god system

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
This is Xiao Bing's residence, Xiao Bing is the most familiar, and only she knows how to get to Xiao's castle, so Xiao Bing must lead the way now.

Traveling through space cracks, Xiao Ye, Magic Weapon, and Xiao Jun spent a lot of money. At this moment, both of them need to rest and recover, but time obviously cannot satisfy them.

The ghost knows that the cage has been reset and Xiao Jun has escaped. Has the Xiao family branch noticed it? If so, what will they do after being shocked?
Also, in Xiao Ye's courtyard, the confrontation between Xiao Xiaojia and the Xiao family branch is unknown to what extent. Will there be an accident, which will lead to any special actions by the Xiao family branch?
In short, before entering Xiao's castle, Xiao Jun's safety cannot be guaranteed, and Xiao Ye can't feel at ease. No one knows what will happen until the last moment.

Xiao Bing's anger has dissipated, so now, she will naturally act as the guide.

"Come with me all."

Xiao Bing pushed open the door, and a scent of fragrant grass immediately rushed into the hut. Everyone was surprised to find that behind the hut was an endless flower garden.

A place where one person lives should be surrounded by many houses, but there is only Xiao Bing’s hut nearby, and there is a flower garden directly outside the bathroom. Isn’t this too pleasant?
She is a woman who lives alone in the center of this flower garden. Even if she has a certain strength, won't she feel afraid at night?And such a large flower garden, does it belong to her alone?

Feeling the aura here, it seems to be a very suitable place for cultivation, can Xiao Bing occupy it by himself?
"Follow closely, don't wander here. There is a labyrinth here. If you get lost in it, it will be life-threatening." Xiao Bing led the way ahead. Simple straight lines.

As Xiao Bing walked, everyone felt a little dazzled, as if all the flowers and plants in the flower garden were moving, but they didn't seem to be moving, which seemed very strange.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that this place was too weird, so they stopped hesitating and followed closely.

No matter how Xiao Bing goes, they just go like this, even the magic weapon dare not neglect at this moment.

The flower garden in front is indeed a maze, and the people who arranged it must be very important. Everyone present in this maze cannot understand it. If they are trapped in it, no one dares to say that they can get out.

And it's not just a maze, when you fall into a maze and can't find a way out, this maze will turn into a killing circle.

"Ice girl, which senior arranged this formation, it is so unpredictable, and the range is so wide, you must be a master of formation."

Following behind Xiao Bing, the formation became wider and bigger, which shocked Xiao Ye even more.

Hearing what Xiao Ye said, Xiao Bing couldn't help raising his head: "Our Xiao family is an ancient clan, and we don't know how many formation geniuses have been born. A long time ago, our Xiao family even had a special formation school, but the Xiao family split. Afterwards, the formation court also split off. Among the branches of the Xiao family today, there is a branch that specializes in the study of formations, and its attainments in formations are well-known throughout the Zhengyuan Continent."

When it came to the end, Xiao Bing's tone was a bit weird, full of pity, reluctance, and a little unwillingness.

Being able to live in this flower garden shows that Xiao Bing has some kind of relationship with the so-called Array Academy, but she doesn't want to talk about this relationship.

"I don't know if our Xiao family had a glorious time in alchemy?" Seeing Xiao Bing's appearance like this, Xiao Ye immediately changed the subject.

"Of course there is!" Xiao Bing said: "Not only alchemy, but also some geniuses such as refining weapons and beasts, my Xiao family has never been short of them. The disciples of the Xiao family have many supernatural powers, but these supernatural powers are split. After that, they all formed their own forces, and they all got along well."

There was pride in Xiao Bing's tone. As she said, the disciples of the Xiao family of the ancient clan are not ordinary people. They have strange supernatural powers, but they are all split off temporarily.

"You mean that if my Xiao family is unified, wouldn't it be possible to have a lot of supernatural powers?" Xiao Ye was surprised.

"Of course, our Xiao family used to be the strongest existence in Zhengyuan Continent. Although we have developed independently, we have achieved very good achievements in all aspects. If we combine them together, we will only be stronger than before! Just want to let The peaceful reunification of the Xiao family is too difficult. Maybe our current Patriarch was able to do it, but the injuries in his body... hey!"

Xiao Bing also sees the situation of the Xiao family very clearly. The Xiao family is strong, but it is under the premise of peaceful reunification. Now that the Xiao family is scattered, reunification will lead to rivers of blood.

When Xiao Zhan was in its heyday, even the branches of the Xiao family felt that they might be unified by Xiao Zhan, and the Xiao family would be under Xiao Zhan's rule. If that was the case, they would accept their fate and be willing!
It's a pity that in an accident, Xiao Zhan's body was damaged by his eyes, leaving irreparable injuries in his body. This not only ruined Xiao Zhan's future, but also made everyone lose confidence in Xiao Zhan.

