god system

Chapter 581 The Soul World

Chapter 581 The Soul World


The weird roar was getting closer and closer, as if it was close at hand, and the frequency of the ground vibration was also getting bigger and bigger, like an earthquake, it can be said that the mountains are shaking and the ground is shaking.

Xiao Ye really wanted to know what kind of creature was causing all this, but looking around, he didn't find anything special.It stands to reason that such huge fluctuations must be emitted by huge creatures, but there are no signs of huge creatures around.

woo woo woo woo...

The grotesque wolf let out a scream of fear. Although he had no eyeballs, the energy in his eye sockets still revealed fear. He seemed to be afraid of something, and this fear was approaching quickly.

Xiao Ye frowned, and disappeared in place with a flick of his body.

He hid in the dark, quietly observing, while the wolf-shaped skeleton continued to be grasped by energy.

Fear made him struggle even harder, and even Xiao Ye could see despair from him.The wolf-shaped skeleton does not seem to have any physical signs, and it should not have many thoughts and emotions.

But Xiao Ye discovered that this wolf-shaped skeleton has more emotions and thoughts than the monsters in Zhengyuan Continent, and his performance in the face of fear is much more vivid than monsters.

Xiao Ye was still waiting, but he wanted to see what the skeleton was afraid of.

Xiao Ye never gave up on exploring the surroundings, but he could only feel the violent vibration of the ground, but he couldn't find any huge objects approaching.


At a certain moment, Xiao Ye's soul seemed to sense something, and there was a wave of fluctuation like Xiao Ye's. There was faint fear in the fluctuation, but it was not very fear.

Xiao Ye doesn't know anything about this world or the creatures in this world, what he's doing now is to understand.Even the small invincible potion and the glory shop, he didn't have the spare time to research.

The crisis was approaching, and at a certain moment, the wolf-shaped skeleton was completely desperate, and he gave up struggling, but the fear did not disappear.

Xiao Ye squinted his eyes. Within his line of sight, in front of the wolf-shaped skeleton, the space was suddenly blurred. Yes, it was blurred rather than distorted. Immediately after that, a huge figure slowly emerged from the blurred space.

Even though Xiao Ye was prepared, he still opened his mouth slowly.

The shadow that emerged from the space was dark green all over, without clothes, with huge muscles one by one, looking extremely strong.

He has the physique of a human being, but he is extremely huge. His face is green and ferocious, and the tusks that fall outside look very sharp and huge.

His pupils are the size of copper bells, and there are a pair of hard horns on the wings of his forehead, which look like bull horns.

"This... the devil?"

Indeed, the huge emerald green monster in front of him looked like the devil Xiao Ye had heard about from books and stories.

This devil suddenly appeared here, but based on all Xiao Ye's feelings just now, it can be understood that this devil should have walked all the way. It is precisely because of his huge body that it has brought earthquakes along the way.

Xiao Ye has also seen that since he didn't appear suddenly, but walked all the way, then he, the devil, must have something to rely on.


Xiao Ye suddenly realized that he had the invisibility potion, so the devil could also have other methods to become invisible. After being invisible, the devil slowly arrived here.

His huge body and ferocious face looked so terrifying, it was such an amazing existence to be able to make this body invisible.


The devil roared, the huge voice was very shrill, it sounded creepy.

The wolf-shaped skeleton was so frightened that he could not move. He was paralyzed by Xiao Ye's energy, as if he was a prisoner waiting for the death penalty.

And the devil also stretched out his terrifying claws, trying to grab the wolf-shaped skeleton in his hands.

Xiao Ye watched this scene calmly, and was not ready to make a move. He wanted to see what would happen. Besides, the skeleton had nothing to do with him, so there was no need to take risks for him.

The strength of the devil has not yet been known, how strong it is, what ability it has, and what he will do to the skeleton, all of this is still a mystery.

For Xiao Ye who just came to this weird interface, it is never wrong to be careful.

Seeing that the devil stretched its claws towards the skeleton, and was about to grab the skeleton into his hands, Xiao Ye felt for a while that the battle ax Lingyun turned into a ray of light, pierced through the air, and slashed at the devil.

Xiao Ye's heart trembled, Tomahawk Lingyun must have his own ideas, but since he is willing to make a move, I believe that the devil must not be Tomahawk Lingyun's opponent.

The speed of light escape transformed by the battle ax Ling Yun is not fast, the devil immediately found out, and with a wave of his big hand, he easily threw the battle ax away.


Xiao Ye looked at this scene, his eyes almost straightened, and then he saw the battle ax Ling Yun twitched a few times, as if he was very uncomfortable, and then turned into a light and slashed towards him.

The devil still flicked its claws casually, and the powerful battle ax was blasted out.

