god system

Chapter 742 The Cosmic Storm Rising!black hole fusion

Chapter 742 The Cosmic Storm Rising!black hole fusion
What Huangpu Jiang Li did gave him a chance, but for Xiao Ye, it didn't have much impact.

He can still use Huangpu Jiang Li, let him take him to the Heavenly King interface, and even ask him to inquire about all the news about the white-robed Daojun disciple.

After Xiao Ye's showdown, Huangpu Jiang Li actually felt better. At least Xiao Ye put forward the conditions, and he didn't have to hide anything, and the guilt in his heart could be reduced.

He knew from the beginning that Xiao Ye was using him, but he couldn't do without Xiao Ye's treatment, so he didn't know what it was like.

Xiao Ye is his savior, but this savior wants to use him!
Huangpu Jiang Li has always been contradictory, so he simply used Xiao Ye, until now Xiao Ye had a showdown, although he was infamous and scolded to the point where he was scolded, but he was relieved.

In the living area of ​​alien creatures, the two found a hotel, and after Xiao Ye paid enough cosmic crystals, the two stayed in it.

First of all, Xiao Ye still pretended to treat Huangpu Jiangli. Before the goal was not achieved, Huangpu Jiangli could not let Huangpu Jiangli have the capital to leave at will.

Then the two rested separately, and ignored each other.

"Master, you are too polite to that kid. According to me, now that we are in the universe, we can use our own ability to detect news, so there is no need for this kid."

Inside the house, the hair master was nibbling a treasured knife while making suggestions to Xiao Ye. He actually found Huangpu Jiang Li very disliked.

"Don't be so troublesome. Now the disciples of the white-robed Taoist Lord have some news. I just need Huangpu Jiang Li to find out for me! If I can directly find the whereabouts of my mother and father, then I even need to go to the Tianwang interface. At this moment It is possible to get a dragon mount, and things are the easiest for now."

Xiao Ye said: "Although he wants to use me, at least so far, the direction of things is going smoothly, I don't say that he cares too much."

"Huh? When did the master become broad-minded? Isn't the master always not suffering?" The eyes of the magic weapon shone brightly, and what Xiao Ye said really impressed him.

The magic weapon still knows Xiao Ye very well. Xiao Ye is sharp and outgoing, and he is a player who never wants to suffer. Now he has become so mature. Could it be that he has really grown up.

Regarding this, Xiao Ye smiled lightly: "Life in the game world is full of excitement, but there are also times of fatigue. Maybe I have really matured."

"Bah! I don't think the master is mature, but Xiaojia has a child in her belly and is about to become a father, so she can understand the hard work of being a parent. She wants to get her parents back and also wants to rest for a while, right?"

With his magic eyes, he didn't believe that Xiao Ye could get rid of the problems of the game world. He is a task madman, and he will do anything to complete the task.

Xiao Ye smiled faintly: "At first I thought so too, but later I discovered that it was because after the full potential was awakened, my vision changed. I used to see things from a narrow angle, and only saw things that were related to my own interests. Now But I have a feeling that I can see through everything in this universe."

"Damn! Master, are you joking?" Magical Treasure was taken aback by Xiao Ye's words: "Master's thoughts are faintly a prelude to becoming a master."

As a magical beast, the magic weapon understands the significance of Xiao Ye's thought change at this time.

"I don't know either. It's just that I have just come into contact with the universe. I thought there was still a long way to go. I had to center the layout of the Three Realms, slowly strengthen, and then deploy my own power. Finally, use those corpses in the universe to Yuhun, never thought that after his potential was fully awakened, his strength would grow to an unimaginable level, as if he was about to control the universe."

Xiao Ye was also a little confused when he said that, how could such words as controlling the universe come from his mouth?

He has just entered the universe, so he can be said to be a rookie, but he has this feeling for no reason, and he can't explain it clearly, which also leads to changes in Xiao Ye's thinking and work style.

"Hey! Fan of the authorities, master, you don't know what happened to you now, but this magic weapon can see clearly. The master of the universe will soon be you." The magic weapon smiled, and his master became the master of the universe. Thankfully.

Xiao Ye shook his head and said, "I don't think so. I have no doubts about the ability of magical beasts to sense, but I have fully awakened my potential in the game before, but I don't feel this way at all. Besides, my second brother and their potential have also fully awakened." If you can become the master of the universe just by awakening your potential, how many masters should there be in this universe?"

"It's not easy, your body is quite special. Your mother was conceived by Xutianding, who knows what kind of existence it is?" The magic weapon replenishes the brain by itself.

