god system

Chapter 341 Fu Xiaorou

Chapter 341 Fu Xiaorou

Xiao Ye asked Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia to watch over the housekeeper, while he himself walked towards the mirror.

Seeing the opposite of Xiao Ye going, the housekeeper obviously twitched, but he still pretended to be calm, he believed that ordinary people could not see through that mirror.

"Oh? So it was locked in the mirror."

Who would have thought that Xiao Ye would say this just by stepping up to the butler's confident mirror.

Could it be that this kid sees through it at a glance?Or is he fooling himself, trying to show himself off?

The housekeeper pretended to be calm, it seemed that he was going to be tough to the end.As for Xiao Ye in front of the mirror, he really wasn't bluffing. With his opened spiritual eyes, he clearly saw a world like a sea of ​​fog inside the mirror.

Fu Xiaorou closed her eyes tightly, like a sleeping princess, floating in this sea of ​​mist.

Obviously, this mirror is a treasure that is difficult to detect. It may not be of much use in ordinary times, but it is the best choice for house arrest.

City Lord Fu Ling imprisoned Fu Xiaorou in the mirror, and Fu Xiaorou fell into a deep sleep ever since.

Some people wanted to find Fu Xiaorou, but they couldn't find any trace of Fu Xiaorou at all. Even this house, few people knew that it belonged to the city lord.

Coupled with such a shrewd, capable, calm and loyal butler, who can find Fu Xiaorou?
How could City Lord Fu Ling have imagined that there was a horse between Fu Xiaorou and Xiao Jun. This horse could clearly sense Fu Xiaorou's existence and would never make mistakes.

So the horse accurately located the house where Fu Xiaorou was located, and then Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing, and Xiao Xiaojia directly trapped the housekeeper, preventing him from moving, and then cooperated with Xiao Bing and the three by various means, and finally found out After finding the flaw of the housekeeper, he finally found the mirror.

"Brother Xiao Ye, is he in the mirror?" Xiao Xiaojia's questioning voice came.

"That's right! People are in the mirror, and this mirror is a treasure. But how do you get people out of the mirror?"

Xiao Ye thought about it, and suddenly the corner of his mouth turned up: "Forget it, just smash the mirror, maybe it will come out."

As he said that, Xiao Ye raised his fist, ready to smash the mirror.


The heart-piercing roar finally came out from the steward's mouth. His whole body's true energy was mobilized to the peak, but it was suppressed back by Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia in an instant.

The butler couldn't move, and stared at Xiao Ye firmly: "Stinky boy, stop me, you are not allowed to hurt the eldest lady!"

The butler is already disregarding his own life and death at this moment, he only wants to rescue Fu Xiaorou, it seems that Fu Xiaorou is very, very important to him, so that this calm butler is completely confused.


This made Xiao Ye frowned. Originally, according to Xiao Ye's idea, he found Fu Xiaorou, and then dealt with the housekeeper directly, so as to control the house in his hands.

Now it seems that this butler has deep feelings for Fu Xiaorou, and he probably didn't do anything bad to Fu Xiaorou. He must be good to Fu Xiaorou, so Xiao Ye is not going to kill him.

Originally, Xiao Ye thought that the person who imprisoned Fu Xiaorou must have treated Fu Xiaorou very badly, so he killed him, but now it seems that the housekeeper's life still has to be saved.

With a wave of Xiao Ye's hand, the surrounding flames disappeared without a trace, and no flames spread in the room anymore.

"Let him go." Xiao Ye said to Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia.

Xiao Xiaojia immediately withdrew his oppressive breath, but Xiao Bing hesitated: "Junior Brother, I have found Fu Xiaorou. It's useless to keep the butler, it will only get in the way, why don't we just kill him?"

Xiao Bing's thoughts were the same as Xiao Ye's at the beginning. At this moment, it's useless to keep the housekeeper, just kill him.

"Junior Sister, let him go." Xiao Ye had already arrived in front of the butler, and his eyes became sharper, which was very different from the fledgling boy who was fearless just now.

The butler was also taken aback by Xiao Ye's aura at the moment. The brat in front of him was acting just now. Is this the real him?
Such fierce eyes, this is the eyes that can only be obtained after experiencing countless major events, who is he?Obviously only that big.

"Wait, his eyes..."

The butler's pupils shrank: "What's your relationship with Xiao Jun?"

"Oh? Know my brother?"

Hearing the butler's words, Xiao Bing had withdrawn his momentum, and Xiao Ye's pupils also shrank. He felt that the butler in front of him was not ordinary!He is so calm and defends Fu Xiaorou so well, and he even knows Xiao Jun, who is he?
"Second brother? Are you Xiao Jun's younger brother? Are you from the Xiao family?"

The butler finally saw through the identities of Xiao Ye and the three of them, and his face became even colder: "What are you doing here? What time is it, why are you here? Xiao Rou has suffered so much for Xiao Jun, he should have come here long ago It's too late, it's too late, get out!"

