god system

Chapter 325 The Great Elder

Chapter 325 The Great Elder

While Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye were stuck in place, on the other way, Lu Tianping broke through from a certain place and entered the inside of the stone tower!
Inside the stone pagoda, there are also many tests. If you want to inherit the divine power, you must break through these many tests!Lu Tianping is currently the fastest. It seems that he is also very destined in this space, and the journey has been relatively smooth.

But he still felt uneasy because he didn't see Xiao Ye.

It's funny, if he sees Xiao Ye at his speed, doesn't it mean that Xiao Ye is going hand in hand with him?But without seeing Xiao Ye, Lu Tianping couldn't feel at ease.

Because Xiao Ye created too many accidents, and now I can't see Xiao Ye, is Xiao Ye in front of him or behind him?
The chance of being in front of him is obviously very small, but the stone tower is too weird, it seems that the space and test that each disciple enters is different.

Who knows what Xiao Ye has experienced, and how is it different from him?
Inside the stone tower, the situation is changing, and strength is not king. From Xiao Ye being trapped in a desperate situation, it can be seen that the inheritance of divine power in the extradition space does not depend on strength alone.

But at the peak of the Xiao family at this moment, the strong members of the Xiao family branch are still excited, and the strong members of the Xiao family are no exception. They are all waiting for a piece of news, that is, who has obtained the inheritance of divine power from the extradition space.

Those who have been passed down by the ancestors will undoubtedly be the next Patriarch, whether it is a branch or a water, they must be convinced by this Patriarch.

Because he was so excited that no one even noticed, a figure quietly returned to the mountain. This figure was none other than the Great Elder who had been missing for a long time.

The first thing the Great Elder did when he returned to the mountain peak was to come to Xiao Qin's courtyard and find Xiao Yi.

"Oh? You said the scroll was taken by Xiao Xiaojia? Xiao Ye is back?" When the First Elder got the news from Xiao Yi, he couldn't help being deeply shocked.

"Originally, the old man came back to make better arrangements to rescue Xiao Jun. Unexpectedly, Xiao Jun escaped before all the plans started. I'm afraid this matter has something to do with Xiao Ye."

The Great Elder muttered to himself: "This kid Xiao Ye went to the Ziyun Sect, and he wanted Xiao Jun to send him to Dongluo City, so as not to be killed during the implementation of the plan. I never thought that this kid would be so bold. He came back, and made a lot of noise, disrupting the whole plan, but fortunately, the general direction is not wrong."

Xiao Yi couldn't understand the so-called plan that the Great Elder said, and he didn't want to hear it. For Xiao Yi, he cared about the truth about Xiao Qin's death.

"Father, is my son's death related to the Demon Sect?" Finally, Xiao Yi asked.

The Great Elder's complexion immediately changed, and he became cold: "Didn't the old man tell you not to continue to investigate? This is not something you have a hand in. Don't ask the same question again in the future."

Seeing the Great Elder's behavior like this, Xiao Yi already knew it, and it seemed that what Xiao Xiaojia said that day was true.

"Is this the kind of news that made you hand over the scroll to Xiao Xiaojia?" The Great Elder changed his mind, and seemed to hear something from it, and immediately narrowed his eyes, with a serious look in his eyes.

The Great Elder told Xiao Yi to hand over the scroll to Xiao Jun, but in the end the scroll fell into Xiao Xiaojia's hands. Undoubtedly, Xiao Xiaojia asked Xiao Yi to hand over the scroll.

"Father, I really did this matter. Whether it's right or wrong, it's all for Qin'er! I'm just such a son, don't I even have the right to know the truth? You don't matter if you hit me or scold me, whatever you do If I did it, I did it, and I accept the punishment!"

After Xiao Yi got the answer from the First Elder's attitude, his wish was fulfilled. Xiao Yi had no opinion on what the First Elder should do next.He looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, so he really had nothing to worry about.

Looking at his son's appearance, the stern elder could not help but feel sad, maybe he is too demanding of his son.

"That's all! Things have come to this point, maybe it's another good change. It's just that the scroll didn't fall into Xiao Jun's hands in the end, which caused the door of space to open wildly. Entering that world, I don't know what will happen in the end."

The Great Elder no longer pursued the matter of Xiao Yi, and now what he wanted to see was the final result.

"Father, is this extradition of space true or false? The inheritance of divine power left by the ancestors has long been rumored in the Xiao family. Will it really appear in this form?"

The Great Elder didn't blame him, which made Xiao Yi feel warm in his heart. Xiao Qin was dead, so he could only focus on the reality, extradition of space and inheritance of divine power, all disciples of the Xiao family were interested.

Regarding this question, the Great Elder did not answer, but narrowed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

In fact, all of this was planned by Xiao Zhan. Even the First Elder didn't know what Xiao Zhan was going to do, but the First Elder absolutely believed in Xiao Zhan.

"It depends on the outcome of the matter. It's still too early to draw a conclusion." The elder's words seemed to have some kind of deep meaning, but it was not something that could be understood with a smile.