"Then I am the same as my second brother, why doesn't he feel this way?" Xiao Ye asked back.

"This... hey! Anyway, that's how things are, the master just waits to be the master of the universe." Fabao didn't bother to argue any more, although there were some things that couldn't be explained, but things were like this, and Fabao was sure.

The magic weapon stopped talking, but fell asleep directly, Xiao Ye smiled and shook his head, the thoughts in his mind were extremely calm for some reason.

Obviously there are many things that he can't figure out, but he can calm down naturally, as if nothing in this world can affect his mood.

"Will it be related to getting the mark?"

Xiao Ye thought of the mark that appeared like a magic pattern when he was fighting with another self. Could it be related to his state at the moment?
Was it left by Ye Xutian?

There are too many questions, but these questions can't affect Xiao Ye. For some reason, Xiao Ye has a feeling of controlling something. Could it be that the magic weapon's nonsense is true?

Xiao Ye didn't know if all of this was true, in short, he soon settled down to rest and didn't think about these things at all.

At this moment, his state is the best, and because he is about to reach the realm of Wuxian and Lingxian, his mentality is also very peaceful.

In this way, Xiao Ye and Huangpu Jiang Li temporarily settled down here.

At this moment, the changes in the universe are still fermenting. The black hole near the Tianwang interface has a lot of energy. He dared to expand himself, as if he wanted to swallow the entire universe.

Although the black hole has been sealed by the strong, the power from the black hole can still be transmitted.

That terrifying power is indeed devastating and irresistible.

The powerhouses of the Uranus interface are doing their best to solve the black hole issue, and they don't care much about other things. In their view, the entire universe will not pose any threat to them, and only this black hole is unpredictable for them.

What is the existence of the Tianwang interface? It is a powerful interface that wants to unify the universe and bring all interfaces into the management category. Their ambition is to dominate the universe.

However, just when they were full of knowledge and ready to act, a black hole appeared.

The appearance of this black hole seems to be to stop the Uranus interface, but the facts prove that he did bring a huge disaster to the Uranus interface.

Tonight, the universe was exceptionally quiet, except for the strong ones in the Heavenly King Realm who could not live in peace, because they heard the sound from the black hole.

woo woo woo woo...

Strange noises came from inside the black hole, and with the explosion of these noises, the restriction that was sealed off the surface of the black hole collapsed quickly.

All the powerhouses on the Tianwang interface were shocked and took action immediately.

"All staff dispatched and immediately blocked the black hole."

"Humans, monsters, spirits, spirit beasts, demons, and poisonous insects are all mobilized, all powerful people are mobilized, and all masters of retreat are stopped to block the black hole with all their strength."

"Notify all walks of life in the universe that the black hole has changed and ask for reinforcements."

"Activate the emergency plan immediately and activate the second universe."

A series of orders were issued, and the Heavenly King interface boiled instantly. All the six clans mobilized to start a second blockade of the black hole, but this time the black hole moved very strangely, as if countless troops were shooting out from the other side of the black hole. generally.

The Uranus interface rioted, and as messages for help were sent out, the entire universe also rioted. Although everyone was unwilling to help the Uranus interface, but the black hole was too weird, they still sent a lot of reinforcements.

All of a sudden, the fight to seal the black hole entered a tense stage again, but this time it was different from the past, the fluctuation of the black hole was very violent, and it was impossible to seal it for a while.

The news spread like the wind, and even Xiao Ye, who was in the Dragon Clan, heard the news.

The black hole is merging, and it is becoming more and more terrifying day by day. Even with all the power of the universe, it seems that it is impossible to completely block him again.

The entire universe entered an inexplicable panic, and rumors about black holes spread instantly.

"This black hole comes from another universe. They are stronger and more terrifying than us, and their purpose is to conquer us."

"The black hole is the trick of the Uranus interface. They must want to use the black hole to plan something."

"I think this black hole is a natural disaster, and the universe will face unprecedented destruction. Otherwise, the Uranus interface will not activate the second universe."

"The second universe is the hiding place for the powerful people of the six races in the Heavenly King Realm. It has nothing to do with us. If they do this, where will we be?"

Various theories spread in the universe, causing everyone to panic, and everyone seemed to be in a crisis.

Xiao Ye, who is the answering interface of the East Pavilion, is also very concerned about this. The movement of the black hole seems to be not small. Could it be that something big is about to happen?

Just joined the universe, and encountered such a change, Xiao Ye didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, but no matter what the universe is, the impact on Zhengyuan Continent, Demon Realm and Spirit Realm must be the least, unless the change this time is very huge, huge What a disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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