In the interface channel, this Tomahawk Lingyun is a very terrifying existence, its strength is in a mess, but now it has been blown away one after another, and it seems that its strength is far from that of the devil.

"No! This is not his strength at all!" Xiao Ye's sharp eyes saw the strangeness of the battle ax Lingyun. The attack power of the battle ax Lingyun at this moment is too weak. It is probably only equivalent to a great martial artist among humans. Not the true power of Tomahawk Lingyun.

"He seems to be sealed, he was sealed after he came to this world!"

Xiao Ye's heart trembled, watching the battle ax Lingyun try his best to fight the devil, but was thrown away again and again, he wanted to save the skeleton so urgently, why?
"What a bad luck!"

Xiao Ye spat fiercely. Originally, he saw the strength of Tomahawk Lingyun, so he did everything possible to become friends with Tomahawk. The purpose was to have Tomahawk assist him and make his strength soar.

Who would have thought that the tomahawk would immediately enter the sealed state after being powerful in the interface channel, and finally had to be rescued by Xiao Ye.

Without thinking too much, Xiao Ye turned into a ray of light, held the demon dragon sword, and slashed at the devil!

The devil seemed to have sensed a huge threat, and roared crazily. The huge sharp claws turned into black shadows, and patted Xiao Ye.

He didn't feel the slightest fear, that terrifying sharp claw looked so normal in Xiao Ye's eyes.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Xiao Ye didn't dare to be negligent. The Yaolong Sword carried a golden sword energy, combined with the fourth level of the Sword Heart Art, a sharp sword light brushed past the devil.


The sword glow exploded, directly chopping off the devil's arm. The devil howled in pain, as if he had encountered something terrible, turned around and ran away, his body quickly faded, and became invisible in the void.

Soon, the ground stopped shaking, and the devil completely lost its shadow.

All of this made Xiao Ye feel unreal. Such a terrifying devil was scared away by him with a single strike. His strength is only this?

The tomahawk Ling Yunfei returned to Xiao Ye's hands, and the two "friends" called out extremely sincerely, but Xiao Ye couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The plan is all gone now, and it seems that the battle ax in his hand will not be able to play a role for the time being, so let yourself figure out what happened first.

"Why did you save him?" Xiao Ye asked Tomahawk, and at this moment, the wolf-shaped skeleton looked at Xiao Ye gratefully, thinking that even if Xiao Ye let him go, he wouldn't run away in panic, would he?
"Clan, clansman." Tomahawk Lingtian replied like this, in his mouth, the skeleton is actually of the same clan as him?
What are you kidding?The battle ax Lingyun is just a weapon, and the skeleton is not known to be a messy life form. The two of them will be clansmen, even if Xiao Ye is killed.

"Master's clan." During Tomahawk Lingyun's explanation, Xiao Ye understood that the owner of Tomahawk Lingyun and this skeleton are the master. In other words, the owner of Tomahawk Lingyun is just a skeleton.

"Where is this? What are these creatures? What is that devil?" Xiao Ye was full of doubts now, and he wanted to figure out what was going on.

"This is the world of corpses and souls."

"Soul Soul Realm? Where? Huh? Your skeleton can speak human language?"

Xiao Ye's gaze fell on the skeleton curiously. It was the wolf-shaped skeleton who spoke to him, and he actually spit out human words. What's going on?

"I have been in contact with human beings, and I have learned human language." The wolf-shaped skeleton nodded and said, "Can you please put me down, let me down, I am so hurt!"

A mere skeleton knows the pain, but Xiao Ye put him down anyway. A living body who understands human language, at least the explanation is much simpler than the battle ax Lingyun.

"Tell me, where is the world of corpses and souls, what race are you guys, and what was that devil just now?" Xiao Ye couldn't wait to start asking.

"Engong, you just came to Soul Soul Realm, right? I don't know if you came from that interface?" The skeleton didn't answer, but asked back. Xiao Ye didn't even know what kind of interface he was talking about. answer is necessary.

"You answer my question first, and then I throw you to that devil." Xiao Ye saved the skeleton's life, so if he doesn't answer his own question right now, is it possible that he wants to rebel?

"In the world of corpses and souls, I am a corpse, and he is a soul. Souls want to eat corpses to strengthen themselves, and corpses must find ways to survive, become stronger, and leave the world of corpses and souls."

"Please explain clearly, I don't understand what corpses and souls are."

The explanation of the skeleton left Xiao Ye at a loss. It sounds like a game, but why is the devil a soul and wants to eat the skeleton?

"To put it simply, this world itself is lifeless. Whether we are corpses or they are souls, they are not life in the strict sense. Corpses need to cultivate and reach a certain level of strength before they can leave the world of corpses and souls." , have real life. The soul wants to eat the corpse, and if it has eaten enough, it can also leave and have life."

"We are all fighting for real life!"

(End of this chapter)

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