god system

Chapter 317 Apprenticeship

Chapter 317 Apprenticeship
At this time, a person happened to leave the customs, and his exit gave the Xiao family branch a shot in the arm.

But his appearance did not lead to Xiao Ye, but to a bigger incident, that is, Xiao Jun escaped from the cage of the Xiao family branch.

The news was like thunder, and it hit all the disciples in the Xiao family branch.

All the disciples knew a thing or two about the cage system of the Xiao family branch, so how did Xiao Jun escape from it?Who rescued Xiao Jun?Why did he escape without any momentum?

The Xiao family branch was full of doubts for a while. Xiao Jun's escape seemed to have become a legend, an unsolvable mystery. Now they really want to catch Xiao Jun and ask him face to face, how did you escape in the first place?
Because the time when Xiao Jun disappeared happened to be a reset of the cage, the Xiao family branch also analyzed that Xiao Jun caught the time of the reset of the cage and escaped.

But this is only a condition. According to the defense of the cage, the defense of the space tree, and the defense outside the space tree, they really can't figure out how Xiao Jun escaped and disappeared in the end.

Xiao Jun's escape from prison has become a mysterious existence, and there is an uproar among the branches of the Xiao family, and there is another mysterious thing that is passed on, which is naturally Xiao Ye's disappearance for no reason.

Xiao Ye was closely monitored by the Xiao family branch, and disappeared without a trace like air, and his disappearance was even more thorough than Xiao Zhan.

At least Xiao Zhan was affected by a serious injury before his disappearance, at least there was a cause and effect.

However, Xiao Ye's disappearance means that he disappeared when he disappeared. There was no sign before, and it seemed that only Xiao Xiaojia knew about it, but Xiao Xiaojia kept silent and said nothing.

Where is Xiao Ye now?Does he have anything to do with Xiao Jun's escape?For a while, there were different opinions on this topic, and no one knew what happened.

First Xiao Zhan disappeared, then Xiao Ye disappeared, and then Xiao Jun escaped from prison and disappeared. What kind of plane are these three father and son doing?Will they all teleport?A thought can be transferred to another world, and then disappear?

From this, I wonder if the disappearance of Xiao Ye and Xiao Jun is also related to Xiao Zhan, and there is some treasure in Xiao Zhan that can create this disappearance.

If this is the case, then everything is undoubtedly arranged by Xiao Zhan.

The more this is the case, the more frightened the Xiao family branch is. From the beginning to the end, what they fear most is Xiao Zhan, fearing that Xiao Zhan's disappearance is a conspiracy!
After all, the branch of the Xiao family is getting stronger day by day, while the Xiao family ruled by Xiao Zhan is going downhill all the way. If things go on like this, the disappearance of the family head's bloodline is inevitable, and the branch of the Xiao family will regain control of the Xiao family.

But it will take time, and the Xiao family branch is of course unwilling to wait, because Xiao Zhan, a person who has left eye damage and can no longer practice, they have to wait for decades, or even hundreds of years.

Is it worth it?
The Xiao family branch thought it was worthless, so when Xiao Zhan disappeared, they thought that this time should be able to disappear, so they took action.

But because Xiao Zhan is too difficult to deal with, the Xiao family branch did not dare to neglect, so they sent a small group of forces, and their big forces are still waiting to see if this is a game, or Xiao Zhan is really serious. Bye!
Now this situation has reached a point where it is about to be unraveled, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a situation set up by Xiao Zhan, and the hearts of the leaders of the Xiao family branch are slowly withdrawn.

Of course, they won't tell the Xiao family's branch at Xiao's mountain peak, because they still have to use these people to test whether the final result is Xiao Zhan's game.

In a sense, the Xiao family branch that stayed on the Xiao family mountain was quite pitiful. They were used as pawns by the leaders to find out the hidden commander of the enemy army.

As for why the Xiao family branch cares so much about Xiao Zhan alone, this is not known. In short, some of Xiao Zhan's abilities really shocked these people, making them afraid to do anything to the blood of the Patriarch.

After Lu Tianping left the customs, the first thing he did was to look for Lu Tianyou, but it was a pity that Lu Tianyou had already left the Xiao family, and came to the battlefield of righteousness and evil to test himself.

"Tianyou, it seems that he is really going to start cultivating the realm. I don't know how far his monstrous cultivation will reach in the end. When we meet next time, I have to discuss it with him."

Lu Tianping knew about Lu Tianyou's talent, but he didn't know it very clearly. He only knew that Lu Tianyou was very talented, and once he started to practice, he would be a very terrifying existence.

But Lu Tianping thought highly of himself, he didn't think Lu Tianyou could surpass him, so when talking to himself, he had the attitude of a senior.

As everyone knows, compared with Lu Tianyou, Lu Tianping is much more normal in Xiao Ye's eyes.

Being strong now does not mean being strong in the future, and being strong in the future does not mean being strong for a lifetime.As for Lu Tianyou's purple flames and his spiritual master-like attack, as long as the realm rises, Lu Tianyou will be strong for a lifetime.

"Xiao Ye, Xiao Jun, Xiao Zhan, no matter what tricks you play, the fact that your Patriarch's bloodline is doomed will never change. As long as we make every step of the way, you won't be caught by your chance. You will lose sooner or later. Now it's just a loss. It's just a struggle."

