god system

Chapter 324 Jedi

Chapter 324 Jedi
The white shadows were neither human nor beasts, but two balls of white mud!
Their bodies stood upright on the ground, constantly twisting and deforming, one turned into Xiao Xiaojia's appearance, the other turned into Xiao Ye's appearance, and then the white body began to change color rapidly, and finally became exactly the same as the two of them.

Looking at the two people who are almost identical to themselves, Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye have entered the highest stage of security. The other party is not a human or a beast, but something they have never seen too much. When this thing appears in front of them, it will change. For their appearance, what do they want to do?
"Xiao Jia, let's leave marks in our bodies separately, so as not to mess up each other when we fight later." Xiao Ye immediately drove a mark into Xiao Xiaojia's body.

Xiao Xiaojia didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly left a mark on Xiao Ye's body.

Back to back, the two entered the best fighting state. Once the enemy made any changes, they would immediately launch a counterattack.

However, this appeared in front of the two of them and changed into mud that looked like the two of them. They did not launch an attack. Instead, they imitated Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye and took defensive postures, even their expressions were exactly the same.

Whatever Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia did, they learned what to do. This was to attack, and they were clearly teasing Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia.

Xiao Ye frowned, and with a snap of his fingers, two sword qi shot out.

This was Xiao Ye's temptation, and he wanted to see how the two balls of mud were going to deal with his own sword energy.

It turned out that one of the lumps of mud actually stretched out a finger imitating the blood, and ejected.

"Could it be..."

Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and the next moment, his sword energy dispersed the two lumps of mud, and the dispersed mud turned into mist, which floated back into the surrounding sea of ​​fog.

Xiao Ye couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He almost thought that if the mud turned into his appearance, he could also use his supernatural powers, which would be troublesome.

But the enemy was dealt with so easily, which also made Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye uneasy. If the enemy was so easy to deal with, then they would not appear in front of them openly.

Sure enough, white shadows appeared on the street in front of them, they were lumps of mud, and all of these muds turned into Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia's appearance. There were so many of them that they completely occupied the front passage.

A group of people exactly like myself blocked the way and kept learning their expressions and movements. This scene looked weird and made people feel indescribable.

The road ahead has been completely blocked, and the people who are blocking the road are exactly the same as themselves. They didn't launch an attack, they just kept imitating themselves there.

"Brother Xiao Ye, what should we do? Do you want to move on?"

Xiao Xiaojia was also confused. Is this mud an enemy?What is the purpose of them pretending to be themselves on the white jade road?
Without any clues, Xiao Ye couldn't analyze anything. This is the extradition space, and its weirdness is beyond imagination.

The mud that can transform itself into its own appearance is an unheard of existence. If such mud is placed outside, wouldn't it cause chaos in the world?
What to do next?
Xiao Ye was also a little hesitant for a while, he was a bit inexplicable when he entered this space, his sudden appearance and the theory of divine power inheritance came too fast.

Now Xiao Ye is already in the space, and he, who has no understanding of this space, encountered this strange mud.

In fact, Xiao Ye was still hesitating about where the road ahead would lead, and whether it was necessary to go. He just went to the exam when he got to the exam room. He kept moving forward with this idea in mind.

But now this space is really too weird, how do we go on the road ahead?
What are the identities of the clay figurines blocking the way, and where are they?What about other disciples?
For a moment, Xiao Ye was a little confused. This kind of confusion also surprised Xiao Ye, and he immediately woke up!
When he woke up, Xiao Ye couldn't help wiping off his cold sweat, and when he looked at those clay figurines again, Xiao Ye suddenly had an understanding in his heart.These clay figurines are here to influence my mood, not to attack, this is a test.

Do clay figurines really exist?Are they not hallucinations?If they can really imitate themselves freely, why have no attack power?Can he kill them easily with a single sword qi of his own?

Thinking in his heart, Xiao Ye pulled Xiao Xiaojia, and suddenly stepped forward, walking directly towards the clay figurine.At this moment, he actually gave up defense and attack, but just walked towards the clay figurine.

"Brother Xiao Ye..." Xiao Xiaojia called out, she didn't know what Xiao Ye was going to do, and Xiao Xiaojia's staff was already shining brightly, ready to attack.

"Xiao Jia, put away the staff. This is the space left by our ancestor of the Xiao family, he will not harm us." Xiao Ye transmitted the voice to Xiao Xiaojia. If this space is really left by the ancestor of the Xiao family, then it will not hurt us. They are descendants of the Xiao family.

Even if it wasn't an accident, Xiao Ye is confident that he won't be instantly killed by a single move. As long as he doesn't, the little red potion can restore him to his peak. He has nothing to be afraid of.

