god system

Chapter 519

Chapter 519

Tie Ya shook his head: "We can't leave now, Bingshan Snowman will drink outside the rest area, and there will be a banquet at night, and they will leave tomorrow. We have to wait for them to leave before we can set off."
"So the iceberg and snowman wasted our time for nearly a day?" Xiao Ye frowned for the first time. Originally, he just treated the iceberg and snowman as an interesting sight, but he didn't want to delay the schedule.
"This is an accident, it cannot be avoided, but it is also in our calculations. Originally, we would encounter it once or twice every time, but it was not as fast as this time. It happened in the first rest area. In short, Mr. Nie, don't worry. , our Spike Mercenary Corps will safely send you to the Eternal Iceberg.”

Xiao Ye didn't care about Tie Ya's guarantee. Now that his schedule was affected, it could be a matter of great importance to Xiao Ye.

In his thoughts, ten carts have been rolled out in the rest area, and the grids are filled with grids, and all the grids are full of fine wines, which are neatly arranged.

Ten carts each with fifty jars of fine wine, that is, a total of five hundred jars, which is not a small amount.

After preparing all this, someone picked up a strange copper horn, which looked a bit like the horn that was blown when leading soldiers to charge in battle in ancient times.

Only a muffled sound was heard passing away, and after a while, a sense of coolness floated into the rest area, bringing a burst of chill.

Xiao Ye squinted his eyes, and at the gate of the rest area in between, there were a total of ten white shadows. They were ten snowmen made of ice and snow, whose appearance was no different from that of human beings.

From the ten iceberg snowmen, Xiao Ye still didn't sense the aura that any creature should have, but there were slight fluctuations in soul power.

None of the ten people were armed. Although their appearance and outline imitated that of humans, they looked abnormally bloated when they walked. Most importantly, their eyes were made of ice, which was white and had no eyeballs at all.

Xiao Ye also noticed that these iceberg snowmen do not observe things with their eyes, but they can make very accurate judgments.

The ten people checked the cart quickly, then nodded to each other, then pushed the cart and went out.

The whole process was very fast and smooth, and there was no intention to embarrass humans. It seemed that as long as they were given wine, everything would be fine.

"It's really interesting, why does such a creature need wine?"

Xiao Ye was even more curious. The formation of icebergs and snowmen, as well as their special habit, seemed abnormal.

"Everyone, have a good rest at night. It may not be peaceful outside the rest area. Everyone cover your ears and ignore it."

After the iceberg snowman took all the wine, the staff in the rest area shouted.Tie Ya had already said before that the Iceberg Yeti would hold a banquet outside the rest area, and it seemed that this was what the inconsistency was referring to.

"It seems that I won't be able to leave the rest area for a while."

Xiao Ye sighed, and said to Ling Zixin in the carriage: "Zixin, watch the carriage, I'll go downstairs."

After staying in the carriage for a long time, Xiao Ye felt a little bored, so he asked Ling Zixin to watch the carriage, while he himself got out of the carriage.

Walking around the iron tooth mercenary regiment, he still felt bored. In fact, Xiao Ye wanted to go outside the rest area to see those iceberg snowmen.He always felt that these iceberg snowmen were quite interesting. Different from other people's fears, in front of Xiao Ye's strength, these iceberg snowmen couldn't help him.

"Master Nie, please don't leave the territory of the Wolf Fang Mercenary Group." Seeing that Xiao Ye was about to leave, Tie Ya immediately stepped forward and blocked his way.

For the mercenary group, it is their responsibility to ensure the safety of their employers. Even though they are in the rest area, everyone is strictly prohibited from leaving the scope of activities of the Wolf Fang mercenary group.

"Don't worry, Captain Tieya, you don't need to be responsible for my life, just protect my lady." Xiao Ye ignored the warning from Captain Tieya and walked out of the scope of activities of the Wolf Fang Mercenary Group.

Regarding this point, although helpless, Tie Ya will not force it.

No matter which mission it is, there will always be a few who disobey the order. For such people, explain to them the consequences of leaving, and they will be responsible for the rest.

That is to say, if something happened after leaving the scope of activities of the Wolf Fang Mercenary Group, Xiao Ye was to blame. The Wolf Fang Mercenary Group would not make any compensation and no explanation was needed.

"Since just now, the red ice fighting spirit in the body has started to move around, probably because of the influence of these icebergs and snowmen. Although the power of the red ice fighting spirit is gradually becoming stronger, it can't keep up with my rhythm at all. You can get inspiration from Bingshan Snowman and evolve the Red Ice Fighting Soul!"

Xiao Ye has never done things for no reason. He is interested in those iceberg snowmen not only because of their speciality and their weird hobbies, but more importantly because the iceberg snowmen have touched Chibing's fighting spirit, making Chibing Fighting Soul has a feeling.

Xiao Ye has a lot of supernatural powers, not to mention flames and lightning, as a spirit king, he is very good at using spiritual arts.But he doesn't understand the cold attribute skills at all, and the only thing he can use is Chibing.

