god system

Chapter 490 Lightning Hardening

Chapter 490 Lightning Hardening
The electric dragon participated in the formation of the power of lightning in Xiao Ye's body. After forming, it collided with Xiao Ye's body, and then became smaller and smaller. So where did the smaller part go?

There is no doubt that it cannot be in the spring water, because the spring water will gather lightning and form an electric dragon, so the lightning is in Xiao Ye's body.

The participating thunder and lightning will be forced out by the spring water, so it can only be said that after reloading, the thunder and lightning disappeared in Xiao Ye's body.

Why let the thunder and lightning disappear in Xiao Ye's body?

This is actually subtly transforming Xiao Ye's body. Lightning tempers the body. Not all lightning can be used to temper and absorb flesh and blood. There are impurities in lightning. How to deal with these impurities?

Expelling it from the body is the most stupid way. Firstly, expelling the impurities outside the body will have a huge impact on the space. Secondly, if you continue to discharge like this, your body will gradually become repellent to lightning. At that time, wouldn’t it be a joke for the body to be quenched by lightning? ?

So this practice is to let the lightning dissipate naturally in the body, without residue, and it will not be eliminated from the body.

When Xiao Ye thought of this, he couldn't help sighing, any kind of cultivation is not casual, the way of Leixiu, a set of methods created by Lei Niu after long-term research, dare not say that it is 100% correct, But at least there will be no detours.

Thinking about it the other way around, is the cultivation method of human beings necessarily correct?
of course not!Human beings have also researched all the way and created countless cultivation methods. The two ways of righteousness and evil are opposed to each other only because of their huge differences in cultivation.

Cultivating civilization requires growth, and it cannot be completed overnight.

Now what Xiao Ye understands is exactly the Lei Niu’s way of repairing Lei Niu. This road was created by Lei Niu. When you have enough comprehension, think about whether there are other ways of Leixiu.

In the hot spring, Xiao Ye stayed for two days, not only driving away all the tiredness of the previous three days, but also completing the body's natural ability to dispel lightning.

The Taurus appeared again. At this time, he didn't need to ask about Xiao Ye's condition at all, because the second training session would definitely pass, unless the body had a strong repulsion to the lightning during the first training session.

"Come with me."

Still the same sentence, Taurus continues to lead the way ahead, and now five days have passed since the ten days mentioned, and there are still five days left, and I don't know what kind of practice Taurus wants to give me.

Xiao Ye's mental state has reached its peak at this moment, and he is ready for everything.

While the Taurus was leading the way, some Thunder Bulls gradually appeared on the road, and they also followed the Taurus. At the beginning, there were not many Thunder Bulls, but at the end, the Thunder Bulls were almost in groups.

Xiao Ye was also one of them, but the other Lei Niu obviously didn't pay much attention to Xiao Ye's meaning. They seemed to follow Jin Niu for a purpose.

While moving forward, the Taurus stopped in front of an open field, and at this time all the Lei Niu also stopped, and everyone stared at the open field ahead.

But at this moment, the Taurus stretched out its hooves, a golden thunder and lightning tore through the space, and the open land in front of him suddenly opened up.


Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, the open land was clearly created by illusion, and the Taurus just broke the illusion.

As far as the line of sight passes, small formations appear one by one in front of them. Based on the Bagua diagram, there are about a thousand formations that are exactly the same.

Above each formation, there is a group of thunderclouds floating there. Electric snakes intertwine within the thundercloud, and a lightning snake will be chopped down from time to time.

However, the distance between electric snakes is very long. Although the energies vary in size, the strongest sense of thunder does not exceed fifteen times.

Looking at the Lei Niu around them, they are all younger and weaker. Obviously, this should be a training ground for Lei Niu.

Lei Niu entered the practice field one after another, chose their respective formations, sat cross-legged there, and practiced with their eyes closed.

When a bolt of lightning struck their bodies, Xiao Ye could clearly see that the Leiniu's skin seemed to be breathing, and they were using the lightning to cultivate their own flesh and blood.

"Cultivate flesh and blood, temper the meridians, but you can't absorb lightning and fuse power for the time being, go."

Taurus briefly said a few words, Thunder and Lightning Body Tempering, what he said was not only about tempering the body, but also using lightning to fuse his own energy, so that his own energy also possessed the destructive power of thunder and lightning.

Up to now, Xiao Ye has not carried out any absorption. To be honest, Xiao Ye is really impatient!
Lightning tempered the body, how many times the lightning entered Xiao Ye's body, and how many times he endured it, he could carry out refining, but Xiao Ye endured it all.

Because he hasn't fully mastered the knack of thunder and lightning body training, or the conditions for lightning body training have not been met.

But now, Taurus has asked Xiao Ye to use lightning to temper his flesh and blood, which shows that his body has met the conditions, but Taurus does not allow himself to absorb the energy of lightning.

To be honest, Xiao Ye was a little anxious at this moment.

