god system

Chapter 580

Chapter 580
Xuan Lei, this is the power of thunder and lightning that Xiao Ye has never experienced in Zhengyuan Continent. He needs a process of adaptation, so the first lightning strike on his body, not only did not bring any benefits to Xiao Ye's body, then The tingling pain spreading all over his body made Xiao Ye a little unbearable!

"As expected of Xuan Lei, there is a huge gap in level between ordinary Thunder and Lightning!"

Xiao Ye pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Come again! Let me try the power of Xuanlei today!"

The electric snakes danced wildly, turned into bones and then fell from the sky, landing in the mountains, rivers, and ancient forests. The violent power of the mysterious thunder should bring huge damage.

The strange thing is that all the objects in this world seem to have adapted to the power of the mysterious thunder, and after being hit by the mysterious thunder, they are still intact and have not suffered the slightest damage.

Not far away, Tomahawk Ling Tian was also struck by lightning, but like other objects, the Tomahawk was not damaged at all.

Xiao Ye was taken aback by this scene. It turns out that he is the one who can't withstand lightning in this interface?
The electric snake danced wantonly. This storm was more terrifying than Xiao Ye imagined. The dark clouds almost covered all the light, and he could only rely on the light of the electric snake to see the surrounding scene.

Moreover, there are too many electric snakes, covering almost the entire continent. Xiao Ye just wanted to hide, so he probably didn't have much chance to dodge.

"What kind of world is this?"

Xiao Ye was thinking in his heart, but the second profound thunder had already hit him solidly, and the huge lightning force escaped into Xiao Ye's body. At that moment, Xiao Ye finally endured it, and began to absorb the lightning, using Thunder and lightning to temper themselves.

The power of thunder and lightning is really too strong, it is so strong that it is a mess, even if it is only absorbed a little bit, the benefits obtained by tempering the body with him are extremely huge and unimaginable.

The power of lightning enters the meridians, constantly exaggerating the meridians, making the meridians wider and allowing energy to flow more smoothly.

At the same time, the power of thunder and lightning keeps nourishing the flesh and bones. The dantian is affected by the power of thunder and lightning, and the true energy and spiritual energy in it are also nourished by the power of thunder and lightning.


Feeling the changes brought about by the strengthening of the body with the power of thunder and lightning, Xiao Ye felt extremely refreshed all over his body, and the refreshing feeling was a hundred times more refreshing than bathing in hot springs.

"Come again!"

Xiao Ye was completely immersed in the lightning quenching body. Profound thunder was rare, but now that it happened, he naturally wanted to make the most of it.

The strong body and the method of thunder and lightning tempering taught by Lei Niu made Xiao Ye look like an elf in the thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning that everyone feared became the object of Xiao Ye's tempering.

No creature came to stop this process, and even under such a thunderstorm cleansing, would there still be creatures in this world?
Xiao Ye didn't know, he only knew how to absorb lightning, temper himself, and benefit his body tremendously.

The power of thunder and lightning is different from other powers. He is one of the most destructive powers of time. It can be said to be extremely violent, but if he can be used, he is a rare pure energy in this world.

It comes from nature and has super destructive power, but it is still pure. After refining, it is extremely easy to absorb.

Xuanlei, this is an advanced level of ordinary thunder and lightning. The sense of thunder and ordinary lightning are completely different levels, and the power is even more different.

Ordinary thunder and lightning do not have the ability to transform into forms, but Xuan Lei can already transform into weird appearances.

Every object in the world has grades. Jade is good or bad, metals are high-grade and so on. It is said that people also have qualifications.This thunder and lightning are also divided into three, six, and nine grades, and this profound thunder has broken away from the ordinary level.

Just like an ordinary person who has mastered true qi and become a martial artist, his ability is not comparable to before.

Xuan Lei is very strong. With Xiao Ye's strength, if he hadn't mastered the method of tempering the body with lightning, being hit by this Xuan Lei would be a near-death situation.

Xuan Lei continued to strike, with increasing power and speed, Xiao Ye endured them one by one, and the refining process became smoother and smoother. The benefits brought by Xuan Lei far exceeded Xiao Ye's imagination. .

True energy and spiritual energy are also growing rapidly. If this mysterious thunder continues, Xiao Ye can even practice for three days and three nights, and the benefits he will get are unimaginable.

It's a pity that God will not fulfill Xiao Ye's wish. As the strong wind stopped, the rain began to recede slowly, and the thunder and lightning began to change from the shape of bones to their original shape.

The dark clouds dissipated, the thunder and lightning disappeared, and the dazzling sunlight filled the earth. The world that was originally a doomsday scene was instantly replaced by light.

The sun is shining brightly, although there is no bird singing, but the fragrance of flowers is not lacking at all. With the gurgling water and the quiet ancient forest, the scenery in front of you is like a landscape painting, which is too beautiful to behold!

