god system

Chapter 402 The Shadow

Chapter 402 The Shadow
In Zhengzhong and Mozong, big events happen all the time. This is the normal state of Zhengyuan Continent, but recently, big events have indeed been too frequent.

Zhengdao and Mozong both had a feeling, as if all of this was a sign of something big about to happen.

After several months of Xiao Ye's retreat, another master happened in the Senluo Temple. This time, the big event was quite interesting, because of this event, almost all the masters of the righteous way were gathered.

An old monster in the Senluo Palace broke through to the realm of Emperor Wu!
Emperor Wu, in the history of the Zhengyuan Continent, it seems that such a character has never been heard of, and unexpectedly appeared in the Senluo Palace.

This news is like explosive news, covering up all the big events, not to mention people in the righteous way, even the distant Demon Sect was really shocked.

With the appearance of Emperor Wudi, Senluo Palace surpassed Ziyun Sect, Fuxi Sect, Huangfeng Valley and Longcha Palace, and became the largest sect in Zhengyuan Continent!
All the powerhouses gathered in Senluo Hall to pay their respects to Emperor Wudi's demeanor, and the date of Emperor Wudi's birth happened to coincide with what Lu Tianyou told Xiao Ye at the Xiao family's half a year later.

The only thing that didn't match was that Xiao Ye missed the birth of Emperor Wu because of retreat.

The appearance of Emperor Wu undoubtedly dealt a severe blow to the four major sects, and even gave the Mo Sect a terrible alarm. This indicates that Zhengdao is likely to firmly suppress the Mo Sect due to the birth of a Wu Emperor, and finally annex the Mo Sect .

With the appearance of Emperor Wu, the arrogance of Senluo Palace also became more arrogant. They began to recruit disciples on a large scale. The previous standards were overturned. It seemed that what they wanted was only quantity, and they completely ignored quality.

As a result, a large number of disciples flocked to the Senluo Hall, and the Senluo Hall began to grow crazily, and even secretly swallowed up a trace of the territory of the other four major sects.

Indistinctly, Senluo Temple has already prepared to become the number one sect on the mainland.

Time passed quickly during Emperor Wu's birth, and it took three full years. For the Zhengyuan Continent, these three years can be described as turbulent waves, and they have experienced too much.

Even the situation of Zhengdao has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the past three years, Mu Qing'er and He Dong have become even more famous, and the two seem to have a tendency to become young disciples with the strongest qualifications in Zhengdao.

That's the matter, one thing made the Zhengyuan Continent nervous again, that is, a demon was discovered in the continent!
The Demon Race and the Demon Sect are completely different. They do not live in the Zhengyuan Continent, but in another interface. They are completely opposite to humans. The Demon Race always wants to invade the Zhengyuan Continent and destroy human beings.

In the past, the demons invaded the Zhengyuan Continent. At that time, the Zhengyuan Continent's Demon Sect and the Righteous Way united and fought hard before driving the demons out.

In that battle, blood flowed into Zhengyuan Continent, causing countless casualties.

But since then, the Zhengyuan Continent can't remember that there have been no shadows of the demons for thousands of years. The last time there were shadows of the demons was when the people of the demons used the poisonous insects from the demon world.

Regarding this matter, the Zhengdao sect also asked the Mozong, and the answer was that the Mozong did not cooperate with the Mozu. As for why they had the poisonous insects from the Demon World, the Mozong said that they had no comment.

For the Demon Sect's insistence, Zhengdao is not easy to force. After all, everyone is human, and they paid a painful price to fight against the Demons that day. Zhengdao also does not believe that the people of the Demon Sect will unite with the Demons.

The matter was left alone, until recently, a demon was discovered in the Zhengyuan Continent.

For the entire Zhengyuan Continent, this was an earthquake-like event, and Zhengdao and Mozong gathered together almost immediately to discuss the appearance of the Mozu.

The Mozong categorically denied that the appearance of the Mozu had anything to do with them, and Zhengdao didn't even know about it.

In the end, they had no choice but to chase and kill this demon, to strangle him, and not allow him to return to the demon world.Because Zhengdao and Mozong both suspect that this person has some information about Zhengyuan Continent, if he is allowed to go back, it may cause the demons to invade Zhengyuan Continent again.

In the end, this demon was forced into the realm of the Demon Sect, and entered a mysterious ancient mountain of the Demon Sect. This ancient mountain is called Cangman Mountain!

Cangman Mountain is the largest mountain in the Demon Sect and even the Zhengyuan Continent, and it is also a paradise for monsters, gathering more than half of the monsters in the Zhengyuan Continent.

Moreover, the monsters in Cangman Mountain are extremely powerful and tyrannical, and some monsters even have more terrifying supernatural powers than humans. Long before the appearance of Emperor Wudi in Senluo Palace, there was already a super existence in Cangman Mountain that was as powerful as Emperor Wudi.

Back then when the demons invaded, the demonic beasts of Cangman Mountain also made great contributions. Because of this, a contract was signed between humans and the demonic beasts of Cangman Mountain. All powerful men above Wuzun and Lingzun were forbidden to step into Cangman Mountain!