Turning his mind quickly, taking a deep breath, Xiao Ye calmed down.

Taurus does not allow himself to absorb the lightning energy at this moment, he must proceed step by step, first train the flesh and blood, and then integrate the energy. Although it will take a little time, at least there will be no accidents.

After thinking clearly, Xiao Ye chose a formation and sat cross-legged in the formation.

In his body, the true qi and spiritual qi were temporarily suppressed, but the flesh, meridians and cells were all active to the peak state. Now he has adapted to the fifteen times the lightning sensation, and the lightning strike will not harm him, nor will it make him lose his mind.

To use thunder and lightning to expand the meridians and strengthen the flesh and blood, that is to say, the moment the lightning enters the body, it must be used.

After adjusting his mentality, electric snakes began to gather in the thundercloud above his head. After the first practice, Xiao Ye judged that an electric shock eight times as powerful as thunder was about to fall.


Sure enough, a lightning strike fell from the sky and slammed on Xiao Ye's head.

There was no pain, but the feeling of the lightning strike still existed, and the destructive energy that belonged to the eight times stronger sense of thunder rushed into Xiao Ye's body.

That extremely strong power, berserk, crazy, and fierce!
Xiao Ye's flesh and blood let go immediately, inhaled part of the power of lightning, and let the power of lightning melt into the flesh and blood, and the lightning moved through the flesh and blood, tempering the flesh and flesh over and over again, making the flesh and blood gradually stronger.

These don't require much manipulation, and the strengthening of flesh and blood is very simple.

What Xiao Ye paid attention to was the expansion of the meridians. Most of the lightning force entered the meridians. He went back and forth, combing the meridians over and over again, reopening the blocked parts of the meridians, and then slowly expanding the meridians.

In Xiao Ye's original cognition, these cultivations are very difficult, and the time required is unimaginably long, but at this moment, it is extremely easy to temper them with lightning.

Not only does the flesh and blood become stronger rapidly, but the meridians also expand sequentially. It can be clearly felt that it is easier to manipulate energy and absorb energy by oneself, and the speed is also much faster.

Thunderbolt is very strong and destructive, and it is very difficult to fully utilize him.

The most important thing is that the thunder and lightning appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. During Xiao Ye's rapid tempering, it took only ten breaths, and the thunder and lightning completely disappeared in the body.

It was just a bolt of lightning, and Xiao Ye felt that his flesh and blood had become much stronger, even his meridians had been slightly expanded. This benefit really deserves to be brought by the lightning.

During this process, Yao Lei was naturally forced out. If it wasn't for Taurus' request, Xiao Ye could completely refine Yao Lei with his sword.

In Xiao Ye's view, Yaolei is a time bomb, and he must not rest assured until it is completely eradicated.

Now it is necessary to let Yaolei go for a while.

"Ten times thunder."

Another lightning strike, Xiao Ye continued to practice, in this formation, not only will there be lightning, but the formation also seems to have a little benefit in absorbing lightning.

The whole process of Xiao Ye's cultivation was watched by Taurus. This time, Taurus did not leave, even at night, Taurus did not leave.

Taurus seems to be paying more attention to this practice, the more so, the more cautious Xiao Ye is.

Time passed quickly, and three days later, Xiao Ye forgot how much lightning he had refined. His body surface even faintly glowed with silver light, and occasionally electric snakes danced.

The expansion of meridians is not so exaggerated, but compared to before, it is naturally expanded a lot, and it is still under development.

Now Xiao Ye can mobilize his true energy and spiritual energy more than twice as fast as before, and some powerful moves can be played with a wave of his hand.

If it was a close combat, under Xiao Ye's crazy attack, few people would be able to resist it.

In the last two days, Jinniu didn't intend to let Xiao Ye stop practicing, while the other Leiniu would change a batch every day, their bodies would only practice for one day and rest for a few days.

This is Lei Niu, his body is different from that of human beings.

Xiao Ye's body, in fact, the Taurus is very envious of. The Lei Niu family absorbs lightning very slowly, and after absorbing it, it must be slowly refined, and it needs a period of rest.

But Xiao Ye is different, he absorbs and refines very quickly, and he doesn't need to rest much at all. It is needless to say how much Lei Niu envies such a body.

If Lei Niu's body was the same as that of a human being, then it would take only about ten years for Taurus to reach his current level of cultivation.

It's a pity that he doesn't have Xiao Ye's body, so he has cultivated for hundreds of years to reach this level.

Of course, there are risks in Xiao Ye's cultivation. After all, no human being has practiced this kind of cultivation before. Xiao Ye is the first one. Who dares to determine his risk?

Time continued, and the remaining two days were also spent in this kind of cultivation. In the ten days, there were a total of three cultivation sessions. Xiao Ye had experienced all of them. Does this mean that he can obtain the method of guiding thunder and leave Maverick Town Can you practice on your own?
(End of this chapter)

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