god system

Chapter 454 United Fire Dance

Chapter 454 United Fire Dance
Huo Wu betrayed the demons and came to the Zhengyuan Continent. She was hunted down by humans before and almost died.
As for Cangman Mountain, she couldn't stay there any longer. The monsters were looking for people to eavesdrop. Sooner or later, she would be discovered, and if she stayed, she would die.
So she followed Xiao Ye because she wanted to survive, and because she really needed Xiao Ye's help.
No matter how much she underestimates the human beings in front of her, the only one who can help her is the human beings in front of her!
Huo Wu had no choice, bit her lip, and finally bowed her head: "I need help."
Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Ye's mouth: "Exactly, I need help too!"
As he said that, Xiao Ye's attitude improved a lot, he didn't have the icy coldness just now, and replaced it with a warm smile. The big gap between the front and the back made Huo Wu startled, a little confused.
"Tell me, how do you want me to help you, and then I will tell you how to help me." Xiao Ye handed over the initiative to Huo Wu, because he has not yet figured out what to do next.
Once they walked out of Cangman Mountain, it would prove that what Nie Tiandao said was true or false. If it was true, they would be safe and sound, but if it was true, they would be under attack from both sides, and the situation was no different from that of Huo Wu.
If that is the case, what is the next step?Does the entire Zhengyuan Continent still have a place to live?
"I want to sneak back to the Demon Realm." Huo Wu finally spoke, the plan is very simple, but how to complete it?
Regarding this, Xiao Ye remained silent. Since Huo Wu came from the Demon Realm, she would have a way to travel between the Demon Realm and the Zhengyuan Continent. Perhaps going to the Demon Realm with Huo Wu is also a path.
"There is an extremely cold place in the Zhengyuan Continent. It has a hidden interface channel. Although it is unstable and dangerous, it can lead to the demon world. I am afraid that I cannot enter it alone. I need your assistance. .”
Huo Wu revealed the way to enter the Demon Realm. It turns out that there is a hidden interface channel hidden in Zhengyuan Continent.
Xiao Ye frowned and asked, "Where is it?"
"The center of the Demon Sect, the most core place of the Eternal Iceberg." Huo Wu finally revealed the exact location, it was actually in the center of the Demon Sect, the most core place of the Eternal Iceberg.
It is really difficult to reach such a place, after all, Huo Wu's appearance and breath are different from human beings, if she is alone, she will definitely not be able to reach it.
Even if Xiao Ye helped, it would be extremely difficult and dangerous, after all, it was the territory of the Demon Sect, Xiao Ye knew nothing about it, if someone from the Demon Sect helped, it would be twice the result with half the effort.
"Nie Tiandao?" Xiao Ye couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly at the person who came to his mind. Nie Tiandao conveyed a message to himself.
What's more, Nie Tiandao was not going to help with a demon next to him.
At the same time, Xiao Ye smiled wryly now. The Necromancer was clearly a relative of Nie Tiandao, and he sealed him in the Snake Flame Cauldron. Now that the Snake Flame Cauldron has been destroyed, the Necromancer is also dead, right?
Ben and Nie Tiandao had no relationship to talk about, but Nie Tiandao did him a small favor. Xiao Ye didn't know whether to say that he was meddling in his own business, or that he was big-hearted.
The so-called people don't offend me, I don't offend others, Xiao Ye has never really fought against Nie Tiandao, if there is hatred, it is only Nie Tiandao's against Xiao Ye.
Xiao Ye has always been taking defensive measures, nothing more.
"It's fine if you can't help!"
Seeing Xiao Ye's flickering eyes, Huo Wu snorted coldly, she mistakenly thought that Xiao Ye was thinking hard.
"Hehe, you were thinking too much. I was just thinking about other things. I will definitely help you with your affairs. In fact, if nothing happens, I might follow you into the Demon Realm." Xiao Ye smiled.
As soon as these words came out, Huo Wu took a few steps back, staring at Xiao Ye cautiously, as if she was facing a formidable enemy.
Xiao Ye was startled, shook his head and said: "I have no plot against you demons, but I may go to take refuge with you."
"Refuge?" Huo Wu frowned, expressing her confusion.
"It's a bit cumbersome to explain, and I haven't confirmed it yet, so I'll wait until it's confirmed. As you can see, we can't stay in Cangman Mountain anymore, we can't talk about it until we leave."
Xiao Ye said: "However, it is not so easy to leave now. If the prediction is correct, there are people fighting to ambush me outside the mountain, and the number of people is estimated to be quite a lot."
Huo Wu didn't understand what Xiao Ye was talking about, anyway, she wouldn't fully believe Xiao Ye until the matter was clarified.

Both Xiao Ye and Huo Wu were in a state of distrust with each other. After all, they were of different races, their standpoints were completely different, and the things they had to do were vastly different, but they all had one thing in common, that is, they needed help.

"My matter will be revealed when I leave the mountain. Now we have to agree on a meeting place outside the mountain. Don't worry, I can basically distract all the strong people outside the mountain. I believe you know how to act."

