god system

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

As for how many people the news can attract, it depends on the Xiao family's ability to create fake news. If it is good, people will come in an endless stream. If it is not good and people suspect it, then naturally fewer people will come.

But there is no doubt that Tailong Mountain will become the focus of Zhengyuan Continent next, and how Xiao Ye will deal with these people is Xiao Ye's own business.

First of all, he would never allow himself to stay in Tailong Mountain, otherwise he would be the one who would die if enemies came from all directions.

Secondly, he wanted to make the people who came to Tailong Mountain pay a heavy price, and finally he wanted to divert all attention, sneak into the Demon Sect's ground floor, and join the clone.

Until that moment, the first step of the plan is considered successful, and only after the first step can the second step be carried out.

"Okay! I understand this step, and I will handle it well. So what should I do after this is done?" Xiao Bing nodded his head to express his understanding.

"The second step is to create a false news after the Tailong Mountain incident is over, that is, the demons in Cangman Mountain are active, and more than one demon has been found in Cangman Mountain."

Xiao Ye said the second step. The previous first step was to let himself escape into the Demon Sect, and at the same time make everyone think that Xiao Ye was at the level of the Righteous Path, concentrating the power of searching within the boundary of the Righteous Path.

The second step is to disperse the power of the demon clan again. More than one demon clan appeared in Cangman Mountain. For the current Zhengyuan Continent, this is a big deal. I believe it will attract countless strong people. Enter Cangman Mountain.

In this way, almost no one would search for Xiao Ye's traces in the Demon Sect's realm. At that time, he quietly led Huo Wu to sneak near the eternal iceberg.

The first step is to merge with the clone, and the second step is to dive near the eternal iceberg.

These two steps require the Xiao family to create fake news, and the fake news must be well-made.

In today's Zhengyuan Continent, it is no longer possible to rely on Xiao Ye alone to escape. He needs the help of the Xiao family, and it is a great help.

"Is it just for us to create fake news? Our Xiao family can definitely send reinforcements secretly."

From what I heard, the things Xiao Ye asked the Xiao family to do were very simple, but he did not propose reinforcements in terms of strength. Xiao Bing thought this was unrealistic. After all, Xiao Ye was only one person, so how could there be false news?

Xiao Ye said with a smile: "This is just the first two steps. In the third step, maybe I can't do it myself. If I need the strength of the Xiao family at that time, I will definitely not be polite. Don't forget, the owner of the Xiao family is my second brother. I will not be stingy about using the power of the Xiao family."

Xiao Ye has already explained the first two steps in full, but Xiao Ye has not thought about the third step, and will have to look at the specific situation in time, so it is naturally inconvenient to say more.

But Xiao Ye has self-knowledge, some things can be completed perfectly with some fake news, but there are only three things, Zhengyuan Continent is not all fools, and fake news wants to play a third role, then don't even think about it.

So for the third time, it is possible to use the power of the Xiao family, and the possibility of using it is not small.

"You can take care of it yourself. You just need to remember that expelling you from the Xiao family is only on the surface. You are always a disciple of the Xiao family."

Seeing that Xiao Ye's thoughts were clear and his steps were orderly, Xiao Bing couldn't say much.

"Thank you."

Amidst Xiao Ye's thanks, Xiao Bing left Tailong Mountain, and she was going to arrange everything. Only after she had arranged everything, could Xiao Ye's plan be implemented smoothly.

The first two steps of this lie can be said to be playing with the entire Zhengyuan Continent, playing with the strong back and forth. The fabrication of false news must be true, and people must believe that there is indeed a treasure left by Xiao Ye in Tailong Mountain.

Seeing Xiao Bing's leaving back, Xiao Ye took a deep breath, he was fully prepared.

He hid in Tailong Mountain, and it has been three days.

On the third day, Xiao Ye came to the foot of Tailong Mountain and squatted down quietly.

Soon, two rays of light shot from the distant void, they were two strong men at the level of Martial Kings, and they looked like they were on their way.

There are two people, one old and one young. The old man has white beard and hair, and he is wearing a green robe, which flutters in the wind, which has a bit of a sense of Taoism and immortality.

The young man looks handsome, carrying a long sword on his back, and has an imposing manner. He must be a young and vigorous generation. This is a pair of grandparents. In terms of strength, the young man is even stronger.

"Grandpa, can you really win a place for me in the Senluo Palace this time?"

There was worry in the eyes of the young man. This trip to the Senluo Hall was not for anything else, to liberate suppression and obtain the qualification to cultivate to the highest level.

This is a major event related to life, how can we not worry?
"Don't worry, the old man has collected treasures for a lifetime, and this time I will dedicate them all to the Senluo Hall. It is no problem to exchange for a place. My Lu family has been completely released for so many years. You can practice hard for the old man. In the future, there will be a Achievement, also brought glory to my Lu family."

The old man made up his mind at this moment, and spent all his belongings to buy a quota from Sen Luodian.

The news of this kind of quota sale has been spread in the dark, and those who have the ability and capital can really buy a quota.

