god system

Chapter 488 Magic Beast Thunder Leopard

Chapter 488 Magic Beast Thunder Leopard

Eight times the thunder, nine times the thunder, ten times the thunder...

Xiao Ye proceeded step by step, without stopping in the middle of the thunder and lightning. He could sense the strength of the thunder and the location of the lightning at any time, and he was able to accurately capture it.

Under the impact of lightning strikes, his body went into a numb state again and again. In fact, he had been able to use lightning to quench his body many times later, but he didn't do that.

Strictly follow what Taurus said, this is a way to avoid detours. After all, the Leiniu family is specialized in quenching their bodies with lightning. Their research in this area has been going on for an unknown period of time. This is the most correct way to go so far.

Taurus asked Xiao Ye to adapt to the power of thunder and lightning instead of absorbing it, so there must be his purpose. Even if there is no purpose, Xiao Ye feels that absorbing lightning should not be too hasty.

Before he knew it, another day passed. In this day, Xiao Ye's sense of thunder was eight times greater, and he adapted to twelve times.

On the third day, he had to start getting used to the thirteen-fold thunder sense, and he also had to adapt to the fifteen-fold thunder sense.

It cannot be said that the task load is very large, but the last [-] times the increase in thunder sense is quite fierce, and that is the pit that Xiao Ye will overcome in this practice.

In the dead of night, Xiao Ye finally got used to the fourteen times the thunder sense, and the next thing he had to adapt to was fifteen times the thunder sense.

Looking at the time, there are still at least three hours, so it can be said that there is enough time, but don't forget, the [-] times lightning strike rate is not high, and it takes a lot of time to wait.

Xiao Ye took a deep breath, his body stood still, and his energy adjusted his body, expelling all the discomfort from the lightning strike before.

This process is like taking a bath, which makes people feel extremely comfortable.

In fact, after getting used to the lightning strike, the gratitude of being struck by the lightning is also very comfortable. The lightning enters the body and then dissipates, as if sweating, the pores of the whole body are stretched, and the skin seems to be able to breathe.

Before the seven to fourteen times the thunder sense, Xiao Ye got used to it all the way, but before the fifteen times the thunder sense, Xiao Ye started to adjust.

He has to be fully prepared to meet the No. 15 times thunder sense. It's not that he knows that fifteen times the thunder sense is more powerful, but Xiao Ye is used to it. He is usually cautious at the last moment when he is about to complete a task. some.

"The task is released, adapt to fifteen times the thunder sense, the task rewards the magical beast, Thunder Leopard!"

When Xiao Ye was about to meet the [-] times Thunder Sense, the Magic Clothes System issued a mission. The mission reward matched Xiao Ye's current situation very well. It turned out to be the magical beast Thunder Leopard.

Thunder Leopard Xiao Ye is very clear in the game that this is a magical beast that feeds on thunder and lightning. He is extremely destructive, and his speed is as fast as lightning, making it impossible to catch. He is a very powerful magical beast.

Xiao Ye can quench his body with lightning, and Lei Bao can also devour lightning. This is a perfect combination.

Most importantly, the rewards are magic beasts, not magic eggs.

The type of magic beast hatched from the magic egg is only known at the moment of birth, and even the character is revealed at that time, and no matter what, the magic beast will definitely not obey orders absolutely, and even some rebellious magic beasts will not obey orders at all. Who is his master.

The magic beast obtained directly is different. When obtaining him, he must completely obey Xiao Ye's orders and will never disobey. That is absolutely loyal.

With the task, the fifteen times the sense of thunder has to be adapted.

Xiao Ye took a deep breath and adjusted his state to the highest level, as if everything outside had nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Xiao Ye's energy and energy have reached the peak, he is paying attention to the thunder sense, waiting for the appearance of fifteen times the thunder sense.

The wind around seemed to have stopped, Xiao Ye was the only one in the field late at night, even if facing the test of fifteen times the thunder sense, Taurus had no intention of watching from the sidelines.

The work and rest time of Taurus is so standard that no matter what the big event is, it cannot be affected.

For this, Xiao Ye will slowly feel it in the future, because after the lightning quenches the body, the water surface time will naturally increase. As for the reason, perhaps the future Xiao Ye will be able to know.

Under the tumbling thundercloud, a large number of electric snakes began to gather. If Xiao Ye had opened his eyes at this moment, he could see that the power of the electric snakes gathered was definitely not trivial.

And in Xiao Ye's perception, the thunder sense around a certain vacuum area has finally soared to fifteen times the thunder sense!
Eyes opened sharply, Xiao Ye walked to the center of fifteen times the lightning sensation as quickly as lightning, this time he arrived at the fastest speed, when he just arrived at the destination, the electric snake in the void Just after the gathering was completed, an electric snake as thick as a bowl, like a dragon sailing out of the sea, bombarded down from the sky crazily.

The electric snake pierces through the air, not in a straight line, but in the void, turning into a strange snake-like trajectory. The energy of thunder that dances wantonly is a beautiful scenery in the night.

