god system

Chapter 339 The Calm Housekeeper

Chapter 339 The Calm Housekeeper

The white-haired old man has always been worried about the Xiao family of the ancient family, because the Xiao family of the ancient family is too close to here, and Xiao Jun and Fu Xiaorou are still engaged. He is not afraid of everything in Fuling City. Home!

It was because he didn't want to be on the shoulders with the Xiao family of the ancient clan, so before Ma Feng wanted to come to Fuling City, the white-haired old man kept dissuading him.It wasn't until Fu Xiaorou went through several rounds of blind dates that the Xiao family was indifferent, that Ma Feng was allowed to come here.

Ma Feng sneered at the white-haired old man's caution, but because the white-haired old man was his confidant, Ma Feng didn't say much.

"Since the Xiao family didn't take care of it before, they won't take care of it now, and we don't take the initiative to provoke them, so there shouldn't be any accidents. Ah Fu, I'm sleepy."

Ma Feng didn't want to get entangled in this matter, so he issued an order to evict the guest.

Ah Fu was sensible and immediately withdrew.

"Hey, when I get old, I always worry about this and that, just like my father. If I had more courage, my vest would have been a first-class family. This time when the ninth base is built, I will use him to make my Ma family Push it to the level of a first-class family. In this case, the heir of the next generation of the Ma family will be my son."

Ma Feng's feather fan swayed lightly, talking to himself, thinking of what he was proud of, the smile on the corner of his mouth could no longer be concealed.

Just as City Lord Fu Ling and Ma Feng were fantasizing about their plan, Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia had already left the hotel and quickly approached Fu Xiaorou's residence.

In the dead of night, the commercial street of Fuling City is still bustling, but the residential area is rarely populated, but occasionally some people pass by in the residential area.

These are dignitaries who have returned from the banquet in the City Lord's Mansion, and they all have bodyguards around them.

These bodyguards were strong and weak, and some of them had even reached the peak of great martial arts masters, so Xiao Ye, Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Bing naturally avoided them.

"The housekeeper in Fu Xiaorou's courtyard is at the level of a great martial artist."

Somewhere outside Fu Xiaorou's courtyard, Xiao Ye, who was hiding in the dark, reminded Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Bing.

"There are restrictions left around here, and it's impossible to pass them in silently." Xiao Bing felt the restrictions left around for the first time. Although not strong, it is still no problem to stop ordinary thieves of.

And once you touch the restriction, you will be discovered by the butler, and you will not be able to sneak in secretly.


Who said you'd have to sneak in?The other party is not a fierce beast that cannot be dealt with, why did he sneak in secretly?

Choosing to act at night is just to act with the help of darkness and silence, and they were not prepared to do it quietly from the beginning.

"Let's go! It's almost time, go see my future second sister-in-law."

As soon as Xiao Ye gave an order, the three of them turned into swift streamers and rushed into the courtyard.

In an instant, the restriction of the courtyard was broken, and the steward also noticed it immediately. Just as he was about to make a move, the three of Xiao Ye had already kicked in the door. When they reached the steward, they locked the steward with powerful force.

As long as the steward moves, the strength of the three of them can tear him apart.

"Who are you?" Facing the three people who broke in suddenly, the butler didn't change his expression. It seemed that he was someone who had seen the world, but it was a pity that his strength was only so much. Facing the three of Xiao Ye, he didn't have the slightest clue. No ability to resist.

"Where is Fu Xiaorou?"

The three of Xiao Ye didn't answer the question, it seemed that they didn't care about the housekeeper at all.

"What Fu Xiaorou? I don't know what you are talking about. This mansion is my residence, and there is no one else except me. "

The butler was very calm, and when he heard the other party mention Fu Xiaorou's name, he didn't show any strange expression. It seemed that he really didn't know what Fu Xiaorou was.

Xiao Ye couldn't help but admire the butler's performance. The butler lied as if he was telling the truth, without any flaws. No wonder he was sent to manage Fu Xiaorou's residence. It seemed that he was quite capable.

But it was limited to this, the three of Xiao Ye had already confirmed that Fu Xiaorou was here, even if the housekeeper didn't admit it, it didn't matter.

The aura searched around, Xiao Ye and the three couldn't help being surprised. In this courtyard, there really was no second person's aura, and there was no restriction to block the aura. Could it be that Fu Xiaorou is really not here?
"Three, I think you have made a mistake, this is indeed the next person's residence. I don't think I have offended the three. If you are asking for money, you can take whatever you want here."

The housekeeper was still so calm, as if the three of Xiao Ye had made a mistake. At this moment, both Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia's eyes could not help but fall on Xiao Bing.

The horse was brought by Xiao Bing, and it was Xiao Bing who said that the horse could find Fu Xiaorou. Could it be that the horse didn't find Xiao Bing in the end, but was attracted here by something else?

At this moment, the three of Xiao Ye were regarded as beings who robbed the house. The butler was so calm because he had some wealth.

