god system

Chapter 489 The Second Practice

Chapter 489 The Second Practice

When the task was completed, Xiao Ye was greatly relieved, and the whole person sat directly in the field.

Being hacked continuously for the past three days, Xiao Ye can be said to be exhausted physically and mentally, almost unable to persevere. Fortunately, there is a task to support him, otherwise Xiao Ye may end in failure.

"Come out."

Xiao Ye's sleeves flicked, a silver-white light flashed in front of his eyes, and a cheetah immediately appeared in front of Xiao Ye.

This cheetah has silver-white fur, dark and strange lines on its body, and a golden mountain imprint on its forehead, shining brightly.

A pair of silver-white eyes looked strange, without any aura. His limbs were strong and powerful, and his physique was very strong. He was estimated to be half a foot long. As a magical beast, he was considered a relatively huge existence.

When Leibao appeared, he knelt down in front of Xiao Ye with his front legs, like a well-behaved tabby cat, but he greedily stared at the thunder and lightning falling around him, and licked his lips from time to time.

Obviously, Lei Bao was hungry, his eyes begged Xiao Ye to eat.

"Don't worry! There will be countless thunderbolts for you to absorb in the future. Now is not the time. The lightning here has other uses, so you can't absorb it at will."

Xiao Ye saw Lei Bao's thoughts, but rejected Lei Bao's request. At this moment, the timing was really wrong.

"Yes, master!" Lei Bao said, although he was very eager for thunder and lightning, but he was Xiao Ye's magical beast and absolutely obeyed orders.

He will not play tricks like a magic weapon, nor will he lose control like a scorpion soul. Such a magical beast is the most loyal. There is no doubt that he will be Xiao Ye's good helper, and even if Xiao Ye chases him, he will not be able to drive him away. his.

"Stay in the package first, and when the time is right, you will naturally let you show off!"

Xiao Ye put Lei Bao away, and he himself sat down cross-legged on the spot, mobilizing the energy in his body to recover.

After the baptism of seven times the thunder and fifteen times the thunder, Xiao Ye's body has been riddled with holes, and has been continuously strengthened. At this moment, Xiao Ye is just tired.

He needs to let his muscles relax, and he also needs to take a break slowly.

After all, the three days are coming soon. After finishing this practice, I believe the next one will be ushered in. Xiao Ye thinks that he can't maintain his peak state, but at least he needs to make some adjustments.

The sun rose quickly, and when Xiao Ye opened his eyes, the thunderclouds above his head had dissipated, and the Taurus appeared beside the field.

"You can complete the adaptation of fifteen times the thunder sense in three days without any refining. You have passed this practice. Human beings, come with me."

Taurus said briefly, then walked across the field and continued to lead the way.

Xiao Ye dragged his tired body and followed directly without saying anything. It seemed that there was indeed no time to rest, so he didn't know how difficult the next practice session would be.

Although Xiaoniu Town is a town, its area is really not small. Along the way, Xiao Ye was thinking about what his next practice would be, how hard it would be, and how he would persevere, but when he really When they arrived at the destination, they were still shocked by the scene in front of them.

In front of you is a group of hot springs connected one by one, with a very large area and a large number. At this moment, there are many Lei Niu running in different hot springs.

What surprised Xiao Ye the most was that in the hot spring where Lei Niu soaked, there was an electric dragon turning around in the hot spring, which was obviously weird.

"Choose a hot spring and jump in." Taurus said coldly.

Xiao Ye naturally wouldn't think that this was letting him soak in hot springs to enjoy himself, it must be some kind of practice.

Looking at the hot springs around, Xiao Ye chose a corner and jumped in directly. In an instant, the warm heat of the hot spring spread all over his body, making him feel indescribably comfortable.

Because of being too tired, Xiao Ye almost fell asleep when he jumped into the hot spring.

That comfortable feeling is really enjoyable, is this really a practice?

"Soak for two days."

Taurus dropped the words, turned around and left.

Two days belonged to Xiao Ye's practice, but this time the practice turned out to be a bound hot spring.

Although I couldn't figure it out, even though I felt that it would not be that simple, after entering the hot spring, fatigue completely took over Xiao Ye's body, he yawned several times, his eyelids became lower and lower, finally Xiao Ye couldn't bear it anymore, I fell into a deep sleep.

After being struck by lightning for three consecutive days, his body had already reached its limit. The endless fatigue not only made Xiao Ye fall into a deep sleep, but even made Xiao Ye fall asleep.

Since entering the Zhengyuan Continent, he has forgotten how long he has not had a dream.

The daily stressful life resulted in not having much sleep, let alone falling into a dream. At this moment, being tortured by thunder and lightning was too miserable, coupled with the nourishment of the hot spring, I finally couldn't bear it and fell asleep.

Xiao Ye didn't know what dream he had, it was all mess anyway, he just felt that his body became more and more uncomfortable for some reason, when he opened his eyes, it was already dark.

"This is?"

Looking at the hot spring again, Xiao Ye discovered that there was also an electric dragon swimming in his own hot spring.

