god system

Chapter 464 Demon Thunder Whip and Level 6 Water Prison Level 2

Chapter 464 The Demon Thunder Whip and the Second Level of the Sixth Level Water Prison
At this moment, Xiao Ye's upper body was naked, and the outline of strong muscles was clearly visible. Surrounding his skin, there were streaks of black lightning lingering, making his muscles even more violent!

In Xiao Ye's eyes, spiritual light and electric snake intertwined, and a deep and deep impression was imprinted in his eyes, making it impossible to see through.

With a slight movement of the palm, an electric snake danced wildly above it.

Xiao Ye closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the flesh and blood all over his body turned red quickly, and then a series of flames burned out from the skin, and the flames dancing on the surface of his body set off Xiao Ye's body. a fire man.

Taking a deep breath, the skin absorbed the flames as if it had a breath, and those black electric snakes also disappeared into Xiao Ye's body, disappearing without a trace.

"The mission is completed, and you will get the Spiritual Demon Thunder Whip."

The sound of task completion came from the divine outfit system, which means that at this moment, Xiao Ye has already refined the spiritual energy body, the demon thunder!
The black lightning on his body surface just now is the power of the demon thunder. In the past three years, Xiao Ye's most important thing is to refine this demon thunder and refine the spiritual energy body, which has great benefits for both strength and body.

This is also the reason why Xiao Ye was able to break through to the peak of King Wu in one fell swoop!
Xiao Ye woke up, and in this secret room, there were still many treasures floating around, all of which were fire-attributed treasures, which were taken from the Xiao family's cabinet armory, which was no small matter.

Although there are many powerful people in Zhengyuan Continent, the real treasures are not necessarily in their hands. The treasures in the Xiao family's cabinet arsenal are real treasures!
With a wave of Xiao Ye's hand, all the treasures were taken into the spirit world, and at some point, Xiao Ye had already put on clothes.

He got up, patted the dust, and stretched like a person who just woke up, and suddenly his whole body made a "click" sound, and with every sound, there would be golden glows radiating from the joints.

"The medicinal effects of the Sui Sui Pill and the Whole Body Strengthening Pill have all been integrated into the flesh and blood in the past three years, and the current body is much stronger than it was three years ago."

Xiao Ye waved two fists casually in the secret room, without using any energy, the fists made a "huhu" sound in the void, which actually aroused the air flow.

Just these two punches that don't use energy are enough to easily kill the tiger. With Xiao Ye's current physical condition, is it worse than Lei Niu?
Niu twisted his neck, Xiao Ye's consciousness sank into his dantian, and entered the spiritual energy group. Now in terms of his strength, his true energy has entered the peak of Martial King, but his spiritual energy is much behind, but he has also entered the realm of Spirit King.

"Before you know it, your aura has grown tremendously. It's time to learn the magic of the Demon Thunder Whip."

Thinking about it, Xiao Ye sank into the magic outfit system, found the skill master, and asked directly to learn the Demon Thunder Whip.

"Learning the Demon Thunder Whip requires five hundred gold coins. Do you want to continue?" The skill master asked.

"Five hundred gold coins?"

Xiao Ye slammed his mouth. Although there are more than 1 gold coins in the current magic costume system, but just learning a demon thunder whip will cost [-] gold coins. Is the price too expensive?

In terms of spiritual arts, Xiao Ye has no other way. After all, he does not have Xiao Xiaojia's super understanding of spiritual arts, so he can only rely on a skilled teacher to learn.

"The skill learning of the Demon Thunder Whip is completed, and it costs [-] gold coins."

In just an instant, the Yao Lei Whip was finished learning. In Xiao Ye's mind, there was a strange array of spiritual spell characters. Thunder Whip.

"Water purification staff!"

Xiao Ye took out the water purification staff, and the Spirit King-level spiritual energy in his body began to surge and gather. Under the control of his mind, the water purification staff shone with dazzling light, and immediately there were black lightning whips in the surrounding space. Chop it out.

Of course, Xiao Ye is just trying his hand at the sword, the real demon thunder whip is naturally not so common, his power is extraordinary, and he dare not use it casually in the secret room.

"The Demon Thunder Whip is finished, and it's time to study the Sixth Level Water Prison."

Xiao Ye took a deep breath. When he thought of the water dungeon of the sixth level, Xiao Ye couldn't help feeling a pang of heartache. He still remembered that when he was studying the first level, the water dungeon of the sixth level consumed [-] gold coins.

Now that the spirit energy is enough, if you continue to study, the amount of gold coins you will consume is not low, right?
After communicating with the technician, as expected, the technician gave a price that Xiao Ye almost dropped his jaw.

"Two thousand gold coins!"

This is five times as much as the first level. When the technician opened his mouth, he even took it for granted that he wanted so many gold coins!

Two thousand gold coins were used to buy more than 60 bottles of Little Red Potion!

Although he was prepared, Xiao Ye still felt a heartache when the price was actually quoted. Two thousand gold coins, this is not a small amount!
From Xiao Ye's point of view, the so-called currency in the Zhengyuan Continent is bullshit, but the gold coins in the divine costume system are extremely important, and he is unwilling to spend any gold coin lightly.

