Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1009 Speed ​​King

Chapter 1009 Speed ​​King

After Ghost Knife finished speaking, he quickly drew out the long knife, then turned around, ready to fight.

At the same time, a deafening buzzing sound began to resound in all directions. The sky above their heads was already covered by black shadows, and faint fluorescent lights flickered everywhere.

And when those buzzing fluorescent lights floated in front of their eyes, everyone realized that they were all weird humans with worm faces!

These people have insect-like transparent wings, and the fluorescence is emitted from those wings. Their bodies are shaking at a fixed frequency, very fast.

"The habits of insects...",
Chen Zhi quickly said:
"These flying insects are the most clumping and extremely vengeful, just like wasps~~~
We killed their companions just now, and they will definitely come to us for revenge, until they die! ! !
Once caught, there will be no scum left by these things~~~~"

"Then what to do...",
Fat Wei also pulled out the machete, looked at the densely packed insects in the sky,
"Damn!!! I guess everyone in this village is here~~, what should we do? Can't we get in?"

Chen Zhi shook his head,

"Let's all go inside, shut the gates, and give them to the knife..."

After hearing Chen Zhi's order, everyone quickly ran into the house. Fat Wei carried Hu Meng on his back, and Ji Ying immediately pulled the door to close it~~
At the same time, those worms only hovered in the air for a few seconds, and then, like a group of crazy wasps, they rushed towards Ghost Saber...

It was suddenly dark outside, and the figure of Ghost Saber quickly disappeared among those ferocious bugmen.

Hu Meng was still somewhat conscious, he was covered in blood, and asked in a weak voice,
"Well, can that brother do it alone? We can't leave him~~~
Those, those bugs, are really too fast~~".

Fat Wei smiled unkindly:
"No matter how fast something is, it can't be speeded up in front of my brother!!
Don't worry, my brother has no other skills, catching these few hornets is not a problem! ! "

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he pushed and closed the door with a bang. Ji Ying immediately stood at the door with a knife in his hand, opened the small window on the wooden door, and paid close attention to the movement outside the door.

In the next few minutes, the voice outside the house came into the house clearly, and it sounded frightening.

Those insect-like humans were obviously extremely fast, and the sound of their wings flapping was extremely vibrating, as if it could burst a person's eardrums.

And even in the house, you can feel the great anger on them outside, like a large swarm of irritated hornets, magnified countless times, collectively biting in the air.

Everyone saw it through the small window on the wooden door. At this time, the entity of the ghost knife was no longer visible outside.

In the darkness, the ghost knife was flying up and down in the air like a group of ghosts. With the rapid movement of the ghost knife, insects kept falling from the sky.

Those worms were chopped off from the middle. After falling from the sky, their limbs were still shaking, and the frequency was very fast. Colorful slurry sprayed out from their wounds. It makes people feel numb all over.

After about 6 minutes, the voices outside finally gradually quieted down.

Ji Ying pushed open the door, and used the searchlight on her arm to shine into the courtyard...

In the yard, there were insect corpses all over the ground, and the whole ground was covered with thick slurry of various colors, but there was nothing in the air.

Ghost Knife was standing in the middle of the courtyard holding a long knife. His whole body was covered in thick paste of insect liquid, but there was no trace of blood on his body.

And his long knife, shining white under the light, is like a puddle of clear water, not stained at all~~~~~
"God, this is a god~~",
At this time, Hu Meng had already surrendered his admiration for the ghost knife. He lay on Pangwei's shoulder and pointed his finger at the ghost knife in front of him excitedly.

"You guys are simply gods! It's unbelievable...

I really didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to see such a scene today. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have dreamed that there would be such a powerful person in this world.

It seems that what my grandfather told me is true, behind Mr. Bao is the oldest power in China, there are many martial arts wizards there, I think, you are the Chinese warrior they talk about~~~~"

"Okay, why are you asking so much..."
Fat Wei put Hu Meng off his back, then walked straight in front of those worms, and kicked those corpses that were dripping with thick pulp~~~
"It is estimated that the people in this village have all died, and they have all become like this now~~~
But logically speaking, Anbu shouldn't be so good at it.

They came all the way here just to turn these villagers into bugs?Can't..."

"Anbu's purpose cannot be so simple...",
Chen Zhi looked down at the corpses on the ground,
"These are just some foreign objects living on human beings. Perhaps it was just a coincidence that Anbu put these foreign objects here at that time, but they hatched and reproduced here, and finally violated all the villagers here.

The Anbu people may have left now, or maybe they haven't achieved their goal yet and are hiding in a deeper place, spying on us..."

When Fat Wei said this, he looked at Chen Zhi hesitantly,

"That... orange!!
According to the photos, Qin Yueyang should have been on the big tree at the top of the mountain. Now that we have arrived here, shouldn't we go up and have a look? "

When Chen Zhi heard Qin Yueyang's name, Chen Zhi's brows tightened. He pondered for a while, then looked back at Hu Meng,
"How far is the big tree in the photo from here?"

"It's right there...",
Hu Meng barely supported his injured body, and pointed to the cliff on the hillside in the distance.

"There is the biggest tree in that place, we all went there to play when we were kids~~~
At that time, the photo was taken from the sky, from the photo, it seems that there is a woman hanging on the tree, sitting there all the time, but the woman seems to be..."

"Okay, I see...",
Chen Zhi interrupted Hu Meng's words, then turned to Old Somersault and said,

"Uncle Jin, you and Hu Meng stay here, bandage his wound, don't delay our next trip!!!
Ji Ying stays here to protect your safety, and when we come back, we will go to the gem mine! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Fat Wei and Gui Dao,
"Let's go to the hillside now and have a look at that big tree..."

(End of this chapter)

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