god system

Chapter 340 A Reckless Person

Chapter 340 A Reckless Person
"Can't move? Why can't you move?"

Xiao Ye sneered in his heart, afraid that he wouldn't be able to pry your butler's mouth open?
The housekeeper was helpless, but no matter what, he would not tell Fu Xiaorou's whereabouts. The person in front of him was looking for Fu Xiaorou. Once he told Fu Xiaorou's whereabouts, he would lose completely.

But he also couldn't let everyone burn down the house and kill Fu Xiaorou.

At this moment, the housekeeper had no choice but to take action, and he had to try his best to prevent what happened in front of him.He still doesn't believe it, these three kids who are not yet 20 years old can really beat him?

"Everyone, there is an owner behind this house. If it is burned, the three of you will cause trouble. It is better to grab the property and leave. I think I have some value, and this loss will not be pursued."

The butler pulled out the people behind him, which was obviously a threat. He believed that the three people in front of him were fledglings. Before they left home, the elders must have told them how dangerous and terrifying the outside world was. Don't offend people casually.

So the housekeeper pulled out the terrifying existence behind it, just to scare Xiao Ye and the others away. In fact, if the housekeeper could save money and eliminate disasters, the housekeeper would be more than willing.

"Ah? With a background?" Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing, and Xiao Xiaojia couldn't help sneering in their hearts. The housekeeper wanted to threaten them with power. I'm afraid it was wrong. For Fu Xiaorou, the three of them must meet each other. .

"Yes, when you are away from home, it is much better to have one more friend than one more enemy. I believe the elders of the three families must have said it. The three of you will not get any benefits if you burn down my house. It is better to take some benefits and leave, everyone. Wouldn't it be better to just make a friend?"

The butler had a good tongue, if Xiao Ye and the others were ordinary thieves, they would have already left by now.It's a pity that the housekeeper's idea was wrong from the very beginning, he couldn't stop Xiao Ye and the others from seeing Fu Xiaorou.

"You tell me, what is the background, the three of us can think about whether this house is really burned down." Xiao Ye is not in a hurry. Although it is late at night, it does not affect seeing Fu Xiaorou. In addition, there was a banquet at the City Lord's Mansion, even if someone came to inform Fu Xiaorou of tomorrow's events, it must be dawn.

The most important thing right now is to find Fu Xiaorou.

"The three of you don't want to ask too many questions. Everyone stay on the line, so how about tonight's incident never happened?" The butler still wanted to spend money to eliminate the disaster. Speaking of this, he felt that Xiao Ye and the others had no reason to stay.

Isn't it just three children under twenty?Still so difficult to deal with?

However, what the housekeeper didn't expect was that just as he finished speaking, the flame in Xiao Ye's hand had already been thrown to the foot of the room. Although the flame was deliberately suppressed, it still ignited the house in an instant. It won't take long for a house to burn down.

"Stop it, what the hell are you trying to do?"

This time, the butler was completely anxious. He didn't expect Xiao Ye to do it directly.

"Ah? I'm sorry, I lost my mind and accidentally went off fire." Xiao Ye scratched his head embarrassedly: "Forget it, it's going to be burned anyway, so let's burn it like this."

The house was already on fire, and Xiao Ye still looked relaxed, showing no intention of putting out the fire.Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia shuddered in their hearts. They thought Xiao Ye was joking when he set the fire, but they didn't expect that the house would be burned down.

"Boy, stop!"

The butler's complexion had turned livid. He tried to put out the fire, but was locked on by the three of Xiao Ye, unable to move at all. A single move by the three of Xiao Ye could take his life.

"You don't know what you are doing at all. If you burn this house in Fuling City, you will never get out alive."

The butler was already hysterical and began to threaten that he had to stop the fire, otherwise Fu Xiaorou would be burned alive.At this moment, it was obvious that no reinforcements would come to his rescue.

"Can't get out? Why? We come and go when we want, who can stop us?" Xiao Ye looked like a fearless ruffian, and he pursed his lips as he spoke: "It's hard to leave the family, of course we have to Make something to remember."

Xiao Ye said it very naturally, as if the facts should be like this.

It was hard to imagine such young and childish words would come out of Xiao Ye's mouth. Obviously, Xiao Ye did this on purpose to give the butler a feeling of recklessness in doing things.

People who don't care about the consequences are the most terrible. They will turn the world upside down and then bear the terrible consequences.When doing things, they always say proudly that the big deal is that I don't want my life.

But when they were about to bear the consequences, they cried out for their father and mother in fear. Often at that time, they would either be killed directly, or someone with a strong background would help him solve the trouble.

In a word, such a person has no rules to follow, and may cause irreparable and terrible things at any time.The more terrible something is, the more they want to do it, the more they want to do it.

Such a person is completely uncontrollable, Xiao Ye just wants to give the housekeeper this feeling, to make the housekeeper think that Xiao Ye will really burn the house down, and burn it down desperately.

