god system

Chapter 327 The Man Who Played With The Xiao Family

Chapter 327 The Man Who Played With The Xiao Family
"A master of alchemy dressed up by ordinary people?" Xiao Zhan frowned, searching through the information in his mind, but he couldn't find such a master of alchemy.

Besides, this elixir is so precious, would you really give it to Xiao Ye just for a bowl of water?
Looking at Xiao Ye's appearance, it didn't look like he was lying, and he didn't have any reason to lie to himself. Could it be that this was really a blessing from God, just this one time?

"By the way, father, the senior gave the junior a bottle of potion, you try it." Xiao Ye rolled his eyes, and while Xiao Zhan was thinking, he took out a bottle of little red potion and handed it to Xiao Ye.

Hearing that it was the product of that weird alchemist, Xiao Zhan's eyes lit up immediately, he stopped thinking for a while, and took the little red potion.

"Generally speaking, the purpose of refining elixir is to better combine the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials. The elixir should be the most effective medicine. The potion is not as effective as the elixir, but because it is easy to refine, many people prepare it. .According to what you said, that senior is a master of alchemy, so he shouldn't be able to make potions. If he really made this potion, it must have been done when he was young."

With the potion in his hand, Xiao Zhan had a lot of analysis before he even opened it, which sounded very reasonable.

Regarding this, Xiao Ye could only smile wryly in his heart, it seems that Xiao Zhan, like himself, is also a person who likes to analyze, and his analytical ability is extremely strong.

Xiao Zhan opened the bottle, sniffed the little red potion, and then frowned: "The smell of the potion is usually unpleasant, because the properties of the medicine have not been refined, so the smell of the medicinal material is very strong. However, this potion has no peculiar smell, and there is no any characteristic of the potion."

Although Xiao Zhan doesn't make alchemy or dispense medicine, he doesn't lack in knowledge at all, and his analysis is very reasonable.

The little red potion was not like a potion, but Xiao Zhan didn't doubt it, he drank the little red potion anyway.

The potion was given by Xiao Ye, he believed that his son would not harm him.

Xiao Ye also paid close attention to the process of Xiao Zhan drinking the little red potion. He wanted to see if the little red potion could completely cure Xiao Zhan.

If Xiao Zhan can be cured, then Xiao Ye will also have a good look. What kind of supernatural power does Xiao Zhan have, which can shock the branches of the Xiao family and the strongest of the Xiao family at the same time?
Xiao Zhan drank the little red potion, and his complexion began to change accordingly.

Xiao Ye couldn't read anything from Xiao Zhan's expression, because Xiao Zhan's expression was neither excited nor disappointed, he seemed to have gained something, but he seemed to have gained nothing.

Xiao Ye didn't urge him. After waiting for a long time, Xiao Zhan's eyes fell on Xiao Ye. At this moment, his eyes were a little dignified: "Ye'er, who is the senior you know? Do you still have this potion? "

Xiao Zhan asked very seriously, as if it was a big deal.

"It worked?" Xiao Ye was delighted.

"No! He didn't cure my injury, but he suppressed it very well! It allows me to display one-tenth of my strength for a while!"

Xiao Zhan was incomparably shocked. The little continuation pill before increased his lifespan, and the little red potion at this moment has suppressed the injuries in his body a lot. Although he is still not at the peak at this moment, he is still far away from the peak. , but compared to before his disappearance, his condition is better than 01:30.

I have tried countless methods and found countless medicinal pills. In the end, the only one who could suppress Xiao Zhan's injury was a doctor. Although this doctor has some abilities, he is still far from a real alchemist. It happened that his special ability suppressed Xiao Zhan's injury.

For Xiao Zhan, Dr. Ma gave him a longer life, and for Xiao Zhan, Dr. Ma is his very important friend.

So Xiao Zhan was also very kind to Dr. Ma on weekdays. He didn't even expect that the Xiao family branch would take action against Dr. Ma, and even almost killed Dr. Ma.

If Dr. Ma died because of this, Xiao Zhan would blame himself for life.

But at this moment, Xiao Zhan found the potion to suppress his injury again, and it was more effective than ever. Not only did it not cause any pain, but the suppression effect was the strongest ever.

How could Xiao Zhan not be excited?The time to live is longer, and the potion to suppress the injury has also been found. For Xiao Zhan, this is one of the most important things in life.

No matter which senior expert Xiao Ye met, as long as there were more such pills and potions, Xiao Zhan would be very likely.Even if he finds an alchemy master, Xiao Zhan's chances of recovery will be even greater.

"there is no more of this."

If possible, Xiao Ye would certainly not be stingy to give Xiao Zhan some more Little Red Potion, but the appearance of the Little Renewing Pill and the Little Red Potion has already made Xiao Zhan suspicious. If Xiao Ye takes out the Little Red Potion again, then Xiao Zhan I will definitely not believe the lies of the alchemy seniors.

Then Xiao Ye couldn't explain it next, and couldn't hide the matter of the divine outfit system.

Even if it was Xiao Zhan, it was impossible for Xiao Ye to tell him about this unless he stood at the pinnacle of this continent.

"there is none left?"