"What about the Patriarch? Where is he now? Is he really missing?" Xiao Yi couldn't help but wonder again.

"You don't need to ask more about this, because even the old man doesn't know the current whereabouts of the Patriarch! The Patriarch is unpredictable. With the Patriarch's bloodline so declining, all he does is to revitalize the Patriarch's bloodline and restore the Xiao family. peak."

The Great Elder said, and couldn't help sighing: "It's a pity that the Patriarch's internal injuries are limited, and he can no longer do this. In addition, his injuries have worsened over the years. He knows that his lifespan is coming to an end, and he has some things to do, so He is arranging the affairs of the Xiao family this time, and he himself may have used the rest of his life to deal with the last thing in his life."

"The last thing in life? What did father say?" Xiao Yi was puzzled. Is there anything more important than revitalizing the Xiao family?
Speaking of this, the Great Elder became silent, and only sighed after a long time: "The secret of the Patriarch, few people in this world know, in short, you must know that the Patriarch is never as simple as it seems on the surface, even the Xiao family is extremely strong. Everyone is convinced by him, and many Xiao family branches dare not make mistakes, his ability is beyond your imagination. What happened to him, the old man does not know."

As the head of the Xiao family, Xiao Zhan is extremely mysterious. In the Xiao family, no matter whether it is the strongest of the Xiao family or the branches of the Xiao family, everyone admires Xiao Zhan. This is a consensus.

Even if Xiao Zhan disappeared, the Xiao family branch would not dare to mess around, that was the role played by Xiao Zhan Yuwei.

"But I have been in the Xiao family for so many years, and I have never heard of the special status of the Patriarch. I only know that everyone is convinced of the Patriarch, but why they are so convinced, and how the Patriarch shook the branch of the Xiao Family. I have never heard of these. What secrets are hidden in it?"

Xiao Yi was really puzzled, and this was also the doubt of most of the Xiao family's disciples, because they really hadn't heard much about Xiao Zhan's rumors. They only heard that many bigwigs in the Xiao family were convinced by Xiao Zhan and never Talk about something else.

Even if Xiao Yi is the son of the Great Elder, he still doesn't know anything so far.

"Son, you only need to know one thing! In the past, the Patriarch only threw one punch, and all the strongest members of the Xiao family were defeated, without exception!"

Today, I don't know what kind of wind is blowing, the first elder mentioned Xiao Zhan's matter unprecedentedly, although it was rare, it was just about one punch, but it was enough to make Xiao Yi pale in shock.

Just one punch!Defeated all the strong Xiao family?How can this be?How old is Xiao Zhan?And in the past, did he really have such heaven-defying supernatural powers?

"I don't need to ask the specifics. Even the old man is not very clear. In general, the master's supernatural powers are not something you and I can speculate. It's just that the master's body has been affected by injuries in these years, and he has already lost much of his cultivation. , I’m afraid I’ve already died no less than nine times.”

When Xiao Zhan was mentioned, the First Elder couldn't help being amazed. In fact, the First Elder didn't know about Xiao Zhan's supernatural powers before. The little news he knew came from this cooperation with Xiao Zhan.

Even the Great Elder was amazed by the existence, let alone Xiao Yi?

At this moment, both father and son are full of curiosity about Xiao Zhan, and there are also many disciples of the Xiao family who are also full of curiosity about Xiao Zhan.

The extradition space, the top of the stone pagoda, is a completely enclosed secret room. There is only one person in the secret room, and that is Xiao Jun.

At this moment, Xiao Jun was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Above his head, there was an endless array of formations, and the majestic power was transmitted into Xiao Jun's body through the formation.

At the same time, Xiao Zhan's voice rang in Xiao Jun's mind: "Jun'er, my father has been injured for several years, and my strength is undoubtedly born, but my cultivation has never stopped. I sealed the cultivation gains in the formation for my father. What can I do for myself? Unable to absorb it, I decided to hand it all over to you!"

"Weifu is in this space, and he will leave after finishing this last thing. From now on, the Xiao family will be handed over to you. You have to do what Weifu said!"

"This space is not left by the ancestors, but I designed it earlier to make all the disciples think that this is the extradition space, with the inheritance of divine power, and your skyrocketing strength is the inheritance of divine power. In this way, With the theory of divine power inheritance, plus the power left to you by your father, it is not a problem to temporarily shock the Xiao family."

"In the future, you will work hard to cultivate, and when you reach your consummation, you will unify the Xiao family and fulfill your father's unfinished wish."

"There is not much time left in my father's life. There are still some things that my father must do. My father has also sealed some information in your body. When you reach your strength, you will naturally know what to do for your father. As for now, You can practice with peace of mind."

"Okay! That's all there is for Father to say to you. You have to keep it in your heart and do it well. Ye'er also came to the space created for Father. It just so happens that Father still has time to say goodbye to him. Just remember, no matter how high your cultivation level is in the future, if you don’t long for brotherhood, you must help Ye’er well. As for your elder brother, you don’t need to worry about it.”

(End of this chapter)

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