Lu Tianping's tone of disdain for the world, in his perception, the Xiao family can no longer be compared with the branches of the Xiao family, unification is a matter of time, and no matter how powerful Xiao Ye, Xiao Jun and Xiao Ding are, they are definitely not him. opponents, they can't make any waves.

As for Xiao Zhan, this old and immortal guy, he can shock the leaders of the Xiao family branch, but he can't suppress Lu Tianping!
Lu Tianping is arrogant and arrogant, he thinks that he is the most powerful existence in the branch of the Xiao family, but he really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

The Xiao family branch has been developed for so many years, and there are always a lot of geniuses. Why is he put in the light? Is there really no one in the dark whose talent is comparable to Lu Tianping?

The facts are unclear, but Lu Tianping really thinks so, he even thinks that Lu Tianping will be the head of the Xiao family in the future!

When Lu Tianping left the customs this time, the strong members of the Xiao family could no longer suppress it, because they no longer cared about the affairs between the blood of the patriarch and the branches of the Xiao family, so Lu Tianping wanted to challenge Xiao Ye, and I have nothing to blame for defeating Xiao Ye. Never stop again.

It's a pity that Lu Tianping couldn't find Xiao Ye this time. Xiao Ye seemed to know that Lu Tianping was leaving the customs and hid on purpose.

In Xiao's castle, Xiao Jun gradually found the clues left by Xiao Zhan, and it didn't take long before he could truly untie him.

In another place, in a secret room made of silver-white metal, Grandpa Bai sat on the main seat, and below were Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing who were half kneeling on the ground, drinking tea.

This is the apprenticeship ceremony. This time, Grandpa Bai actually wants to join Xiao Bing in the family. So from today on, aren't Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing a brother and sister relationship?

Xiao Bing's expression was very excited. She had been waiting for this day for more than ten years. She pleaded bitterly, but Grandpa Bai was unmoved. Until today, Grandpa Bai offered to accept her as an apprentice.

Xiao Ye's expression was calm, and there was a hint of excitement in his heart. During the year in Zhengyuan Continent, he groped his way over by himself. Many times he wanted someone to guide him, but there was none.

Often because of his inexperience, he doesn't know how to walk the road ahead, and in the end he wants to break his head, or walks by mistake.

Now, if Grandpa Bai accepts him as an apprentice, Xiao Ye doesn't ask Grandpa Bai to teach him any supernatural powers, but only asks Grandpa Bai to give him pointers and unravel the fog in front of him when he is confused.

"Xiao Bing."

Grandpa Bai called out, and Xiao Bing stepped forward immediately: "I've seen Grandpa Bai."

"Forget the polite words. You haven't untied what the old man has set in your body for ten years. This is the reason why the old man accepts you as a disciple. But you also know that even if the old man accepts you as a disciple, there is no Patriarch. Under the premise of permission, you still can't leave Xiao's house, do you know this?"

Grandpa Bai's tone was serious. At this moment, the scene of accepting disciples was so solemn that there was no room for any blasphemy.

"Well, Bing'er knows." When Xiao Ye responded, there was a hint of reluctance in his eyes. It wasn't that he didn't want to join Grandpa Bai's family, but that he didn't want to stay in Xiao's family for the rest of his life.

She had already mentioned this to Xiao Ye, as long as Xiao Ye obtained Xiao Zhan's consent, Xiao Bing could leave the Xiao family.

"Okay! The old man will officially accept you as an apprentice today, and serve tea for the teacher!" Grandpa Bai's breath was very steady, long, continuous, as if it would never end, and it sounded full of aura.

Xiao Bing was overjoyed, and brought tea forward, and handed it to Grandpa Bai: "Master, please use tea."

"En." Grandpa Bai took the tea, drank it in one gulp, and with a flick of his fingers, a beam of energy entered Xiao Bing's forehead and disappeared without a trace.

"Master, what is this?" Xiao Bing didn't feel anything, he didn't know what Grandpa Bai counted on his forehead.

"No need to ask, from today onwards, you are the old man's apprentice, go down." Grandpa Bai didn't explain, and waved Xiao Bing to retreat.

"Xiao Ye." Grandpa Bai called again, and his eyes fell on Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye didn't dare to be negligent, and came forward with tea: "I have met Grandpa Bai."

"You don't need to talk nonsense, kid. The old man knows that you are a straight-forward person who says whatever you want. The old man accepted you as an apprentice because of your performance in the weightless space and the agreement between you and me, but since you want to If you are under the family, you must treat him sincerely. Serve me some tea."

Xiao Ye has not known Grandpa Bai for a long time, and even only met a few times. The two of them established a master-student relationship for an agreement. Grandpa Bai's opening remarks dispelled Xiao Ye's worries and reassured him. Be this apprentice.


Xiao Ye brought the tea to Grandpa Bai, who also drank it in one gulp.

The same method, the same trick, hit Xiao Ye's forehead. At that moment, Xiao Ye seemed to sense something, but soon this feeling disappeared without a trace.

"Huh?" At this moment, Grandpa Bai frowned, and said in surprise, "Boy, have you ever cultivated the soul?"

(End of this chapter)

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