god system

Chapter 344 Arriving at the City Lord's Mansion

Chapter 344 Arriving at the City Lord's Mansion

With so many people appearing at once, Zombie Zhou's complexion turned livid, and his eyes fell on the housekeeper fiercely.

Regarding this, the housekeeper did not give too much explanation, but said with a smile: "The housekeeper Zhou is here."

"What's going on in your courtyard? Why are there so many strangers? You don't know what day it is, do you?"

Zombie Zhou has already made trouble when he opened his mouth. He will not let Xiao Bing go. He just wants to make things difficult for the housekeeper to get Xiao Bing. Of course, the most important thing before that is the matter between Fu Xiaorou and the Ma family.

Zombie Zhou's attitude is very bad, and he is completely condescending. He has been like this for many years. Even Fu Xiaorou can't say a word about him. Who made his grandson the most beloved son of City Lord Fuling? biological.

She, Fu Xiaorou, is just a tool of City Lord Fu Ling, how could City Lord Fu Ling favor her?

"Steward Zhou, these people will go to the City Lord's Mansion with us today. They have something to see the group leader." The butler still had a smile on his face. As long as Fu Xiaorou's matter can be resolved, nothing else is important to him.

"What did you say?" Zombie Zhou narrowed his eyes, he looked like a butcher with a knife, about to widow the housekeeper.

"Old man, you don't understand human language, we are going to the City Lord's Mansion together to find the City Lord, do you want me to repeat it?"

This time it was Xiao Bing who was upset. The old man in front of him was obviously an ordinary person, and he spoke arrogantly. You must know that in Xiao Bing's original plan, he directly tied up this person, and then took his hearse , Go directly to Fuling City Lord's Mansion.

No one dared to block Zhou Zombie's hearse in the City Lord's Mansion. They could easily enter the City Lord's Mansion. If Fu Xiaorou hadn't promised to solve the matter properly, Xiao Bing would have done so long ago.

A mere green girl dares to treat Zombie Zhou with such an attitude. If it were someone else, Zombie Zhou had already used the most ruthless means to entangle the people in the city lord's mansion, making this little girl regret her whole life.

However, this woman happened to be Xiao Bing whom Zombie Zhou had taken a fancy to. Zombie Zhou could still smile at this, but in the eyes of the housekeeper, Zombie Zhou understood what Zombie Zhou was thinking in an instant.

"Steward Zhou, time is running out, we should be on our way." The steward immediately urged, in order to divert Zhou Zombie's attention.

"It's time to go, but only Miss Xiaorou and I are allowed to get in the car." Zombie Zhou said coldly, but found that Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia disappeared from sight at some point.

"This hearse is not bad. It's specially made. It must have cost a lot of spirit scrolls. It's quite big, and it can hold so many of us."

Turning around sharply, Xiao Ye and Xiao Xiaojia were already beside Zombie Zhou's hearse, and they seemed to be going directly into the hearse.

"Where did you come from, get out of the hearse, old man!" Zombie Zhou was really angry this time. In Fuling City, who didn't back away when they saw their hearse?The two guys in front of them didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and dared to touch their own hearse, could it be that they were looking for death?

Just when Zhou Zombie's angry voice just fell, a chilling killing intent suddenly enveloped Zhou Zombie. The extremely strong killing intent not only made Zhou Zombie unable to move, but Zhou Zombie broke out in a cold sweat for a moment.

He had never sensed such a strong killing intent. In front of this killing intent, Zhou Zombie, who had only a little cultivation, had no room to resist.

who is it?Who dares to unleash killing intent on Zombie Zhou in Fuling City?
In front of this murderous intent, Zhou Zombie's vision was blurred, and he couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly. The surrounding area seemed to be covered in a sea of ​​blood, which was extremely terrifying.

"Old fellow, we are not begging you! Sending us to the City Lord's Mansion is the condition of your life, understand?"

Xiao Ye's icy voice sounded in Zombie Zhou's ears. There was no room for negotiation, let alone begging Zombie Zhou. This was a condition for Zombie Zhou's survival.

That is to say, Xiao Ye is threatening Zombie Zhou thoroughly, using Zombie Zhou's life as a threat, either take them to the City Lord's Mansion, or leave their lives here.

Regarding Zombie Zhou, the housekeeper had already told Xiao Ye that if Xiao Ye and the others hadn't had the mentality of a peaceful solution, they would have already solved Zombie Zhou.

Therefore, the attitude of the three of them towards Zombie Zhou is unlikely to be good. If Zombie Zhou dares to say a word of displeasure at this time, Xiao Ye doesn't care to kill him directly!

Zombie Zhou didn't expect that he, who can almost dominate in Fuling City, would be threatened in public.

The killing intent receded, Zombie Zhou regained his ability to move, but at this moment, everyone including Fu Xiaorou had entered the hearse.

Zombie Zhou stayed where he was, twitching non-stop. The humiliation he had suffered in this life was not as much as it is now.

He can't wait to make Xiao Ye and the others cramp, he will not let it go, even if he can't deal with them now, when the time comes, he will definitely make their lives worse than death!
The coldness of Zombie Zhou's mouth was replaced by a fake smile. After all, Zombie Zhou has been in a high position for many years. Under such circumstances, he actually suppressed his anger.

