Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1010 Bloody Mark

Chapter 1010 Bloody Mark

The injury on Hu Meng's body was not serious, and the bite was very painful. Although he was a descendant of the Mongols, he was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child. How could he have suffered such a crime?
But with Ji Ying watching from the side, Hu Meng gritted his teeth no matter how painful it was, but kept rolling his big white eyes and breaking out in cold sweat.

The old somersault helped him into the house, the first floor was full of corpses and insect eggs, it was really unbearable, but fortunately the second floor was still very clean.

The old somersault tore off Hu Meng's coat, which was full of flesh bitten by insects. The old somersault put special hemostatic powder on him, then disinfected and reduced inflammation, and then wrapped it with a bandage~~
Ji Ying stayed there to protect their safety!

And Chen Zhi, Pang Wei and Ghost Dao followed the direction Hu Meng told them, went straight up the hillside from the back of the village, and headed towards the cliff.

The location of the cliff was not too close, but the target was very clear. They climbed out of the valley all the way in the direction ahead, and then climbed a very steep hillside. After turning over a small forest, they finally saw the huge tree. Tree!

That tree is on the top of the cliff, very eye-catching~~
Moreover, this tree seems to be taller than the others, looking up from the bottom, it looks like a giant pillar reaching the sky.

"Be careful, there's their smell here...",
Ghost knife said softly, then gently lifted the long knife in his hand, and walked in the front of the team.

The three of them have been together for such a long time, and they have already formed a natural tacit understanding. They quickly collected their breath, raised their waists together, and ran quickly from the woods to the top of the cliff along a line...

This road is not easy to walk, the angle of the mountain even reached 90 degrees, very steep~~~~
If it weren't for the well-trained Chen Zhi and the others, ordinary people would definitely not be able to climb such a cliff.

The three of them used their hands and feet to climb up the rock step by step along the surrounding stones. There are many low trees growing on the cliff. These trees don't know what happened. There are many sharp thorns on the branches, like thorns. , scraping their legs and feet all the way, fortunately they are all wearing work clothes, otherwise they will be covered with blood from these spikes~~~
They climbed like this for about half an hour, and finally climbed under the big tree, and at this time, the moonlight in the sky was completely shrouded~~~
The branches on this big tree are extremely dense, and the leaves are lush. Looking up from the bottom, it looks like a huge umbrella. Most of the entire starry sky is covered, and the starlight is basically invisible.

Chen Zhi remembered the angle of that photo. From that photo, Qin Yueyang was hanging on the top of the tree, like a corpse...

Chen Zhi first knocked on the trunk with his hands. The trunk is estimated to be as thick as ten people's arms. The roots of the tree are full of sticky mushrooms, and all the branches are full of sharp thorns, like sharp knives all over the tree. ~~~
"This is a very rare ancient tree...",
Chen Zhi touched the trunk and said,

"It is estimated that in the world today, only this kind of species still exists here~~~
The ancients called this tree the Huami tree, also known as the torture slave tree.

This kind of tree can grow very tall, and the thorns on it are very poisonous, and they will die if they stick to them.

In ancient times, the slave master coaxed the slaves who made mistakes to the tree, ordered them to climb up, and watched them die slowly and painfully from the poisonous sting.
This tree was obviously stained with human blood, and the bark surface was engraved with spells. It was an invisible tree. If the enchantment in the border area hadn't been opened, no one would have jumped on it! "

"Now what?",
Fat Wei on the side raised his head and looked at the big tree.

"If all the thorns on this tree are poisonous, how did Qin Yueyang get up there?
Unless she is..., forget it, let's climb up and have a look..."

"You guys stay here...",
At this moment, Ghost Knife had already carried the long knife on its back, and then jumped onto a tree trunk with light steps.

He moved very lightly, after jumping onto the tree trunk, the leaves on it didn't even move~~~
Ghost knife glanced down at them,
"This tree is too tall, with complicated branches, I will go up alone, you stay here!"

After Guidao said this sentence, he jumped straight up and disappeared.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei stood below and waited for him. The tree was really tall, and even at the speed of Ghost Saber, they didn't return immediately.

After about five or six minutes, a figure swayed and fell from above.

"How is it?" Chen Zhi immediately asked Ghost Saber.

"There is absolutely no one on it...",
Ghost knife said, and then took out a large piece of red cloth from behind,
"But I was on the top of the tree and found this..."

It was a piece of blood-red blood-red cotton cloth, embroidered with gold and green silk thread, and there were tear marks on the edge, which should have been scraped off by a tree branch~~
And this piece of cloth, Chen Zhi will never forget, it was when Qin Yueyang entered the ghost town of Fengdu, Chen Zhi specially asked someone to make a custom-made bridal dress according to the pattern of the royal family of Zhou Dynasty.

The textile technology of the Zhou Dynasty has long been lost. They specially found someone to imitate the ancient cotton spinning technology, and developed this blood-like bright red with special printing and dyeing technology.

This piece of cloth is a piece on the front of Qin Yueyang's wedding robe, on it is a criss-cross pattern of yellow and green embroidery, and on that pattern is a large piece of dried blood!

Chen Zhi immediately grasped the piece of cloth, and his heart was overwhelmed. At this moment, he had an impulse to turn the whole mountain over and see what secrets were hidden under the mountain~~~
"It seems that celery seedlings really hung on the top of this mountain..."
Fat Wei saw the color change on Chen Zhi's face, and said tentatively:

"This is also a good thing, at least she has come out of Changbai Mountain~~~
But the question now is whether the celery seedlings were still alive when they were hung on it, and why there is so much blood on it, even if a living person has produced so much blood~~~~"

"do not talk……",
Chen Zhi held the blood-red cloth tightly, and said in a low voice:
"Let's go down now. I want to go into Genghis Khan's tomb and take a look. I want to know what Yamo is looking for......"

(End of this chapter)

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