god system

Chapter 356 Reinforcement arrives

Chapter 356 Reinforcement arrives

It was obviously Xiao Bing's condition, and he agreed to it, but instead of being recognized, he was scolded as a dog, which almost made people vomit blood.

"Forbearance! You must endure!" Ah Fu kept telling himself that the group of people in front of him was about to turn into corpses, so don't care about them like them. The most important thing now is to save their lives, and the reinforcements from the Ninth Base are about to arrive.

"How can you still laugh after being scolded, you old dog? Look at your smile, you are really a dog."

Ah Fu swallowed his anger, and when an embarrassing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Xiao Bing immediately laughed. The sarcastic tone and distorted expression were like a sharp knife, piercing Ah Fu's heart over and over again.

Since the beginning of cultivation, until today, Ah Fu has never been humiliated like this.He really wanted to slap these juniors in front of him with his palm, but he, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, didn't dare to take any other drastic actions other than accepting it.

Ah Fu thought that his life was worth more than the sum of these people in front of him, and the reinforcements that were approaching quickly made Ah Fu put up with all his life.

Below, Xiao Ye and the others were amused by Xiao Bing's words. This girl was so angry that she was clearly making fun of Ah Fu.

Today's Xiao Bing is not as cold as when Xiao Ye first saw her. Now Xiao Bing is a cheerful girl. It seems that because of being free, her heart has also let go.

Ah Fu stopped talking, he used silence to delay time, Xiao Bing lost the fun, and also landed, just using space to confine Ah Fu so that Ah Fu could not escape.

In another place, Xiao Jun also pays attention to the situation through the sound transmission array!

At a certain moment, Xiao Ye and Xiao Bing had a sense of the distance again, there were more than 20 powerful aura waves bursting rapidly, and they knew without thinking that the Ma family's reinforcements were coming.

"There are a lot of people here. This force is not doing ordinary things. What is the Ma family planning to do in Fuling City?" Xiao Ye was stunned. He didn't expect that there were so many reinforcements from the Ma family. If so, how strong is the power arranged by the Ma family near the Xiaojia Mountain?

"It's terrible, a big fish can be found in one sweep!" Xiao Bing was also shocked.

"Patriarch, there are people from the Ma family. There are probably more than [-] strong people from King Wu." Xiao Bing reported the situation to Xiao Jun immediately!

"More than 20 Martial Kings?" Upon hearing the news, Xiao Jun was really taken aback, not by the opponent's power, but why the Ma family had such a terrifying force lurking around?
What the hell are they trying to do here?If it wasn't for Xiao Jun's mistake to drive the Ma family out, does it mean that in the near future, all the towns that the Xiao family can control will become the Ma family?

In short, the Ma family must have some plan. This plan may be related to the experiment of the Ma family, but in any case, since it hit the gunpoint, the Ma family must leave obediently, otherwise...

Bang bang bang!
Suddenly, a series of explosions sounded in the void, and it was Ah Fu who broke free from Xiao Bing's spatial confinement, and then flew backward like a madman.

Obviously, he has already sensed the breath of the reinforcements, and he can't help it anymore at this moment, he wants to join the reinforcements, and then launch a big counterattack.

"Juniors, if you dare to offend my Ma family, prepare to die!"

Ah Fu's angry voice shook the sky, he no longer wants the treasure on Xiao Ye's body, what he wants to do now is to avenge his shame, and get back all the shame he suffered before!
He wants revenge and kills!
"Cut! An old thing who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Xiao Bing spat, and Xiao Ye became more cautious. In his spiritual eyes, a black cloud appeared in the distant sky, and it was approaching quickly.

In the billowing black cloud, a powerful aura fluctuates, as if some beast is hiding in it!
"This is the Ma family's reinforcements? Why are the auras so weird? Although all auras seem to have reached the level of the Martial King, why do their auras come from the same line, as if they are united together?"

In Xiao Ye's perception, he could clearly detect the aura within the black cloud. Except for one aura that was normal, the other auras were in the same line, as if the methods and process of cultivation of those people were exactly the same.

The things experienced by each cultivation method, as well as their own physique are different, and their cultivation methods cannot be exactly the same, and their breaths are also different.

Some people may have the same appearance, but they will never be able to change their breath. Breath is the only reliable existence for identifying creatures.

Now there are obviously many strong men in the black cloud, but except for one of these strong men, the auras of the others have more or less in common, so that their auras are all connected together.

If these people were separated individually, their strength might not be very strong, but if they were connected together, they would all reach the realm of King Wu.

"What kind of ability is this? This group of people from the Ma family is really special, and we must be careful!" Xiao Ye secretly raised a dike in his heart, and in the distant void, Ah Fu finally joined the reinforcements from the Ma family.

He plunged headlong into the black cloud, and together with the black cloud, shot murderously at the stone house where Xiao Ye and the others were.

