god system

Chapter 492 Leaving Maverick Town

Chapter 492 Leaving Maverick Town

A former superpower in the thunder world, in order to save Xiaoniu Town, turned into a stone cow, unable to move, and spent his days drinking water in China and Japan.For Shi Niu, this is extremely painful.

How much he longed for a new life, but the chances were too small.

Now, a human named Lei Xiu was born in his hands. Stone Niu couldn't see through his path, and he couldn't estimate it, but he really wanted to see how Xiao Ye would go on this path.

Human Lei Xiu, if he has a great achievement in the future, then he will be credited with Stone Niu. After joining Stone Niu, he will never be able to move again, so this is the last and most meaningful thing he does.

Xiao Ye didn't know Shi Niu's thoughts, what he had to do was to follow his own steps, enter the spirit world, seize the spirit spring, save Shi Niu, and repay his favor!

"Call your buddies, and I'll see you off."

Outside Xiaoniu Town, Taurus was ready to send Xiao Ye away. Unlike Shi Niu, he didn't tell Xiao Ye much. Even when Xiao Ye asked about Taurus' name, Taurus chose to ignore it.

From Taurus' point of view, he just accepted Stone Niu's order, and that's all he needs to do.

Taurus does not refuse to make friends with human beings, but the human beings in front of him are a bit special, after all, he and Huo Wu of the Demon Race are friends.

Xiao Niu Town's hatred for the demons made Jin Niu unable to relax, so he didn't want to have too much communication with Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye asked a few words, and seeing that Jinniu didn't answer, he didn't bother himself, and walked towards the mountain peak. When he came to the foot of the mountain, Xiao Ye rushed to a thick dead air.

This is Ling Zixin's aura, and she is practicing by herself?
"It seems that Ling Zixin is slowly getting better. Ling Shui's disappearance is indeed an opportunity for Ling Zixin. I hope she can grasp this opportunity well. A person should not be like a puppet."

Xiao Ye saw Ling Zixin dancing her sword in the mountain peak, and her movements were extremely fast. Even Xiao Ye couldn't say that she would be able to defeat Ling Zixin with the sword intent displayed by the Bihai Centrifugal Sword in her hands.

The Bihai Centrifugal Sword is a weird sword. In Xiao Ye's hands, it is even a piece of scrap iron, but in the right hands, it can be a divine sword, invincible.

Ling Zixin is obviously very suitable for Bihai Centrifugal Sword, but Ling Zixin is still unable to exert the full ability of Bihai Centrifugal Sword, because Ling Zixin's strength is not enough.

No matter how suitable the sword is for her, she still needs to have enough strength to control it.

But one thing can be predicted, when Ling Zixin's strength continues to increase, the Bihai Centrifugal Sword will become Ling Zixin's most terrifying weapon. How many souls will die tragically under the Bihai Centrifugal Sword?
Ling Zixin naturally sensed Xiao Ye's arrival, but she still swung the Bihai Centrifugal Sword and seized the last time to practice the sword.This kind of performance of hers has deviated somewhat from the skill of protecting the master, but Xiao Ye is very satisfied.

"Fire dancing girl."

Xiao Ye found Huo Wu. Huo Wu was resting with her eyes closed at the moment. When Xiao Ye came, Huo Wu opened her eyes and said two words: "Okay?"

While speaking, Huo Wu's eyes were observing Xiao Ye, and he found that Xiao Ye's body was very different from that of ten years ago. Although his figure remained unchanged, the strength exuded from his muscles had grown astonishingly.

Especially the power of thunder and lightning that was about to jump out faintly, as if Xiao Ye was the God of Thunder who controlled thunder and lightning.

"Okay, you can prepare to leave Maverick Town. I believe that the outside world has already made arrangements according to my ideas. If there is no accident, we can go directly to the eternal iceberg after we leave."

Xiao Ye smiled and nodded, what he said made Huo Wu full of doubts.

These days, Xiao Ye stays in Maverick Town, and everything from the outside world can be said to be completely blocked, so how can he know what is going on outside at this time?

Listening to Xiao Ye's words, it seemed that he had already arranged everything. The young man in front of him really has such abilities?

With doubts, Huo Wu didn't ask any questions, but followed Xiao Ye directly. As long as he left Maverick Town, he would know what the matter was. man.

Could this man, whom I hated and even distrusted in the past, bring surprises to me? Could he really do it?
Xiao Ye knew that Huo Wu was full of doubts, but he didn't care. For him, it was good to do what he was supposed to do, so what did other people's opinions matter to him?

His only regret was that he could not say hello to Xiao Xiaojia before entering the Eternal Iceberg and leaving the Zhengyuan Continent.

"Zixin, stop practicing, it's time to act."

Under Xiao Ye's order, Ling Zixin stopped practicing, and a group of three people left the mountain and walked towards the foot of the mountain.

There, Taurus is waiting for them.

In fact, to leave this space, relying on the strength of Xiao Ye and others, it is also possible to break through forcibly, but doing so will damage this already unstable space.

Besides, they are guests, so they have to know the etiquette, and it is more appropriate to wait for the Taurus to send them away.

