god system

Chapter 354 Xiao Jun's Strategy

Chapter 354 Xiao Jun's Strategy
Liu Guang's speed was extremely fast, even faster than Ah Fu behind him. When he appeared, both Xiao Ye and Ah Fu were shocked!
Xiao Ye was surprised that the owner of this streamer was actually Xiao Bing, hadn't this girl always been a strong wave at the level of a great martial artist?Why did he become a powerful Martial King in the blink of an eye?Secretly said that Xiao Bing had been hiding before?

If this is the case, it also explains why Xiao Bing was so calm before, and why Xiao Jun was relieved that Xiao Bing came to carry out the mission alone.

But how old is Xiao Bing?Judging by the age, I am afraid that he is not as old as Lu Tianping, but he is already King Wu at a young age?Doesn't it mean that Xiao Bing's talent is stronger than Lu Tianping's?
Xiao Ye secretly wiped a cold sweat, what is going on with this Xiao family?From time to time, a genius pops up, who seems to be very powerful, and then out of nowhere, another genius than a genius pops up, and he is so low-key!
What kind of strength does the Xiao family have, and how many terrifying existences are hidden?

Xiao Ye didn't know how much this ancient clan was hiding. If Xiao Ye was a certain powerful force in Zhengyuan Continent, then the person he was most unwilling to provoke must be this ancient clan, the Xiao family.

Ah Fu was also shocked, why did that girl suddenly become King Wu?And the true energy seems to be stronger than their own, if so, why did they run away in the first place?With their strength, wouldn't it be good to just start killing them?
"Could it be that he took some kind of elixir to improve his strength in a short time?" Ah Fu thought in his heart, he really didn't believe it, if the other party had some strong strength, they would only escape!
Must be a bluff!

Ah Fu thought decisively, and the power of the series of space explosions was raised to another level.

"Junior Sister, if you don't move at this time, when will you wait?"

The huge crisis behind him made Xiao Ye feel irresistible. With his current ability, even if he blocked it, he would still be seriously injured. Even though he was restored by the Little Red Potion, it was an act that consumed gold coins.

"Junior brother, get out of the way and watch the world show its power!"

Xiao Bing let out a long roar, and his speed increased sharply. Liu Guang quickly passed Xiao Ye and appeared behind Xiao Ye.

With a palm without fancy, under the wind of the palm, the space exploded like the wind, and all of it dissipated, without any power remaining.

"go with!"

Ah Fu was furious, and threw out the talisman in his hand recklessly. The natal talisman spun in the void, turned into a fire dragon, and crazily devoured it towards Xiao Bing.

"Wow, it's still a strong attack, junior brother, let's run!"

Xiao Bing yelled, but instead of resisting, he drove the escape light and enveloped Xiao Ye, and the two fled forward together.

"This girl's medicine is about to expire." Ah Fu withdrew his talisman, and wanted to continue chasing after another thought, but stopped his escape.

For one thing, he has already consumed a lot of energy, and if he pursues now, he will no longer be able to exert his peak power!

Second, Xiao Bing fled so fast, obviously the effect of the medicine had not faded. The reason why she didn't fight was because she couldn't grasp the power of the medicine, and she was a great martial artist herself, so seeing her attack There will be fear, so subconsciously escaped.

Chasing at this moment, the energy supply can't keep up, and it's not necessarily Xiao Bing's opponent. It's better to rest in place, adjust the breath, and wait for the effect of Xiao Bing's medicine to fade.

"I don't know where the group of guys from the Ninth Base are. I hope they come slowly, otherwise the old man's treasure will be in danger." Ah Fu landed on the ground and sighed involuntarily before crossing his knees: "Hey! Unexpected A few great martial masters in the area made this old man so embarrassed. The Xiao family is indeed a bit weird. This time, the Ma family and the Xiao family will definitely not let it go, and they don’t know how things will go. If the old man can After getting those two treasures, the old man left the Ma family directly to avoid getting into trouble."

The two great martial artists in the area put Ah Fu in such a mess, which shows that the Xiao family is unusual. Once Ah Fu succeeds and kills Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing, then no matter how the Xiao family and Ma family get into trouble, their own The situation is very dangerous, so it's better to take the treasure and fly far away. In the future, relying on the treasure and reaching a certain level of cultivation, no one can move yourself.

Although the plan is good, there are many troubles. First of all, Ah Fu must be able to kill Xiao Bing and Xiao Ye first, and get the treasure from them, and then he must be able to escape the pursuit of the Xiao family and the Ma family.

Before that, he still had to move ahead of the Ninth Base.

There are risks in everything, and there are risks and rewards.

Ah Fu began to adjust his breath on the spot. Not far away, the reinforcements from the Ninth Base were already approaching quickly, and there was not much time left for Ah Fu.

On the other side, Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing were running away.

"Let me tell you, Junior Sister, with your current ability, you could have killed that Martial King just now, right? Why did you deliberately lose and flee? Could it be that you didn't want to kill him and offend the Ma family?"

