god system

Chapter 345 Fu Dongsheng

Chapter 345 Fu Dongsheng

Fu Dongsheng, an existence that is almost automatically ignored in the eyes of others, becomes a noteworthy person in Xiao Ye's eyes.

Let this Fu Dongsheng continue to grow, and he will definitely not live in Fuling City. His goal is a higher and wider place.

So this time when he came into contact with a second-rate family, Fu Dongsheng took it very seriously, and he didn't allow anyone to destroy it!

On this point, he and Ma Feng were on the same point, and such a purpose made it impossible for them to reconcile with the Xiao family.

This matter was doomed from the beginning to be impossible to be kind. Although Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing still held the mentality of reconciliation, it was impossible to complete it.

Fu Dongsheng walked in front of Xiao Ye and the others. Although he sensed that the person in front of him had some strength, the matter was of great importance, and it was impossible for him to keep these strangers behind.

"Is this trying to drive us away?" Xiao Bing bears the brunt, tilting his head and looking at Fu Dongsheng.Xiao Ye, Xiao Xiaojia, the housekeeper, and Fu Xiaorou didn't speak, but the housekeeper walked into Fu Dongsheng's ear that week and whispered something.

If you don't want to know, it must not be a good word.

Fu Dongsheng's complexion didn't change much, his eyes fell on Xiao Bing: "This is the City Lord's Mansion, and those who are not invited are not allowed to enter. I am asking you to leave now."

As expected of the young master of Fuling City, he speaks in an official tone. Since he knows that the person in front of him has some strength, he doesn't want to offend him now, so he doesn't say chase him away, but invites him to leave.

"Let's go?" Xiao Bing tilted his head, looked at Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing, and then returned his gaze to Fu Dongsheng: "Well, since this is your territory, you have the final say. let's go."

"Let's go, let's keep people here." Xiao Ye said, throwing Fu Xiaorou a look, and then including Fu Xiaorou's butler, Xiao Ye and his party turned around and turned to Fu Xiaorou. The city lord's mansion is a layman.

He wanted to drive away the three of Xiao Ye and the housekeeper, but he didn't want to go with Fu Xiaorou. You must know that Fu Xiaorou is the protagonist today, if she left, wouldn't everything be ruined.

"Sister, this is your home, where are you going?"

When Zombie Zhou's complexion changed drastically, Fu Dongsheng suppressed the anger in his heart, and his tone was a little warm, as if the object was really his eldest sister.

Fu Xiaorou turned around, and swept her firm gaze: "If this is my home, why can't the guests I invited stay?"

The Fu Xiaorou at this time was very different from the usual one. The usual Fu Xiaorou had the same name. She was very gentle and well-behaved. There was hardly any voice of opposition in the city lord's mansion.

She would obediently obey whatever others said, but at this moment, she spoke such domineering words!

This was something Zhou Zombie and Fu Dongsheng never expected, and all of this was something that Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing and the others had already colluded with.After all, today's protagonist is Fu Xiaorou, if Fu Xiaorou doesn't cooperate, today's event will be completely ruined.

"Sister, today is your big event, it's better not to let strangers get involved. After today, you can enter a second-rate family. From now on, you can live comfortably and enjoy a better life. After today, you can invite whoever you like." Who, why insist now?"

Fu Dongsheng is quite eloquent, even if he disdains Fu Xiaorou in his heart, or even doesn't pay attention to him at all, but at this moment, Fu Dongsheng will not offend Fu Xiaorou, because he needs to step on Fu Xiaorou to get on the road.

"My guest, I must invite you today. If you want to come in, let's go in together, if you want to leave, let's go together!" Fu Xiaorou's firm eyes showed no sign of wavering at all.

In order to be with Xiao Jun, he had already promised Xiao Bing that he would stick to it no matter what, and bring them to the Lord Fu Ling and Ma Feng.

If it really doesn't work, just follow them and go directly to Xiao's house, completely ignoring the affairs of Fuling City.

Fu Xiaorou's attitude made Fu Dongsheng frowned completely. He had an ominous premonition that today's matter would not go smoothly.

"Li Ming, why don't you persuade Miss Xiaorou?" Zombie Zhou's cold voice came, and the target was Fu Xiaorou's father, the housekeeper.

In the past, the butler always obeyed Zombie Zhou's orders, but this time, the butler didn't give Zombie Zhou the slightest bit of face, he didn't even mean to reply.

"This old thing..." Zombie Zhou's eyes turned cold, unexpectedly, even Li Ming was no longer obedient.

Fu Xiaorou, Li Ming, Xiao Bing, Xiao Ye.Xiao Xiaojia's team has already reached an agreement, no matter what, one result will not change, that is, Fu Xiaorou will definitely follow Xiao Bing back to Xiao's house.

Under this premise, the Xiao family will negotiate conditions with the Lord Fuling and the Ma family. If they deviate from this basic premise, there is nothing to say.

Fu Dongsheng looked at what was happening in front of him, and carefully glanced at Xiao Ye, Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Bing: "You wait here, I will report to father."

Fu Dongsheng understood that the matter at this moment was beyond his ability to solve, and he had to report to the city lord.

