god system

Chapter 465

Chapter 465
He didn't do anything wrong, he just followed his own ideas, but he became a victim of the great era.

If it were someone else, they might have already cursed at the sky, but Xiao Ye only thought it was a test, or a level in the game, a rather sad level.

"I can only let them ask for their own blessings. Now that I can't protect myself, I don't have the extra thought to think about their affairs."

Xiao Ye calmed down his mind. He seemed to be a little depressed in this secret room. He couldn't think of anything, so he finally walked out of the secret room.

Mansion No. 36 belongs to the core disciples of the Purple Cloud Sect. The Spirit Gathering Formation here is so strong that even the King of Martial Arts is quite interested.

In the past three years of retreat, the huge aura has also given Xiao Ye a lot of help.

In Ziyun Sect, apart from those few brothers, there is no one Xiao Ye can trust. It is said that Xiao Sheng is still receiving treatment at Xiao's house, so Xiao Ye has to find a way to send Huo Wu's blood to Xiao's house no matter what?
There are too many things, it is a test for Xiao Ye to sort them out and give a reasonable method.

Of course, he is still very confident about leaving Purple Cloud Sect, so let's forget about it for now.

"Hey, it seems that I can only follow what I thought before and settle down on the right path first."

After thinking about it, Xiao Ye didn't find the best way after all. In fact, even if he thought everything through clearly, so what?Today's Zhengyuan Continent is changing, and no one knows what will happen.

What will Xiao Ye encounter when he goes out, and what will happen?

These are all unknown, he can only decide on a rough idea, and then everything will be played by ear.

After thinking everything through, Xiao Ye took out a mask from the space spirit world.

This mask didn't have the slightest outline, it was just the shape of a mask, but there were fires flickering around him, obviously it was a treasure.

Undoubtedly, it is the treasures in the Xiao family's cabinet arsenal, made into a mask, which actually has a great effect, but now Xiao Ye is not going to use his role, but wants to overkill, use A mask does one thing.

"I'm sorry for you."

Xiao Ye spoke softly to the mask, and seemed to be able to understand what Xiao Ye said, the mask vibrated, and there was a wave of fire.

Xiao Ye caressed the mask lightly, and then put the mask on his head. Instantly, Xiao Ye's face merged with the mask, and then the mask twisted and deformed, changing Xiao Ye's face into another appearance.

The contours of the facial features are a bit rough, not what Xiao Ye looked like before, but if you feel carefully, you will find that Xiao Ye's aura has not changed because of this.

In Xiao Ye's mouth, this kind of miraculous function actually wronged the mask, so what kind of weird supernatural power does this mask have?
After finishing all this, Xiao Ye began to observe the situation outside the mansion, the core mountain, although there were not many disciples coming and going, there were still people passing by occasionally.

Xiao Ye's Mansion No. 36 was quite lively three years ago. At that time, because of the relationship between Liu Baiyi and Li Qihuai, there were many core disciples gathered here for a long time.

However, at this moment, Mansion No. 52 of Peak 36 has long been forgotten, and people's impression of Xiao Ye is still in Cangman Mountain, and about Xiao Ye's performance in the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb and when he escaped has already spread throughout the Zhengyuan Continent.

Xiao Ye's reputation can be said to have shaken Zhengyuan Continent. At this moment, no one dares to underestimate Xiao Ye, which is different from the Tailong Mountain Battle three years ago.

In Tailong Mountain three years ago, although Xiao Ye escaped from the blockade, only the person from Huangfenggu saw the whole process, and most outsiders thought Xiao Ye was just lucky.

Besides, in the end, he didn't face off against strong men like Nie Tiandao, Mu Qing'er, and He Dong. Although Xiao Ye was famous in that battle, no one saw Xiao Ye's true strength.

In the end, there are more and more doubts about Xiao Ye, and people naturally think that Xiao Ye is relying on luck.

But Cangman Mountain is different this time. Although Xiao Ye's performance in the Demon Slayer Sword Tomb did not directly match Nie Tiandao and the others, the fight for the flame soul and the final effort to break the light mask all required a lot of effort. strong strength.

The powerhouses have recognized Xiao Ye's strength, and Nie Tiandao and He Dong have also acquiesced that Xiao Ye has strength comparable to or even surpassing them.

So this time's fame won't arouse any doubts, Xiao Ye is truly famous in the Zhengyuan Continent.

It's a pity that just after becoming famous, Xiao Ye became a victim of the unity of the Zhengyuan Continent. For this, Xiao Ye would naturally not be willing to wait for death.

Fate is in his own hands, and no one can control his life.

Squinting his eyes, Xiao Ye was like a ferocious beast staring at its prey. At a certain moment, his body swished and stepped out of Mansion No. 36, and then quickly dodged a few times, leaving Mansion No. 36 far away.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ye no longer hesitated, and directly drove the escape light, and shot towards the void. Of course, he had already taken the Yinqi Pill before that, otherwise, he was not confident that he could fully investigate the Ziyun Sect. hide away.

Today's Purple Cloud Sect is obviously more lively than it was three years ago, but the disciples seem to be very nervous, coming and going in a hurry.