After all, your future is gone, you can't continue to practice, your strength has stagnated, and your peak life is just like that, that's all.

Xiao Zhan stopped, and the Xiao family branch began to move around again. Coupled with the continuous decline of the Xiao family, it caused the current situation.

But in the Xiao family branch, including within the Xiao family, there is no one who can convince everyone. If everyone refuses to accept it, then it cannot be resolved peacefully.

Because of the decline of the Xiao family, the Xiao family branch still decided to forcibly reunify the Xiao family. They have to learn a lesson from this reunification.

The first time it was split because of the Patriarch's bloodline, so this time, the Patriarch's bloodline will be destroyed, so that the Xiao family will no longer be special. Even if this reunification requires a heavy price, the Xiao family branch will not hesitate.

Xiao Zhan's injury!
Xiao Ye has heard this sentence more than once. He knows that Xiao Ye has an injury in his body, and he has already sensed it at the beginning, but he has no idea how serious the injury in Xiao Zhan's body is and how it was caused.

All of this was not important to Xiao Ye at first, because the magic costume system must have a way to cure Xiao Ye, but now, Xiao Ye is more and more interested in Xiao Zhan's injury, how did he get injured?What kind of injury did you suffer?

"The Patriarch is missing now, and the Xiao family branch dare not act recklessly, because they haven't seen the body of the Patriarch, so they still suspect that the Patriarch is planning something. Even if it is missing, the residual power is enough to deter."

At the end of Xiao Bing's speech, he couldn't hide the light of admiration in his eyes.

And Xiao Ye had already analyzed all this earlier, he knew that Xiao Zhan must have something special, otherwise how could he shake the Xiao family branch?
The flower garden reached the edge, and there was a sudden noise in front of it. Xiao Ye looked up and saw a large building complex in front of him, all of which were made of metal.

The building complex looks like a huge academy, and there are many teenagers in it. These teenagers wear uniform black uniforms and are doing various exercises.

Some run with heavy loads, some control sword energy, some fight, and some control flying swords to dodge in the sky!

These trainings are very orderly and do not require anyone to supervise, and although the children here are not very old, they all have firm faces, as if they have a relatively mature heart.

"here is?"

Including Xiao Ye, everyone was puzzled. Who are the disciples in such a college?Where is this again?

Xiao Bing didn't explain anything to Xiao Ye, she directly led the crowd around the building complex.

After going around the building complex and walking for a while, a small high platform appeared in front of it. There was a slowly rotating formation on the high platform.

"Here we are, you wait here. I'll report to Grandpa Bai first, and I'll be back in a while."

Xiao Bing asked everyone to wait in place, while she herself stood on the high platform, and the teleportation array opened. In a burst of brilliance, Xiao Bing disappeared in the teleportation array. If there is no accident, he should be in Xiao's Castle.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Magic Weapon, Scarlet Soul, and Xiao Hei immediately sat down on the spot, closed their eyes, settled down, and adjusted their breath.

"Third brother, come here, I have something to tell you." Xiao Jun seized the opportunity and sent a voice transmission to Xiao Ye, and the two of them stayed away from the magic weapon, scarlet soul and Xiao Hei.

Looking at the third brother in front of him, Xiao Jun naturally had many questions to ask.For example, Xiao Ye's strength, what happened to Ziyunzong, what method he used to save himself, what to do next, etc.

But now, Xiao Jun didn't ask any questions, instead he said solemnly: "Third brother, I don't care what changes have happened to you these days, and I don't care what you plan to do next. Don't worry about it for now, after I enter the castle, you will immediately leave Xiao's house and go to Dongluo City."

In Dongluo City, Xiao Jun once asked Xiao Ye to go to hide. Xiao Ye had already sent Xiao Dongliu and other brothers there, but he hadn't heard the news yet.

"Second brother, I can no longer stay out of this matter. Even if I want to leave now, those people in the Xiao family branch will not let me go. They know some of my abilities. If they want to feel at ease, they will definitely get rid of me. So now I can't go."

Xiao Ye rescued Xiao Jun, and Xiao Zhan was not found, so he will not leave at this time!

And the reason he found was very correct. When he was in Purple Cloud Sect and there was almost no threat to the Xiao family branch, they had already decided to kill the grass.

Now Xiao Ye has exposed his strength, he even defeated Lu Tianyou, and even set up the ring in Xiao's martial arts arena, easily winning a complete victory.

Under such circumstances, the Xiao family branch has already paid a certain amount of attention to Xiao Ye. Although they have not yet regarded Xiao Ye as the real enemy of the Xiao family branch, they will never allow Xiao Ye to leave their sight at this time.

If they wanted to leave, the Xiao family branch would make Xiao Ye disappear, and anyone would do such a thing.

In the battle, future troubles can never be left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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