god system

Chapter 315 Separation

Chapter 315 Separation
"I understand this naturally. I will find a way to get you out. Then you must go and don't stay."

Xiao Jun is very serious at the moment. As Xiao Ye's elder brother, he doesn't want Xiao Ye to stay and continue to take risks.He was locked in a cage that day, and he didn't want Xiao Ye to get involved in this matter, but who knew that Xiao Ye would go all the way and rescue him in the end.

This is enough, Xiao Ye doesn't need to continue to participate, Xiao Jun understands best, the current Xiao Ye is extremely dangerous to their family's blood, if Xiao Yewei continues to stay, his life may not be guaranteed.

Xiao Ye was his only younger brother, so he had to think about Xiao Ye.

"No!" Xiao Ye shook his head: "I can't leave, and I won't leave! In Xiao's castle, a senior wants to accept me as an apprentice, and he will guarantee my safety in the future. Don't worry about this, second brother. I will not force anything, I will only do my best, there is only so much I can do, as for letting me leave the Xiao family, it is simply impossible."

Xiao Ye's tone was firm. He had an agreement with Grandpa Bai of Xiao's Castle, and he would definitely abide by it.And the matter of the Xiao family is not over, and he will not be a deserter. For him, this is an interesting game.

"Someone in the castle wants to take you as an apprentice? Who is it?" Xiao Jun frowned, as if he only heard this sentence.

"Grandpa Bai." Xiao Ye replied truthfully.

"Grandpa Bai?" Xiao Jun obviously didn't know who this person was, but he had heard from Xiao Zhan that there were many strong people in Xiao's castle, who were not weak in strength and had a high status, surpassing him to a certain extent. Those so-called extremely powerful members of the Xiao family.

There is such a person who wants to take Xiao Ye as his apprentice, this is Xiao Ye's conviction, but Xiao Jun has his worries.

"Third brother, listen to me, the Xiao family is too complicated, you are really not suitable to stay. Some people are good or bad, you can't tell it just once or twice, it takes a long time to contact, don't let People take advantage of you and become a pawn in the end."

What Xiao Jun said, Xiao Ye knew that he was afraid that he would be used by some people with ulterior motives, and this person with ulterior motives was of course Grandpa Bai.

Xiao Ye may not know Grandpa Bai's background, nor his true identity and purpose, but Xiao Ye believes in his own feelings and his own vision.

From the beginning of the contact, Xiao Ye felt that Grandpa Bai was not from the Xiao family branch, otherwise Grandpa Bai would not be able to stop someone from entering the Xiao family castle and stealing the cabinet armory that day.

He is not from the Xiao family branch, which is good news for Xiao Ye. As for the most powerful Xiao family, Grandpa Bai has a certain chance to be with them.

But this does not affect Xiao Ye's judgment, even if Grandpa Bai is with the most powerful Xiao family, so what?

The strong members of the Xiao family do not participate in the struggle between the Patriarch's bloodline and the branches of the Xiao family, which means that although the strong members of the Xiao family are not Xiao Ye's friends, at least they are not enemies.

And even if Grandpa Bai is in the same group as the most powerful of the Xiao family, he should have no malice towards him. After accepting himself as a disciple, he naturally wants to help the disciple, there is no doubt about it.

So as long as Grandpa Bai and the Xiao family branch are not in the same group, Xiao Ye can basically trust Grandpa Bai.As for whether Grandpa Bai would have any plans for him, Xiao Ye was even less worried.

In this world, people use each other. If Xiao Ye wants to become Grandpa Bai's disciple, he must learn from his skills and experience. It can be said that Xiao Ye is using Grandpa Bai, so what's the big deal about Grandpa Bai using Xiao Ye? ?
Unless he really wants to do something to hurt himself, at that time, don't blame Xiao Ye for being ruthless. Who can tell who wins and who loses until the last moment?

"Second brother, I have grown up, and I can take care of myself in life. I also have my own analysis and way of doing things. I hope that my second brother will not get involved in this aspect in the future. Now, we brothers should work together to find my father and solve the problem. Chaos in the Xiao family."

Xiao Ye's firm words made Xiao Jun narrow his eyes, and he looked at his brother in front of him.This younger brother who needed to be taken care of by himself a year ago and could not be supported, now has mature thinking, independent means of handling things, and his own path.

He has really grown up. Although Xiao Ye has transformed fundamentally from the inside out of his soul, in Xiao Jun's eyes, Xiao Ye has just grown up, nothing more.

"Huh! Well, it seems that I have to get to know my third brother again. This time, the danger of the Xiao family will be shared by you and my brother." Xiao Jun patted Xiao Ye on the shoulder, with a strong palm, conveying the brother's help. camaraderie.

Xiao Ye nodded with a smile. In his soul, maybe Xiao Jun is not his biological brother, but in his consciousness and in life, Xiao Jun is. Xiao Ye has already admitted this, and he has already recognized this brother.

The wait was longer than expected. After Xiao Bing left, there was no movement in the teleportation array. Later, Xiao Ye and Xiao Jun simply sat down and recovered.

After everyone's state was adjusted to the peak, it took a while before the teleportation array shone brightly, and Xiao Bing came back.

