amazing stories

Chapter 69 Recording Ghost Book

Chapter 69 Recording Ghost Book (2)

This kind of animal that crosses the river grows in the weak water. It is nine hundred miles long and only grows an inch every 3000 years.People don't know what it is, they just think it's a huge whitebait.

Because of his huge stature, when he swims across the river, he will always set off huge waves and capsize the passing ships.The fishermen suffered a lot from it and believed the unfounded rumors, thinking that the river god was angry and sank the young and beautiful woman into the water, but it did not eliminate the disaster.

Many years have passed in this way. One evening, the official in charge of water conservancy in the court dreamed of a strange man with protruding cheekbones. The strange man claimed to be the water god of weak water. The solution.Only then did the officials know that crossing the river was the main culprit of the floods in the Yangtze River.According to another person, there is a beauty with green fingers in the folk, who is good at using the fish intestine sword, and cutting off the rhino horns crossing the river with the fish intestine sword can relieve the disaster of crossing the river.

After the officials woke up, they reported what they had seen and heard in the dream to Emperor Wu. Many ministers in the court dismissed it as nonsense and not credible.But Emperor Wu said: "There are many things in the world that we don't understand, but we have to believe." So he announced to the world and paid a lot of money to find the green-fingered beauty.During this period, many people were greedy for money, dyed their fingers blue, and pretended to be beauties with green fingers, but they were all exposed and sentenced to severe punishment.After searching for 17 years, I finally found the real green-fingered beauty in Kuaiji.

Mr. Jianshan of Kuaiji has a handsome appearance, and the middle finger of his right hand seems to be carved out of jasper. It also emits a faint blue light in the dark night, and everyone around him is surprised.The people told the county guard about this, and the county guard sent someone to send a thousand taels of gold, hoping to ask Mr. Jianshan to eliminate the disaster. Unexpectedly, Mr. Jianshan drove out the servant who gave the money, and said angrily: "Do you want to eliminate the evil for the people?" Can such a good thing as disaster be measured only by money? Morality cannot be closely linked with money! Three days later, I will definitely rush to the bank of the Yangtze River to get rid of the monster crossing the river."

The servant relayed these words to Shoujun, who made a bow to Mr. Jianshan's residence, sighed and said: "He is not tempted by Wanguan gold and silver, but he pities all living beings even though he is wandering in the rivers and lakes. There must be something in his heart." With an extremely firm belief, Mr. Jian Shan is indeed the one who eliminates the disaster."

Three days later, Mr. Jianshan came to the bank of the Yangtze River, but he did not jump into the water, but sat quietly on the big rock by the river, like a Buddha statue.The onlookers dispersed after waiting for several months. Only one old man stayed by his side. Jian Shan asked him curiously, "Why didn't you leave with the others?"

The old man replied: "Young hero's eyebrows are pierced into his temples like swords, his lips are tightly pressed, and his chivalrous heart is revealed through his appearance. Why don't I believe it?"

Mr. Jianshan said: "The old man understands me. I am waiting for my friend Rongxiu, who is rushing back from outside the pass."

The old man said in amazement: "Could it be the strongman who killed four giant pythons with his bare hands? His reputation has spread to the most remote corners of the country."

Mr. Jianshan replied: "It is him."

After another ten days, Rong Xiu still hadn't arrived.The old man said: "I've heard that the river is hundreds of miles long, and it can make huge waves by turning over. This kind of animal cannot be subdued by ordinary people. Although Rongxiu can kill the giant python, it may not be able to eliminate the danger of crossing the river. Is he already afraid?"

Mr. Jianshan pointed to a tall and mighty figure in the distance and said, "Rongxiu is a gentleman who keeps his promises."

The old man stopped talking and walked away silently, leaving a vast world to the two strange men.

When Rong Xiu came back from outside the pass this time, he also brought a kind of extremely tough vine, which could bind thousands of catties of stones.Mr. Jianshan wrapped vines around his waist, wrapped his arms with iron ropes, asked Rongxiu to stand on the bank to hold them, jumped into the water, and said to Rongxiu: "I will go this time, it must be very bad luck, if I unfortunately drown , must fish up my body, and don’t let my soul wander around.”

Rongxiu agreed.

Mr. Jianshan then jumped into the water, traveled upstream for thirty li, and finally found the crossing river.The scales on the whole body of Guojiang are as impenetrable as armor, shining silver light under the moonlight, swimming in the river and rolling up the tide.Mr. Jianshan tied himself to Guojiang's body with an iron chain, slowly climbed to the head of Guojiang, and drew out the fish intestine knife to cut off the rhino horn of Guojiang.Guo Jiang swayed his body desperately, trying to throw Mr. Jian Shan off, the river immediately overflowed, and the splashing waves were as high as ten feet. Everyone who saw it was amazed.

Mr. Jianshan exhausted all his strength, but he thought of the promise he had made with the people along the river, so he didn't give up. He still held on tightly to cross the river, and finally cut off the horn of the rhinoceros crossing the river.The pain of crossing the river was unbearable, and he bumped into a boulder in the river. The blood that flowed out stained the whole river red. It took three days for the red color to be washed away.Because of struggling across the river too hard, the vines wrapped around Jian Shan's waist were also broken. Rong Xiu took back the vines, but at the end of the vines there was only a fish intestine sword, and Jian Shan's body was not seen.

Since then, crossing the river has never appeared again, and the flood of the Yangtze River has disappeared.

Rongxiu searched along the Yangtze River for three years, but he still couldn't find Mr. Jianshan's body, and finally committed suicide. Before he died, he shouted: "I am a person who does not keep my promise, but I have not done what I promised Jianshan. Please send Throw my body into the Yangtze River as punishment for not keeping my promise!"

People buried Rongxiu's body and Mr. Jianshan's Yuchang sword together, and named it "Gentleman's Tomb". This tomb was later buried in the countryside and covered by weeds.

(End of this chapter)

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