"The more gold coins are consumed, the stronger the ability of the sixth-level water prison. At the beginning, there was nothing to be seen in the first-level water prison. I think this second level should bring surprises."

Xiao Ye gritted his teeth and made up his mind. With the huge deduction of [-] gold coins, the second-level spirit art skill of the sixth-level water prison was deeply imprinted in Xiao Ye's mind.

No need for experiments, Xiao Ye has roughly grasped the power of the second level of the water prison of the sixth level.

"I'm sorry for the two thousand gold coins."

Xiao Ye frowned. Although the power of the second level of the sixth-level water prison is quite powerful, it doesn't seem to be worth Xiao Ye's two thousand gold coins.

"There is still the last four, I hope you don't let me down."

Xiao Ye has already spent [-] gold coins, so he naturally has no regrets at this moment, and only hopes that the fourth level of the water prison in the sixth level can give himself a little surprise.

After cultivating the Demon Thunder Whip and the second level of the sixth-level water prison, he refined the Demon Thunder and sacrificed a large number of treasures. At this moment, Xiao Ye was fully prepared.

There was nothing to do in the secret room. After Xiao Ye completed all the things in the secret room, he walked out of the secret room.

Now he is in Ziyunzong, and is at the core, if he wants to leave from here, he has to go through quite a lot of Ziyunzong's defense layers.

As one of the five great sects, the Purple Cloud Sect has always had strong defenses. From outside the Purple Cloud Sect, there have been fluctuations in detection. After entering the Purple Cloud Sect, there have been fluctuations from time to time.

However, there are not many people in Ziyun Sect who know about Xiao Ye's aura fluctuations, and the chances of encountering these people on the way are not high.

The only trouble is Ziyun's investigation along the way. After all, every once in a while, he will meet someone who wants to check the sect's token. people know.

Once he meets the disciples of Ziyun Sect, it is time to be exposed, so it goes without saying that Xiao Ye is in danger in Ziyun Sect.

Holding his chin in thought, it is not that Xiao Ye has no means to leave Ziyunzong, but what he has to consider is not leaving Ziyunzong, but how to go to the Demon Sect's realm all the time after leaving Ziyunzong.

Along the way, there must be many people searching for him, and it is impossible to fly openly.

In deep thought, Xiao Yeduan sat down: "If I can go back to the peak of the Xiao family, relying on the strength of the Xiao family, it can help me enter the Demon Sect. It's just my matter, and I'm afraid it has already affected the Xiao family. The distance is even more difficult.”

During the analysis, Xiao Ye frowned.

If he knew the current strength of the Xiao family, if he knew that the Xiao family had quietly surrounded the Purple Cloud Sect, he wouldn't need to be so sad.

Of course, even if the Xiao family is not afraid of the five major sects, if the matter becomes a big deal, I'm afraid that the extremely strong hidden in the dark will show up. At that time, Xiao Ye will be unable to fly.

So far, Xiao Ye's matter is just a condition for the running-in between the righteous and the evil. Those extremely strong people are busy with things at the moment, so naturally they won't pay attention to it.

So as long as Xiao Ye's work is not too excessive, those extremely strong will not come forward.

If because of Xiao Ye's matter, the Xiao family went to great lengths to destroy the Purple Cloud Sect, then this matter would be no small matter, and those old monsters would definitely show up.

"It seems that the way back to Xiao's house will not work."

Xiao Ye frowned. If there was a teleportation scroll, then there would be no troubles, as long as one teleportation could directly reach the realm of the Demon Sect.

"The road to Xiao's house is full of dangers, and those who go to the Demon Sect are even more difficult and dangerous. At the moment everyone thinks that I am in the Demon Sect, and I believe that the most powerful of them is placed in the territory of the Demon Sect. Weiyang Town is one of them. The demarcation point, and within the right path, should be regarded as the safest at present."

Xiao Ye thought of this, but couldn't find a breakthrough. The Zhengyuan Continent is so big, where is his shelter?

The journey to the Demon Sect is long, so how can it be easily reached?
"Since the righteous way is temporarily safe, why not complete the task in the right way and acquire more supernatural powers and abilities. I believe that in the near future, the two ways of righteousness and evil will need to get rid of their past, so they must put their minds on merging. At that moment , which is the best time for me to act!"

Xiao Ye thought so in his heart, and couldn't help but feel that this is a pretty good method. There are still many tasks in the divine outfit system. If the journey to the Demon Sect is dangerous, then let yourself practice in a safe place. Let's set off and go to the Demon Sect!

The avatar is also very safe in Maverick Town, and the avatar has to study the method of lightning tempering, which also takes time. In this way, it seems safe to practice in the righteous land for the time being.

"Cultivation is fine, but you have to do some camouflage."

Xiao Ye nodded secretly, he had a preliminary idea, and the next step was to determine whether it was possible to implement this idea.

"I don't know where Xiaojia and Immortal Zixia are at the moment. If Zheng and Mo can't find me, will they use the Xiao family as a threat? Will they endanger the Xiao family?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye couldn't help but sighed deeply, thinking that he would end up in such a situation!
(End of this chapter)

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