Xiao Zhan sighed, casually relieved: "That's right, a bowl of water in exchange for a pill and a bottle of potion is already a great opportunity for Xiao Ye, even if there is such a heaven-defying thing, , nor could it be on Xiao Ye.

"Ye'er, this opportunity was supposed to be yours. Pills and potions may have given you a second life, but now they are given to me." Xiao Zhan breathed out: "As a father, I hand over the entire Xiao family to you." I gave it to Jun’er, but I didn’t leave you anything.”

"Father's words are wrong. Back then I stole the nine heads, you bastard. Father must have paid a huge price to keep me, right?"

What Xiao Ye said dazzlingly was very sentimental. In fact, he didn't understand the situation at all about the Jiuyou Soul Suppressing Pill, and Xiao Zhan was not the one who rescued him. So that Xiao Zhan could accept the pills and potions as a matter of course.

Xiao Zhan shook his head and smiled: "You have matured. Among the three sons, I was the one who worried about you the most. Now it seems that I have been wrong all along. My son, Xiao Zhan, is not trash!"

Xiao Zhan felt very proud at this time. The bloodline of the family head that has declined, in his generation, only a single pass is left. He himself is very upbeat, and his three sons are also very upbeat. What can be more proud of in life?
"Father, does your appearance this time mean that you set up the game here? What are you going to do next?" Xiao Ye changed the subject, everything in the Xiao family was arranged by Xiao Zhan, so now, since Xiao Zhan appeared, it should be time to break the game, right?
"I will leave temporarily." Xiao Zhan said with a helpless smile: "From now on, everything in the Xiao family will be handed over to Jun'er, and he can do a good job with his ability. You, who I was most worried about at first, don't need you now. Don't worry, I can leave in peace."

"Go? Where are you going?" Xiao Ye was taken aback. Since Xiao Zhan had tried his best to set up this situation, why was he in such a hurry to leave?

"Hehe! Ye'er, for my father and the Xiao family's life, there are many things in my body that I have no time to deal with. I thought that my life was coming to an end, so I was selfish at the last moment. I don't want to have an accident in the plan, but that's okay, I can I have more time to complete him! For this reason, I can no longer take care of you brothers for the time being, and take good care of myself."

There are too many secrets about Xiao Zhan that no one knows, even the current Xiao Ye doesn't know Xiao Zhan at all. It can be said that no one can see through him except Xiao Zhan himself.

"Private business?"

Xiao Ye frowned, Xiao Zhan spent his whole life for the Xiao family, in Xiao Ye's eyes, the Xiao family should be what Xiao Zhan cares about the most, but now it seems that Xiao Zhan has to do his own in the last time private matter.

From this point of view, it's not that Xiao Zhan doesn't care about personal affairs, it's just that the affairs of the Xiao family have been on his shoulders for too long. If he gives up, the entire Xiao family will be destroyed.

So he didn't give up, until he really ran out of time, Xiao Zhan just set up the overall situation, handed over the burden to Xiao Jun, and then went to do his own thing.

According to Xiao Zhan's estimation, it seems that his remaining vitality can't do much, but he still has to do it. Until now, Xiao Ye gave him a longer survival time.

Xiao Zhan's life has rekindled hope. The affairs of the Xiao family are completely handed over to Xiao Jun, and he still has enough time to deal with private affairs. For Xiao Zhan, this may be a compensation from God.

To compensate him for everything he sacrificed for the Xiao family over the years, but Xiao Ye didn't know what this private matter was, and Xiao Zhan didn't tell him what it meant.

"How long will it take?" Xiao Ye didn't ask specifically what the private matter was, but asked how long it would take.

"I don't know." Regarding this, Xiao Zhan shook his head: "Maybe it is impossible to solve this matter at all, but anyway, I will do it. When Jun'er learns something in the future, you will know how to do it for your father." What. If I can't finish it, Father also hopes that you will do it for Father and for yourselves when you have the ability!"

Xiao Zhan's words made Xiao Ye completely confused. Xiao Zhan was able to set up such a big game. Xiao Zhan's ability is beyond doubt. Even the Xiao family, the strongest ancient clan in the Zhengyuan Continent, was played and applauded by Xiao Zhan. Is there anything that the man in front of him can't do that can make him so unconfident?

Xiao Zhan's attitude is no longer simply a lack of confidence. For what Xiao Zhan is about to do, it seems that Xiao Zhan has an attitude of seeing death as home.

If so, then what Xiao Zhan has to do must be as difficult as heaven, and extremely dangerous.

Xiao Zhan can do this kind of thing by himself, why would he say that after his death, let the capable Xiao Jun, Xiao Ding and even Xiao Ye do it?

What Xiao Zhan can't do, can they do it?Didn't this tell Xiao Ye and the others to die?

Although Xiao Ye didn't know Xiao Zhan very well, he could sense that Xiao Zhan was not the kind of father who knew there was danger but let them take risks.

But Xiao Zhan's words at the moment really mean this, so what is the private matter he said to do, and why is it more important than the lives of the three of Xiao Ye?
I don't know when, Xiao Ye has completely regarded himself as Xiao Zhan's son. Regarding this matter, he can't help thinking and guessing deeply, but it is a pity that Xiao Zhan will not disclose any information to him, and he can't analyze it himself. So come here.

(End of this chapter)

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