If the Chibing fighting spirit can be improved, then in the eternal iceberg, his life-saving ability will be improved by another point.

Don't forget, it is an eternal iceberg, an extremely cold place, and people with cold attributes in their bodies will naturally get great benefits.

Quietly approaching the exit, someone naturally noticed Xiao Ye's strange figure, even Tie Ya noticed it too, and he thought Xiao Ye was seeking his own death.

The enemy is Bingshan Yeti, the group of guys who can go crazy in order to save them, no one knows what Bingshan Yeti is thinking, everyone just knows to give them enough wine, they will leave after a night of trouble, and will not make progress.

This might be a deal, give them a drink and keep yourself safe.

One thing is for sure, don't mess with them, God knows what kind of monsters they are.

Regarding the Bingshan Snowman, even the Demon Sect had no way to do it, let alone anyone else would provoke him. At this moment, Xiao Ye was obviously curious about the Bingshan Snowman, and Iron Fang could see this in his eyes.

But they will never stop them. From Tie Ya's point of view, they are a mercenary group and must abide by the rules of the mercenary group, otherwise it is impossible to pass this journey safely.

As the distance to the exit got closer, Xiao Ye was gradually moved by the ice-cold feeling, and the Chibing fighting spirit in his body also slowly became excited.

"Sure enough, it was the Bingshan Yeti who touched the Chi Bing fighting spirit."

Thinking in his heart, Xiao Ye couldn't help speeding up his pace a little. He walked towards the rest area. From a distance, he saw a large group of iceberg snowmen sitting on the ground.

They held the jars very rudely and drank wildly there, looking very bold and enjoying themselves.

The iceberg and snowmen were gesticulating with each other. They didn't speak, but there was a strange sound wave that was being transmitted, and that was the way they communicated.

There are more than 200 iceberg snowmen, with an average of two jars of fine wine per person.

Interestingly, after drinking, the white snow on the snowman's body turned red gradually.

When human beings drink alcohol to a certain extent, their faces will turn red. This iceberg snowman's whole body turns red after drinking alcohol, and the redness is from the inside to the outside. In the end, all the iceberg snowmen turned red.

Moreover, their expressions obviously became very excited, their movements began to increase, and the sound waves of communication were also rapidly amplifying, which was somewhat similar to the appearance of human beings when they were drunk.

Xiao Ye suppressed his breath, quietly walked out of the rest area, and lurked behind an ice rock. Looking at this group of iceberg snowmen drinking and having fun, Xiao Ye suddenly had a strange idea.

Why do these iceberg snowmen look and feel like very young humans?
"The sound wave communication between them doesn't seem to be too profound, but it's a pity that they are too far away, and I don't understand what they are talking about. If we can get closer..."

Xiao Ye was thinking, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then the red ice fighting spirit in his body was mobilized, and a layer of ice slowly appeared on Xiao Ye's body surface.

The cold ice expanded and covered Xiao Ye's body, freezing Xiao Ye's entire body inside.

After doing this, Xiao Ye mobilized his spiritual energy again, gathering some white snow around him and covering his body.

With just three or two strokes, he turned out to be an ordinary iceberg yeti!
This kind of camouflage cannot be said to be perfect, after all, compared with the real Bingshan Yeti, Xiao Ye only looks similar, but not in spirit.

Naturally, he couldn't take care of so much. After the disguise was over, he walked towards the iceberg and snow crowd with exaggerated and reluctant steps.

Just when Xiao Ye was about to join the Bingshanxue crowd, a Bingshan Snowman blocked Xiao Ye's way, and a sound wave came out. Because it was too sudden, Xiao Ye didn't know what the sound wave was expressing.

But Xiao Ye could see clearly that the Bingshan Snowman who stopped him had already turned red all over, obviously drunk.

Therefore, Xiao Ye didn't dare to do three-seven-two-one, put one hand directly on Bingshan Snowman's shoulder, then gestured to the wine jar in front of him, and then pulled Bingshan Snowman towards the wine jar.

It's interesting to say that the iceberg and snowman also cooperated. Following Xiao Ye, each of them picked up a jug of fine wine and drank like that.

The Bingshan Snowman became more and more excited as he drank, and kept using sound waves to communicate with Xiao Ye. Slowly, Xiao Ye was able to understand some of the meanings expressed by the Bingshan Snowman.


"Hahaha! It's better to drink human wine. Come on, brother, drink more. Let's give birth to a litter of cubs at night to strengthen our iceberg yeti race."

"Hehe! Brother, why don't you speak? I know, you must be drunk, can't you speak?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you can't tell, the main thing is that you can give birth!"

When Xiao Ye understood these words, his whole body was in a bad mood instantly!
The iceberg snowman seems to rely on these fine wines to breed offspring, and he keeps saying that brother, it should be a man, and a male iceberg snowman can have children?

At that moment, Xiao Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he hadn't mastered the communication method of the Bingshan yeti tribe yet, so he could only make gestures!
(End of this chapter)

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