god system

Chapter 326 Xiao Zhan's Game

Chapter 326 Xiao Zhan's Game
When Xiao Jun came to this world, he was directly teleported to the top of the stone tower and received the energy of the formation!

At this moment, Xiao Zhan's voice sounded in his mind, not because Xiao Zhan left it before, but because Xiao Zhan himself was in this place. It turned out that the missing Xiao Zhan was in this space, no wonder no one could find him.

This space is not an extradition space, and there is no inheritance of divine power, and some are just Xiao Zhan's layout.

Xiao Zhan is well aware of the Xiao family's legend about the extradition space and the inheritance of divine power, so a long time ago, he began to amplify this legend to make it more real.

And he himself started to create such a space, making him look like an extradition space, like the existence of divine power, and the mask and formation of the mountain, etc., were all created by Xiao Zhan.

For this day, Xiao Zhan's layout has not been a year or half a year. Surprisingly, no one has discovered Xiao Zhan's layout for so many years.

Now Xiao Zhan has started everything. Although there were some accidents on the way, Xiao Ye joined in and brought so many other disciples of the Xiao family, but it didn't affect anything.

In Xiao Zhan's plan, the sole purpose of letting Xiao Jun come to this space alone is to allow Xiao Jun to absorb power quietly, and then he has another plan to let everyone know that Xiao Jun has obtained the inheritance of divine power.

Although there are a large number of disciples pouring in now, it also saves subsequent plans, because the strong members of the Xiao family have naturally thought that this is the space for extradition!
This saves Xiao Zhan the next steps, and what Xiao Zhan has to do is to block everyone's way in this space, so that they cannot reach the top of the stone tower. The most difficult thing in this is of course Lu Tianping!
A mere Lu Tianping, Xiao Zhan may not take it seriously, but at the beginning of the layout of this space, it was originally unable to stop a strong man of the King Wu level, and if Xiao Zhan made a forceful move, he would be discovered by Lu Tianping. At that time, in order not to let the matter come to light, Xiao Zhan had no choice but to kill and silence.

In short, all these are trivial matters. After Xiao Zhan told Xiao Jun the truth and entrusted him with everything, before Xiao Jun could speak, Xiao Zhan's voice had completely disappeared.

Xiao Jun had too many questions to ask in his mind, he wanted to ask Xiao Zhan why he did that, and why he passed on his energy?And where is he going next?
Xiao Jun didn't know that although Xiao Zhan had always thought of everything, what he left for his children was always good.Xiao Zhan would never say anything about himself, he didn't want his children to be troubled by his own affairs.

In other words, with the strength of my own child, I don't have the qualifications to worry!

In his mouth, he wanted Xiao Jun to take care of Xiao Ye, but ignored Xiao Ding. It wasn't that he didn't love Xiao Ding, but that Xiao Zhan knew that Xiao Ding's future achievements would not be lower than Xiao Jun's.

Among the three children, the one Xiao Zhan couldn't understand was Xiao Ding. It wasn't Xiao Ding's weird personality, but the terrifying talent in Xiao Ding's body, which was somewhat similar to his childhood self.

Xiao Zhan left, leaving Xiao Jun alone to absorb the energy left by Xiao Zhan. This energy is very strong. Even if Xiao Jun deliberately cultivated his dantian according to Xiao Zhan's instructions since childhood, it would take a while to absorb this energy.

Now Xiao Jun can only absorb part of it, and the rest will be sealed in his dantian and unsealed slowly.In the future, Xiao Jun's talent will become stronger and stronger, and his strength will grow at a terrifying speed.

Xiao Jun's future strength is doomed!
Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia were still trapped in the Jedi, neither of them moved, nor did they move the scroll!

But at this moment, Xiao Xiaojia's body trembled, and the scroll flew out involuntarily, floating into the void, a big hand tore through the void, and grabbed the scroll in his hand, and then a middle-aged man appeared with a smile on his face In front of Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia.


Xiao Ye stood up with great joy, and Xiao Zhan, whom he had been looking for all along, appeared in front of him. Although he looked a little older, his life was finally not in danger.

"Ye'er, follow me." Xiao Zhan waved his hand and took Xiao Ye away from this place, leaving Xiao Xiaojia alone.

The sudden appearance of Xiao Zhan also surprised Xiao Xiaojia a bit. Why did Xiao Zhan appear in this extradition space?

Xiao Zhan will not tell Xiao Xiaojia, because it is impossible for Xiao Zhan to believe Xiao Xiaojia.

Somewhere in the stone pagoda, Xiao Ye and Xiao Zhan appeared here. Facing the reappearance of Xiao Zhan, Xiao Ye had countless questions in his heart, but at this moment, he didn't ask them, because when Xiao Zhan appeared in front of him, , he knew that all of this was indeed Xiao Zhan's game.

This is a dead end, and the Xiao family branch will fall into it no matter what. Using the inheritance of the ancestors of the Xiao family's divine power to continue to suppress the Xiao family branch, this move is too unique, and there is no possibility of breaking it.

However, setting up this situation also means that Xiao Zhan wants to hand over the affairs of the Xiao family to others, and that is because Xiao Zhan's internal injuries are too serious, and he is already powerless.

