god system

Chapter 741 Showdown

Chapter 741 Showdown
courage?Perhaps it is more appropriate to use the word boldness. In this universe, all backs are the same to Xiao Ye. As long as the other party provokes him, he will kill him, so what?

Huangpu Jiang Li doesn't know Xiao Ye at all. In this universe, the only thing Xiao Ye cares about is the news of Ye Xutian, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Ding, and other dragons and the like have long been indifferent.

After a long time, Donggeer Sairuo came back, and he brought two dragon-headed masks, which looked quite ugly.

"Put them on, and remember, this mask must never be taken off when walking in the living area of ​​the Dragon Clan, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with trouble."

Two ugly masks were put on the faces of Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li respectively. At this moment, they finally have the qualification to step into the living area of ​​the Dragon Clan.

"Follow me, pay attention to yourself, don't be trampled to death."

Donggeer Sairuo's reminder is not unreasonable. The dragons don't care about you humans when they walk. They can walk as long as they want. If they are not careful, they can really trample you to death.

This is an incomparably huge world, Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li seem to have become countless times smaller, the huge visual gap brings shock but shock!
The momentum of the Dragon Clan walking seemed to bring about an earthquake. Both Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li had difficulty walking, and because the Dragon Clan was too huge, their sight was greatly blocked, except for following behind Donggeer Sairuo. Besides, there is basically not much to observe.

The culture of dragons is different from that of human beings. They advocate primitiveness more, so useful things are naturally produced.For example, their weapons are all naturally formed ancient trees, or simply stones.

And the place where they live and rest is the huge bamboo, and they can sleep by wrapping their bodies around it.

And their restaurant is actually a cave, the tables inside are all huge stones, without any construction.

This is the dragon race, they are ancient races, and they do not create anything themselves.

Donggeer Sairuo's strides are very big, in other words, his speed is very fast. It is really difficult to follow him, and there are huge dragons everywhere, which is really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, I can occasionally see creatures that also wear masks, not necessarily humans, but maybe spirit race, monsters, or spirit beasts.

In short, if you want to be active in the living area of ​​the dragon clan, you must first have the leadership of the dragon clan, and then you need to apply for such a weird mask.

Continuing to move forward, a building appeared in front of it, and all kinds of things were obviously much smaller, and there were many creatures walking inside.

"This is the place where alien creatures live and settle. Take this jade talisman. When I want to find you, I will naturally send you a rest through the jade talisman. Before there is any news, stay inside and do whatever you want." do what."

"How long will it take?" Xiao Ye frowned.

"It's not easy to say. In short, there should be news within half a month. I can only do my best. If it doesn't work, there is nothing I can do. We Dragon Clan elders will not easily meet humans, and you don't have the slightest reputation. To know."

Donggeer Sairuo also frowned, this Xiao Ye bit him so hard, is he trying to force himself to complete this matter immediately?

"It's half a month, half a month. I hope to get good news." Xiao Ye smiled slightly, and didn't say anything more. He and Huangpu Jiang Li went directly to the place dedicated to the activities of alien creatures.

This looks like an ancient town. Obviously, it was built artificially, quite exquisitely, and of course it was not made by the Dragon Clan.

It is no different from the place where human beings live, there are markets, restaurants, hotels, everything.

"Senior, what shall we do next?" Huangpu Jiang Li asked.

"Find a hotel to stay in. We can just rest these days! I will take care of your injury slowly, and you don't need to think about other things."

Xiao Ye has a decision in his heart. In half a month, he will be able to break through to the realm of Wuxian and Lingxian. It is certain that his strength will skyrocket by then.

In this Dragon Clan, they have no connections and can only wait for news from Donggeer Sairuo.

Hearing this, Huangpu Jiang Li also nodded. His injury did need to be recuperated, but he had one worry.

"If we stay here for too long, there may be pursuers coming, and we are afraid that it will be dangerous." Huangpu Jiang Li said.

"In the realm of the Dragon Clan, do your pursuers dare to be violent?" Xiao Ye was slightly taken aback, knowing that they can even fly in the Dragon Clan, do the pursuers dare to attack them here?

"Senior, I don't know. The people who chased and killed me are familiar with the Dragon Clan. With some connections, they can really do it. It's even possible to activate the Dragon Clan. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so worried. In fact, coming to the Dragon Clan is very dangerous, but there is no way. Tone has been hunted down, it is better to solve it at once, so I am also betting."

It wasn't until this moment that Huangpu Jiang Li expressed his true intentions for coming to the Dragon Clan. This kid had been scheming from the very beginning, and had no intention of telling Xiao Ye about his plan.

