god system

Chapter 355 Xiao Bing makes a move

Chapter 355 Xiao Bing makes a move
"Junior Sister, if the Ma family still has reinforcements, shouldn't we also have reinforcements? But there doesn't seem to be any strong fluctuations in this mountain, right?"

Xiao Ye didn't answer Xiao Bing's question, but asked with a frown.

Since the Ma family has reinforcements, and it seems that they will arrive soon, it is impossible for the Xiao family who dug a big hole to be unprepared!Moreover, the Xiao family is not clear about the power of the Ma family in the vicinity, so this preparation should be in place.

"You don't need to worry about this, I don't kill King Wu, I just want to attract more enemies, and I want to frighten the Ma family at once, forcing them to leave!"

Xiao Jun had already planned everything, and Xiao Bing just came to execute it. At first Xiao Bing didn't tell Xiao Ye everything, but at this moment, there is nothing to hide!

Soon, Xiao Bing flew to the stone house with Xiao Ye.

The arrival of Xiao Ye made Xiao Xiaojia heave a sigh of relief, and when Xiao Ye saw the sound transmission array and heard Xiao Jun's voice, the last doubt in his heart was also dispelled.

"Second brother, when people from the Ma family come, don't kill them. I suspect that the disappearance of my brothers may have something to do with the Ma family." Xiao Ye said cautiously.

"Oh? Then your brothers are also disciples of my Xiao family. I will arrange this matter. Besides, we didn't plan to kill them at the beginning. We just wanted to drive them away. But if my disciples of the Xiao family have not been withdrawn, this matter The Ma family must pay the price!"

After talking about it, Xiao Jun's tone turned cold.

"Does it need to be said? If my brother dies because of this, his Ma family will definitely disappear in Zhengyuan Continent!" Xiao Ye's tone was colder than Xiao Jun's.

Maybe Xiao Ye doesn't have this strength now, but in the near future, it will not be difficult for him to destroy the Ma family single-handedly.

At this point, Xiao Jun may not be able to help Xiao Ye destroy the Ma family directly. After all, Xiao Jun has a lot to do after succeeding as the head of the family, and to destroy a second-rate family, even the Xiao family will need a period of time and cooperation. energy.

For the time being, Xiao Jun doesn't have the energy for this!Unless the Ma family made progress and insisted on not retreating, then Xiao Jun would have no choice but to destroy the Ma family with all his might.

If only a disciple of the Xiao family was killed by the Ma family, Xiao Jun would not have enough reason to destroy the Ma family, and Xiao Ye could only rely on Xiao Ye himself in this matter.

These are all things to talk about. At this time, the specific situation of Xiao Dongliu and others is not known, and it is too early to draw conclusions.

Xiao Ye and his party talked with Xiao Jun in the stone house, and they all rested here.

In another place, Ah Fu is counting the time, and may kill him at any time.

And above Fuling City, the reinforcements from the Ma Family's Ninth Base had already passed by quickly, and they came in pursuit with murderous aura.

Their direction and goal are very clear, that is, to kill directly in the direction of Xiao Ye and others. It seems that they have some way to catch Ah Fu's traces. In this way, it will be a matter of time before they make peace with Ah Fu.

Before that, Ma Feng had already given them an order to kill everyone except Fu Xiaorou and Ah Fu!
The order to kill them all has already come into effect before, so this group of people will be murderous.

The strong man in the lead was holding a big knife. Except for his human appearance, the other monsters all had grim expressions along the way, as if they had no thinking ability at all.


In the forest, Ah Fu suddenly turned his head, looking solemnly at the void in the distance: "It's really fast, so many people are here?"

Ah Fu and the Ninth Base seemed to have some kind of special connection, where the breath could not be detected, he already knew the number of the other party.

"I can't control that much, I must act!"

Ah Fu let out a long cry, holding a red pennant in his hand, surrounded by his talisman, and with a wave of true energy, he slammed towards Xiao Ye and the others!
Ah Fu is coming in a menacing way, and the true energy in his body has been mobilized to the peak forbidden area, so he is ready to go all out!

As for the treasure in Xiao Ye's hands, he is bound to get it, and he must not let the Ninth Base be destroyed!


In Shi Wunei, Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing stood up almost at the same time. Xiao Bing frowned and said, "But why is he alone? It stands to reason that he should have been waiting for reinforcements just now. Could it be that there were no reinforcements?"

"No!" Xiao Ye directly denied Xiao Bing's opinion: "It's not that there are no reinforcements, the reinforcements are already approaching quickly, he doesn't want the reinforcements to participate in this matter, this old thing..."

As he said that, Xiao Ye smiled coldly: "The old man has taken a fancy to these treasures on me."

"What?" Xiao Bing was startled: "An old bastard who doesn't know what is good or bad, dares to peep at the treasures in the cabinet armory of my Xiao family. Let alone he can't get it, even if he gets it, he can't control it!"

The meaning of ridicule kept coming from Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing's mouths, what Ah Fu was thinking was a big joke to them.

"Junior, come out quickly and suffer death!"