This electric dragon is completely formed by lightning, so it is not very big, but he swims in the hot spring, causing the entire hot spring to be filled with electricity transmitted by the electric dragon, which is the reason for his physical discomfort.

He clearly remembered that the electric dragon didn't exist when he jumped into the hot spring. Which bastard threw him into the hot spring?
Xiao Ye looked around and found that there were no other creatures except those Lei Niu who were also soaking in the hot spring.

If you continue to observe, you will find that there are electric dragons in all the hot springs with living things, while the hot springs without living things appear abnormally calm.

"What the hell is going on in this hot spring?"

Looking at the electric dragon wandering around, Xiao Ye frowned. He would not be able to figure out what happened for a while. He could only observe carefully to see what happened to his body after the appearance of the electric dragon.

During the observation, Xiao Ye's complexion became more and more ugly, because he found that the body of the electric dragon was slowly getting bigger, and he seemed to be absorbing some power.

"Absorb the power of lightning from my body?"

Xiao Ye woke up suddenly, his consciousness sank into his body, only then did he realize that Yao Lei had already been forced out, and there was still a wave of energy trying to drag Yao Lei out.

The power of lightning in the body is passing away, and the electricity remaining in the flesh and blood after being struck by lightning before is sucked away by the hot spring, forming an electric dragon.

As for the Yaolei, it was the spiritual energy body absorbed by Xiao Ye, so naturally it would not be sucked away.

"It seems that the function of this hot spring is to clear up the power of lightning left in my body. All my previous fatigue may have come from this power of lightning."

Xiao Ye had a clear understanding, encountered a lightning strike, and did not refine the lightning, resulting in the residual lightning in the body. If it goes on like this for a long time, it will have a considerable impact on the body, and it will also affect the lightning quenching body, so the remaining Lightning comes out.

This is the second practice. Practice is not necessarily difficult. It is a good way to practice after suffering first.

As for Yao Lei, Xiao Ye already has countless ways to force him out. Yao Lei, who was so coquettish before, has completely silenced at this moment. Xiao Ye can feel that Yao Lei is racking his brains to find a countermeasure .

This spiritual energy body still wants to get rid of his mortal fate.

The previous arrogance, arrogance, and self-righteousness, but now the silence, solemnity, and even a strong sense of crisis, because of the thunder and lightning incident, the emotional changes of Yaolei can be said to be two extremes.

He believes that the current Xiao Ye is fully capable of refining him, but the timing is wrong, the time is wrong, so Xiao Ye did not act.If Yao Lei wanted to survive, he had to figure out a countermeasure before Xiao Ye acted.

It's a pity that he has already been partly absorbed by Xiao Ye, and there is very little he can do now.

Yao Lei was immersed in panic, but Xiao Ye smiled coldly. After obtaining the method of attracting thunder, he immediately refined the time bomb.

The electric dragon is getting bigger and bigger, surpassing the electric snakes of Lei Niu in other hot springs early.

After all, Xiao Ye received the clicks for three consecutive days, and the lightning ability involved in his body is no small matter, naturally much more than Thunder Bulls.

At this moment, no one explained to Xiao Ye that although the hot spring was no longer comfortable, Xiao Ye still chose to rest with his eyes closed and adjust his body as much as possible.

As the electric dragon got bigger and bigger, in the end, the electric dragon hardly grew, and the remnants of lightning in Xiao Ye's body were almost eliminated.

I thought nothing would happen, but in the end, the electric dragon suddenly went crazy and rushed towards Xiao Ye.

Feeling the crisis, Xiao Ye opened his eyes, but before it was too late, the electric dragon slammed into Xiao Ye's body.


Xiao Ye was startled at first, but when the electric snake charged over, it didn't make Xiao Ye feel any pain.

"Thirteen times the intensity of thunder."

Xiao Ye had a judgment in his mind. It turned out that the electric dragon was only thirteen times the intensity of thunder sense. For Xiao Ye today, what is thirteen times the intensity of thunder sense?
Xiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, the electric dragon gathered in the hot spring again, but the speed was very slow, and the power was not as strong as before.

When the electric snake was assembled, it was only about the size of just now, and he suddenly charged at Xiao Ye's body again.

"Ten times thunder!"

Xiao Ye continued to judge, and at the same time he found that the same thing happened in the surrounding hot springs, the remnants of lightning sent from his body formed an electric dragon, and then impacted his body.

This cycle is repeated until the electric dragon is no longer formed.

"This is the real second practice. Although there is no need to do anything, there must be his purpose in it."

Xiao Ye had a clear understanding in his heart, and let the electric dragon continue to attack him, over and over again, each time, each time the power was much smaller.

The sky soon dawned, this time the Taurus did not appear, and the electric dragon was also very tenacious, even if it was only the size of a palm, he still impacted Xiao Ye's body.

Knowing that it is useless, but want to attack, why?
Vaguely, Xiao Ye felt as if he had grasped something.

(End of this chapter)

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