god system

Chapter 318 Junior Brother!Junior sister!

Chapter 318 Junior Brother!Junior sister!
This question made Xiao Ye a little puzzled. When he was able to calculate the amount on his forehead, although Xiao Ye tried to investigate, he didn't see anything.

Besides, he remained calm on the surface and did not show any abnormality. Could it be that Grandpa Bai saw through all this in the end?
"This junior doesn't know too well, maybe he came into contact with it by accident." In Xiao Ye's cognition, the things cultivated in Uncle Wei's slaughterhouse should be related to soul cultivation. The dungeon should also be related to soul cultivation.

But these Xiao Ye will not tell Grandpa Bai, he can only answer so vaguely.

Why should Grandpa Bai be human? He has already seen through Xiao Ye's intentions. After all, with his strength, he has already seen that Xiao Ye's soul cultivation is no longer a day or two, and he even has some signs of getting started in the soul.

This kind of cultivation is not as simple as accidentally contacting him. From this point of view, I have underestimated this kid in front of me from the very beginning, and this apprentice has accepted him well.

Grandpa Bai's eyes rolled on Xiao Ye's body, but he didn't say what he was wearing. He waved Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing to back off.

"From today onwards, the two of you have joined this old man's school. You are the first and last batch of apprentices I accept. There are no rules for this old man. There is only one thing that you must abide by, that is, you must help each other, and you must not Killing each other, can it be done?"

Grandpa Bai's tone was high and serious.

Ordinary people accept apprentices, first of all they tell the disciples a lot of rules, what to do, what not to do.Grandpa Bai was no exception, but he didn't have too many scruples. The only requirement was that Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing should not kill each other.


Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing replied loudly, originally they were both disciples of the Xiao family, but now they are still brothers and sisters, how could they kill each other?

"Junior Sister, please take care of me in the future." Xiao Ye smiled at Xiao Bing.

"Bah! Who is your senior sister, I am your senior sister!" Xiao Bing refused to accept it, and said with the same smile: "Don't worry, junior brother, senior sister will take good care of you in the future!"

Xiao Ye: "..."

Judging by Xiao Bing's appearance, he should be two or three years younger than him. In terms of age, she should be his junior sister.Besides, Grandpa Bai promised to take Xiao Ye as his apprentice first, so she, Xiao Bing, is a latecomer, how can she be in this world?
"Boy, don't be dissatisfied. Let me ask you, who was the first to worship the teacher, who was the first to serve the tea, and whose tea was the master to drink first? Who was the first to be called the apprentice?"

Xiao Bing crossed his arms, talking to Xiao Ye almost in a questioning tone!It has to be said that what this girl said is somewhat reasonable, but it is absolutely impossible to want to be Xiao Ye's senior sister based on this.

Seeing that Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing would not let anyone else go, Grandpa Bai didn't say anything, and let Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing quarrel!
The two finally quarreled and the result was that no one would accept the other. Xiao Ye called Xiao Bing Junior Sister, and Xiao Bing called Xiao Ye Junior Brother. This kind of result made Grandpa Bai dumbfounded, but he never said anything to stop it.

In this way, the younger brother and younger sister were born!

"I accept you two as apprentices. There is no meeting ceremony, so I will teach you all the palms at this moment." Grandpa Bai finally got to the point, which Xiao Ye had been waiting for.

He didn't believe that as Grandpa Bai, he would accept disciples without teaching them anything.

"Master, isn't this palm method a low-level martial art in the world? High-level martial arts pay attention to grasping the key points, and then play it freely. If the palm method is changed to a method, wouldn't it become a low-level martial art?" ?”

There is something to learn, but Xiao Bing is still not satisfied, and even makes irresponsible remarks, as if he doesn't want to learn this exercise!

Grandpa Bai glanced at Xiao Bing, and reprimanded: "This old man's palm method is called Four-way Space Palm, do you want to learn it, girl?"

"Space palm?" Xiao Bing's eyes brightened, "I'll learn, I'll learn, hehehe!"

The space palm method is different from the ordinary palm method. The energy of the ordinary palm method is a direct attack, while the space palm method is the fusion of energy and space. Its power is astonishing, and the attack method is mysterious and unpredictable.

Xiao Ye looked puzzled. After all, he had never heard of space palms, or so far, he hadn't encountered any enemies that controlled space attacks.

"Boy, it seems that you don't really want to learn the old man's four-way space palm." Grandpa Bai's eyes fell on Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye was speechless, but he hadn't shown anything or spoken, so why did he not want to learn?This master is going to let Xiao Ye express that he really wants to learn, and then he will teach it as a matter of course.

Do all elders have this bad habit?

"Hehe! Master has supernatural powers. Is there any reason why disciples don't want to learn it? They are just afraid that they will not be able to master it immediately because of their dull aptitude. Please demonstrate it a few more times, master." Xiao Ye flattered.

