god system

Chapter 453 Betrayed?

Chapter 453 Betrayed?

As the most mysterious and terrifying place in Zhengyuan Continent, Cangman Mountain contains countless secrets and geniuses.

So far, even the hidden powerhouses above Emperor Wu had to be cautious when entering Cangman Mountain, and when it was found that someone was eavesdropping on the meeting held in Cangman Mountain, all the monsters in Cangman Mountain took action.

Who dares to act presumptuously in Cangman Mountain?And who is capable of eavesdropping on that extremely important meeting?

The monsters in Cangman Mountain are in action, and all humans have basically withdrawn from Cangman Mountain, and Xiao Ye is already the last one.As for whether the actions of Warcraft will have results, it is unknown.

While advancing at full speed, the sky-high trees quickly passed by, and the temperature began to rise slowly, which was a symbol of getting closer and closer to the exit.


At this moment, Xiao Ye suddenly sensed a familiar aura on a big tree, and his spiritual eyes opened, and he saw a black evil spirit lingering around a big tree in front of him. Nie Tiandao's.

Not only did it belong to Nie Tiandao, but the aura seemed to be specially reserved for him, because the tree didn't respond at all before, until it sensed Xiao Ye's aura.

"Nie Tiandao?"

The trip to Tailong Mountain three years ago came to Xiao Ye's mind. At that time, Nie Tiandao, as the leader of the encirclement and suppression of Tailong Mountain, was destroyed by Xiao Ye's plan. His anger was so great that he wanted to tear Xiao Ye to pieces.

During the battle, Nie Tiandao kept asking Xiao Ye to fight to the death, but it was a pity that Mu Qing'er stopped him in the end and was almost killed.

It can be said that Nie Tiandao hated Xiao Ye to the bone. As for Xiao Ye, he had no hatred for Nie Tiandao. Of course, if Nie Tiandao wanted to cause trouble, Xiao Ye would naturally use the most decisive means. Kill him!

Cangman Mountain, Tumojian Tomb, Xiao Ye and Nie Tiandao met again. At this time, Nie Tiandao still had murderous intentions towards Xiao Ye, but he hid it and did not act aggressively.

In Xiao Ye's view, Nie Tiandao has indeed grown a lot in the past three years. The growth of the enemy is a threat to him, but Xiao Ye didn't care too much. Hand in hand, even when the demon girl appeared, they almost joined forces to fight against the enemy.

But no matter what, there seems to be nothing between Xiao Ye and Nie Tiandao that can be connected except for the enmity, but now Nie Tiandao has left a breath imprint on Xiao Ye on the big tree.

What is he going to do?Is it a trap?

All thoughts flashed through Xiao Ye's mind in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, his sensory aura quickly scanned the surrounding area, but no danger was found.

Xiao Ye seemed to be the only one here.

Xiao Ye frowned, and after careful consideration, he sent out a wave of exploration to touch the breath left on the tree. He wanted to see what Nie Tiandao wanted to do!
When the investigation wave touched Nie Tiandao's aura, Nie Tiandao's aura immediately turned into a burst of energy, trying to rush into Xiao Ye's mind.

Out of caution, Xiao Ye immediately blocked the breath from entering.

Soon, Xiao Ye revealed the danger of this breath, as if he wanted to convey some kind of news.

After confirming that there was no danger, Xiao Ye let this breath into his mind, and the voice belonging to Nie Tiandao came over immediately.

"Xiao Ye, being able to hear my voice means that you are lucky and courageous. I, Nie Tiandao, first say I admire you!"

Xiao Ye naturally chose to ignore the first sentence, and was courteous for nothing. Could there be any good things that could happen?
"I leave this message to tell you not to return to Purple Cloud Sect easily. You may not understand the current situation in Zhengyuan Continent. Zhengmo and Zhengmo will soon put aside their past differences and unite together. But here Before, there was a piece of news that was extremely unfavorable to you."

Nie Tiandao said: "Do you still remember Tailongshan and his party? The demon clan I led suffered heavy losses in that battle, and then the demon sect lost Weiyang Town. Looking at it now, it seems that what happened at the beginning is already insignificant. But you have to believe that Mozong has always kept this matter in mind and never forgot it."

"This time when the two ways of righteousness and magic are united, both the Demon Sect and the Righteous Way have made compensations and prices everywhere because of the various conflicts in the past. One of them is to fight against you. The Demon Sect asks the Righteous Way to hand you over to the Demon Sect Deal with it, and Zhengdao has agreed, Ziyunzong also nodded!"

After hearing all these words, Xiao Ye flashed a certain murderous intent, but soon doubts arose in his heart, why should he believe what Nie Tiandao said?

Nie Tiandao had a grudge against him, why did he help him?Could this be a conspiracy?
"I know that you definitely don't believe what I said before, and I don't have much evidence for it. I believe you will prove it yourself. As for why I want to help you, you can think that I, Nie Tiandao, have shown mercy. In the past three years, I, Nie Tiandao, have experienced things that you cannot understand, and my view of the world has also undergone earth-shaking changes. The so-called grievances between you and me back then were actually written about trivial matters. In the final analysis, it was my mistake That's all."

