god system

Chapter 473 Preliminary Plan

Chapter 473 Preliminary Plan
After Xiao Bing arrived, he landed in front of Xiao Ye immediately, and threw a jade slip to Xiao Ye.

"Junior brother, all the materials you want are in there, take your time to read."

Xiao Ye smiled, pasted the jade slip on his forehead, and then input a trace of true energy, which immediately released the shackles in the jade slip, and the news about the eternal iceberg was quickly entered into Xiao Ye's mind.

"The Eternal Iceberg, as its name suggests, existed when the Zhengyuan Continent existed. The most primitive Eternal Iceberg is just a piece of cold stone that can emit cold air. It continuously emits cold air, freezing the surrounding objects, and melting part of his body."

"In this way, the cold stone spread rapidly, and soon it became three sizes. No matter it is the scorching heat, the extreme cold, the eruption of a volcano, or the shaking of the earth, it will not affect the eternal iceberg, and it is still growing rapidly."

"Until today, Eternal Iceberg has not stopped his pace, but the speed of growth is decreasing year by year."

Regarding the formation of the eternal iceberg, Xiao Ye actually didn't care much about it, but it was clearly explained in the jade slips. It seems that the information collected by the Xiao family must be very complete.

"The Eternal Iceberg is at the core of the Demon Sect. Pass Weiyang Town and fly all the way forward. In about three days, you can see a huge iceberg soaring into the sky. That is the Eternal Iceberg!"

"Although the Eternal Iceberg is an iceberg, its ice structure is extremely complex, and it is not ordinary ice. It is extremely hard, and it has a calming effect on practitioners. On the top of the eternal iceberg, a huge cold palace is built, and that palace is the core base of the Demon Sect."

Seeing this, Xiao Ye's heart shuddered again. On the surface, he wanted to enter the eternal iceberg, but in fact it was tantamount to entering the base of the Demon Sect.Of course, the Wangu Iceberg is open to the outside world, so the difficulty is much reduced.

"The Eternal Iceberg does not have any specific guards. All disciples of the Demon Sect can practice in the Eternal Iceberg. Occasionally, people of the righteous way enter, and they are not blocked."

"Eternal Iceberg has survived to this day, and has produced a total of 99 ice layers. The cold air of each ice layer is completely different. The deeper the ice layer, the heavier the cold air."

"The Eternal Iceberg covers an area of ​​[-] miles, and its height cannot be estimated. It has already entered the sky."

Combining the information, it means that the base of the Demon Sect is built on Yunxiao. In this way, the weakest person who can enter this base is also the strong Martial King.

Just as Xiao Ye thought, in the base of the Demon Sect, strong men below the King of Wu are not allowed to enter, nor can they enter at all.

In addition, the 99 ice layers of the Eternal Iceberg are more dangerous the further you go in. Of course, if you can bear it, the deeper you go, the better the effect of cultivation.

This is the way of the world, the more dangerous the place is, the more opportunities are often accompanied by it, so if you want to get a good cultivation environment, you must pay something.

"From the first to the ninth floor of the Eternal Iceberg, there are countless disciples of the Demon Sect cultivating there all the year round. Only the ninth floor from the 91st to the 99th is very few people can enter. Among them, there are very few who can enter the 99th floor."

"After the 99th floor, there is the real core of the eternal iceberg. The information in it is unknown and cannot be collected."

These are all the information of the Eternal Iceberg, from the formation of the Eternal Iceberg, to its structure, and then to its characteristics, all of which are very detailed, and even his location, the relationship between the Demon Sect and him, etc., are all clear.

Xiao Ye was very satisfied with this kind of information, but the information in the jade slip was not over yet, after a little exploration, Xiao Ye smiled helplessly.

It turned out that the subsequent message was to point out several methods to Xiao Ye to enter the eternal iceberg.

Hitting east and west with loud noises, diverted a large number of demon sect forces, and then sneaked in quietly.

There is fishing in troubled waters, creating chaos, and looking for opportunities to enter in the chaos.

There was also a large army pressing in, and the Xiao family directly escorted Xiao Ye and forcibly entered the eternal iceberg.

In short, there were many examples of methods, but all of them were rejected by Xiao Ye. After all, it was not me who wanted to enter the eternal iceberg, but also Huo Wu. In these plans, the existence of Huo Wu was not considered at all.

With a demon in the body, the first thing to consider is how to get close to the eternal iceberg. Only when you get close to him can you find a way to enter, otherwise everything else is nonsense.

The characteristics of the demon clan are too obvious. The experimental subjects of the Ma family before were not suspected because they had no wings and were led by the Ma family, and most people did not know what the head of the demon clan looked like.

But it's different now, Huo Wu is a real demon, and now it's believed that the appearance of the demon has already been passed on, and it's almost impossible to hope that others will not recognize it.

So Xiao Ye must have his own plan, and the first step in this plan is to send Huo Wu to the eternal iceberg.