It means that if you don't want to take my life, just take other things.

This made the three of Xiao Ye very embarrassed, and Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia had to ask Xiao Bing for confirmation.

Xiao Bing frowned slightly, recalling what Xiao Jun said when he handed the horse over to him in his mind.

Those words included how to appease the horse and make the horse obedient. At the same time, he also solemnly told Xiao Bing that the horse's feelings were not wrong, and he would definitely find Fu Xiaorou without any accidents.

Let Xiao Jun say this and prove that Xiao Jun has absolute confidence, then the horse will never go wrong.

Originally, because of the performance of the housekeeper and the atmosphere in the courtyard, Xiao Bing was still a little shaken, but now he became firm again.

"Fu Xiaorou must be in the courtyard, I'm sure." Although Xiao Bing's affirmative words didn't change the butler's face, Xiao Ye vaguely felt that the butler had a strange aura.

"Xiaojia, did you go to Fu Xiaorou together with Shi, I'll watch him."

Xiao Ye decided to search the courtyard to see if Fu Xiaorou was here.

Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Bing didn't say much, they split into two groups and began to search in the courtyard.

As for the butler, although he is a great martial artist, compared to Xiao Ye, the butler's strength is much weaker. Looking at it by Xiao Ye, this butler can't make any waves.

To Xiao Ye's surprise, after Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Bing went to search, the housekeeper was as calm as ever, as if he didn't care about Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia's search.

His appearance really looked like Fu Xiaorou was not in the courtyard, but Xiao Bing was so sure that this matter could not be dismissed lightly.

The house is not big, not too small, especially among the many houses, many of which are already locked, Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Bing's ability can naturally break in easily, as women, they are not polite because of this, they start to fight Show no mercy.

Soon, they searched the courtyard all over, but found no trace of anyone, so naturally there was no Fu Xiaorou.

When Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Bing returned, the sound transmission told Xiao Ye the situation, but at this moment, the butler continued: "Take whatever you want, I only want this life."

The housekeeper was as calm as ever, this calmness was even a little too much!

Just life, don't want anything?

Xiao Ye smiled, very scary: "In that case, I want your courtyard, you can leave now!"

Xiao Ye doesn't want money, as long as the housekeeper wants to save his life, he will naturally keep the courtyard.

However, when he heard Xiao Ye's request, the butler's expression changed instantly. He just wanted to survive, why did he change his expression because Xiao Ye wanted the courtyard?
Obviously, there is some secret hidden in this courtyard, and this secret must be about Fu Xiaorou.

At this moment, Xiao Ye became more certain of his thoughts. Fu Xiaorou was in the courtyard, but it was hidden by some method, and he couldn't find it for a while.

If you can't find it for a while, it will take a lot of time to continue searching, and you may not even be able to find it.

But there is one person who knows the truth of the matter, and that is the housekeeper in front of him.He knew everything, and he must know where Fu Xiaorou was imprisoned in the house.

For a moment, the eyes of the three of Xiao Ye fell on the housekeeper. Their eyes were playful. At this point, they wanted the housekeeper to tell Fu Xiaorou's whereabouts.

But looking at the appearance of the housekeeper, he is terrifyingly calm, obviously he has undergone special training, or rich experience.It seemed impossible for such a person to reveal Fu Xiaorou's whereabouts.

"There is no one we are looking for here, why not burn him."

At this moment, Xiao Xiaojia suddenly said something astonishing, this girl was going to burn this place.

Obviously, Xiao Xiaojia is using this method to force the housekeeper. I have to admit that Xiao Xiaojia is really a bad person at the moment, and even Xiao Ye can't help feeling for Xiao Xiaojia's wit.

Sure enough, after hearing Xiao Xiaojia's method, the butler's face changed again. He already knew that the person in front of him was looking for Fu Xiaorou.

But if the person in front of him really set fire, then Fu Xiaorou would have to be burned to death here.

The butler didn't know the identity of the person in front of him, he didn't know why they were looking for Fu Xiaorou, and whether they had any malice towards Fu Xiaorou, so he didn't know whether Xiao Ye and others would kill Fu Xiaorou.

What if they really set fire and Fu Xiaorou was burned to death?
The butler is responsible for Fu Xiaorou's safety. If Fu Xiaorou dies, what's the point of his existence?

"It's a good idea. I would rather kill the wrong than let it go, so let's burn this."

Following Xiao Xiaojia's words, Xiao Ye flipped his palms, and flames floated out of his palms, and it looked like he was about to burn the house down.

Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye sang together, and they were on the verge of action, which made the butler's complexion turn pale instantly.

He may not care about his own life, but Fu Xiaorou's life must be taken care of.

"I said Junior Brother, why are you dawdling and setting fire? As I said, let's blow it up with a few qi bombs, so as not to cause trouble."

Not to be outdone, Xiao Bing revealed a faster and simpler method, which was to directly blow up the house.

"Everyone, you can ask for money, but this house cannot be moved." The housekeeper finally couldn't bear it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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