amazing stories

Chapter 70 Recording Ghost Book

Chapter 70 Recording Ghost Book (3)

In ancient times, there was a sacred tree with a crown as high as [-] feet, which could cover the entire village. From a distance, it looked like a huge umbrella.When it is cut with a knife and an axe, bright red juice will flow out. People say that this is a symbol of auspiciousness, and it should be worshiped with fine wine, cattle and sheep.When people walk under this tree, they will prostrate and bow down to express their reverence.

An alchemist surnamed Xu heard about this and suggested that Emperor Shihuang transplant the tree to the Afang Palace, saying: "Isn't such a god a gift from heaven to His Majesty? It will not age or die, and accept the admiration of all peoples. The quality is the same as His Majesty's."

The first emperor listened to the words of the alchemist and prepared to transplant the tree. Li Sijin advised: "The sacred tree grows out of the cracks in the rocks, eats the wind, drinks the dew, and absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon. It has long been different from ordinary plants. It is connected to the dragon veins of the Qinling Mountains. If it is moved rashly, it may cause damage to your majesty and the country. It is better to follow the method of the people, use the sweetest wine and the fattest cattle and sheep to worship, send special soldiers to guard, and hold sacrificial activities every year , This is the correct way!" Shihuang refused to listen and mobilized tens of thousands of people to transplant this tree to Efang Palace.Three years later, the sacred tree really withered. Not long after, the first emperor died, and people said, "This is the disaster caused by the transplanting of the sacred tree."

During the first year of Tang Zhen, there lived a monk named Kuzhu who had a white beard and eyebrows, but still looked like a boy.Kuzhu's swordsmanship has been practiced to the acme of perfection, and there is no stronger swordsman than him in Chang'an. Many young people come to his mountain gate admiringly, asking Kuzhu to teach him swordsmanship.

Kuzhu said modestly: "My skill has not reached the point where I understand the laws of heaven and earth. How can I be your master?" The crowd refused to disperse, so Kuzhu had to accept three apprentices.Among them was a person with particularly dull aptitude, whose name was Rong Xiu.Everyone was puzzled and asked about Kuzhu: "Rongxiu came from a poor family and knew nothing about swordsmanship. Why did you choose him over those smart people?"

Kuzhu predicted: "Of these three people, the other two will become masters in swordsmanship, and only Rongxiu will become a master." People disagree.

The three of them practiced hard for several years, and the other two had reached the point where they could split mountains and rocks with sword energy, and gained a high reputation in the Jianghu. Only Rongxiu only learned some simple routines, and his movements were extremely clumsy.People even think that Kuzhu's previous judgment was wrong.Kuzhu smiled and said nothing, sticking to his point of view.

Rongxiu felt that he was not as good as the two senior brothers, so he ran to bid farewell to Kuzhu: "It took me three years to reach the level of others studying for one year. If this continues, I will never be able to become a good swordsman. Instead of wasting you It is better to give others the opportunity to learn the world's superb swordsmanship."

Kuzhu said: "That's what I'm looking for." Then he took out a piece of green jade from his bosom and put it in Rongxiu's hand.The jade glowed green in Rong Xiu's hands, it looked as clear as ice, but its temperature was as scorching as fire.Rong Xiu asked in surprise, "What is this?"

Kuzhu said: "The ancient sacred tree was burned off by a fire in the Afang Palace. I was just a young child at that time, and I followed my parents to search for treasures in the ruins, and found this precious jade. The sacred tree is the This stone is the soul of the spiritual tree.” Rong Xiu was so surprised that he couldn’t speak—it turned out that the bitter bamboo is more than 1000 years old.

Rong Xiu knelt on the ground and said, "All I expected was to become a good swordsman. I never expected to receive such a treasure."

Kuzhu said: "This piece of jade can help your practice, but if your virtue is corrupted, this piece of jade will take your life for me." After saying this, Kuzhu closed his eyes and passed away.