When Taurus saw Huo Wu again, the hatred for the demons still deeply occupied Taurus' heart. If it wasn't for Lei Niu's natural good temper, they would have attacked Huo Wu long before entering this space.

"I have a different opinion from the elders. You'd better not come back in the future."

Jin Niu dropped these words, and with a wave of his hand, he opened a door of space, and the elder he was talking about was naturally Shi Niu.

Stone Niu hopes that Xiao Ye will come back again, but Jin Niu hopes that Xiao Ye will disappear forever after leaving.The two of them have completely opposite ideas, but no matter what, Taurus will follow Shi Niu's instructions and send Xiao Ye and others out safely, which is his duty.

The thoughts in your heart will not change your responsibilities, Taurus will do what you have to do, and will do your best to do it well.

"Thank you senior for taking care of me in the past few days."

Xiao Ye still thanked Taurus, for taking care of Taurus for many days, Xiao Ye kept it in his heart, no matter what purpose Taurus had, at least he had no malice towards him, that was enough.

Taurus waved his hand without saying a word, while Xiao Ye flew out of the gate of space with Huo Wu and Ling Zixin.

Seeing the door of space behind him close and go up, Xiao Ye left the thought in his heart that he would definitely come back in the future.Although the ten days in Maverick Town were not many, Xiao Ye was deeply impressed by the process of cultivation, and he will never forget it in the future.

Xiao Ye will remember the days in Mavericks Town when the spring springs up to repay the favor of dripping water. Even if Taurus doesn't want to see him, it doesn't affect Xiao Ye's decision and the path he will take in the future.


Taking a deep breath of the air in Zhengyuan Continent, Xiao Ye still feels that Zhengyuan Continent is much better than Maverick Town in terms of air quality.

"Let's go, go and listen to the wind first, if there is no accident, you can set off and directly march into the eternal iceberg."

Xiao Ye said, leading the way ahead.

At this moment, Zhengyuan Continent is undergoing earth-shattering changes, and the biggest change is that Zhengmo and Zhengmo both announced at the same time that they will abandon their previous suspicions and unite into a united organization.

When this news spread, all the people were deeply shocked, and what followed was endless fear!
It sounds like a good thing for the righteous and the devil to abandon their previous suspicions and unite, but some gossip still spreads, that is about the demon clan.

The reason why human beings are united is because the demons want to attack the Zhengyuan Continent, and the Zhengyuan Continent is invading, so they choose to unify.

This kind of gossip cannot be stopped at all, even the most ordinary people have heard such news, and immediately, everyone in Zhengyuan Continent is in danger.

Everyone also remembered what the flame man said at the beginning, which made it even more certain that the demons were going to attack the Zhengyuan Continent, which was a war.

Ordinary people had never heard of the existence of the Demon Clan at all, but after this incident, many people dug up the news of the Demon Clan, and a sense of crisis spread throughout the Zhengyuan Continent.

At the same time, there was news that Zhengyuan Continent was looking for qualified young disciples for special training in order to prepare for the great war.

In this way, the Zhengyuan Continent is in an extremely tense situation. The war is approaching, and ordinary people need a big umbrella, so they start running around in various sects and families, trying to avoid the flames of war and save their lives. .

But how can the major sects and families take in those who are powerless? Even if a few are willing to take in, Zhengyuan Continent still has a lot of ordinary people, how can they take in them all?
When the people in the Zhengyuan Continent were in panic, the strong people took action, that is, to build various underground shelters in the Zhengyuan Continent, and when the war started, the people could hide in the shelters.

As soon as this news came out, everyone in the Zhengyuan Continent felt relieved, and the fact was that the underground shelters were being built frantically throughout the Zhengyuan Continent.

The people were appeased, but how could they know that the demons invaded the Zhengyuan Continent, and the battles that broke out were not something that the underground shelters could avoid.

The underground refuge is nothing more than deception. When the war begins, they still cannot escape doom.

Of course the strong know this clearly, but they won't explain it clearly, because they want to stabilize the morale of the army now, don't underestimate these ordinary people.

They are incapable of cultivation, but who can guarantee that their next generation is incapable?

Countless strong men were created by ordinary people. Ordinary people are the foundation of this world. They must be killed and injured in the war. It will be a terrible number, but they cannot be extinct!

Let alone disturb the morale of the army before the war, so appeasement is a must.

On the other hand, the selection of candidates for the release of potential suppression is also underway, of course, in secret.

These are all major events in Zhengyuan Continent. Besides that, the second major event is about Xiao Ye.

That day Tailong Mountain was burned and Tailong Mountain was razed to the ground. Xiao Ye's evil deeds were heinous, so obliterating Xiao Ye became the second most important thing.What's more important is that Emperor Wu personally acted that day and ordered Venerable Wu Sheng Tai Jian to take charge of the matter.

Venerable Taijian also issued a series of orders that day, but in the end they did not act, because Venerable Taijian disappeared suddenly, and even many big forces had surrounded Xiaojia Mountain and were about to search Xiaojia Mountain, but they did not It has been too long to get the order of the Taijian Venerable!

(End of this chapter)

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