god system

Chapter 518 Ice Mountain Snow Beast

Chapter 518 Ice Mountain Snow Beast
The peddler was very excited, this is the rich man he met.

He immediately called his friends and sold everyone's Bingshan souls to Xiao Ye.

In the end, Xiao Ye collected 780 iceberg souls, and the peddlers laughed happily. They bowed and thanked Xiao Ye, and finally left as soon as possible, thinking about how many golden spirit scrolls they could get. .

Xiao Ye, on the other hand, collected 780 iceberg souls into the space spirit world, and then acted as if nothing had happened.

When Tie Ya asked why Xiao Ye wanted to buy the Soul of Bingshan, Xiao Ye's answer made Tie Ya smile bitterly.

"This thing can be used to freeze food, which is very fun."

Tie Yasan scolded the sky for being unfair, he worked so hard, but he had to work desperately for the spirit scrolls, while Xiao Ye easily held a large number of spirit scrolls, and he could squander them at will for fun.

They are all human, why is there such a big gap?

Tie Ya was indignant, but Xiao Ye got the soul of Bingshan at a very small price.

The soul of Bingshan, which is almost useless to others, is a good thing to increase Xiao Ye's soul power.

Today's Xiao Ye, after all kinds of previous training, has already manifested his soul power, and the range of his perception is already very far away, and even at a certain time with soul power, he can predict the opponent's movements in advance and so on.

The final stage of cultivation is soul cultivation, which Xiao Ye already knows, and at this moment, although Xiao Ye cannot directly contact the means of soul cultivation, relying on these external objects, he can still increase his soul power by himself.

Be it the Flame Soul back then, or the Bingshan Soul at the moment, they are all things that Xiao Ye desperately needs.

Not to mention some golden spirit scrolls, Xiao Ye would buy the soul of the iceberg even if he spent all his belongings.

In the leisure area, the feeding and cultivation of the horses are the most important. It takes five days to reach the Eternal Iceberg. If the horses are not strong enough, it will be difficult to move on.

And the mercenaries also need to rest. The road to the Eternal Iceberg is very long, and they have to be extremely vigilant all the way. It is really rare that they can only relax in the rest area.

All the mercenaries cherish this time very much. Of course, those guests in the carriage will also stock up some hot water and food resources, and even buy some treasures or elixir.

In short, the rest area is an indispensable part of the scenery of Wangu Iceberg. There are always people who need it and cannot do without it.

Ling Luo also bought a lot of things in the rest area. For a weak woman like her, the road to the eternal iceberg is still very long. The first thing she has to do is to take care of herself and not to cause trouble for Xiao Ye. This is enough .

During this process, no one approached the territory of the Wolf Fang Mercenary Group. In the rest area, the signboard of the Wolf Fang Mercenary Group was still very useful.

Of course, it's not just the Wolf Fang Mercenary Group, there are other mercenary groups, and their stations are generally not approached by anyone!

Mercenaries are a very sensitive profession. They trust their teammates, but they never trust outsiders. They are definitely beyond imagination.

If you rashly step into the territory of the mercenaries without their consent, then what will greet you is likely to be hacked and killed by any means!

Those who are protected by the mercenary group are usually those who have a good life but are unable to reach the eternal iceberg.

Since the mercenaries have collected their money, they are responsible for protecting them. This is the mercenary's duty, so they do not allow any situation to arise. Vigilance is the basic quality that mercenaries must possess.

Although the mercenary regiments all had some relationships, they would never communicate with each other when they were performing tasks.

Even if the heads of the two mercenary regiments are brothers, they are strangers when performing tasks. This is the mercenary code.When performing tasks, everything else must be ignored except to ensure safety.

So in the rest area, the mercenaries did their duty and were not distracted by other things.

Seeing this, Xiao Ye gave them a thumbs up in his heart. Their training quality is something that the so-called big sects don't have.If the members of the sect can act like mercenaries like this, how strong will a sect be?
"If I can create a party, my subordinates must have the qualities of mercenaries!"

Xiao Ye thought so in his heart that one day, when he creates a power, no matter how big or small the power is, even if there are only a few people, they must be people with extremely strong qualities, not those generals!
Just as Xiao Ye was thinking, the ground suddenly shook violently. For some reason, the entire rest area trembled enormously, as if someone was attacking the rest area, and was blocked by the protective mask of the rest area.

"Damn it, it's really memorizing, the first time I went to rest, I met the iceberg snowman, damn it..."

When this happened, the Spike Mercenary Corps was immediately upset, and the expressions of the other people in the rest area also changed slightly. They were not too worried, but the expressions on their faces were obviously a bit heartbroken, as if they were about to lose something generally.

Xiao Ye was curious, what is the so-called iceberg and snowman?
The investigation of the fluctuations immediately extended outwards, and it was found that there were indeed creatures attacking the rest area. It was said to be creatures, but no life fluctuations were sensed.

"How is this going?"