Seeing the disciples going back and forth around, Xiao Ye felt that something was unusual, and after further investigation, he found that the fluctuations around Ziyunzong had doubled compared to before.

"What's going on here? Total martial law?"

Xiao Ye frowned and mingled with the disciples who came and went. In any case, although the investigation fluctuated a lot, given the current situation, it seems that it is more suitable to fish in troubled waters, and escape becomes easier.

"Damn it, which faction is outside of our Purple Cloud Sect and actually attacked our Ziyun Sect disciples. Many of our disciples have disappeared these days."

"Don't talk about it, don't leave the sect for now, it seems that something big is going to happen to the Ziyun sect, even the high-level people seem very nervous."

"Hey! There is a big turmoil in Zhengyuan Continent. I was just about to show my skills. This time, I don't have to do anything."

"Hey, I have some gossip about the power of the outer sect, do you want to hear it?"

"What nonsense, hurry up!"

"I heard that it was Sen Luodian who took action against our Ziyun sect, this time it is going to destroy our Ziyun sect."

"Nonsense! This matter has nothing to do with Senluo Palace. I heard that Senluo Palace is actively communicating with the Demon Sect recently. It seems that there is some important matter to discuss. Why would they come to trouble our Purple Cloud Sect?"

"Your news is all hearsay, let me tell you, in fact, the forces outside belong to the Xiao family."

"What? The Xiao family? Are you kidding me? How dare this Xiao family oppose my Purple Cloud Sect? Do they think they are still the ancient Xiao family?"

"Hehe! I don't know about this. I don't know why. It seems that someone wants to be unfavorable to Xiao Ye. The Xiao family is angry. You also know that the head of the Xiao family is now Xiao Jun, Xiao Ye's brother. What does Xiao Ye have? Is it possible for Xiao Jun to watch things?"

"Cut! If it's the Xiao family, then you don't have to worry about anything. Just crush it and level the Xiao family. Do you need to be so nervous? Besides, the Xiao family can't have such strength."

"Do you still remember the Ma family three years ago? At that time, everyone thought that the Ma family was far superior to the Xiao family, but what happened? Now that three years have passed, do you know how far the Xiao family has developed? I am I heard that half of Weiyang Town has been occupied by the Xiao family."


Flying in the void of Ziyunzong, Xiao Ye heard a lot of gossip, and only then did he realize that Ziyunzong was surrounded by a certain force.

As one of the five great sects, apart from owning Emperor Wu's Sen Luo Hall, who would dare to deal with Ziyun Sect?

But Xiao Ye clearly understands that the Zhengyuan Continent is now in a difficult period, and the five major sects are controlled by the powerful behind them. It is absolutely impossible for self-contradiction to happen, so this matter was not done by Sen Luodian.

"Is it the Xiao family?"

Xiao Ye still couldn't believe it. He still remembered that three years ago, the Xiao family had just been controlled by Xiao Jun. At that time, the Xiao family had internal and external troubles, and even confronting the Ma family had to be cautious and deliberate.

Now that only three years have passed, is the Xiao family already strong enough to dare to encircle Ziyunzong?

"If it's the second brother, he really has the courage."

Although he didn't really believe it, but when he thought of Xiao Jun, Xiao Ye couldn't help believing it.

Xiao Jun is ruthless and decisive in doing things. Whatever he decides, he will do it immediately.In the past three years, maybe the Xiao family has really completed the reunification, and Xiao Jun has controlled the overall situation?
If this is the case, when Xiao Jun heard that he was betrayed by Ziyunzong, he would definitely be furious, and directly surrounded Ziyunzong in a rage. This is the courage of Xiao Jun, the prestige of the head of the Xiao family!
"If it's really the Xiao family, then this matter will be interesting. It can intimidate the Ziyun sect, but it can't offend the Ziyun sect, so as not to draw out those extremely strong people behind it. Although there are also my ancient family Xiao family who are extremely strong. , but for the sake of me, they will not give up the overall situation, so the last tragedy must be me."

Xiao Ye's thinking was very clear. The Xiao family could frighten Ziyunzong, but they could never destroy Ziyunzong. Given the current situation, this would never be allowed to happen.

But if Xiao's family is outside Ziyun Sect, Xiao Ye can get in touch with them, then there are many paths he can take next.

"I hope it's the Xiao family!"

Xiao Ye pursed his lips, and Duan Guang maintained his normal speed. When Ziyunzong was so nervous, they cared more about the outside world. Although there were many investigations inside, they didn't pay attention to anything unusual.

Xiao Ye never thought that it would be so smooth, and soon he reached the inner gate mountain, and there was an urge to find Zixia Xianzun and Xiao Xiaojia in his heart, but he suppressed it in the end.

Xiao Xiaojia and Zixia Immortal Venerable did not know where they were practicing. If they came back, Xiao Xiaojia would at least contact him as soon as possible. Even if he didn't know that he was in Ziyunzong, he would go to Cangman Mountain, so Xiao Xiaojia would definitely not be there!

(End of this chapter)

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