Rong Xiu inlaid the "Bitter Bamboo Jade" in his sword and practiced it every day.The three-hundred-jin long sword was as light as a feather in his hand, and his swordsmanship gradually surpassed the two senior brothers.Because of hard work and hard work, Rongxiu later became a swordsman of the generation, his sword is like lightning, and he can make nine holes with one sword.His swordsmanship is self-contained, and he is respected by young benevolent heroes in the world.

After becoming famous, Rongxiu still maintained his humble nature, and did not become frivolous because of being famous.He has always remained curious about swordsmanship, and constantly studied the swordsmanship of his predecessors, hoping to reach the stage of mastering the world as Kuzhu said.

There are giant pythons in and out of Beiman Mountain, causing harm to pedestrians. Many knights ran to eradicate them, but they were eaten by them in the end.When Rong Xiu heard about it, he rode away with his sword in hand.He lay in ambush in the woods for three days and three nights, inactive, eating and drinking, no different from vegetation.A giant red python swam out of the cave, just as Rong Xiu's horse passed by, the red python entangled the horse to death and swallowed it into its stomach, but Rong Xiu didn't move nearby.

The red python felt the heat of the person, swam towards Rong Xiu, opened its mouth wide, and began to swallow from Rong Xiu's heel, and Rong Xiu let it go, as if dead.When the red python swallowed halfway, Rong Xiu suddenly pulled out his sword and cut off the mouth of the red python. When the sword was folded, the fangs of the giant python were pried off.

Unexpectedly, there were three giant pythons in the mountain, and they all rushed over after hearing the movement.As they swam, the leaves rustled, making the empty valley even more eerie.Rong Xiu was not afraid, knowing that these giant pythons were monsters that had survived for thousands of years, and was familiar with people's habits, so he stood beside the red python's corpse with his fists folded and waited.The three giant pythons moved forward side by side, with their huge tails sweeping like three leather whips drawn towards Rong Xiu. Rong Xiu easily pulled back with his sword. Silver sparks blew out from the giant python's body.Rong Xiu's body danced like a sword, and he couldn't tell which was the sword and which was the person, only a shadow flickering.

It didn't take long for Rong Xiu to kill all these giant pythons and pry off their fangs.When he was about to leave, an angry old man suddenly came out of the cave, with white beard and hair, covering his shame with leaves, and shouted at Rong Xiu: "These giant pythons are gods in the world, why did you kill them?" they?"

Rong Xiu said: "Because they harm pedestrians, I am just eliminating harm for the people, and I have done nothing wrong!"

The old man sat down cross-legged, and said angrily, "They didn't harm passers-by. This cave is connected to the dragon's vein, so the creatures growing inside are huge. If you kill these giant pythons, the giant rats in the cave will become human creatures." Hidden danger. Besides, the giant python never came out of the cave, but it happened to be discovered by a hunter who went up the mountain, and the hunter went back and talked nonsense, saying that the basilisk in Beiman Mountain is evil in the world, in fact, these rumors are not worth believing!"

Rongxiu felt ashamed and knelt down to the old man to ask for forgiveness.The old man said: "Just listen to rumors and act recklessly. This way you will never be able to achieve the unity of nature and man!" Rong Xiu was very surprised that the old man knew what was in his heart.So, he asked the old man how to unite man and nature, and the old man said: "The bitter bamboo jade in your hand is the spirit of the ancient sacred tree, but I am the real body of the ancient sacred tree!" Professor Rong Xiu.Afterwards, Rong Xiu really had a great enlightenment, but since then he abandoned his sword and fled the world. Few people saw him again.As for what the old man taught him, he never mentioned a word.

Later, he made friends with Mr. Jianshan in Kuaiji, but because of the disaster of crossing the river, both of them died, and Kuzhuyu never disappeared.Some people said that they saw Kuangxie Zi Liu determined to wear this jade; others said that this stone was buried with Rong Xiu, and that the bitter bamboo jade that appeared in the rivers and lakes was all fake.There are different opinions, all of which are not enough to be believed.

(End of this chapter)

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