Xiao Bing's eyes swept over everyone, and finally landed on the magic weapon, scarlet soul and Xiao Hei: "These three beasts must stay. You and Xiao Jun can follow me into Xiao's castle."

As soon as this remark came out, Magic Treasure, Scarlet Soul and Xiao Hei were not happy, so why not let them in?

"Ice girl, what's going on?" Xiao Ye frowned and asked, waiting for such a long time, why did he wait for such a result.

Xiao Bing spread his hands: "Grandpa Bai said that he only promised to keep Xiao Jun in the castle, and he didn't promise to keep anyone else. Besides, these three beasts are not inside the Xiao family. How can they enter the Xiao family castle? All of this It's all Grandpa Bai's intention, I've tried my best."

The Xiao family castle is the important place of the Xiao family, and even the disciples of the Xiao family have to go through strict inspections to enter it, let alone foreign things.

Since ancient times, those who entered the Xiao family's castle, without exception, have the blood of the Xiao family flowing in their blood. It is understandable that Grandpa Bai did not let the magic weapon and the others enter.

"I see." Xiao Ye frowned, and smiled at Xiao Bing: "Then please ask Miss Bing to take them in, at least to ensure their safety or send them out of Xiao's house for now, okay?"

Baby and the others cannot enter Xiao's castle, and it's not good to stay in Xiao's house, as long as they leave safely, that's enough.

"Don't worry, of course Miss Ben will help with this little matter, and they will leave Xiao's house safely. Now you two come up, and I will take you to the castle. Grandpa Bai has been waiting for a long time."

Xiao Bing readily agreed.

"Thank you, Ice Girl." Xiao Ye thanked, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to the magic weapon and the scorpion soul: "Leave the Xiao family first, wait under the Xiao family mountain, or you can go to your own business first. You can't do anything about the Xiao family's affairs for the time being." Join us, see you later."

"I said master, you let us go now, don't say we don't help you!" Fabao curled his lips, and his tone of voice was obviously a little angry.

He didn't have to help Xiao Ye, but he just walked here together, but was left behind at the last moment. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"I can't control the current situation, just treat it as I owe you a favor."

Xiao Ye and Xiao Jun set foot on the teleportation formation. The magic weapon, scorpion soul and Xiao Hei are outside the transmission formation. Not to mention that the magic weapon can travel around the mountains and rivers after leaving Xiao's house. Even the scorpion soul and Xiao Hei also have a lot of things to do. It should be best to leave Xiao's house at this time.

After all, Xiao Hei was originally imprisoned in a cage. Once Xiao Hei's branch finds that Xiao Hei is missing, they will definitely look for him, so it is dangerous for Xiao Hei to stay in Xiao's house.

Moreover, they robbed Xiao Jun together, and they were all accomplices. At this time, it is a good strategy to avoid the limelight and make the Xiao family branch confused.


Xiao Bing said, and then the teleportation array was activated. Xiao Ye, Xiao Jun, and Xiao Bing disappeared in the teleportation array and entered Xiao's castle.

After the three disappeared, Fabao, Scarlet Soul and Xiao Hei began to look at each other in dismay.

"Teacher, what are you going to do next?" The magic weapon's training on the scorpion soul is over, and then the scorpion soul will be free, and his life is under his control, as long as he doesn't do things he can't control.

"I want to take Xiao Hei to recuperate. He has been imprisoned for 100 years, and his vitality has been severely damaged. He must be well recuperated." Scarlet Soul replied truthfully.

"Xiao Hei?" Fabao smiled coldly: "The two of you have never met before, and this meeting is so close, it seems that there is some connection?"

"Master, don't ask, we will know about this in the future." Scarlet Soul shook his head.

"Yo! Brat, you're even playing charades with Wei Shi. Forget it, Wei Shi won't get to the bottom of it. On the contrary, you kid, when you absorb other people's souls, you can see who the other party is. Don't even compare the souls of ordinary people The soul is sucked away. If you do this, don't say that the master can't spare you, this magic weapon will chase you to the ends of the earth."

At the end of Fabao's speech, he already used a very severe tone.Although the magic weapon is not a good magical beast, he is still very principled in some things. For ordinary people who have no power to restrain the chicken, the magic weapon will not be difficult to imagine.

He also hates those martial arts and spiritual practitioners who bully the common people. If they are living well, they may be exposed and killed because of your finger.

"Follow the master's instruction!" Scarlet Soul is very obedient at this time, having been trained by the magic weapon for several months, he has already lost his impulsive temper, and now he looks quite mature.

As for Xiao Hei, he has been silent all the time, and he doesn't know if he can't speak, or if he doesn't bother to speak, in short, he is only with Scarlet Soul now.

Two magic beasts, one of unknown origin, waited quietly in place, waiting for Xiao Bing to return again and send them out of Xiao's house.

But at this moment, Xiao Ye and Xiao Jun had already appeared in an ordinary hut. In the room, Grandpa Bai was facing them, and his eyes were completely on Xiao Ye.

This situation has been going on for a while, and Grandpa Bai was thinking about how the brat in front of him rescued Xiao Jun. You must know that until now, there has been no news of Xiao Jun escaping from the cage.

(End of this chapter)

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