"Hurry up if you want to go. We still have important things to do. If you get impatient, you will leave directly." Xiao Bing put his hands on the back of his head and whistled, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Xiao Bing's attitude was really speechless, Zombie Zhou was very angry, but Fu Dongsheng didn't say anything, but left directly and went to the city lord.

"What? Why haven't they been driven away yet?" City Lord Fu Ling waited for a long time, but seeing Xiao Ye and other strangers still in the courtyard, the face of the City Lord also sank.

"Father, things are a little complicated..."

Fu Dongsheng explained the matter clearly before and after, and when he heard that Fu Xiaorou dared to be so strong, City Lord Fu Ling's face turned blue!
In Fuling City, Fu Xiaorou had never dared to say a single disobedient word, but now she dared to do this, it seems that there must be someone behind it, is it those three people?
"Father, what should we do?" It was a matter of life, and Fu Dongsheng had to be cautious. This was the most difficult thing he had ever encountered since he was born.

"Hmph! At this point, we can only let them stay." City Lord Fu Ling said with a sneer: "There is no need to worry, this time is the Ma family, and it was a pleasure to talk with Mr. Ma Feng in detail yesterday. Go and inform Mr. Ma Feng, you take them to stay, and come back to the garden after half a stick of incense."

City Lord Fuling quickly made a decision, and walked straight to the garden after leaving the words behind.

"Huh! It's really troublesome. It's obviously the last step. Forget it, this matter must be resolved." Fu Dongsheng sighed, and finally came to the courtyard with a smile, and agreed to the request left by Xiao Ye and others.

However, he did not take Xiao Ye and others to see Ma Feng immediately, but brought him to the living room and found him with tea first.

At this moment, in the garden, City Lord Fu Ling has also met Ma Feng.

"Why is the city lord alone? Where's your daughter?" Seeing the city lord Fu Ling coming in alone, Ma Feng still had a smile on his face, looking amiable.

City Lord Fuling smiled awkwardly. In front of Ma Feng, he did not have the majesty that a city lord should have.

"Mr. Ma, something happened unexpectedly. I would like to ask Mr. Ma for a little favor. Don't worry, the matter will be resolved satisfactorily." City Lord Fu Ling felt a little embarrassed.

"Accident? The city lord is talking about it." Ma Feng, who had been waiting for a long time, was surprised by the city lord. Even so, Ma Feng still had a smile on his face, without the slightest hint of anger.

"Hehe! The thing is like this. Originally, the little girl wanted to see Mr. Ma Feng, but there were a few people who didn't want to. They were all sent by the family of the little girl's suitors. They wanted to spoil the matter, but the old man couldn't drive him away. Now they have been clinging to the little girl in the mansion."

City Lord Fu Ling's ability to turn right and wrong is really extraordinary. It was Fu Xiaorou who insisted on keeping people, but now Xiao Ye and the others were sticking to Fu Xiaorou.

Moreover, the identities of Xiao Ye and others changed all of a sudden, they became the people sent by the family to destroy the matter between Fu Xiaorou and Ma Feng.

In this way, Xiao Ye and others completely became Ma Feng's enemies.

"I see." Ma Feng was still smiling, looking indifferent.

"So this matter is quite troublesome. In order to achieve their goals, these people are afraid that they will fabricate various identities to influence this matter. The old man wants to stop it but is powerless. It is really a headache."

City Lord Fu Ling continued to fabricate. His purpose was very simple, that is, to directly leave the matter to Ma Feng for resolution. As the eldest son of a second-rate family, Ma Feng's deterrent power was not comparable to that of City Lord Fu Ling.

"That's it." Ma Feng smiled: "Don't worry, the city lord, no matter how difficult a person is, he will bow his head in front of power and money. If he doesn't bow his head..."

In Ma Feng's eyes, murderous intent flashed for the first time: "If money and power can't impress people, then such people are too difficult to deal with. I have no interest in dealing with him, so I can only let Ah Fu Let's settle this."

"Ah Fu?" City Lord Fu Ling's eyes brightened, and his eyes fell on Ah Fu. This is a strong Martial King. Ma Feng's meaning is very clear, and he will use money and power to suppress the other party. If the other party does not understand, then You can only hand it over to Ah Fu, and the worst thing to do if you hand it over to Ah Fu is naturally death.

With Ma Feng's guarantee, Fu Ling's City Lord felt relieved. It seemed that Ma Feng was bound to win Fu Xiaorou. How can strangers destroy what a second-rate family eldest son must get?
No matter what the identity of the other party is, since they dare to come, they can only go back in disgrace, if they struggle hard, then they can only die.


Ah Fu's voice sounded softly, and the eyes of the city lord and Ma Feng immediately fell on the entrance of the garden.

There, Fu Dongsheng was walking slowly with Fu Xiaorou, Xiao Ye, Xiao Bing, Xiao Xiaojia and Li Ming.Unexpectedly, Zombie Zhou did not appear among them.

Fu Xiaorou lowered her head, Xiao Bing's eyes fell on Ma Feng, Xiao Xiaojia and Xiao Ye stared at Ah Fu.

"It turned out to be a Martial King, this guy is not easy to mess with." Xiao Ye's heart shuddered, but he was not afraid. With his current strength, he could fight against the strong Martial King.

(End of this chapter)

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