The gust of whistling wind suddenly blew up in the mountains, and there was a slightly pungent breath in the wind, which smelled very uncomfortable.

Over the stone house, black clouds floated, and the originally dark sky suddenly darkened again. It felt like the whole sky was suppressed, which made people feel an unspeakable sense of oppression!
At the same time, a majestic coercion descended from the black cloud. The combined coercion of more than twenty martial kings was like a gigantic boulder, ruthlessly pressing on the shoulders of Xiao Ye and the others. superior.

The spatial confinement that was more severe than Xiao Bing fell, and this time, even Xiao Ye felt that it was difficult to move, not only that, but even breathing became difficult.

Chi Chi!

In the black cloud, black electric snakes suddenly shot out. The electric snakes did not hit Xiao Ye and the others, but exploded in the void, turning into black mist.

The mist fell from the sky, and wherever it passed, the space made harsh sounds, as if the air had been corrupted.

"It's poisonous gas!"

Xiao Bing and Xiao Ye shuddered at the same time. This poisonous gas can even corrupt the air. It can be seen that the poisonous gas is so strong that Xiao Ye and others may not feel comfortable if they touch it.

"Aura Shield!"

Xiao Xiaojia immediately opened the shield, no matter how strong the poisonous gas is, with the shield in place, the poisonous gas will not be able to harm them for a while, but the enemy's intention is obviously not to kill the enemy with poisonous gas, but to restrain the enemy's actions with poisonous gas, and then Beheaded.

woo woo woo woo……

In the black cloud, black shadows suddenly shot out. They were all furry, and they looked like orangutans, but they had human faces.

This group of people is obviously different from humans, but it gives the impression that these people are human beings!
Their breathing was very short, and their limbs were particularly developed, their eyes were sharp, and they glanced down like falcons, and then they all pulled out a long sword from their backs, and without any explanation, they came down to kill!
The enemy is approaching menacingly. In this dark and tense atmosphere, even Xiao Ye might be able to see the face of the enemy clearly!
"These people can walk freely in the poisonous gas without being affected by the poisonous gas at all. Fighting with them in this environment is dangerous even if the body's true energy is broken."

Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes, the poisonous gas is equal to the domain space created by the enemy, in this battle, the enemy is like a fish in water, but he himself is sitting on pins and needles, not knowing how to fight.

In this situation, he has no chance of winning at all, and besides, there are so many martial kings on the other side, and the strength is very different, so he is a fool if he goes head-on.

Xiao Ye's eyes quickly passed over this group of weird enemies, and fell into the black cloud!
In the black cloud, Ah Fu is already in it, and there is still a strong Martial King with a human aura left. If there is no accident, that person is the core of this team.

It can be seen that the eyes of the attacking force are blood red, and their IQ is not high. They can attack neatly and quickly, and they must be controlled by someone behind the scenes!

"Juniors, dare to offend my Ma family, now is the time to bear the wrath of the Ma family!"

Ah Fu's cold voice came, he wanted Xiao Ye and others to bear his anger now, if he dared to tease himself like this before, if Xiao Ye and others were not made to pay the price, wouldn't his life, Ah Fu, be in vain?
The extremely powerful attack fell, and the crisis enveloped the audience. At this moment, even Xiao Bing had no choice!
Seeing that he was about to die on the spot, but at this moment, a glaring white glow suddenly shone in the stone house, and the poisonous gas around him dissipated as the white glow passed, and the twenty or so martial kings stood in front of this white glow. He was blasted out without even blocking the blow.

More than [-] strong men floated around the black cloud in surprise, their eyes fell on the stone house.

"Who is it?" From within the black cloud, came a calm, forceful, domineering voice, and it was definitely not Ah Fu.


In the stone house, a young man in a blue cloth walked out with his hands behind his back. His eyes were like torches, and he exuded a kingly aura from his whole body. He was the current head of the Xiao family, Xiao Jun!

The moment Xiao Jun appeared, the surrounding spatial confinement was completely shattered!Immediately afterwards, in the sound transmission array, one after another, the light burst out quickly, and in the blink of an eye, there were more than 40 martial king powerhouses above the void, and they surrounded the black cloud .

All of this happened in an instant, and the appearance of these more than 40 martial kings directly turned the situation around, and the menacing Hei Yun, who was about to kill, fell into an unprecedented crisis.

Although there is no sound in the black cloud, it can be felt that the people in the black cloud have been a little scared.

Xiao Jun stepped out of the stone house, silver-white light shone under his feet, he took the void as a ladder, stepped up to the high altitude, and scanned the four inhuman monsters in front of the black cloud.

"Eh? Third, third brother?"

Just when Xiao Jun was about to make a question, Xiao Ye in front of the stone house was startled. In his spiritual vision, he found a very familiar face among these monsters.

Xiao Sheng!

(End of this chapter)

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