The butler roared wildly, and grabbed Xiao Ye's collar fiercely, as if Xiao Ye was Xiao Jun.

He was blaming Xiao Jun, blaming Xiao Jun for not coming earlier, but waiting until now, it was too late, too late!

Compared with the calmness before, the butler's reaction was completely different. How could such a calm person become so impulsive now?What exactly did Xiao Ye touch against him to make him what he is now?

"Mr., why are you so excited? We came late and came early. That's also a matter between my second brother and Fu Xiaorou. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?" Xiao Ye asked suspiciously.

"Fuck off!"

Hearing Xiao Ye's words, the butler unexpectedly raised his fist, ready to give Xiao Ye a heavy punch.

What makes this person angry?But no matter what, Xiao Ye would not let this punch hit. Without a doubt, Xiao Ye caught the punch.

"I said, old man, I respect you three points now, not because I am afraid of you! Our purpose is to find Fu Xiaorou, tell her about my second brother, and then let her choose the date of marriage with my second brother. The purpose. I am standing here chatting with you at this moment, it does not mean that I am asking for your opinion, I just don’t want things to go on like this, if you don’t want to reveal your identity, and don’t want to release Fu Xiaorou’s words, we can do it Bring Fu Xiaorou's mirror to the Xiao family together."

Xiao Ye said coldly, ignoring the steward's increasingly livid face: "And all of this does not require your consent, and there is no need to seek the opinion of the Lord Fuling. As for the Ma family, if he dares to cause trouble, my Xiao family is not afraid at all." He, let's see who wins and who loses in the end!"

Xiao Ye finally let go of his cruel words. He is not afraid of Fuling City Lord, let alone the so-called second-rate Ma family. When inheriting the head of the Xiao family, if any family came to make trouble, only one person would die.

Not to mention the Ma family, even if the five major sects come to cause trouble at this time, the most powerful members of the Xiao family and the branches of the Xiao family will probably launch a terrible counterattack at this time, and directly make the forces that dare to make mistakes disappear.

People in my Xiao family who have inherited divine power can be touched by outsiders like you?If you want to make a move, it will be resolved within our Xiao family, and outsiders have no right to participate.

So regardless of whether it is the Lord Fuling or the Ma family, neither can become the enemy of the Xiao family, especially when Xiao Jun is in power, the Xiao family is now a hedgehog, whoever touches it will die!

Even Xiao Ye from the Ma family was not afraid, let alone this strange butler in front of him, if he hadn't seen him caring about Fu Xiaorou, Xiao Ye would have let him go.


The butler was out of breath, obviously very angry, and wanted to beat Xiao Ye and the others violently, but his strength couldn't keep up.

Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia were also very puzzled at this time, the housekeeper's attitude towards this matter was too radical, right?

It's just a housekeeper, watching Fu Xiaorou's existence, why is he so concerned about Fu Xiaorou's affairs, is it because he watched Fu Xiaorou grow up since he was a child?

"You, you... take her away, take her to Xiao's house, and never come back."

Although the butler's attitude was bad, he suddenly said something that puzzled the three of Xiao Ye. He obviously stopped the three of Xiao Ye at first, and was even angry, but now he let the three of them take Fu Xiaorou away, and Never come back.

Why?Why on earth did the butler do this?
"We don't need to ask for your opinion when we do things. We have the final say on what to do. Old gentleman, you don't have any right to speak until you reveal your identity."

Xiao Ye's words were very ruthless. He didn't give the housekeeper any rights, because he didn't know what the housekeeper's identity was in the whole matter. If it was just the housekeeper who guarded the house, then there was no need to listen to him.


The butler sighed, his eyes fell on the mirror, and with a movement of true energy in his body, a white brilliance flashed in the mirror, and a figure floated out of the mirror and appeared in front of the mirror.

This is a woman in red with her eyes closed. She dare not say she is a country, but she is also a country of beauty. With her eyes closed, she fell asleep soundly, like a sleeping beauty.

This woman is none other than Fu Xiaorou who fell in love with Xiao Jun. She was released from the mirror by the housekeeper.

After leaving the mirror, Fu Xiaorou's breathing gradually recovered, her fingers moved, and her beautiful eyes slowly opened.

A pair of eyes that were crystal clear and full of spirituality opened. There was almost no impurity in them, and they looked so translucent. These were Fu Xiaorou's eyes.

Fu Xiaorou stood up, her eyes fell on Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia for the first time, and finally fell on the housekeeper.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Fu Xiaorou said, her voice was soft and full of worry.

"Father, father?"

When Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing and Xiao Xiaojia heard this, they were all deeply shocked. Isn't Fu Xiaorou's father Fu Ling City Lord?How could he suddenly become the housekeeper in front of him?What exactly is going on?

If Fu Xiaorou is the housekeeper's daughter, then it makes sense for the housekeeper to be so excited just now.

"Who are you, please don't hurt my father, he has never done anything bad in his life, please let him go."

(End of this chapter)

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