god system

Chapter 403 Xiao Ye Exits

Chapter 403 Xiao Ye Exits
"This kid is going to leave the customs? Damn it, it's been three years, and he's finally going to leave the customs. I..."

Li Qihuai was so excited that he even smashed the latest wine bottle on the ground. He rolled up his sleeves and wiped off the wine stains from the corners of his mouth, looking like he was going to fight someone desperately!
It was the first time in three years that Li Qihuai was so impulsive, now he wished he could rush into Xiao Ye's mansion, push Xiao Ye to the ground, and punch him several times.

For three years, Li Qihuai just passed it through, and the acid in his heart poured out, and it could converge into a river!

Li Qihuai has been aggrieved for three years. In the past three years, he was not the only one who gathered outside No. 36 mansion. The Tang Sect changed a person to guard every day, and there were also those disciples who came here for fame. Li Qihuai had a companion at the beginning.

Who knew that Xiao Ye would go into seclusion for three years at a time, and today, three years later, he is the only one guarding outside the No. 36 mansion, staring in a daze at the seclusion restriction all day long, doing nothing.

Now, Xiao Ye is finally going to leave the customs, Li Qihuai's hard days are over, but now, if Li Qihuai wants to express the anger in his heart, he must leave Xiao Ye for a meal.

The retreat restrictions have been fully activated, and the voices from the outside world can be heard in the mansion, Li Qihuai is not in a hurry, just wait like this, he wants to see if Xiao Ye will come out or not.

Soon, the remaining restrictions were finally completed, and the whole picture of mansion No. 36 came into view. In the front of the mansion, stood a young man.

The outline of the young man's face is quite clear, with an easy-going smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his mustache is faintly visible, adding a lot of mature charm to him.

The corners of the boy's eyebrows were slightly tilted outwards, his eyes were narrowed, and his eyes were restrained. This seemingly mature boy was Xiao Ye who had been in retreat for three years.

Today's Xiao Ye is a little less hostile and a little more calm. The whole person looks a lot more restrained, and his aura fluctuates very easy-going, without any murderous aura.

He looks like a scholar, how can he look like a practitioner?
"You guys have been in retreat for three years, and you have closed this virtue?"

Li Qihuai, who was originally angry and was about to beat up Xiao Ye, suddenly lost interest. Xiao Ye's appearance as a scholar really made people unable to even arouse the interest in beating him up.

"Senior Li, are you here all right?" Xiao Ye smiled, and even his voice had a mature magnetism. After three years of retreat, Xiao Ye has indeed undergone tremendous changes in both appearance and behavior.

Back then, Xiao Ye was quite impulsive in dealing with things, and he looked completely young and frivolous.Desperate kindness and enmity are the portrayal of Xiao Ye at that time.

But now, Xiao Ye's aura is completely restrained, his emotions and anger are not expressed, and the scholar's aura all over his body really makes Li Qihuai break out in a cold sweat.

Is this still the Xiao Ye who was a blockbuster in the battlefield of righteousness and evil?Is this the brat who made himself wait for three years for nothing?
"What's the matter with you kid?" Li Qihuai's eyes widened, and he even wondered if the person in front of him was Xiao Ye.

"Grow up." Xiao Ye's answer was simple.

"Long your sister!" Li Qihuai rolled his eyes, and the brat in front of him seemed to be playing tricks on him again, thinking that by acting like a scholar, he could wash away the bloody aura that killed the Quartet back then?

Just as Li Qihuai was thinking, Xiao Ye suddenly raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Boy, what are you looking at?"

Li Qihuai frowned, followed Xiao Ye's gaze, and found that it was empty and there was nothing there.

"Hehe! My brothers are here." Xiao Ye laughed.

"Brother?" Li Qihuai looked at the front again, it was still empty, let alone a figure, not even a fly.

"Boy, are you closing your head in seclusion? Where is someone? Don't try to distract the old man. Explain clearly to the old man what it means three years ago."

Li Qihuai was furious, but Xiao Ye waved his hand, and a table appeared in front of him, with fine wine on it.

"Boy, don't go too far, huh?"

Li Qihuai was about to get angry when he suddenly noticed a wave coming from behind, and then he was surprised to find that there were really three rays of light flying towards him.

From Xiao Ye's opening to the appearance of the three escaping lights, it took dozens of breaths. This time is enough to fly several miles away. Xiao Ye can discover it from such a long distance. What kind of magical power is this?
The person who came was the brother Xiao Ye mentioned, and they were the three people who disappeared when they went to the Senluo Hall, Xiao Mu, Xiao Rui and Xiao Jingang.

Now they are all great martial arts masters, they are all walking with swords and flying towards this place.

In the past three years, they have come to Mansion No. 36 frequently, just to meet Xiao Ye and ask about the whereabouts of Xiao Dongliu and others.

Who would have thought that Xiao Ye retreated for three years at a time, and finally made them wait for Xiao Ye to come out today.

"Look, the seventh brother is out."

"It's been three years, and I finally see my seventh brother again, go and ask my elder brother where they are going."

"Hey, three years have passed, things are different, big brother and the others are afraid..."

In the past three years, they have not returned to Xiao's house, and they don't know the news of Xiao Sheng and others, so they can only keep looking for Xiao Ye.Too many things happened in the past three years, and they never had time to return to Xiao's house.

