Chapter 161
The doctor didn't expect this girl to solve this slightly difficult matter for them.

After feeding the last pill, baijiu wiped off the water stains around his mouth, put down the little water glass left, and prepared to go to the side for the doctor to give Huo Sicheng another examination.

However, just as she took half a step back, her wrist was suddenly grabbed.

Baijiu raised his head and met a pair of sober eyes.

"Master, you're awake." Seeing this, Uncle Zuo was very excited.

Huo Sicheng didn't speak, just stared at Baijiu with blazing eyes.

Baijiu waved his hand in front of the man's eyes: "Do you recognize me?"

"Jijiu..." The man's voice was extremely hoarse.

Baijiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the man had really come to his senses.

She leaned down slightly and asked softly, "How is it? Does it still hurt?"

The man's scorching gaze swept over every inch of delicate skin on the girl's face, and he said after a while: "It doesn't hurt."

Baijiu nodded: "That's good."

The doctor who discussed the results said at this time: "Mrs. Huo, although Master Huo's stomach problem is a bit serious, it seems that it has been recuperated for a period of time, so it is not a big problem for the time being. When we checked Master Huo's body before, we were always worried about long-term problems. In the past, Master Huo's stomach disease will deteriorate into stomach cancer."

Hearing the word "stomach cancer", Baijiu's heart felt like being hit hard by a heavy hammer.

In his previous life, Huo Sicheng did suffer from stomach cancer.

And at that time, she eavesdropped on Zuo You's conversation with the doctor, and the doctor asserted that Huo Sicheng might not survive half a year.

If her spirit hadn't completely collapsed, let alone committed suicide by jumping off a building, perhaps Huo Sicheng might have died before her...

But even if Huo Sicheng died before her, would she really be able to escape from the cage that imprisoned her?

"...stomach disease cannot be completely cured, it can only be rectified slowly." The rest of the doctor said to Uncle Zuo.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing that the girl was distracted, Huo Sicheng asked in a deep voice.

Baijiu blurted out: "I was thinking about what I would do if you died."

As soon as these words came out, the room was so quiet that even the slight sound of the wind outside could be heard.

Baijiu also realized what he said just now, and quickly explained: "I mean..."

Huo Sicheng said suddenly: "I will not leave you alone."

Baijiu joked, "What? You still want me to die in love with you?"

The man's expression was cold, and he responded in a low voice: "Yes."


Therefore, not only must she protect her own life, but she must also ensure that you, Mr. Huo, live to 99?
"Then what if I die?" Baijiu glared at him angrily.

Huo Sicheng: "It's the same."

Life is the same, death is the same.


Seeing Baijiu's indescribable appearance, Uncle Zuo took the opportunity to smooth things over: "Young madam, the young master just woke up, why don't we go out first and let the young master rest for a while."

"Yeah." Baijiu moved his wrist, but didn't move away.

The man obviously has no intention of letting go.

Baijiu said helplessly, "I'll get you something to eat."

Huo Sicheng: "No need."

"I cooked the porridge myself." Baijiu reminded unhurriedly.

The man frowned and pondered for a moment, finally closed his eyes and let go of his fingers.

Obviously the man was still expressionless as before, but it might be because that handsome face was extraordinarily pale today.

Baijiu actually created an illusion that a man is having trouble.

"..." Dazed me.

Baijiu came out of the room before Uncle Zuo and others, and then saw Song Heting and Zuo You talking in the corner.

The volume of the two was kept very low, Baijiu couldn't hear what they were saying clearly, but it looked like they were arguing.

 #While writing this chapter, I have been thinking about what verses I can use to express: Life is my man, death is also my ghost, and in the end I only found the same acupuncture point for life and the same point for death, from: "The Story of the West Chamber" , but I changed the death point to #
(End of this chapter)

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