"To lose is to lose. I, Nie Tiandao, can lose, but in terms of strength, I, Nie Tiandao, have never convinced anyone. After the battle of Demon Slayer Sword Tomb, you, Xiao Ye, are indeed a very good opponent. The situation in the Yuan Continent is in turmoil, and it is hard to say what will happen, and I don’t think it is a good thing to kill you at the time of employing people.”

"Regardless of whether what I said today has any effect and effect, in short, I, Nie Tiandao, do what I think I should do as I like, and that's enough."

"Xiao Ye, take care!"

Some information passed into Xiao Ye's mind, regardless of whether it was true or not, Xiao Ye understood the meaning expressed in Nie Tiandao's words.

Obviously Nie Tiandao got some news. In the past three years, he has actually seen through the hatred that day. It was not a hatred, but a victory or defeat.

Nie Tiandao saw through the victory and defeat, and he no longer hated Xiao Ye in his heart.

Moreover, Nie Tiandao also knew that Zhengyuan Continent was facing a crisis, and it was a loss for Zhengyuan Continent to sacrifice a talent like Xiao Ye at this moment.

Of course, Nie Tiandao's true thoughts cannot be guessed from these words. What he has experienced and what he has mastered, Xiao Ye does not yet know.

"The demons are invading, and Zhengyuan Continent is at a time of crisis. At this moment, Zhengmen's alliance is imperative, but the two sides are bargaining at this time. Is there still a sacrifice for me?"

Xiao Ye laughed coldly, regardless of the authenticity of the news, if it is true, then this Zhengyuan Continent is too ridiculous!
The emergence of a real strong man cannot unify the Zhengyuan Continent, but such a ridiculous thing has happened. If Xiao Ye is the one who controls the Zhengyuan Continent, he will probably feel sad about it.

But obviously, those extremely strong people did not prevent these things from happening, and even acquiesced in this matter. Could it be said that the Zhengyuan Continent is so unbearable?
"Phew! First of all, we have to confirm the truth of the matter. What Nie Tiandao knows is only known by the high-level people in Zhengyuan Continent. .”

Xiao Ye frowned and pondered. At this moment, he was not far from the exit of Cangman Mountain. If Zhengyuan Continent really had such a regulation, it would be very simple to prove it.

If I were a member of the five major sects, I would lie in ambush outside Cangman Mountain now, and arrest me as soon as I appeared.

Not only the righteous ones, but even the members of the Demon Sect should set up an ambush outside Cangman Mountain. After all, the Demon Sect is the one who really wants Xiao Ye to die.

In Xiao Ye's lazy eyes, a murderous intent gradually appeared.

The crisis of the Demon Race is approaching, and he originally wanted to help the Zhengyuan Continent defend against the enemy, but if people of both righteous and demon ways want to kill him, then I'm sorry, the world is big, and his life is the biggest, whoever wants to kill me, I will kill him. Kill anyone, as for the so-called righteousness of protecting the Zhengyuan Continent, that has nothing to do with Xiao Ye.

Thinking about this, Xiao Ye tilted his eyes slightly backwards, and said, "I've been following you for so long, let's show up."

As the sound fell, a figure stood out from behind a certain big tree. It was none other than an orangutan with a pair of wings, Mozu Huowu!

Ever since Xiao Ye left the Eastern Zhantian battlefield, he found that Huo Wu was quietly following him, but Xiao Ye didn't feel malicious, so he never exposed it. Now he was suddenly reminded by Nie Tiandao, if the news is true, then Right now, he is facing enemies from all sides in the Zhengyuan Continent, and his situation is similar to that of Huo Wu.

So at this moment, he passed through Huo Wu's location.

"Why are you following me?" Xiao Ye stared at Huo Wu, his tone a bit unkind.

Xiao Ye's mood is not very good at the moment, he has a feeling of being betrayed, obviously that day in Tailong Mountain, he saved so many Righteous Daoists, but in the end he was sold by the Righteous Way to the Demon Sect?

"You go your way, I go mine, why should I follow you?" Huo Wu's tone was cold, and he didn't admit to following at all.

Xiao Ye frowned: "Huo Wu, you are the demon race, you don't want the demon race to invade the Zhengyuan Continent and humans, let alone the demon race perish, but to do this, you must need help. Maybe I, Xiao Ye It doesn't have any ability, but at least it's one of the human beings you can trust. If you don't say anything, just keep talking hard, then I'm sorry, I really don't know what to do for you, and please stay away from me. I have my own things to do!"

The cold words and the sealed back route finally touched Huo Wu slightly.

Since seeing Xiao Ye in Xiao Ding's space, to be honest, Huo Wu didn't have a good impression of Xiao Ye, and felt that the person in front of him was too casual and didn't seem like he was doing big things.

But Huo Wu is a demon, Xiao Ding is the only person he can trust in Zhengyuan Continent, and Xiao Ye, as Xiao Ding's younger brother, is also one of the people Huo Wu can trust.

In Xiao Ding's state, it is impossible to take any action, but Xiao Ye can, he can help himself!
(End of this chapter)

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