Since this contract was made, no one has dared to break it. If some Martial Venerable stepped into it occasionally, he never came out again.

The Cangman Mountain is rich in spiritual energy, and it is a paradise for monsters. The monsters live in it very comfortably, and naturally they will not go out at will, and they will not affect human life.

It is also a good thing for humans that there are no monsters rampant in Cangman Mountain in Zhengyuan Continent.

Then, the demons escaped into the Cangman Mountain. It is said that the strength of the demons is about the same as that of human warriors. At this level, if you enter Cangman Mountain, you will not be able to escape the fate of being exterminated by the demons.

For a while, no one dared to fall into Cangman Mountain. For this matter, Zhengdao and Mozong held an emergency meeting. Both sides must send their own strong teams to enter Cangman Mountain to deal with the demons.

For the righteous sect, He Dong and Mu Qing'er each lead a team, while Nie Tiandao of the Mo sect has also returned from training at this time, he provoked the main beam and led the team into Cangman Mountain.

On the other side, there are also many powerful people who are interested in the demons who spontaneously entered Cangman Mountain. For a while, Cangman Mountain became extremely lively. The monsters in Cangman Mountain seemed not very happy about this.

In short, all the eyes of Zhengyuan Continent are fixed on Cangman Mountain. At this moment, even the major families have sent their own teams, including the third-rate family Ma's family, and the one who has regained the position of the first-rate family. Xiao family.

"Elder Xiao Ming, it was really helpless to let you lead the team into Cangman Mountain not long after you left the customs. During this trip to Cangman Mountain, in addition to chasing demon disciples, safety must be the first priority, even if Cangman No matter how many treasures there are in the mountains, I hope the elders will not pay too much attention to them."

"Xiao Bing, you must fully assist Elder Xiao Ming!"

Xiao's team was led by Elder Xiao Ming, with Xiao Bing as assistants.After retreating, Xiao Ming's aura has completely changed, and even Xiao Bing felt terrified by the aura fluctuations emanating from his body.

The third-rate family, the Ma family.

"Ma Feng, you caused my Ma family to become a third-rate family, and your parents paid a heavy price for it, and you also became the experimental subject of my Ma family. Fortunately, the experiment was successful and gave you great power. This time Entering Cangman Mountain, chasing the demons is just an excuse, you have to try to get close to the demons to see if there is any possibility of cooperating with them. Also, we have received news that the Xiao family also has a team entering Cangman Mountain, looking for an opportunity, Let them get in, but not get out!"

The Ma family, which has been reduced to a third-rate family, looks like it has no strength on the outside, but its background is deep, and with that kind of weird experiment, the strength they have preserved is unimaginable.

In the past three years, their once friendly family has long since abandoned them.In the past three years, they also tried their best to preserve their strength, and conducted a crazy experiment, which made Ma Feng transform from the inside out.

Today's Ma Feng is no longer a son, they are a successful experiment of the Ma family, but his hatred for the Xiao family has long been deeply rooted in his bones. A terrifying and terrifying killing intent was shot!
The shadow of the demon appeared, and the Zhengyuan Continent was full of wind and clouds. After three years, the incident of Xiao Ye had already faded away, and the glory of the righteous and demon battlefield that day had gradually been forgotten and become a thing of the past.

Ziyun Sect, one of the five major sects, should now be called one of the four major sects, because the Sen Luo Temple basically broke away from the worries of the five major sects and became an existence that surpassed them.

The most dramatic thing about peak 52, the core of Ziyun sect, was that Li Qihuai waited and waited in Xiao Ye's No. 36 mansion that day. A staff member of Zong, who became a disciple again, was assigned to the core 52 peak.

He actually became Xiao Ye's senior brother!

For Li Qihuai, this is a matter of shame, but he is also helpless, if he does not become a disciple of the core 52 peak, does he have to carry other identities and stare at the core 52 peak every day, waiting for Xiao Ye to leave the customs? ?
Others would think that Li Qihuai had gone crazy, and he had been waiting here for three years, but this was a task assigned to him by the sect, and if he didn't complete it, his identity as a member of the Ziyun sect would also die.

In order not to let the outside world talk, Li Qihuai can only become a core disciple and enter the core 52 peaks. This matter is a pain in Li Qihuai's heart!

Every time I think about it, I can't help but feel sad. It's because of my mistake that day that I got kicked in the head by a donkey to see Xiao Ye's jokes in front of the mountain gate.

"I regret it, I regret it!"

Li Qihuai, who had a mustache and looked a bit decadent, squatted in front of the No. 36 mansion, drinking strong wine, shaking his head, with a look of remorse.

But there is one thing that is strange, because of Xiao Ye, Li Qihuai's cultivation speed suddenly increased a lot. He didn't even know why. Something has been accomplished.

"Major events in the Zhengyuan Continent happened one by one, but this kid was able to retreat with peace of mind, and closed for three years. Is cultivation so fun? It takes three years?"

Li Qihuai complained, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he found that the purple mist in mansion No. 36 slowly began to dissipate.

(End of this chapter)

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