I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 114 Agree to lift the ban

Chapter 114 Agree to lift the ban
After Baijiu said these words, he quietly waited for the man's answer.

Huo Sicheng looked at her deeply, and slowly tightened his hands around her waist.

Baijiu pursed his lips, and spoke again against the man's gaze as if he wanted to hide her deeply in his bone marrow: "If you are worried, you can send someone to follow me all the time, or install a tracking device on me."

There was a pause, the girl raised her chin, half wronged and half complaining: "But in this case, don't you think you don't trust me too much? The most basic thing between a husband and wife is trust. If there is no trust, I really don't know Should I entrust myself to you wholeheartedly?"

The man quietly listened to her say so much, but still didn't say a word.

After a while, the man finally said expressionlessly: "It's a month."


Are you missing this month?
What can you do this month?
Fuck her? !

Baijiu was so angry that his eyes widened and he looked at the man, and snapped open the man's hand around her waist: "Do you think I don't want to stay with you at home for a month? If I don't see Zhao Manwei today, let alone accompany you." I can stay with you at home for the whole summer vacation, but today I saw Zhao Manwei and heard that she is your fiancee that you failed to talk about. I immediately felt a sense of crisis. I want to be better than my rival in love. Is it wrong? ?”

While talking, Baijiu pushed the man away abruptly, with red eyes: "I'm also very scared, very scared, I'm afraid that you will be like most people think that you will just be fascinated by ghosts for a while, and when you wake up, you will immediately kill me." I kicked.

Before Zhao Manwei appeared, I could still tell myself that you love me, even if it’s just my skin, but now I know that there is someone as good as Zhao Manwei by your side, I’m suddenly not sure , Not sure if you really want me, or just a passing interest. "

This time, the man answered quickly: "I just want you."

When she asked him why he married her, the man said the same thing.

"You only want me now, what about the future? I'll be old and look bad, are you sure you'll still want me by then?" Baijiu asked back.

Huo Sicheng: "Yes."

The topic went around in a circle, but in the end there was still no progress.

She finally understood that it would be impossible for Huo Sicheng to shorten the one-month period to one week.

Baijiu lowered his eyelashes and muttered in a low voice: "Who can say what will happen in the future? You men always talk nicely, but in fact..."

Huo Sicheng frowned slightly: "..."

Baijiu carefully glanced at the man's face, and suddenly raised his voice: "When I become rich, I will also build a big house, and I will lock you in. You can only see me every day, and everything in my eyes and heart will be lost." It's me alone."

Hearing the girl's words, Huo Sicheng's stern face seemed to soften a bit: "Okay."

Baijiu strikes while the iron is hot, and completes it in one go: "If you have the ability, let me go out and make money!"

The man fell silent again.

Baijiu suddenly felt frustrated, and the radiant expression on his little face disappeared instantly.

Huo Sicheng looked at her expressionlessly, as if he could see through people's souls, his eyes fell on the girl's half-closed eyelashes, moved down inch by inch, and finally landed on her lips that were pursed into a straight line.

Just when Baijiu was about to give up his persuasion, a deep voice suddenly came from next to his ear: "Yes."


Bai Jiu raised his head in shock, and stared blankly at the man, his face full of disbelief.

She, did she hear correctly?
Huo Sicheng agreed to lift the ban?

 #Stop scolding me, because I have learned not to read comments :)#
(End of this chapter)

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