I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 162 Jiujiu Is A Substitute?

Chapter 162 Jiujiu Is A Substitute? (Not cruel!!)
After Baijiu returned to the room, Song Heting was also going to check on Huo Sicheng's condition, but just as he reached the door, Zuo You pulled him away.

Zuo You pulled Song Heting to a secluded corner, turned his back to him and said nothing.

Song Heting frowned: "Zuo You, I'll talk about it later."

After the words fell, Song Heting wanted to turn around and go back.

In the next second, Zuo You grabbed his collar suddenly, and his usually calm and stable face was a bit angry: "You still can't understand the matter now?"

Song Heting raised his eyebrows calmly, and slowly pushed him away: "Understand what?"

"Do you really think that everything my wife told you just now is false?"

Song Heting sneered and laughed indifferently: "I was born as a member of the Huo family. Even if I made a mistake, only the young master can punish me. What is she?"

Zuoyou shook his head: "You underestimate the position of the wife in the young master's heart too much."

When the young master was determined to marry Baijiu, they also thought that the young master was just to carry out the old man's last wish.

But as the young master spent more and more time with Baijiu, he finally realized that the young master might not be because of the "suicide note" left by the old man, but planned to marry Baijiu from the very beginning.

Although the young master is possessive, he has never taken anyone or anything for himself.

And he tried to imprison Baijiu again and again before, and overturned his decision amidst the little quarrel of the girl.

All these are enough to show that baijiu is different to their young master.

"If it wasn't for the suicide note left by the old man, how could the young master marry her?" Song Heting sneered, "What's more, how can she be worthy of the young master?"

"Suicide note?" Zuo You also laughed, with a cold ending, "What if I say that the letter the young master found in the old man's study is not a suicide note at all?"

Hearing this, Song Heting was slightly startled: "Isn't it a suicide note?"

"The young master has a surly personality. When the old man was alive, how did the young master listen to the old man?" Zuo You calmly reminded, "Don't forget about the Zhao family."

Song Heting's expression was deep and dark, of course he remembered that the heir of the Zhao family was kidnapped by the young master and thrown into the sea to soak in the sea overnight.

Because of this, he also participated.

Later, the marriage matter was settled. I thought that Zhao Manwei would blame the young master because of this, but unexpectedly, Miss Manwei is a generous person, and she has never harbored any grudges towards the young master, and treats the young master as well as before.

Seeing this, Song Heting couldn't help feeling a little guilty. After all, Miss Manwei was a victim from the beginning to the end of this incident.

And such a quiet and elegant young lady from an aristocratic family is worthy of the young master in terms of appearance and status.

"The young master refused to marry the Zhao family at the beginning, wasn't it because the young master had someone in his heart that she would not marry?" Song Heting half-closed his eyes, "So, if it has nothing to do with the letter left by the old man, why did the young master marry her?"

Zuoyou glanced at him lightly, and asked calmly, "What reason do you think?"


These two words suddenly appeared in Baijiu's mind, who had no intention of eavesdropping on their conversation.

It turns out that Huo Sicheng has always had a white moonlight in his heart.

Then why not just marry that girl?

Instead, he forced her to marry him?
Baijiu remembered the routine in the old goofy essays, because the girl died, and Huo Sicheng accidentally discovered that her appearance was very similar to that girl, so he plundered her...

It's no wonder that when she and Huo Sicheng were strangers, the other party suddenly asked someone to come to the door with a contract to marry her.

It turns out... the root of everything is because she is his substitute for Bai Yueguang.

 #small theater#
  Jiujiu: So I'm a stand-in?
  Brother Cheng: ...

  [Note: Is there any baby who played well in Glory and took me to fly?I want to be king! ]
(End of this chapter)

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