According to the information, Cangman Mountain is about a day's journey away from the Eternal Iceberg. Of course, that is when flying at full speed.

Such a situation will basically not occur, because it will undoubtedly expose itself.

So the first thing to choose is the route, but don't forget, the entire Demon Sect territory is now searching for Xiao Ye, so even if you choose a remote road, it will not work at all.

So the first thing to be solved now is to lead all the search forces to the righteous realm, and then the Mozong will move forward quietly until they reach the vicinity of the eternal iceberg.

Only when you get near the Eternal Iceberg can you think about your next plan!

As long as he can reach the vicinity of the Eternal Iceberg, Xiao Ye has a way to lure away most of the strong men there, and then enter the Eternal Iceberg. As long as he is not surrounded, even if he is discovered after entering, it is no big deal.

"Junior Brother, I have all the information, do you have any ideas?" Looking at Xiao Ye's uncertain expression, Xiao Bing asked with a smile.

Xiao Ye's eyes froze, and he didn't answer, but asked instead: "I don't know how capable our Xiao family is in making news?"

"Creating news? Is the junior brother preparing to make a fuss?" Xiao Bing seemed to have realized something.

"Strictly speaking, it doesn't count. I just need some news as a guide. After all, I am in the dark at the moment. As long as I can create some unsuspected news, then I can guide some situations and deceive some people's eyes."

Xiao Ye said: "Now everyone thinks that I am in the realm of the Demon Sect, but obviously no one can find me, so I will create a message for them, telling them that I will come to the right path, to Tailong Mountain, to At that time, everyone who wants to attack me will gather at Tailong Mountain."

"Then junior brother will take the opportunity to enter the eternal iceberg?" Xiao Bing's eyes lit up.

"How can it be that simple?" Xiao Ye rolled his eyes: "If I entered the Eternal Iceberg by myself, then such a scheme would work, but don't forget, there is another demon clan, how could it be possible to enter so easily."

"Junior brother, are you really planning to bring the demons into the eternal iceberg?"

Xiao Bing still doesn't believe this news until now. Xiao Ye and the Mozu, these two cannot fight together, why do they advance and retreat together?

If other people know that Xiao Ye is with the demons, then the implication of this matter is not small, not only Xiao Ye, but it will definitely affect the entire Xiao family.

The demons, now the demon world is going to attack the Zhengyuan Continent. For the demons, the Zhengyuan Continent can be said to be hated, or panicked. Once Xiao Ye is related to the demons, the Xiao family will be inseparable.

The Ma family has already been completely wiped out. If the Xiao family is related to the Mozu, it is not impossible to be wiped out by the joint.

"Of course, I will definitely be involved with the demons, so before that, you still need to convey a message to the second brother."

Xiao Ye squinted his eyes: "Drive me out of Xiao's house!"

"What? This is absolutely impossible, and you haven't done anything to offend the Xiao family!" Xiao Bing was shocked by Xiao Ye's words.

In fact, Xiao Bing understands very well that Xiao Ye has no choice. If he does not do so, the Xiao family will definitely be implicated. As long as the Xiao family expels Xiao Ye from the family before then, even if everyone discovers that Xiao Ye is related to the demon clan, they will He couldn't find an excuse to deal with the Xiao family, at most he was a little defensive.

"Junior sister, you know I have no choice! Expelling me from the Xiao family is just for outsiders to see. As long as you know, I am still from the Xiao family. Regarding this matter, we must do it, so don't persuade me. , just try to help me!"

Xiao Ye couldn't dispel Xiao Bing's worries, but he knew that Xiao Bing was a sensible person, and this matter could not be stopped.


Taking a deep breath, Xiao Bing did not waste his time talking about things that could no longer be stopped. She looked at Xiao Ye, and her expression became serious: "Junior Brother, just tell me about your plan. Since you can't change anything, I will I will do my best to assist you!"


Xiao Ye was very satisfied with this.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Next, I need the Xiao family to create a fake news. The news produced must not be seen to be moldable."

"This is no problem, what kind of fake news?" Xiao Bing asked.

"Three years ago, in the battle of Tailong Mountain, many people suspected how my strength was to escape the blockade, and they made news on it, saying that I had a lot of treasures back then, and these treasures wished me to escape, but because of this, A treasure was accidentally left on Mount Tailong!"

"So the news sent out is that I was hunted down and felt a crisis, so I planned to return to Tailong Mountain to find the treasure."

Xiao Ye revealed his plan.

"In that case, many powerful people will gather in Tailong Mountain, but how can people believe it? After all, it is a treasure. Three years have passed, why did you not come back until now?"

"I don't need to pay attention to this. In the past few days, I will cause some strange things to happen in Tailong Mountain, so that there are signs of treasures coming to Tailong Mountain. As long as your news cooperates better, I believe that most people can be fooled! "

Xiao Ye made so many arrangements just now, in order to create some visions in Tailong Mountain, all of this is Xiao Ye's first plan!
(End of this chapter)

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