"You are right. Although the old man's four-way space palm is not a real space palm, but a pseudo-space palm created by using powerful true energy, it is naturally not easy to learn it. After all, you are very familiar with space. Without the slightest comprehension, it is absolutely impossible to learn the real space palm technique."

Grandpa Bai said: "Now I can learn the four-way space palm of the old man. If you can master it well, you will have a great advantage in a leapfrog competition, let alone a competition at the same level. You have to study hard!"

As Grandpa Bai said, the zhenqi in his body rushed out of his body. The powerful zhenqi turned into blue mist and lingered around Grandpa Bai.

"The old man visualized the true energy, so that you can see clearly how the old man uses the true energy. Open your eyes, don't blink for the old man."

Grandpa Bai's genuine energy lingering around his body slowly turned, as if he had life, and he could clearly see every time he mobilized Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing.

They can feel that Grandpa Bai's zhenqi can easily blend into the space, become one with the space, and then release a powerful palm technique. That is the real space palm technique.

However, at this moment, Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing have no comprehension of space, they cannot comprehend the real space palm technique, they can only vaguely imitate the space palm technique, as long as they can use a little strength.

The zhenqi around Grandpa Bai began to rotate rapidly. It can be seen that Grandpa Bai's zhenqi turned into four balls, and began to rotate in four directions, front, back, left, and right. With the rotation of the four balls of real qi, the surrounding space gradually distorted. The energy seemed to pull the space, and after the four groups of energy respectively attracted a little space, they slammed into each other in front of him.

With this collision, the four kinds of energy directly moved the space, and the distorted space clearly swallowed the four groups of energies. After a while, a palm print appeared in the sky above the heads of Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing.

The palm prints were still a few feet high in the air, and the huge coercion had already made Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing breathless.


Suddenly, the palm print merged into the void and disappeared. The next moment, the earth shook, and a huge palm print appeared on the ground ten feet away, penetrating deep into the ground.

How did this palm print attack?Why is his power so strong?

Two doubts lingered in the minds of Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing, and they couldn't help but sit down cross-legged on the spot, thinking back to the scene when Grandpa Bai used the four-way space palm.

The four-way space palm does not have four palm techniques, but the four groups of energy soldiers are divided into four ways, which have different effects on the space, and then collide together at the same time, so that Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing, who cannot comprehend the space, can also Let the space and energy merge in a short time.

The fused palm wind appeared in the sky in a teleportation manner, and then launched an attack.

How did he appear in the sky?How did they attack?How did you condense it before?

There are too many doubts that have not been resolved, although Grandpa Bai's movements are already very slow, and the energy is all concrete, allowing Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing to see clearly.

But this way of palming is indeed a bit too complicated, and it doesn't mean that you can comprehend it after comprehending it.

"Boy, let's see if your comprehension ability is in all aspects. The old man's four-way space palm, Xiao Bing, I don't think it will be able to penetrate it without half a year. If you can comprehend it within three months, then Patriarch There is really a little hope for the bloodline."

Grandpa Bai stroked his beard and quietly disappeared into this space.

Only Xiao Bing and Xiao Ye, who closed their eyes and meditated, are left here. How much they can comprehend is a matter of the future, but this comprehension is very important.

It was the first time for them to see Grandpa Bai using the four-way space palm, and the first sensory comprehension, which is always the most critical step for a cultivator, and it is often the achievement of this step that determines where they will stop in the future.

Grandpa Bai knew Xiao Bing's talent well, so he had a rough calculation for Xiao Bing, and the time he gave Xiao Bing was half a year.

Xiao Ye's talent is in the weightless space. Grandpa Bai has seen it once, and it is indeed a monstrous existence, but that time alone does not explain anything, after all, everyone has a time when their character explodes.

So this is Grandpa Bai's second test. He is testing Xiao Ye's talent, so as to determine Xiao Ye's future achievements, and to make a plan to help Xiao Ye for his future achievements.

An old senior is an old senior. To accept an apprentice, he must see his apprentice clearly, give him an accurate position, and not ask Xiao Ye to surpass himself, but how can his apprentice be mediocre?
When Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing were practicing the four-way space palm, Xiao Jun in the cabinet armory already had a general direction for the clues left by Xiao Zhan. He slowly groped and walked towards the place where Xiao Zhan stayed that day. The place.

This kind of groping may take some time, but it is already a certainty.

In another place, Xiao Xiaojia was imprisoned in a hut in a certain space tree of the Xiao family branch. Food and drink are naturally indispensable. As for those who asked, although their attitudes were not very good, they did not dare to do anything to Xiao Xiaojia. .

But at this moment, Xiao Xiaojia is holding a scroll in his hand, which is green and looks quite new, but reveals a simple and simple atmosphere.

This is what Xiao Yi gave to Xiao Xiaojia that day, that is, what the Great Elder left behind and specifically told him to hand over to Xiao Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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