"Seventh brother!"

"Seventh brother!"

When the three of them landed, Xiao Ye had already set up a simple banquet for the three of them to sit down with Li Qihuai.

"Three brothers, I know that what you have come here this time is the business of the eldest brother and the others. I will make this matter clear."

Before the three of them could open their mouths, Xiao Ye had already told everything he knew. About Xiao Sheng and the Ma family's experiment, and Xiao Dongliu who were still missing, Xiao Ye didn't hide anything.

All of this, when the three of them heard about it, their complexions changed!

There was no news for three years. In fact, they had already prepared for the worst, but they didn't expect that this would happen. Their brother might be caught as an experimental product.

"That's unreasonable! Damn the Ma family!" Xiao Mu jumped up against the case, clenched his fists, if something happened to his brother, they could accept three years of precipitation, but they didn't want to be arrested by the Ma family for experimentation.

"According to what the seventh brother said, there is only the third brother, and there is no news about the fifth and sixth children. But judging from the current situation, either he died tragically at the hands of the Ma family, or he was treated as an experiment by the Ma family."

Xiao Sheng was arrested and used as an experimental product. It is likely that there was a fight before the arrest, which caused Xiao Dongliu and Xiao Liu to die in the waiting fight.It is also possible that after they were captured, they were sent to other bases of the Ma family.

In short, they knew that the three of Xiao Dongliu would not be separated, they must be fighting side by side, and if Xiao Sheng was like this, the other two might not be much better.

Regarding the matter of Xiao Dongliu, Xiao Ye expressed his guilt.And the three of Xiao Mu also narrated what happened on their way to Sen Luo Temple that day.

It turned out that they were really involved in the battlefield of evil spirits, and there was a lot of opportunity in the battlefield of evil spirits. Because of the chance, they were trapped in one place. When they escaped, the battlefield of evil spirits was over.

Knowing that a long time had passed, they hurriedly returned to Purple Cloud Sect to look for Xiao Ye, but they were told that Xiao Ye was in seclusion, and they also knew about Xiao Ye's efforts to turn the tide.

After a brief meeting, the three of Xiao Mu left. This time they decided to return to Xiao's house to see how Xiao Sheng's treatment was progressing. If Xiao Sheng was saved, then Xiao Dongliu and Xiao Liu His whereabouts are also known.

As for Xiao Ye, he didn't go back.

"Senior Li, just tell me what you have." Facing Li Qihuai, Xiao Ye still had that flat smile. For some reason, Xiao Ye's disposition suddenly became so mature. Sometimes this kind of maturity makes Li Qihuai feel creepy. .

"Say a fart!"

Li Qihuai rolled his eyes again: "Three years ago, I was looking for you. It was a big person in the sect who wanted to see you. Now three years have passed, and something shocking happened in Zhengyuan Continent. Who else will remember you? I am waiting for you here. It’s just to tell you what happened in the past three years, what do you think?”

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Ye couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.When I didn't see Li Qihuai back then, it was because Li Qihuai was messing with himself, but because Xiao Ye knew that Li Qihuai must represent the sect, and he didn't want to face the high-level of Ziyunzong at that time.

Whether it's about the flame man or trying to turn the tide, it's all Xiao Ye's own business, and he doesn't need to report it to the sect.

"Three years? How time flies." Xiao Ye sighed, but he didn't let Li Qihuai continue. Instead, he looked into the distance and said, "Before Senior Li told junior everything about Zhengyuan Continent, junior something to do."

Li Qihuai was startled: "What is it? Do you have to do it now?"

Xiao Ye said calmly: "Defeat Mu Qing'er!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Qihuai was deeply shocked, Mu Qing'er?That is the most brilliant disciple among the core of Ziyun Sect in recent years. She is powerful, her aptitude is heaven-defying, and she has gained a great reputation in both Zhengdao and Demon Sect.

Now that Mu Qinger's strength has been cultivated to the peak of Martial King, he may break through to the realm of Martial Venerable at any time, Xiao Ye actually said that he wants to defeat Mu Qinger, this kid is really brazen, really thinks that he is the real rookie king in the battlefield of righteousness and evil?

"Don't even think about defeating him, she's not in the sect now." Li Qihuai didn't want to pour cold water on him, but the hard facts couldn't be changed.

"Oh? Senior Li knows her whereabouts?" Xiao Ye asked.

"What is there not to know about this? The entire Zhengyuan Continent knows that all the most powerful masters of the Martial King Stage have entered the Demon Sect's Cangman Mountain, and Mu Qing'er is naturally among them."

"Cangman Mountain?" Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes: "But is there any treasure in Cangman Mountain that attracted them?"

"There are treasures, but it's not everyone's purpose." Li Qihuai explained, as if he had finally found the meaning of his existence, he said: "A member of the Demon Race invaded the Zhengyuan Continent, was chased by Zhengyuan and Demon, and fled into the Zhengyuan Continent." Cangman Mountain. For some reason, those above Wuzun and Lingzun are not allowed to enter Cangman Mountain, so the matter of hunting demons is naturally left to King Wu and King Ling."

"Cangman Mountain was originally the number one dangerous place, but now there are even more powerful people gathering and fighting endlessly."


Li Qihuai explained that Xiao Ye had already set up the escape light and shot away!

(End of this chapter)

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