god system

Chapter 491

Chapter 491

"There is one last practice."

When Xiao Ye left the formation and was thinking, Jin Niu said this.

"The time has come, what else is there to practice, senior?" Xiao Ye asked suspiciously.

Taurus shook his head: "This practice does not need to take time, in fact, it is a gift from Maverick Town to you."

With that said, Taurus handed a jade bottle to Xiao Ye. The jade pendant contained half a bottle of silver water, which seemed to possess spirituality and could swim independently.

"This is the Dadi Leiquan, something from the Thunder Realm, and Zhengyuan Continent does not exist."

Taurus said: "Lightning is one of the most destructive energies in the world. If you fuse it with the energy in your body rashly, it will probably cause an energy imbalance in your body. The rage of thunder and lightning cannot be controlled. Eventually, you will lose control of your energy and explode to death."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ye secretly wiped a cold sweat. It turns out that absorbing lightning energy is so dangerous, Taurus has been reminding himself before.The reason why he didn't say it clearly was to test Xiao Ye's patience.

After all, absorbing and refining is the most destructive power in the world. If you don't even have patience, then absorbing and refining lightning is too dangerous.

After testing, Xiao Ye was finally qualified in the eyes of Taurus, which is also the condition for Taurus to take out this bottle of Daleiquan!
Without the Great Earth Thunder Spring, Xiao Ye would hardly be able to absorb the power of thunder and lightning. At most, he would use thunder and lightning to expand his meridians and temper his body, that's all!

"Thank you for the gift, senior."

Xiao Ye cupped his fists to thank, and Taurus said: "Drink the Dadi Leiquan, he will silently blend into your energy, even if you incorporate the violent attribute of thunder and lightning, the Dadi Leiquan can also keep your energy in balance. You just need to keep your nature and not be manipulated by the demons, and you should be able to go a long way on the road of Lei Xiu in the future."

In Jinniu's commentary, Xiao Ye drank Dadileiquan, he was like a bottle of ordinary water, without any taste, and nothing happened in his body, but it was such an ordinary-looking bottle of Dadileiquan, But it harmonizes Xiao Ye's energy.

With him, Xiao Ye can safely absorb the lightning.

"Come with me."

Familiar words, Taurus continues to lead the way ahead.

But at this moment, Xiao Ye actually went through four tests, the first one adapting to seven times to fifteen times of lightning clicks.

Participate in the dispersal of thunder and lightning in the second round.

In the third round, the physical body refines lightning, expands meridians, and tests endurance.

The fourth scene is to drink the Big Thunder Spring. Although Xiao Ye drank it naturally and casually, there is one thing that Taurus did not say, that is, the Big Thunder Spring may be highly poisonous to different living beings. .

Many of the Lei Niu family died of poisoning due to taking Dadi Leiquan.

Different biological individuals have different reactions to Dadi Leiquan. The reason Taurus didn't say anything was because he saw Xiao Ye's determination. Even if he said it, it would only increase Xiao Ye's fear, but in the end Xiao Ye would still drink.

That being the case, let him drink it with a normal heart, whether it is life or death, it is up to fate!

It turned out that the Dadi Leiquan had no adverse effects on Xiao Ye, so the matter passed like this.

What Xiao Ye was thinking at the moment was how Stone Niu would teach him the method of guiding lightning, whether the method of guiding lightning would be very complicated, whether it would require a lot of arrangements, and so on.

Although you have mastered the ability of lightning to temper the body, don't forget, if there is no thunder and lightning, what kind of body tempering do you use?
Thunderbolt is the most basic, Xiao Ye must get him, and also need to use him to refine Yaolei.

On the familiar road, Taurus obviously took him to meet Stone Bull, and after a while, the sound of gurgling water came from afar.

With the familiar news, the familiar Stone Niu, and the familiar movement of drinking water, Xiao Ye appeared in front of Stone Niu again.

"Junior Xiao Ye, I met senior."

For Shi Niu, Xiao Ye performed the gift of a junior. In Xiaoniu Town, he received great care from Shi Niu, and Shi Niu also provided him with a temporary residence. For Xiao Ye, this is also a very important opportunity. help.

The most important thing is that Stone Niu saved Xiao Dongliu. Although Xiao Ye has never seen Xiao Dongliu since then, Xiao Ye knows that Lei Niu must be creating a brand new environment for Xiao Dongliu. For now, it's better not to see yourself.

"After practicing, your body has met the conditions of thunder and lightning tempering. This is the first human being I have ever met. Although I don't know what level you will reach in the future, or whether you will fall on the road of Lei Xiu, At least you set a precedent."

Stone Niu opened his mouth, first of all affirming Xiao Ye, and then two palm-sized balls flew out of Stone Niu and floated in front of Xiao Ye.

"This is?" Xiao Ye frowned.

"This is Leishi. One male and one female. Putting them together will attract thunder clouds. There are not many Leishi in Maverick Town, so I can only give you a pair. He can only cause fifteen times the lightning strike at most. , more advanced lightning, it depends on your own chance. Or you can return to Maverick Town in the future, when we gather thunder, you can also participate."