This kind of quota is not only available for sale in the Senluo Palace, but also in the other four major sects and even the Demon Sect, but it is not something that can be bought with money.

This pair of grandfathers and grandchildren just got through the relationship. Those who want to go to the Senluo Temple to buy quotas will not feel at ease until the quotas are obtained, or until the suppression is released.


Just as the grandfather and grandson were flying, the Tailong Mountain below suddenly shone with a golden light, which was very dazzling. In this golden light, there was also an aura unique to heaven, earth and spirit treasures.

"This is……"

The grandfather and grandson were startled at first, and then their eyes brightened. They looked around for the first time and found that there were only their grandfather and grandson around. They were overjoyed and quickly landed on the place where the golden light was shining, which was Tailong Mountain.

Before they landed, the golden light had disappeared, and at the same time, the aura of the spirit treasure from that day just now disappeared.

"Grandpa, what's going on?" The young man was startled and asked.

The old man licked his lips greedily: "Based on the old man's experience, I am afraid that there is a treasure of heaven and earth buried here. Completely remove the seal."

"Grandpa means that there is a treasure here? And maybe we are the only ones who discovered it, so we..." The young man's eyes lit up again. If they followed what the old man said, then they could dig out the treasure.

The old man smiled strangely, made a silence gesture to the young man, and immediately searched Tailong Mountain.

For a while, they actually gave up going to Sen Luo Hall to buy quotas.

Chongbao is about to appear in the world, whoever meets it will belong to him, and now he is met by his grandfather and grandson, if he doesn't get it, how can he be reconciled?

The grandfather and grandson started searching quietly. The reason why the treasure is precious is that it is rare and hard to get, so the grandfather and grandson did not find anything after meeting for a while.

And whenever someone flew over Tailong Mountain, the two of them would do nothing, as if they were just resting on Tailong Mountain.

Only when no one is around will the two continue their search.

"Grandpa, where is this treasure? Tailong Mountain is so big, do you want to level him?"

"Don't worry, the treasure will still emit fluctuations. If we perceive it carefully, we will definitely have a direction. But our speed is fast, and more and more people will discover the treasure in the future. We have seized the opportunity, but we have to seize it It's an opportunity."

"Stop talking, go find it."

The grandfather and grandson are looking for the so-called heavy treasure, and the fluctuation of the treasure will be sent out every two hours, so there is no guarantee that someone will find it.

The end result is that people slowly join in the search, and when there are more people searching, even if others don't see the fluctuation, they will involuntarily join in when they see so many people hunting for treasure.

Tailong Mountain, which had been quiet for a long time, slowly became lively, and news about the treasure hunt spread out quickly.

At the same time, the Xiao family, which has always been the focus of the outside world, suddenly announced that Xiao Ye was expelled from the Xiao family. The reason was that he killed his fellow disciples. He killed a disciple of the Xiao family at the Demon Sect.

The Xiao family also announced the reason for killing the disciple. It was because the disciple informed his tribe that Xiao Ye left the treasure on Tailong Mountain three years ago, and he was going to Tailong Mountain sometime today to recover the treasure.

As soon as this news and the news of Tailong Mountain spread, the Zhengyuan Continent exploded.

"Let me just say, this Xiao Ye didn't have any strength at all three years ago, and he broke out of the blockade just now by relying on a very good treasure."

"I also participated in the battle back then. Xiao Yeke kept avoiding Nie Tiandao. He was very afraid of Nie Tiandao, and obviously he was no match for Nie Tiandao."

"The blockade where no one can escape, Xiao Ye escaped with the help of treasures. But why did he leave the treasures on Mount Tailong? The treasures are no small thing, right?"

"It is precisely because the treasure is so important that Xiao Ye cannot completely control it, so after rushing out of the blockade, he accidentally lost the treasure. He tried to find it, but failed to find it. This treasure may have its own consciousness. Now that the treasure is emitting fluctuations again, it may be It is related to the spiritual connection with Xiao Ye."

"So Xiao Ye really wants to return to Mount Tailong?"

"It is estimated that it is true."

"But how will he reach Tailong Mountain? Now the strong men in the Zhengyuan Continent will arrest him, right?"

"Hehe! Who knows, if there is one treasure on his body, there is no guarantee that there won't be a second one. Anyway, Tailong Mountain is going to be lively."

The news spread crazily. Whether it was the Demon Sect or the Righteous Way, countless powerful people rushed to Tailong Mountain, some for treasure hunting, and some for Xiao Ye and death.

But soon, Tailong Mountain was brought under control, and all the treasure hunters were driven out. The team formed by the five major sects and the Demon Sect began to arrange for Tailong Mountain. As long as Xiao Ye came, he would definitely be killed Surrounded to death in Tailong Mountain!

In another place, Weiyang Town has also strengthened its defenses. If Xiao Ye wants to enter the righteous way, he has to pass through Weiyang Town. Perhaps he can be stopped here!

(End of this chapter)

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