With a perfect arc and a silver-white body, it tore apart the night sky, crashed down, and hit Xiao Ye hard on the head.

In an instant, I felt like a big mountain hit my forehead, and that mountain turned into thousands of ants, which seemed to rush into my forehead, and then spread all over my body, as if they bit each of Xiao Ye's body. .

The veins all over Xiao Ye's body were twitching continuously, and it felt like the muscles were no longer his own, but they were throbbing non-stop. The speed was so fast that he probably jumped a thousand times in the blink of an eye!

Xiao Ye had been prepared before, and Xiao Ye thought that he would not be able to adapt instantly, but he never thought that the fifteen times thunder sense would be so strong that Xiao Ye almost lost his ability to move.

"This power is probably more than three times that of fourteen times the thunder."

Xiao Ye twitched all over, but still clenched his fists tightly, his face was shaking rapidly, his eyes were wide open, and his appearance was quite funny.

But in the end, the fifteen times the thunder sensation was still blocked by Xiao Ye.

The body is still twitching, but Xiao Ye already has the ability to move, but if he touches any part of the body casually, it will feel as if his nerves have been touched, and there will be a strong tingling sensation.

So Xiao Ye stood still for a long time until the tingling feeling was completely eliminated.

Up to now, although the power of fifteen times the thunder sense is somewhat beyond Xiao Ye's expectation, it is still within the tolerance of Xiao Ye's body.

"Fifteen times the thunder sense, it seems that it will take some time to adapt. Now there is not much time, so I can only work hard!"

Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and he entered the stage of full perception. No matter what, he must adapt to the fifteen times thunder sense.

Since Taurus has given a time limit, it must be completed before then!

Xiao Ye would bear every thunderbolt with fifteen times the lightning sensitivity, and even once there was only one thunderbolt separated by two clicks with fifteen times the lightning sensitivity in succession. He still resisted the two thunderbolts with all his strength.

From now on, Xiao Ye will not miss any lightning strike with fifteen times the lightning sensitivity. It is precisely because there is not enough time, so he has to bear it all. The more he endures, the faster he will adapt.

It's a pity that it is a mortal body, and its endurance is limited after all. Under this kind of unlimited squandering, the body has reached its limit.At that time, Xiao Ye had to take two bottles of Little Red Potion in a row.

The more strength improved and the stronger the body, the less effective the Little Red Potion would be. Even two bottles of Little Red Potion could not restore Xiao Ye to his peak state in an instant.

Moreover, the potion still has resistance for a certain period of time. If Xiao Ye continues to take it for a short period of time, the effect will be greatly reduced, or even useless.

So now Xiao Ye has to use this body to fully adapt to the fifteen times the thunder.

"no problem!"

Xiao Ye took a few deep breaths. He already felt that the [-] times thunderstorm was not as scary as before. His body had started to adapt slowly, and now it was just a matter of time.


It was another electric shock that was [-] times more powerful than before. This time Xiao Ye obviously got used to it a lot, and his body didn't suffer so much pain, but it was far from the level of adaptation.

It feels like the night has slowly begun to dissipate, and the remaining time is less than two hours. If Xiao Ye cannot adapt to the [-] times thunder sense within these two hours, then he has not fulfilled the target set by Taurus!

Xiao Ye has already made up his mind, so there is only one thing to do next——

Being struck by lightning crazily, suffering pain again and again, and slowly adapting to fifteen times lightning strikes in the process.

Xiao Ye was already a little numb, and sometimes he even forgot the pain. Tempering the body with lightning was not an easy task from the beginning. Since he decided to practice, he had to grit his teeth and persist until the end.

The sky was getting brighter, and it was less than half an hour before the three-day appointment.

In the field, Xiao Ye was scorched all over, panting heavily, and stood there decadently like a tramp.

He closed his eyes tightly, his ears were like leaves, and when he waved them, the thunderclouds in the sky rolled, and the electric snake was far away, and tears kept hitting around Xiao Ye, but Xiao Ye turned a blind eye to it.

He felt that his body had almost adapted to the thunder sense fifteen times, but that was only about the same, not fully adapted, otherwise the divine outfit system would have declared the task completed.

He has to receive the electric shock of fifteen times the lightning, although there is still time, but the chance of fifteen times the lightning is not high, half an hour, there are at most five.

Boom boom boom!
The electric snake kept hitting Xiao Ye's surroundings. Under the thunder cloud, powerful electric snakes finally began to gather. Xiao Ye sensed it, and the fifteen times thunder came again.

Without exception, the electric shock hit Xiao Ye's body. At that moment, Xiao Ye only felt a numbness all over his body, and then the numbness disappeared quickly.


Xiao Ye's eyes lit up, and just as he was thinking in his heart, the voice of the divine outfit system had already sounded in his mind.

"The task is completed, get the magical beast, Thunder Leopard!"

This sound means that in three days, with fifteen times the thunder sensation, Xiao Ye finally completed it on the premise of taking two bottles of little red potion!
(End of this chapter)

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