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Ye only felt refreshed. The air here is not twice as good as that of Zhengyuan Continent.Although the gravity is about [-] times that of the Zhengyuan Continent, the space is relatively stable.

Unlike Zhengyuan Continent, Wu Wang masters can tear open the space by attacking. Here, it is difficult for Wu Zun to distort the space.

The more this is the case, the more difficult it is to create an interface channel. It may be very difficult for Xiao Ye to leave this interface.

Looking around, there is still no life breath, it is too quiet here, and such dead silence is obviously unusual.

The tomahawk Ling Yun returned to Xiao Ye's hands, Ling Yun felt the changes in Xiao Ye's body at this moment, and for some reason, Ling Yun also became intimate with it.

This world is full of thunder and lightning, and the battle ax Lingyun also comes from this world. Obviously, this scene just now is not the first time it happened.

"Ling Yun, what's going on in this world? Are there no living creatures?"

After the thunder calamity, Xiao Yewen turned to Tomahawk Lingyun, which was his hometown.

Soon Tomahawk Lingyun got feedback that he had been away from here for too long, it has been an unknown number of years, and now things have changed.But he was sure there were creatures here, and nearby.

It's just that the creatures here are a little different from Xiao Ye's understanding, and Xiao Ye didn't understand how they were different.


Just when Xiao Ye was about to continue to question, his keen eyesight noticed a shadow quietly watching him in the woods ahead.

After Xiao Ye yelled loudly, there was a soft noise in the woods, apparently something fled away.

It was not easy to meet a living one. Although he still didn't feel the power of life during the investigation of the power of the soul, Xiao Ye would never let him go easily.

Xiao Ye turned into a flash of light, shot away, rushed into the woods, and chased after the shadow.

The gravity of this world is very strong, and it is very difficult for Xiao Ye to fly. After flying for a while, he has to spread his wings so that he can maintain a certain speed for pursuit.

The shadow was fleeing on the ground, but the speed was not slow, and he was familiar with the terrain, so he could always make a detour, so that Xiao Ye's flight would be hindered by big trees or boulders.

After a while, Xiao Ye was still unable to catch up with him.

Unable to lock on the breath, he could only track with some subtle changes in his line of sight and the surrounding woods. Xiao Ye had a hard time chasing him. If he was chasing on the ground, it would be even more impossible to catch up if he was not used to the gravity.

"I have no malice!"

Xiao Ye roared while chasing, but he forgot that this was the world of Tomahawk Ling Tian, ​​and their language was completely different from Xiao Ye's.

Shouting is obviously useless, what Xiao Ye can do is to chase, and he must chase to the only living creature he has encountered so far.

There is a large open space ahead, there is no place to hide, no trees to cover it, it will be an opportunity for Xiao Ye to get there.

Without thinking about it, Xiao Ye immediately accelerated, and as expected, a silver light quickly entered an open space. When he saw his back, Xiao Ye was really startled.

"This one……"

As far as the naked eye can see, what is running is a skeleton. Judging from its appearance, it looks a bit like the skeleton of a wolf.

No flesh and blood, just a skeleton, so he can run?What's going on here?

It was strange to see the skeleton made of lightning before, but now I saw this running skeleton, without any flesh and blood, without any breath of life, but it was able to run forward.

Moreover, he is extremely powerful and very fast. Except that he has no breath of life, this skeleton is completely a living body with autonomous ability.

There are no eyeballs in his eye sockets, but there is a cloud of gray energy floating there, as if he can see the surrounding scenery.

Xiao Ye didn't know what it was, but the thing was obviously afraid of Xiao Ye. He was running away crazily, but after entering the open space, he basically had no obstacles to avoid, and it was inevitable that he would fall into Xiao Ye's hands.

With an acceleration, Xiao Ye's body turned into a golden light, falling from the sky like a falcon pouncing.

The aura energy condensed in Xiao Ye's hand and turned into a palm. With five fingers opening and closing, he grasped the skeleton creature in his hand.

Life struggled desperately, sending out bursts of lightning power from that bone, trying to break free from Xiao Ye, but his strength was really weak, so naturally he couldn't escape.

Xiao Ye fell from the sky, looking at the wolf-shaped skeleton struggling in front of him, Xiao Ye's inner shock was beyond words.

This is indeed a skeleton, maybe the texture of the bones is different from that of human beings, but his body is transparent, there is no blood, no flesh, no breathing, no heartbeat, but he has the ability to move, And the power of lightning contained in the bones can also attack.

What kind of existence is this?
Xiao Ye was puzzled, but the wolf-shaped skeleton was still struggling. Originally, Xiao Ye had a lot of time to ask slowly, but at this moment, an extremely ear-piercing roar came from afar, and then the ground began to vibrate, as if something huge was coming. get close to yourself.

There is no breath, so I can't feel it, but only by the changes in the surroundings, I can know that the object close to me must be not small, it seems to be coming towards the wolf-shaped skeleton!

(End of this chapter)

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