If Xiao Ye gave Xiao Zhan a bottle of Little Red Potion, would Xiao Zhan be able to recover?
"Ye Er, your strength is good."

When we met again, Xiao Zhan didn't say anything to greet you. On the contrary, after these words, a majestic coercion broke out from Xiao Zhan and landed on Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye felt like he was carrying a big mountain and couldn't move his body.

Being unable to move does not mean unable to bear it. With Xiao Ye's strength and body, it is not a problem to withstand this pressure.

Xiao Zhan thought that Xiao Ye would at least show pain when he put pressure on him for the first time, but the bastard in front of him actually smiled at him and withstood the pressure.

Undoubtedly, Xiao Zhan began to apply pressure, and each layer of pressure increased, making Xiao Ye's shoulders a bit heavier.

With this kind of pressure, although there is a limit, if you want to crush Xiao Ye for a while, then don't even think about it.

"Boy, you're in good health. It's a good material for my Xiao family to carry on the family line."

Xiao Zhan's words almost made Xiao Ye vomit blood. Is this testing his own strength, or his ability to carry on the family line?

"Father, this elixir is good for your health, please accept it."

Under tremendous pressure, Xiao Ye stretched out his hand reluctantly, and handed Xiao Xuming Pill to Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan never imagined that under such great pressure from himself, Xiao Ye could not only laugh, but also move. No matter what the pill was, this strength was enough to amaze Xiao Zhan.

Among the three sons, Xiao Zhan has always been most worried about Xiao Ye. After all, Xiao Ye has no talent since he was a child, and he is not very scheming in dealing with others. Living in the Xiao family is still the blood of the head of the family. Such a Xiao Ye is very dangerous.

Xiao Ye had been living in Ziyun Sect for less than a year, and when he met again, not only his strength had risen to a terrifying level, but his temperament seemed to have changed as well.

Could it be that the Purple Cloud Sect, one of the five great sects, is really so miraculous?

Xiao Zhan took Xiao Ye's elixir, and for his son's filial piety, he naturally accepted it with a smile. Although he knew that the elixir had no effect, he still accepted it with a smile, and directly stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it.

With this swallow, the pressure Xiao Zhan exerted on Xiao Ye unexpectedly rose sharply, almost five times as much!
The sudden pressure was no longer something Xiao Ye could bear. He fell to the ground with a bang, only feeling that his body was firmly pressed to the ground by the mountain, unable to move anymore, and even his body began to twitch.


Xiao Zhan was shocked, and quickly withdrew his coercion, only then did he realize that his vitality, which was about to end, had increased a bit.

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but be surprised, he had tried countless pills and methods, but his body didn't get better, and he kept developing to a bad place. Today, Xiao Ye is just a pill, which actually increased his vitality a little bit. point.

What is this elixir?
"Complete the task, get a bottle of Zhongzheng Qi water, a scroll of meditation, and the title of a fledgling."

"Equip the title of fledgling, the attack will increase by [-]%, and the speed will increase by [-]%. Do you want to equip it?"

When Xiao Zhan was shocked, Xiao Ye finally completed the task and won the title of "Fresher". This is the first title he has won. In the game, this increases attributes. In Zhengyuan Continent, his attack and speed increase.

The stronger the attack power and the faster the speed, the greater the increase in the title.

Just now when he suddenly received a huge pressure, Xiao Ye's body has already been damaged, and he doesn't even have the strength to stand up. Now, after equipping the title of "Freshman", he dare not say that he will be alive and well immediately, at least he can barely stand up.

The importance of a title to Xiao Ye is self-evident, and it can help Xiao Ye win the battle.It is precisely because of the powerful title that Xiao Ye has always wanted to complete this task.

The title has been obtained, and the next task is completed.

"Ye'er, where did you get this elixir and what's its name?"

Xiao Zhan has benefited. For him, although this elixir is not life-saving, it can prolong Xiao Zhan's life. For Xiao Zhan, this is already very important.

The first answer Xiao Ye thought of was that the elixir was taken from Ziyunzong, and the name was Xiaoxuanming Pill.But after thinking about it again, with Xiao Zhan's ability, he might be able to sneak into the Purple Cloud Sect and try his best to find the elixir.

It is not wise to waste Xiao Zhan's time knowing that there is no Purple Cloud Sect. If something happens to Xiao Zhan, Xiao Ye will regret it for the rest of his life.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to say that the elixir is in the Purple Cloud Sect. As for the true source of the elixir, Xiao Ye will never say it!

If he wants to come up with any reason, such as where to find something, Xiao Zhan will definitely ask the specific situation in order to get it again.

Therefore, Xiao Ye thought about this question for a while before answering: "When I was in Ziyunzong, I met a master of alchemy by chance. When I first met this senior, he dressed up like ordinary people, just to please I asked for a bowl of water, and I just gave it, and then the senior gave me this elixir, saying that it can bring the dead back to life when it is important."

Xiao Ye's ability to fabricate lies may not be strong, but he said all this very seriously, as if it really happened.

(End of this chapter)

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