In the air, Xiao Ye asked Xiao Bing jokingly, he knew that Xiao Bing had his own purpose, and he was not afraid of his Ma family.

"Junior brother, you don't know the heavy responsibility on me. I don't represent an individual, but the entire Xiao family. If I kill this old thing, wouldn't it mean that the Xiao family offended the Ma family? Then I would become a sinner through the ages. You have to understand me."

Xiao Bing also started joking with Xiao Ye, and they both knew that the other was joking.

It was not until the end that Xiao Bing revealed his real intention.

"Oh? Attract other forces from the Ma family? Does the Ma family still have forces nearby?" Xiao Ye frowned.

As a second-rate family, the Ma family came to Fuling City this time only to marry Fu Xiaorou. If that's the case, it's enough to bring Ah Fu alone. Why do they need to arrange forces nearby?

"I don't know too well. It seems that the Ma family has been conducting some kind of weird experiment. It is said that this kind of experiment is very cruel. When the Ma family came to Fuling City this time, the owner thought that the Ma family might I want to build an experimental base near Fuling City."

Xiao Bing said truthfully: "The experiment of the Ma family is very secretive. So far, I don't know what it is for. I only heard that this experiment is the guarantee for the Ma family to grow stronger and become the strongest second-rate family. Where there is a Ma family experiment base , there will be many strange rumors, and many practitioners will disappear."

Hearing Xiao Bing's remarks, Xiao Ye's heart couldn't help being troubled. He didn't know what experiment the Ma family was conducting, but the news of the practitioner's disappearance almost changed Xiao Ye's color.

We must know that we left Xiao’s mountain peak early this time because Xiao Dongliu and the others had no news, and they just disappeared for no reason. There are relationships.

Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes. For the matter of Fu Xiaorou, Xiao Ye remembered hating the Ma family, and he did not kill him when he fought Ah Fu. Although he was chased and beaten in the end, it was not a problem for Xiao Ye to escape in the end. From the beginning he I didn't plan to say that after I escaped, I must come back for revenge in the future.

For Xiao Ye, this was a simple dispute. Sending Fu Xiaorou back to the Xiao family ended the dispute with the Ma family.But if the Ma family really took action against Xiao Dongliu and others, the situation would be different.

No matter what kind of family or background he has, Xiao Ye will repay the person who takes action against his brother, even if the entire Ma family is wiped out.

"Junior brother, what is your expression? Why do you seem to be particularly concerned about this matter?" Xiao Bing felt the difference in Xiao Ye's breath, and logically said that this matter was resolved by the Xiao family, so why should Xiao Ye care about it?
After all, Fuling City is very close to the Xiao family, and after Xiao Jun took over the Xiao family, he planned to notify all the nearby city owners step by step, and then create a land under the jurisdiction of the housekeeper.

Such an approach is very common in big families, and any family has its own huge territory.

Since the Xiao family has been in decline, the Xiao family has not carried out the matter of the territory. Around the peak of the Xiao family, many towns have no owners.

These city lords chose a city lord by themselves, and then started to take care of themselves!Such a town is very unsafe, the city owner may be killed at any time, and the probability of major changes in the entire town is also very high.

What's more, some people with extremely strong cultivation but extremely distorted thinking like to destroy some towns without background, and the degree of tragedy is outrageous.

Therefore, the town also hopes to have a strong background, so that more and more people will live in the town, the town will become more prosperous, and the quality of people's life will be better.

With a better quality of life and a larger population, the chances of birthing geniuses with good qualifications will increase. When these geniuses are born, they will be included in the family in an endless stream to increase the strength of the family!

Therefore, controlling the town is the most basic and important way for a family to strengthen itself. Xiao Jun will start to control the town as soon as he takes office, and then grow the Xiao family.

Because of the inheritance of divine power, Xiao Jun has received all-round support at the moment, but to truly unify the Xiao family, he has to make a career for others to show, so that all the Xiao family, including the Xiao family branch, think Xiao Jun can push the Xiao family to its peak.

Only in this way can Xiao Jun be convinced. Once the Xiao family branch has no opinion on Xiao Jun, then the Xiao family will be truly unified. At that time, the Zhengyuan Continent will definitely shake a few times because of the Xiao family!
And Fuling City is now one of the towns that the Xiao family wants to control. The Ma family is involved, and the Xiao family naturally wants to solve the Ma family.

Regardless of the mysterious experiment of the Ma family, the town notified by the Xiao family will not allow a second-rate family to join. If this family dares to act wildly, Xiao Jun is not afraid to make an example.

To deal with the Ma family, it only takes a few Xiao family branches to surround them, and the Ma family will be wiped out immediately!
So Xiao Jun's plan is to eradicate the Ma family's influence in Fuling City first, and all this is carried out together with the plan of his follower Fu Xiaorou!
(End of this chapter)

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