Xiao Ye was startled, and after careful inspection, he found that these creatures only had weak soul power fluctuations, and they had no vital signs, as if they were just a piece of ice.

"Captain Tie Ya, what's going on?" Xiao Ye asked Captain Tie Ya suspiciously.

"It's icebergs and snowmen. With the exaggeration of the ancient icebergs, their range of activities is getting bigger and bigger." Captain Iron Fang shook his head: "These icebergs and snowmen are completely composed of ice and snow. They imitate us humans and transform into human beings. Outline. Their strength is also strong and weak, and the strong ones are even equivalent to human warriors, which is no small matter. The most important thing is that they can't kill them all, which is really annoying."

Captain Iron Fang is obviously very unhappy with the Iceberg Snowman. On the way to the Eternal Iceberg, the Iceberg Snowman is the one that hinders them the most. Whenever they encounter the Iceberg Snowman, they have a headache.

In the past, the outermost place where the iceberg snowman appeared was also in the second rest area, but now they have come to block even the first rest area, which is getting more and more difficult.

Xiao Ye was surprised. He hadn't heard any rumors about Bingshan yeti in Xielong Town before, and he didn't even mention it at all. Why did this situation suddenly appear now?

"It seems that there are some news that everyone doesn't like to talk about." Xiao Ye thought so in his heart. In fact, it's not that no one talks about this iceberg and snowman, but that there are too many people talking about it. It has been talking about it since the existence of the eternal iceberg. Until now, it's boring to say.

For the people in Xielong Town, the existence of Bingshan yeti is as common as human beings wanting to eat, so why mention him?
There may still be people talking about it, but not many, and Xiao Ye happened to have not heard it, so now hearing the name of this iceberg yeti, he was naturally shocked.

"Oh? Why is this snowman attacking humans? It doesn't look like he wants to kill us, does he?"

Xiao Ye is very interested in Bingshan Snowman, but he doesn't know what Bingshan Xueren wants to do, what is their purpose?
"Why else, it's for the wine. Tell me, they are just lumps of ice, bloodless and fleshless. Why do they have a soft spot for wine? Every time they come, it's just for the wine. If they don't give it, they will Crazy attack."
Tie Ya said helplessly: "They surrounded the rest area. According to the rules, everyone in the rest area needs to share. This is a waste of money to eliminate disasters."
No wonder everyone was heartbroken, it turned out that each of them had to produce a spirit scroll to send away the snowman, which was an interesting rule.
"Oh? This iceberg and snowman is indeed interesting, but this is the boundary of the eternal iceberg, the territory of the Demon Sect. Will the people of the Demon Sect let the iceberg and snowman do anything wrong?"
Xiao Ye was still curious. After all, this is the place where the Demon Sect has the strictest management. How could they allow the existence of Bingshan Yeti?
"Hey." Speaking of this, Tie Ya sighed: "Of course the Demon Sect would not allow the Iceberg Snowman to exist at first. They organized forces and fought against the Iceberg Snowman. Although they suffered heavy losses, they finally wiped out the Iceberg Snowman. But no After a while, the iceberg yeti that should have been extinct revived again. It was later known that as long as the eternal iceberg exists, the iceberg snowman will not disappear. "

Hearing this, Xiao Ye became even more curious, so the Bingshan Snowman should be an undead?
In the rest area, people have been quickly organized, and they charge all customers, after all, they have to provide fine wine for the iceberg yeti.
The mercenary group took off enough wine from the horses one after another, so that they didn't need to pay the spirit scroll, which could save a lot.
"Hehe, I made Mr. Nie laugh. It's not easy for us mercenaries to earn some spirit scrolls, so we have to save." When Tie Ya asked people to bring wine, seeing Xiao Ye's curious eyes, he was a little embarrassed at the moment.
"Hehe. I didn't mean that, I was just wondering why we weren't allowed to pay the fee." Xiao Ye laughed.
Tie Ya became serious at this time: "Although our mercenaries are short of money, we have professional ethics. The iceberg snowman is a threat encountered on the road. If they are not rescued, they will kill people. This is dangerous. It is our mercenary. The scope of the solution will naturally not let customers pay."

The mercenary took over the task to ensure that the employer was sent to the Eternal Iceberg. If the employer could not complete the mission due to the employer's own reasons, it was naturally not the mercenary's responsibility.
For example, horses can't stand the road of eternal icebergs.
The iceberg snowman at the moment belongs to external force, that is, accident. Of course, this is the scope of the mercenary solution. How can the employer pay for it?
Xiao Ye was making a joke, changing the subject, not wanting Tie Ya to be so serious, it seems that on some issues of principle, you can't just talk nonsense.
"Then Captain Iron Fang, when can we leave? The half-hour rest time is already almost there?" Xiao Ye immediately changed the subject.
For him, entering the Eternal Iceberg as soon as possible is the right way, the longer it is delayed, the greater the variables.

(End of this chapter)

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