He didn't say anything more, turned around and got on his hearse.

The good seat on the hearse has been occupied by Xiao Ye and others, leaving only the corner seat, which is used by Zombie Zhou to pile up sundries on weekdays. Zombie Zhou never expected that one day he would also sit in this seat.

The hearse started, and a group of people began to walk towards the city lord's mansion. Zombie Zhou had already begun to plan revenge in his mind. Except for Fu Xiaorou, everyone else had to die!

No matter what thoughts he has in mind, it is impossible to change the actions of Xiao Ye and others.

And in the garden of the City Lord's Mansion at this moment, a table of sumptuous meals has been arranged in the gazebo, surrounded by beautiful flowers, embellishing the garden like a valley of lovers.

There are also some maids playing musical instruments in the surrounding area. The environment here should be the best in Fuling City.

Inside the gazebo, Ma Feng was dressed in white, holding a feather fan, his black hair fluttering with the wind, and he looked like a handsome young man!The white-haired old man stood not far away, acting as a guard, with his breath locked around, beware of danger.

Here, even City Lord Fuling didn't show up. According to the agreement, City Lord Fuling would bring Fu Xiaorou here so that Fu Xiaorou could get along with Ma Feng, and Ma Feng just had to wait here.

"I heard that Fu Xiaorou is quite pretty, and she is also a virtuous woman who is educated and reasonable. Although I am not a lustful person, I don't mind having fun."

Ma Feng married Fu Xiaorou for a purpose, but this purpose did not prevent him from playing with Fu Xiaorou.As the son of a second-rate family, he is quite capable in this regard.

In another place, in the City Lord's Mansion, City Lord Fu Ling was waiting for Zombie Zhou's hearse in the front yard.City Lord Fuling is also in a good mood today. After today, as long as Fu Xiaorou and Ma Feng have a good talk, his life as City Lord Fuling will be on the right track in the future.

The more he looked forward to it, the longer he waited. While City Lord Fuling was waiting bitterly, the bright golden hearse finally entered the City Lord's Mansion without any hindrance.

City Lord Fuling's eyes lit up, and he drank the remaining half glass of red wine in one gulp. He was about to go to greet him, but found that not only Steward Zhou and Fu Xiaorou were walking in the hearse, but also several other strangers .

"What's going on here? Butler, bastard, what have you done for this old man?"

City Lord Fuling frowned, and dropped the wine glass in his hand to the ground. He obviously asked the housekeeper to pick up Fu Xiaorou, but now he brought a group of strangers. Is this a big deal that will ruin him?

"Father, what happened?"

At this moment, a young man came forward. The man had short orange hair and held a wine glass in his hand. Seeing the Lord Fuling throw the wine glass on the ground, he couldn't help asking. At the same time, his eyes fell on the hearse superior.

"Oh? How did Grandpa do this? Why did you bring so many people? Not all diseases can enter the City Lord's Mansion. Father, let me drive these people out."

The son of City Lord Fu Ling is named Fu Dongsheng, and there are no bad rumors on weekdays, but today's incident is related to his future, and he does not allow anyone to destroy it, even if that person is his grandfather.

"Go! Get rid of all irrelevant people." City Lord Fu Ling gave Fu Dongsheng the right.

"Yes father!"

Fu Dongsheng naturally went to solve the matter that Fu Dongsheng was concerned about.

On weekdays, the eldest young master was taken care of by almost everyone in the city lord's mansion. Because no one offended him, he never lost his temper. On the contrary, everyone thought that this young master had a good temper.

And this young master has never done anything particularly annoying, so there are no special rumors about this young master.

Now if the matter is not important, he will not go out in person.

In the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, Xiao Ye and others got off the hearse, and the moment they got off the hearse, Zombie Zhou's expression changed obviously.

The previous caution and timidity disappeared without a trace, replaced by a kind of high-spirited!
Now that it's on its own territory, what's so scary about Zombie Zhou?No matter who the kid in front of you is, when you get to Fuling City Lord's Mansion, even if it's a tiger, you have to lie down honestly.

"Irrelevant people, leave the City Lord's Mansion immediately."

Just when Zombie Zhou was secretly ruthless, Fu Dongsheng's voice came from afar, and he brought a group of guards, who could be regarded as covetous, and should not be underestimated.

The corner of Zombie Zhou's mouth also curled up into a smile. This time he doesn't need to do anything himself, these guys will be kicked out of the city lord's mansion, and as long as today's matter is resolved, he will only find a way to deal with these people.

"This is the Young City Lord, Fu Dongsheng." The butler whispered Fu Dongsheng's identity to Xiao Ye and the others.

"Oh? Young City Lord?" Xiao Ye looked at Fu Dongsheng approaching with deep meaning. A figure in the realm of a great martial artist.

The appearance is inconspicuous, there are no special rumors, but the strength has reached the level of a great martial artist at a young age.

"This guy is also a patient and ambitious person." Xiao Ye squinted his eyes. In Fuling City Lord's Mansion, perhaps Fu Dongsheng is a noteworthy figure!
(End of this chapter)

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