"Boy, do you know whose house this is?" Seeing the fire spreading in the house, the butler was very anxious, and he couldn't understand why the guy in front of him was so difficult to deal with?
"If you don't tell me, of course I don't know, but it doesn't matter, I will burn him anyway if I know." Xiao Ye is now a complete ruffian. Whoever owns this is, I will burn it if I say so, never Two words.

Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia had already given up their hands, they had nothing to do with the butler, and now they were completely watching Xiao Ye's performance.

"This house belongs to the man with the highest status in Fuling City. If you burn him, you will be against the entire Fuling City. You will never get out." Every threat from the housekeeper will make the enemy think carefully. The people in question are Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia.

"The man with the highest status in Fuling City?" Xiao Ye looked at Xiao Bing suspiciously: "Do you know who he is?"

"The highest status in Fuling City is of course the owner of Fuling City!" Xiao Bing replied with a smile.

"Oh? This house belongs to the city lord?" Xiao Ye was surprised.

"That's right! It's from the city lord!" Seeing Xiao Ye's surprised look, the housekeeper heaved a sigh of relief, and continued: "Offending the city lord in Fuling City is offending the entire city of Fuling. The consequences are unimaginable. It's still too late .”

"Hahaha! Just right!"

The butler was threatening self righteously, but Xiao Ye suddenly laughed: "The city lord is just right, burn him, then burn the city lord's mansion, and then escape, leaving Fuling City, what else can he do? If you want to make trouble, do it." bigger!"

The butler's face kept cramping, and what Xiao Ye said broke the butler's bottom line of tolerance.He couldn't think of it, how could there be such a dude in the world, what kind of family taught such a character?
At a young age, they obviously have good strength and talent, but they don't cultivate them well, instead they let them out to do mischief.

I heard that this is the city lord's house, not only did he not intend to stop the activities, but even the city lord's mansion was to be burned. Isn't this young man too careless?
He thought the City Lord's Mansion was the same as this place, so he could burn it if he wanted to?

"Your Majesty, the city lord is now receiving the eldest son Ma Feng of the Ma family. The Ma family will marry the city lord. At that time, the affairs of the city lord will be the affairs of the Ma family. The Ma family is the Er family, and it is also the most powerful second-rate family. If you offend them, you are afraid that your family and clan will be affected. You are young, and if you don’t think about yourself, you should think more about your relatives and your family.”

The housekeeper knew that he couldn't threaten Xiao Ye, so he turned to Xiao Ye's family and relatives. If Xiao Ye took this threat seriously, even if the housekeeper had ten lives, he would have been beheaded by Xiao Ye.

But Xiao Ye wasn't angry at the moment, because the housekeeper couldn't threaten his family, and the threatening words were just to back down. Unfortunately, Xiao Ye couldn't do this.

"Oh? The Ma family? A second-rate family? Or is it the strongest among the second-rate families?" Xiao Ye's eyes lit up: "Okay! That's great, that's how it is interesting. If the Ma family is in charge, I will find a chance to kill the Ma family." , and burned the Ma family."

Xiao Ye's words made the butler completely speechless. This kid wants to kill the house and burn down the city lord's mansion, but that's all for nothing, but he even wants to burn down the Ma's house.

There is no comparison between Fuling City and Ma. The Ma family can make Fuling City cease to exist with one finger. The strongest existence of a second-rate family cannot be compared with a mere small city.

Inside the Lord's Mansion of Fuling City, there is not even a single Martial King, but in the Ma family, there are extremely many Martial Kings, and there are even quite a few who are stronger than the Martial King.

The fire had already spread, and the whole house was enveloped in flames. Even Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia felt a bit of scorching heat.

Seeing the spreading flames, the housekeeper was very anxious, but he didn't know what to do.

He had tried countless methods, but none of them could drive Xiao Ye and the others away. These three people would not accept softness and toughness, and they were not their opponents in terms of strength. There was simply no way to do it.

And from just now, Xiao Ye has already gained something, because the housekeeper was worried about Fu Xiaorou, so when the fire spread, and persuaded the three of them not to leave, the housekeeper would look at a certain place from time to time to express his concern.

Obviously, it was Fu Xiaorou who the housekeeper was worried about. In the house where the fire was spreading, the housekeeper would take a look at Fu Xiaorou's location from time to time.

Xiao Ye could see clearly, the direction the butler was looking at was the corner of the room, that is, the corner on Xiao Ye's right, which was only a few feet away from Xiao Ye, could it be that Fu Xiaorou was on the other side of that wall?
"and many more?"

Just when Xiao Ye was thinking about it, he suddenly found a piece of glass hanging in the corner of the wall, about the size of a person, with an ordinary appearance.But when he opened his spiritual eyes, he found that there was a universe hidden inside the glass. It was not an ordinary piece of glass, but a treasure.

And is Fu Xiaorou's whereabouts related to this mirror?

(End of this chapter)

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