With a wave of Xiao Bing's hand, she took back the green rope that bound Xiao Ye and the others. Xiao Ye and the others regained their ability to move, but they immediately sensed that there was not enough energy in their bodies to use them freely.

"Bound by the girl's magic weapon, your energy will be in a disordered state for an hour. Don't worry about it. It will naturally recover when the time comes."

Xiao Bing seemed to know what Xiao Ye and the others were thinking, curled his lips, and there seemed to be a hint of pride in his tone.

"Okay, Ice Girl, it's not easy for me to rescue my second brother. The Xiao family branch should not have been found yet. Can you tell me where it is? I have to rush to the Xiao's castle as soon as possible and let my second brother enter it , for safety."

When the energy in the body will recover is very small, now Xiao Ye must figure out where he is, how to avoid the eyes and ears of the Xiao family branch, and send Xiao Jun to the Xiao family castle.

This is the last step, and it is also the most critical step. If this step is wrong, the whole game will be lost, and all previous efforts will be in vain.

But it seems that Xiao is very lucky. Since he met Xiao Bing, he can let Xiao Bing report first, then he will have no trouble going to the Xiao family castle, as long as he avoids the Xiao family's eyes and ears.

"Of course this is where my girl lives. As for the specifics, you don't need to know. It only takes one teleportation from my girl to Xiao's Castle, so you don't have to worry about it. And Grandpa Bai's side , I will report it naturally, so you don't have to think about it."

Xiao Bing's continuous words gave Xiao Ye the feeling that there were only two words - reliable!
Originally thought that the last step would require some means, but now it seems that all this was easily resolved because of Xiao Bing's existence.To enter Xiao's castle, all you need is teleportation, so as long as you don't get discovered by Xiao's branch in Xiao Bing's residence, everything will be safe and sound.

"Ice girl, it's not too late, let's leave immediately." Xiao Ye got up, patted the dust off his body, and urged.

"No hurry." Xiao Bing shook his hand, but his eyes fell on Xiao Jun instead: "You are Xiao Jun, right?" His tone can be described as old-fashioned.

"Yes, I have seen the ice girl." Xiao Jun replied with a smile.

"You are much more handsome than Xiao Ye, and your breath is much calmer." Xiao Bing also smiled.

This kind of dialogue, of course, Xiao Ye couldn't be seen. He knew that Xiao Bing was trying to anger him on purpose, but it was a pity that the trick was too low.

"Miss Bing speaks directly, if Xiao Jun can help with something, Xiao Jun will never refuse." Xiao Jun's words pierced Xiao Bing's mind.

Xiao Bing deliberately talked to Xiao Jun, obviously he had something to say.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want to ask, do you know your father's plan? His disappearance is definitely not due to injury. Xiao Zhan is a legend in our Xiao family. He must have special plans. I am more curious about this. "

As Xiao Bing spoke, his eyes sparkled. Xiao Bing even surpassed Xiao Ye and Xiao Jun in Xiao Zhan's trust.I don't know that this girl knows the arrogant deeds, but she is so confident.

Xiao Jun shook his head: "I don't know whether my father is really missing or if he has any plans. The most I know is a little more than others, and I can't say this, so the ice girl may be disappointed. "

So far no one has understood Xiao Zhan's meaning, even the most powerful members of the Xiao family don't know what Xiao Zhan is going to do.Because the Xiao family branch didn't know if this was a conspiracy by Xiao Zhan, they only sent a small part of their forces to the Xiao family.

It was all due to the uncertain factor of Xiao Zhan, which led to the development of things to the present situation. Now even Xiao Ye is curious, what kind of experience Xiao Zhan had in the past, and what kind of legend he created?
"Even you don't know?" Xiao Bing frowned: "But Xiao Ye said that the Patriarch left clues in the cabinet armory, and only you can solve those clues. This shows that the Patriarch trusts you the most."

"Oh? There are clues left in the cabinet armory?" Xiao Jun's eyes lit up, and his eyes fell on Xiao Ye.

I saw Xiao Ye nodded: "That's right, my father did leave a clue. When I was about to touch it, I was warned to bring you here. I think it was specially left by my father for you, maybe it is about my father." The whereabouts, or really some plan or something."

"No!" Xiao Jun smiled: "Father never leaves any clues. What he will leave must be useful, but it is by no means a so-called clue. What my father has done, since he has done it, will not be left behind." Leave no trace, let alone leave clues for discovery."

Xiao Jun understands Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan is cautious in doing things, even if he is fighting for his dearest and favorite person, he will not leave any clues.

"By the way, third brother, did you find the great elder?" Xiao Jun changed his mind and asked again.

"No, I've been trying to find it, but there's no news about the great elder. I just found the son of the great elder. My people should get something from it, but I haven't had time to understand it in order to save the second brother."

Originally, Xiao Ye could get the news from Xiao Xiaojia, but because the magic weapon sent a message that the cage reset was about to open, Xiao Ye had nothing and had no chance to get it.

He could only save Xiao Jun first, that's why today's scene happened.

"If that's the case, go to the cabinet armory first, and it's not too late to look at the things at the Great Elder's." Xiao Jun nodded, and his eyes fell on Xiao Bing: "Ice Girl, I wonder if I can lead the way now?"

(End of this chapter)

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