I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 113 Zhao Manwei is more suitable for you

Chapter 113 Zhao Manwei is more suitable for you

Baijiu was not interested in what Huo Sicheng and Zhao Manwei were talking about.

In contrast, she cared more about whether the program had a script.

But after watching two episodes, Baijiu could tell.

There is a script.

"Huanyu also stuffed people for this show?" Baijiu suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Shen Sheng took a serious look at the show, and indeed saw how many people belonged to Universal Entertainment.

He remembered that he once asked Baijiu whether to pursue stars, and the girl said clearly that she would not pursue stars, why did she suddenly pay attention to this kind of talent show?

After pondering for half a second, Shen Sheng asked tentatively, "Little sister-in-law, don't you want to make a debut?"

Baijiu glanced at him lightly: "Is it possible?"

Thinking of Huo Sicheng's terrifying desire for monopoly, Shen Sheng subconsciously shook his head: "Impossible."

Since you don't want to make a debut, what is it for?
Baijiu said again: "Can I read the script of this show?"

Reading book?
Shen Sheng asked with a serious face: "Sister-in-law, is it true that you said that you want to go to Huanyu to familiarize yourself with the working environment in advance?"

Baijiu nodded: "I plan to study drama, film, television and literature in college."

Shen Sheng immediately understood: "The screenwriter?"

While the two were talking, Huo Sicheng, Zhao Manwei and others came down from upstairs.

Baijiu switched to the state of a little white rabbit in a second, blinking his eyes innocently: "Doctor Song, Sister Manwei, are you leaving?"

Want to drive them away so much?
Song Heting, who was planning to leave, just stopped and said coldly, "Don't go."

Baijiu looked like the host: "Then I'll ask the kitchen to prepare more dinner."

Song Heting's expression darkened instantly, and he was so angry that he ate two extra bowls of rice at night.

After dinner, Baijiu went to the kitchen and stared at the fire to cook Huo Sicheng's stomach-nourishing soup, took it out and took a sip before handing it to him: "I added other stomach-nourishing herbs in it, but it doesn't seem very bitter, try it ?”

Huo Sicheng raised his hand to signal the higher-ups on the other side of the video to pause, got up and walked over, and took a sip of soup from the bowl in the girl's hand.

"How is it? Is it bitter?" Baijiu looked up at the man, and the hand in his pocket moved slightly.

Huo Sicheng shook his head: "It's not bitter."

Baijiu took out a candy and shook it in front of the man: "Then you don't need to eat a candy to neutralize the bitterness."

Huo Sicheng: "Bitter."

I knew you were going to change your mouth.

Baijiu put down the soup bowl, and when he was about to tear off the candy wrapper, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by a man, and then his lips felt cold, and the bitter taste of medicine lingered on his lips and tongue...

When they parted, the man said in a hoarse voice, "It's not bitter anymore."


Did she hide sugar in her mouth?

Can a kiss relieve pain?
"That's right, my aunt told me that when Grandpa was alive, he wanted you to marry Miss Manwei." Baijiu put his arms around the man's neck with a natural expression.

Shen Sheng: "??"

Do not!
He never said that!

"Doctor Song also said that Miss Manwei is more suitable to be your wife than me."

Huo Sicheng frowned, before he could speak.

Baijiu continued: "Look, in the eyes of many people, I am not the most suitable one for you, my family background, personal ability, everything is inferior to Miss Manwei.

With you backing me up, they will compliment me on the surface, but they may be thinking in their hearts, when will you kick me out, and marry another wife who is well-matched, gentle and caring, instead of just hiding behind you like me? Be a dodder woman in a golden cage made for me. "

Baijiu took a deep breath, and looked directly at the man: "So, can you give me a chance to walk side by side with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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