I'm married to a bigoted man

Chapter 163 You Pushed Me Away

Chapter 163 You Pushed Me Away
Just when Baijiu was thinking wildly, Song Heting suddenly heard Suspicion: "You mean, Baijiu is that person?"

Zuo You really wanted to light a cigarette at this moment: "It's not far from ten."

Song Heting didn't speak anymore.

Baijiu, who was eavesdropping, was stunned, and hurried downstairs after recovering.

At this moment, Song Heting glanced at the place where Baijiu had just stood, and his voice became cold: "Did you tell her on purpose?"

Zuoyou said ambiguously, "Yes and no."

After a pause, Zuo You said again: "But what the old man left behind is indeed not a suicide note, but a letter with a few photos and a note."

Song Heting raised his eyebrows: "What photo?"

Zuoyou: "What do you think?"

After Huo Sicheng found this letter, he married Baijiu forcefully, which is enough to explain the contents of those photos.

As for what was written on the note...

For now, only Huo Sicheng and Uncle Zheng know about it.


The servant followed Baijiu's instructions and kept the porridge warm.

The girl had been standing in the kitchen for a long time, obviously in a daze.

Until the servant said: "Young Madam, are you alright?"

Baijiu's drifting thoughts finally came back.

She shook her head, took a bowl of porridge and went upstairs.

When she reached the door of the room, she suddenly paused, took a deep breath, and opened the door to enter.

Huo Sicheng leaned on the bed, listening to Zuoyou's report on his work.

Seeing Baijiu coming, Zuoyou's report stopped abruptly, he closed the folder in his hand, and said respectfully, "Master, I'm going out first."

Huo Sicheng replied lightly: "En."

After Zuoyou went out, Baijiu handed the porridge bowl to Huo Sicheng, then sat aside and continued to be in a daze.

Huo Sicheng's gaze had been on the girl since she came in, so he naturally noticed her state.

"What are you thinking?" The man's pale face has eased a bit, but his voice is still hoarse.

Baijiu looked at the man, as if he wanted to ask him something, but he didn't open his mouth for a long time.

Huo Sicheng was silent for a while, and put the bowl on the bedside table.

"Drink the porridge while it's hot." Baijiu couldn't hold back his reminder.

The man ignored it, and patted the bed next to the girl with his palm: "Come up."

Baijiu looked at the man's sickly appearance, thinking that he probably couldn't do anything to her, and she was indeed a little confused, so she climbed onto the bed as she said.

As soon as she lay down, her right hand was held by a man, and his fingers were slightly cold.

Immediately afterwards, a man's hoarse voice sounded in his ears.

"Why..." The man's tone was much more difficult and hesitant, "Unhappy?"

With half of Baijiu's face sunk in the pillow, his voice was muffled: "You're sick, if I can still be happy, you Huo family will have to strip me alive?"

Huo Sicheng frowned, his expression gloomy and uncertain: "Someone bullied you?"

This expression of the rain is about to come, there is a posture of wanting to kill the person who bullies her.

In the past, once a man showed the slightest bit of sarcasm, Baijiu was either afraid or nervous.

But now, the haze brought by the previous life seems to be dissipating bit by bit.

Seeing the man like this, not only did she not feel scared, but her restlessness was relieved instead.

Baijiu pulled the quilt up to his chin, smiling at the end of his eyes: "Yes, someone bullied me."

"Who?" The man narrowed his eyes dangerously, venting his hostility and killing intent.

Baijiu repeatedly clasped the man's palm with a small gesture, with a serious expression: "You."

Hearing the girl's words, Huo Sicheng couldn't help but froze.

"I wanted to hug you before, but you pushed me away." The girl really said one of his "crimes".

Baijiu sat up and slowly approached the man: "So, why did you push me away?"

 #Why do you feel abused?I am really a sweet writer! ! #
(End of this chapter)

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