Xiao Ye said: "As for the meeting place, it should not be too far away from Cangman Mountain. It should be in the east, in the nearest mountain. If you leave me a breath mark, I will only find you. Now you and I have neither." We trust each other, so we won’t talk too much about it, how about it?”

Hearing what Xiao Ye said, Huo Wu frowned and thought hard. According to what Xiao Ye said, there seemed to be someone ambushing outside Cangman Mountain.As a Demon Race, humans have been chasing her for a long time, so it is only natural that they lie in ambush outside the mountain.

Now Xiao Ye was able to lure these people away, and no matter what happened, he couldn't fully believe it, and had to play by ear and see what the final result would be.

Xiao Ye also had the same thought, he didn't know whether what Nie Tiandao said was true or not, what he had to do now was to confirm the truth, and then he could decide whether to cooperate with Huo Wu and escape to the Demon Realm.

In short, before opening your heart to cooperate, the first thing you need to confirm is your current situation.

Huo Wu finally agreed to Xiao Ye's plan, and there was no objection to the meeting place. After everything was decided, Huo Wu quietly hid.


Taking a deep breath, Xiao Ye calculated the distance from Cangman Mountain. According to the footsteps, he could leave Cangman Mountain without a stick of incense.

"With my avatar's escape speed, as long as I don't meet a strong Wu Zun, I believe that if I run away with all my strength, escaping will not be a problem. This is Cangman Mountain. I believe that even if it is outside, there will be no strong Wu Zun. Now I have to run away with my life. .”

Thinking in his heart, Xiao Ye spread out his soaring wings, flapped "Pu Chi", and flew directly into the void, shooting towards the outside of Cangman Mountain.

Cangman Mountain, as the most mysterious mountain in the Zhengyuan Continent, has extremely dense vegetation growing on both sides of the entrance, forming an entrance that is more than ten feet long and only one foot wide.

The branches on both sides of the entrance are like tentacles, stretching into the passage. Any strong person walking in this passage will feel oppressed in his heart, as if there is some terrible crisis hidden in the bushes on both sides.

But at this moment, there were indeed pairs of bright eyes in the bushes on both sides. They were silently hiding here, as if they were waiting for someone to come out from the depths of Cangman Mountain.

Outside the Cangman Mountain, big trees, boulders, and bushes have become hiding places. The seemingly silent outside world hides hundreds of strong men, and they are all staring at the entrance, waiting for something.

Among these hidden crowd, there was a team that Xiao Ye knew well, none other than the Sen Luodian team led by He Dong.

"Captain, this Xiao Ye hasn't appeared yet, did he die in Cangman Mountain? There's no way I can wait here."

"That's right, isn't it just Xiao Ye, so many people are needed to catch him, and you need to go out personally, Captain!"

"Hey! To be honest, this Xiao Ye was in Tailong Mountain three years ago, but he saved many disciples of our Senluo Palace, but now he wants to personally arrest him, it is a bit ungrateful."

In He Dong's team, there were low-pitched discussions. Hearing these voices, He Dong was expressionless, but not in a good mood.

For Xiao Ye, He Dong was grateful, not only because of himself, but also because of those subordinates who were saved by Xiao Ye.Now that the situation in Zhengyuan Continent is changing, Xiao Ye has to be sacrificed in exchange for unification. The most shitty thing is that Zhengdao actually agreed.

To attack a benefactor, He Dong's thoughts are very complicated at the moment, can he really do it?

He Dong didn't know, but there was an order from the sect, no matter what he did or not, he had to wait here!

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the exit of Cangman Mountain, and everyone was ready to go, waiting for any movement in Cangman Mountain, and they rushed forward.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound in Cangman Mountain, but nothing could be seen at the exit of Cangman Mountain. Just when the experts were wondering, they saw a stream of light flying past Cangman Mountain.

The powerhouses raised their heads abruptly, the stream of light was so fast, it was already in the sky in the blink of an eye.

"It's Xiao Ye!"

"Damn it, this kid actually flew out of Cangman Mountain, how did he do it?"

"Our intelligence is still too little, the King of Martial Arts should hurry up and chase after him!"

When the master of the light escape was clearly seen, all the strong men in the dark mobilized, and the strong men of King Wu shot into the void one after another, chasing after him.

On the ground, the strong men who have not yet achieved the ability to fly also stepped forward one after another. The purpose of their pursuit is to wait for the strong men to blast Xiao Ye from the sky, and then swarm up.

"Captain, what should we do, should we chase after?"

He Dong's team also discovered Xiao Ye's existence, but He Dong hasn't issued an order yet, and everyone dared not act rashly.

"Nonsense, chase after me!"

With a loud shout, He Dong got up in Dunguang and chased after him.

His subordinates secretly groaned, Xiao Ye has escaped so far at this moment, if you chase after him again, it will be too late, and you still call it "nonsense"?You obviously don't want to chase after him!

He Dong's team also started to chase, but they all understood He Dong's intentions, so everyone slowed down, looking lazy, they didn't have the momentum to chase the enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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