Ah Fu didn't know that he had become a laughing stock. After his long laughter exploded, a powerful coercion fell from the sky.

"Space imprisonment again? This old man really thinks his space imprisonment is invincible!"

Xiao Bing spat in disdain, and with a thought, the surrounding spatial confinement suddenly shattered, replaced by Xiao Bing's confinement of the space around Ah Fu!
In an instant, Ah Fu felt that he was stuck in a quagmire, and wanted to break through the space confinement, but found that he didn't understand space enough, and he was not at the same level as Xiao Bing at all.

"How is this possible?" Ah Fu's complexion turned pale instantly, and his actions had become extremely slow due to the impact of the space confinement.

With fluttering long hair, Xiao Bing slowly flew in front of Ah Fu, with a smile on his mouth, staring at Ah Fu with a smile on his face.A cute smile can kill people in A Fu's eyes!
"Junior, what is your identity?" Ah Fu already knew that he was not Xiao Bing's opponent, but after all, he had rich experience, and he was able to stay in danger at this time!
"Junior? I think you are the junior, right? In Zhengyuan Continent, it's not about being arrogant when you get older, it's about strength here!" Xiao Bing blew on his fingers, looking nonchalant.

The more she is like this, the more scheming Ah Fu has in his heart. Now Ah Fu no longer peeps at Xiao Ye's treasure, what he wants is to live!If you want to survive, you must rely on reinforcements, and if you want to wait for reinforcements to arrive, you must delay time.

So Ah Fu now has to find a way to delay the time. Now it seems that although the person in front of him is powerful, he lacks experience. Fu is playing tricks!

In battle, this kind of underestimation of the enemy is absolutely unavoidable, and Xiao Bing made a huge mistake.

Of course, Xiao Bing put down this mistake on purpose. She didn't want to kill Ah Fu, what she wanted was a deterrent, a deterrent to the Ma family.

So Ah Fu alone is not enough, and reinforcements from the Ma family are needed!

Both of them were waiting for the Ma family's reinforcements, the difference was that one was waiting for the reinforcements to save their lives, while the other was waiting for the reinforcements, which gave the Ma family a huge shock.

The purpose is different, but the opportunity they are waiting for is exactly the same!This is really interesting.

"Junior, the old man is a member of the Ma family, and he is under the Ma family's ass. Although this place is strictly counted as your Xiao family's territory, if the old man has any troubles, the Ma family will not let you go easily."

Ah Fu's voice sounded: "Speaking of which, we don't have any major festivals, it's just that we had some misunderstandings because of Miss Xiaorou's marriage. During this process, all the people who died were from the Fuling City Lord's Mansion. There were no casualties, and there was no loss. Now that things have happened, I think everyone has taken a step back, and the major incidents have been reduced to minor ones. How about it?"

He said so on the lips, but his heart was full of evil plans, thinking about how to torture the juniors in front of him when the reinforcements arrived.

"Oh? Make big things small, small things? This is a good idea." Xiao Bing's eyes lit up: "That's right, our Xiao family and your Ma family don't have any feuds, and now we're making trouble because of this little conflict, and we're going back home." I can't afford to walk around. But your Ma family is too deceitful, even wanting to rob our Patriarch's woman, this must be explained to our Xiao family."

Xiao Bing seemed to be addicted to playing. Xiao Ye and others below couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded watching this scene, but no one stopped them. After all, they had to wait for the Ma family's reinforcements. How can watching a show be interesting in boring waiting?

"This..." Ah Fu smacked his lips, explain?Do you want me to explain your Xiao Ming here?Thinking this way in his heart, he had to admit defeat in his mouth. You must know that his Xiao Ming is in Xiao Bing's hands.

"From your point of view, how do you explain this matter to your Xiao family?"

Xiao Bing nodded his chin, seemed to be lost in thought, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Yes! Let you Mr. Ma Feng come to my Xiao family mountain to have a cup of tea, personally apologize to the owner, and then all of you Ma family will leave Xiao How about going back to your own sphere of influence?"

It doesn't sound too much to ask Ma Feng to come to apologize in person, but it is a bit interesting to ask everyone in the Ma family to withdraw from the sphere of influence of the Xiao family.

This includes not only Ah Fu and Ma Feng, but also the entire Ninth Base.

A Fu thought that Xiao Bing's sentence was an unintentional mistake, but in fact this sentence was Xiao Bing's real purpose.

"Hurry up!" Ah Fu secretly calculated the distance of the reinforcements. In his perception, the reinforcements arrived before half a stick of incense was needed. At this time, he had to live, no matter what means he used.

"Okay! This condition is not too much, I agree." Ah Fu seemed to agree after consideration.

"You agreed?" Xiao Bing was overjoyed, and then shook his head again: "You can't agree, you are just a dog of the Ma family, what's the use of a dog's voice? If you want to agree, you, Ma Feng, must personally agree." ,hey-hey!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ah Fu's face completely sank. As King Wu, he was called a dog to his face, and he was still a young girl. This is really a great shame!
(End of this chapter)

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