"This is the greatest gift I can do, don't think too little, little friend, you can leave now."

Grab the two thunderstones, one male and one female, and after getting them, the two thunderstones are obviously attracting each other, and once they are placed together, after a period of time, thunderclouds will be attracted.

Of course, the thunderclouds that these two small thunderstones can attract are naturally very limited, and it is estimated that only Xiao Ye can use them for cultivation.

Like the thunderous scene I saw outside Xia Niu Town, it was attracted by the careful planning of the little you.

The Leishi in Maverick Town is naturally not as small as in Xiao Ye's hands, so the two are not comparable.

But if Xiao Ye stays in Maverick Town, Xiao Ye can join in when Maverick Town plans to attract a powerful thunder cloud again, but it's a pity that Xiao Ye doesn't seem to have the time to slowly cultivate in Maverick Town.

"Thank you senior."

Although Xiao Ye was somewhat disappointed by the method of guiding thunder and Xiao Ye, it was enough. Xiao Niu Town took good care of him, and there was nothing to complain about.

You can't eat enough food in one bite, Xiao Ye can practice slowly on this road of Leixiu.

Shi Niu didn't say another word, he had already said everything that should be said, and now he had no intention of keeping Xiao Ye.

"Senior, this junior has one more matter, I don't know if I should ask it." Xiao Ye was supposed to leave with Taurus, but before leaving, Xiao Ye wanted to solve a mystery in his heart.

"Say." Stone Niu was not stingy.

"This junior wants to know if this stone ox is the body of the senior. If so, why did the senior change into this appearance, and why does the senior keep drinking water?" Xiao Ye cut to the point.

From the moment he saw Stone Niu, Xiao Ye had such doubts in his heart.

Obviously, Stone Niu is the highest status in Maverick Town, but Lei Niu are all flesh and blood, why Stone Niu is made of stone.And the stone cow has been drinking water, why?
"Boy, this is not a problem for you."

Xiao Ye's abrupt question did not arouse Shi Niu's resentment, but this is indeed not one question, there should be three consecutive questions.

"He is my body. Of course, I didn't look like this at the beginning. Before I came to the Zhengyuan Continent, I was also a Lei Niu with flesh and blood. Naturally, I don't need endless drinking water."

Stone Niu said: "Because of the demons' invasion, my home was destroyed. In order to keep this last town, I had to sacrifice my body. If I lost my soul, I couldn't do without anyone. Now I can't move, even Not fighting."

What Shi Niu said was very brief, but the sadness in it can be imagined.

The demons invaded the Thunder Realm, and the last Maverick Town survived the battle. With Stone Niu's strength at that time, he must be able to escape safely by himself.

But if he escaped, Maverick Town would cease to exist, so he decided to sacrifice his body, keep Maverick Town, and fled to Zhengyuan Continent.

Xiao Niuzhen was offended, but he turned into a stone cow, which means he lost his vitality and survived by drinking water constantly.

It's a very simple story, but the process must be full of dangers, and Shi Niu's mood at the time must have been very complicated.

For Shi Niu, Xiao Ye only had admiration in his heart, he said: "The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, the senior taught me the method of thunder repair, if the senior can be resurrected, please tell me the method, I will try my best to help the senior. "

Xiao Ye's way of asking for trouble caused a strange look in the eyes of the Taurus on the side. They helped Xiao Ye and never thought of getting any benefits from Xiao Ye.

They also didn't think that Xiao Ye would help them. Generally speaking, after people get benefits, they will choose to leave immediately to avoid all troubles and trivial matters.

But Xiao Ye didn't. He asked about Shi Niu's condition in order to repay his kindness.

"The Lingquan can bring me back to life, but that is the treasure of the spirit world, you can't get it. Thank you, little friend, it's actually not bad to live in such a quiet way now..."

The stone cow can still be resurrected, but it needs the spiritual spring of the spirit world. Of course, Xiao Ye has heard of the spiritual spring. It is a terrifying existence that the demons want to snatch and let the tree of the demon world grow.

Unexpectedly, this spirit spring is also needed to revive the stone ox. In this way, the spirit world itself has to go!

Finally, Shi Niu's so-called quiet life, but Xiao Ye sneered, because Shi Niu said the word "good" at the end so weakly that anyone could tell that it was a lie.

Shi Niu doesn't want to live like this, he wants to be resurrected, Xiao Ye absolutely believes in this!

"The younger generation understands, one day, the younger generation will come back again, so farewell!"

Xiao Ye understood everything, and he didn't pat his chest to guarantee anything, but what he decided to do would never change.

Jin Niu took Xiao Ye and left the creek. After they left, Shi Niu stopped drinking water for the first time. He raised Shihua's head, looked at the backs of Xiao Ye and Jin Niu leaving, and finally felt deeply sighed.

"Hey! Human beings are the most emotional creatures in this era, and they are also the creatures with the best aptitude in the world. If people do good, it is a blessing for the world, and if they do evil, it is a disaster for the world. The only human, Lei Xiu, actually I also really want to see what his final result will be, but it's a pity that my body..."

(End of this chapter)

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