Xiao Xiaojia didn't know what Xiao Ye was thinking, but since Xiao Ye said it, she did it, it was so simple.

Xiao Xiaojia put away her staff and withdrew all her aura. Once a healer gave up attacking, her defense would be almost zero!This is absolute trust in Xiao Ye, almost handing over his life to Xiao Ye.

In front of them are clay figurines who keep imitating Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia. Their expressions are vivid, and they are exactly the same as Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia. If they want to kill such clay figurines, to be honest, Xiao Ye is really guilty, and he even suspects that it is himself. kill yourself!
At this moment, he didn't launch an attack, nor did he communicate any words, just walked all the way to the clay figurine.

Regarding the arrival of Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia, the clay people did not show any surprises, nor did they show any other extreme behavior. They still blocked the road, doing their own imitation actions.

The distance between the two nearest clay figurines was less than a foot, but Xiao Ye still didn't stop, and stepped over.

This stride actually passed directly through the body of the clay figurine, and even Xiao Ye couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief the moment it passed.

He thought this was an illusion, but after passing through the clay figurines, he turned around and found that the clay figurines behind him were still there, and the clay figurines in front of him had not disappeared either.


Xiao Ye frowned deeply. If everything in front of him was an illusion, then the moment he passed through the clay figurine, the illusion should be dispelled. Why didn't the clay figurine disappear?
If it wasn't an illusion, how did he pass through the clay figurine?

Just when Xiao Ye was puzzled, all the clay figurines in front of him and behind him suddenly exploded and turned into mist, and then the mist rolled and condensed into countless sword qi, flying non-stop on the road ahead, blocking the way again.

This time it wasn't clay figurines that blocked the way, but flying sword aura. Once someone was hit by that overwhelming sword aura, they would be killed almost instantly.

Even Xiao Ye might not have time to take the Little Red Potion.

The sword energy transformed by the clay figurines, are they aggressive?

Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia couldn't be sure, but at this time, Xiao Ye also condensed a sword energy, which broke through the air and merged into the sword energy in front of him, and the sword energy was cut into pieces in an instant.

"What a strong attack power!" Xiao Ye's face paled slightly, and before he could reach it, the sword energy transformed into clay figurines was not only extremely large, but also had super strong attack power. Unable to move forward.

Going forward, if you encounter Jianwang, it seems that you can only die.

There was no way out, only the fog billowing on both sides, Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia seemed to be in a desperate situation.

"Brother Xiao Ye, what should we do?" Xiao Xiaojia had forgotten that this was the first time she asked such a question. After entering this space, everything was out of Xiao Xiaojia's control, and the only person she could rely on was Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye shook his head: "There is no way to go, the rolling fog on the left and right sides is the only option we can choose. But the rolling fog doesn't even have a way, let alone going."

As Xiao Ye said, a sword energy struck into the fog on the left side. After the sword energy entered, there was no sound. It is conceivable that the sword energy did not know where it hit, and there was no one under the fog. of the road.

It was another sword qi, this time it hit the fog on the right side, the same as before, the fog disappeared, and there was no road on the right side.In other words, the place Xiao Ye and the others were in had only one path of pure white jade under their feet.

And in the rolling fog behind this road, there is no way to go, only the road ahead blocked by sword energy.As for flying into the sky, as I said before, there is an air restriction, so Xiao Ye can't fly either.

Front, back, left, and right are already dead ends, and this place has become a dead end.

A desperate situation, does it mean that Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia have no chance to inherit the divine power?

"Perhaps it is."

Xiao Ye sighed, he was not persistent in inheritance of divine power, he just wanted to help Xiao Jun, but now that he was trapped in a desperate situation, Xiao Ye was helpless.

Now that the matter was over, Xiao Ye sat down cross-legged on the spot, and did not move any more.

"Xiao Jia, from now on, if there are no other accidents, we will stay here and wait for the inheritance of divine power to end."

Xiao Ye had already made a decision, and they just waited here.

Of course, Xiao Xiaojia didn't have any of this, but Xiao Xiaojia still had a scroll handed to her with a smile on her body, and she didn't want to hand this scroll to Xiao Ye all the time, so that Xiao Ye could study it.

It's just that so far, it seems that the time has not been waited.

At this point, Xiao Xiaojia also sat down cross-legged with Xiao Ye, and waited quietly in place. Faced with this desperate situation, even Xiao Ye has no way to solve it, let alone Xiao Xiaojia?
So he could only imitate Xiao Ye and wait here. By now, Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia were stuck in place.

(End of this chapter)

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