It really made Xiao Ye very angry to talk about the matter until the dust settled at this moment!
Is this kid just using him all the time?
Xiao Ye squinted his eyes, but the anger in his heart did not erupt. Looking at the young man in front of him, for some reason, Xiao Ye's anger disappeared again.

Huangpu Jiang Li, everything he did was indeed his own decision, very [-]th dan, he didn't care about Xiao Ye's life or death at all, but Huangpu Jiang Li also wanted to survive.

He was sorry for Xiao Ye, but it seemed that there was no other way.

"Boy, you owe me." Xiao Ye's words turned cold.

Huangpu Jiang Li lowered his head: "I know that all of this is my fault, but I just want to survive. Senior saved me, but I put senior in danger. This is simply treason. But I have to do this, I I can't die, I still have important things to do."

"Could it be that you are the only one with important matters? Brat, what do you think of this magic weapon and its master? Your tool?" The magic weapon was also completely angry. If Xiao Ye hadn't stopped him, he would have killed Huangpu Jiang Li.

This guy didn't know how to repay him, but he kept using Xiao Ye, and even put Xiao Ye in a dangerous place.

He said it was to help Xiao Ye go to the Tianwang interface, but it was actually for himself.

If all such selfish people are like this, there is no need for a magic weapon to say, Xiao Ye will kill them immediately.

But Xiao Ye could see clearly that Huangpu Jiang Li's heart was not so bad, if he was really in danger, he would fight to the death and he would not hurt Xiao Ye in the end.

At present, he just had to, but this should not be a reason, he did something wrong.

"Boy, I don't know what your future path will be, and I don't know why you want to live. But these are not important, you use me, I can pretend I don't know, or it doesn't matter, but you have to remember, you owe me."

Xiao Ye said: "I even saved your life, but you plot against me. If your heart is really like this, then you may already be dead before entering the Dragon Realm."


Faced with Xiao Ye's questioning, Huang Pujiang could only bow his head and apologize.

"You know guilt, you know what you did is wrong, but you have to do it, but before you do it, can you discuss it with me, maybe I will agree? I saved your life, just be straightforward, you My life is mine, why don't you trust me? On the contrary, I trust you, go where you say, do what you say, do you really think that I have no ability to think, and I have to be at your mercy? ?'

Xiao Ye's tone gradually became harsher. He didn't show his cards before, but wanted to see how far Huangpu Jiang Li would go. Now it seems that what he has done is a little deeper than Xiao Ye imagined. Too selfish.

"This junior knows his mistakes. This junior knows that he owes his senior all his life, but please rest assured, no matter what, this junior will not put his life in danger even if he puts his life to the test."

Huangpu Jiang Li sincerely apologized: "I know that what I say is very pale, but seniors please believe in this junior, all this will be over soon, and this junior will do everything possible to repay seniors."

"Repayment is free! In fact, I am just using you. You know this in your heart, so you think of using me. Since you don't trust me, then I can't completely trust you! But as I said That way, you owe me, I just have two requests, one is to go to the Heavenly King interface, and the other is to inquire about the disciples of the white-robed Taoist Lord for me, the more detailed the better."

Originally, Xiao Ye thought highly of Huangpu Jiang Li, and even thought about awakening Huangpu Jiang Li's potential, but at this moment, Xiao Ye gave up this idea.

Now that he has used him, let him show his cards directly and tell him his request, and believe that the young man in front of him will do it with all his strength.

Although Xiao Ye's words were a bit hurtful, at least he told Huangpu Jiang Li directly and clearly, not like Huangpu Jiang Li who calculated himself but kept it in his heart.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will definitely fulfill these two requirements with all his strength."

Huangpu Jiang Li also knew that Xiao Ye wanted to use him before, but he never said it, after all his life was saved by Xiao Ye!But he didn't want Xiao Ye to show his cards directly at this moment, and directly stated his request.

"If yes, it's waived. Help me complete these two things. It's not in vain to save your life, and I spent so many universe crystals in the universe. Next, the plan to go to the Tianwang interface is still up to you , but you have to understand that if you have an important decision, please let me know, it will be considered worthy of me."

Xiao Ye's words now are very cold and harsh, he no longer plays any emotional cards with Huangpu Jiang Li, now Huangpu Jiang Li owes himself, he has to do those two things for himself.

Huangpu Jiang Li is not a villain, Xiao Ye knew that he would definitely do what he asked.

The only regret for Xiao Ye is that a piece of good material was wasted, and he will never awaken his potential for Huangpu Jiangli again!
(End of this chapter)

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